What are you prepared to do?

I got a million of em

No doubt you do, and you prolly need em all.
My answer: 'Come Get Some Motherfucker'!
The US NG/military will NEVER go to war against their own people.
That leaves the LIB 'man-bun' pyjama-boys' to stand up and fight.
What are they going to use as weapons? Pieces of red licorice?
In other words no one.
The US military will be all over your ass the first time some shithead gun nut kills one of their buddies

They wont open fire on the American people.
They know that if they do the vast majority of our enlisted will cap their ass.

Soldiers follow orders, but you and I know it will play out exactly as I predicted: Ban guns on the installment plan.

Is there any reason you hate Liberty so much?

They wont fire on their own.
I got a million of em

No doubt you do, and you prolly need em all.
My answer: 'Come Get Some Motherfucker'!
The US NG/military will NEVER go to war against their own people.
That leaves the LIB 'man-bun' pyjama-boys' to stand up and fight.
What are they going to use as weapons? Pieces of red licorice?
In other words no one.
The US military will be all over your ass the first time some shithead gun nut kills one of their buddies

They wont open fire on the American people.
They know that if they do the vast majority of our enlisted will cap their ass.

Soldiers follow orders, but you and I know it will play out exactly as I predicted: Ban guns on the installment plan.

Is there any reason you hate Liberty so much?
There are a lot more veterans than there are soldiers.
This is awesome! The OP, who is afraid of his own shadow, is prepared to become an outlaw!

Let's see. What is the breaking point?

If you are forced to register your firearms, will you revolt?

If you are ordered to secure your weapons and told that you will be held accountable for any accidental shootings that result from your negligence, will you storm city hall?

If you are required to buy insurance for your firearms, will you refuse and start shooting people?

I think registering would be a trigger point for me. The NICS program that the Dems love for background checks is ANONYMOUS after a time period expires. That's to ENCOURAGE compliance. Which law abiding gun owners have no problem with at all.

But RETAINING those records would be a problem tantamount to registration.. Your turn...

Although unwarranted, registration of firearms is perfectly Constitutional and not a ‘prelude’ to ‘confiscation,’ to believe otherwise fails as a slippery slope fallacy.

I don't trust the govt to keep lists that affect enumerated Constitutional Rights with no real appeal. If I could TRUST my govt to KEEP lists and be objective about them --- I MIGHT be more liberal in ceding some rights.

But as the last 7 out of 10 mass shootings SHOW --- you can't trust the govt to USE or MAINTAIN those lists worth a damn. Nearly 1/2 of MILITARY COURTS were not reporting for NICS for example. And in the Charleston case (and a couple others) the FBI outright APOLOGIZED for screwing up..

Nope. Registration is a step to confiscation.

Besides you tool --- there is already de facto registration of gun sales. Every FFL dealer has detailed records of every transaction. YOUR only problem is that a crime has to be suspected or committed to go PULL those records. Which is fine by me and the NRA.. But sucks for you...
All the evil Government needs to do to find the guns is confiscate NRA membership lists

Wouldn't work on me. I join on and off about every 10 years. Too many OTHER Bill of Rights violations to share my money on... :cranky:
Bullshit. I still remember Waco, Ruby Ridge, Gordon Kahl, the Freemen, Scott Woodring, William Cooper - I'd run out names in a heartbeat.


Back in the 1990s we were told about the Twenty Nine Palms Survey:

The 29 Palms Survey


Check out question #46.

We already know that many people will follow the orders.
Anyone who might be lulled by some fanciful notion about U.S. Armed Forces being unwilling to turn against American citizens need only research the events at Hooverville during the great Depression,which is when the U.S. Cavalry, led by Generals Douglas MacArthur and Dwight Eisenhower, engaged in a brutal rout of homeless U.S. Army veterans and their families who were encamped outside Washington DC while demanding payment of the enlistment bonus promised to them but never paid. The vets and their families were forcefully driven from their encampment, which was set ablaze and leveled in a manner which the Waco massacre brought to mind.

These people were not criminals. They were homeless U.S. Army veterans and their families who were demanding payment of money owed them and promised to them. And U.S. Army troops did not hesitate to overrun them, injuring many and destroying their meager possessions.

No doubt you do, and you prolly need em all.
My answer: 'Come Get Some Motherfucker'!
The US NG/military will NEVER go to war against their own people.
That leaves the LIB 'man-bun' pyjama-boys' to stand up and fight.
What are they going to use as weapons? Pieces of red licorice?
In other words no one.
The US military will be all over your ass the first time some shithead gun nut kills one of their buddies

They wont open fire on the American people.
They know that if they do the vast majority of our enlisted will cap their ass.

