What an apology from a war supporter should look like

Well, obviously there are no NeoCon, bush loving message board posters, who are willing to follow the mature and adult lead of these former pro-war pundits, and apologize for their misguided support of a war, and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people: american, iraqi, and coalition countries.

To the contrary. There are plenty of people here who are willing to debate the Iraq War.

Just not with YOU because there is no point to it. Your threads are extremist, blind, half-truthes and/or lies, and your stereotyping of anyone who doesn't agree with your unreasoned hatred for a man and a political ideal about as dishonest and closed-minded as it comes.

I have reapeatedly responded to your twisted propaganda to which you have responded by ignoring and just starting up yet another thread with same BS accusations with the only difference being you swap some words around.

It's obvious you operate on the theory that if you keep repeating the lie long enough, people who don't know better will believe it.
You NOW think the war is a bad idea. and are obviously on the "hate train" against George Bush. YOUR opinions are meaningless. Piss off bush hater.

What of those who said the war was a mistake from the beginning?

Pee off Bush lover. Your onions are meaningless.

Wow, what fucking adult discourse.
I wonder how much we've spent in Korea? Truman, a Democrat got us involved in that one...we've been there for over 50 years. It seems like all of you Bush haters have a knowledge-span of about 8 years. Check out who escalated the military involvment in Vietnam and failed in the Bay of Pigs, also a Democrat. How about our troops in Bosnia (Given they're part of a NATO force, but we make up the majority of NATO and have a large "say")...anyway...Bill was president, (Democrat) and we've had troops on the ground longer than Iraq.

Bush is not the first who's gotten us involved in a war, and it's certainly not nearly as exclusive to the Republicans.
What of those who said the war was a mistake from the beginning?

Pee off Bush lover. Your onions are meaningless.

Wow, what fucking adult discourse.

And a fine example YOU set while chastising others. In context, I think his response rather mild to the post it responded to.

Where's your condemnation for THAT post? You know, one of the most tasteless posts that have been made in quite awhile?

The same problem exists in your condemnation of Wright as in your condemnation of the right (no pun intended) -- you got two sets of standards. One for you and yours, and a much higher, almost impossible one Christ Himself would be hardpressed to meet you hold everyone else to.
Tell me what is good about our Invasion and Occupation of Iraq? Why did we invade Iraq and not Sudan where a real genocide has been going on for years? Because Sudan doesn't have any resources that we want to exploit and Iraq does.

You neo-con fascists make it too easy on us.

What resources in Iraq do we want to exploit? Please show evidence that we have been exploiting said resources. If not then kindly insert foot in mouth.
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