Soldiers follow orders, but you and I know it will play out exactly as I predicted: Ban guns on the installment plan.

Is there any reason you hate Liberty so much?
There are a lot more veterans than there are soldiers.

The stats:

*Number of firearms in the U.S. - 4 million
*Number of gun owners in the US - Approx a quarter of the Americans own a firearm
*Size of the military in the U.S. - 1.4 million

But, that don't count the federal, state, and local police and other agencies that are armed

If we didn't comply, there are always foreign troops that can be brought in...

BUT IT WON'T HAPPEN THAT WAY. The government is taking the guns incrementally, so this major one time confiscation isn't going to ever happen.
No doubt you do, and you prolly need em all.
My answer: 'Come Get Some Motherfucker'!
The US NG/military will NEVER go to war against their own people.
That leaves the LIB 'man-bun' pyjama-boys' to stand up and fight.
What are they going to use as weapons? Pieces of red licorice?
In other words no one.
The US military will be all over your ass the first time some shithead gun nut kills one of their buddies

They wont open fire on the American people.
They know that if they do the vast majority of our enlisted will cap their ass.

Soldiers follow orders, but you and I know it will play out exactly as I predicted: Ban guns on the installment plan.

Is there any reason you hate Liberty so much?

They wont fire on their own.

Soldiers take orders
Bullshit. I still remember Waco, Ruby Ridge, Gordon Kahl, the Freemen, Scott Woodring, William Cooper - I'd run out names in a heartbeat.


Back in the 1990s we were told about the Twenty Nine Palms Survey:

The 29 Palms Survey


Check out question #46.

We already know that many people will follow the orders.
Anyone who might be lulled by some fanciful notion about U.S. Armed Forces being unwilling to turn against American citizens need only research the events at Hooverville during the great Depression,which is when the U.S. Cavalry, led by Generals Douglas MacArthur and Dwight Eisenhower, engaged in a brutal rout of homeless U.S. Army veterans and their families who were encamped outside Washington DC while demanding payment of the enlistment bonus promised to them but never paid. The vets and their families were forcefully driven from their encampment, which was set ablaze and leveled in a manner which the Waco massacre brought to mind.

These people were not criminals. They were homeless U.S. Army veterans and their families who were demanding payment of money owed them and promised to them. And U.S. Army troops did not hesitate to overrun them, injuring many and destroying their meager possessions.


Did you ever hear of the Battle of Blair Mountain?

Battle of Blair Mountain - Wikipedia

Liberals failed history, apparently.
My answer: 'Come Get Some Motherfucker'!
The US NG/military will NEVER go to war against their own people.
That leaves the LIB 'man-bun' pyjama-boys' to stand up and fight.
What are they going to use as weapons? Pieces of red licorice?
In other words no one.
Remember Kent State? The National Guard was willing to kill every civilian in sight.
It never fails to amuse how most on the right have come to loath the Heller ruling and believe their hero Scalia ‘betrayed’ them because he acknowledged the fact that the Second Amendment is neither unlimited nor absolute, and subject to restrictions by government.
The betrayal is obvious and Scalia is a babbling fool.
If the founders intended unrestricted gun access the amendment would not have even mentioned militias. They could have just said the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed

They didn’t
At the time the Constitution was framed every able-bodied male above age seventeen was considered a member of the Militia.
It never fails to amuse how most on the right have come to loath the Heller ruling and believe their hero Scalia ‘betrayed’ them because he acknowledged the fact that the Second Amendment is neither unlimited nor absolute, and subject to restrictions by government.
The betrayal is obvious and Scalia is a babbling fool.
Actually, Scalia is dead.

And when he was alive he was rarely correct, but he was correct about the fact that the Second Amendment right is not unlimited.
No one will come for your guns. They will just knit an ever increasingly tight and narrow ability to own guns. They will make it not worth your time, trouble or an ever increasing cost. Sort of like they did with cigarettes. That's the model.
That seems to be the plan.

Every time I look there is another restriction. This will continue until we are limited to keeping one single-shot, bolt-action, .22 rifle, chambered for short, and bearing it only to and from a federally supervised target range in a locked container. Ammo will be restricted to that which is purchased at that range and must be either used or surrendered before leaving.

And the strange sound we will hear is that of Big Brother laughing at us.
RightWinger trying to save face with humor is always noteworthy.

I got a million of em

No doubt you do, and you prolly need em all.
My answer: 'Come Get Some Motherfucker'!
The US NG/military will NEVER go to war against their own people.
That leaves the LIB 'man-bun' pyjama-boys' to stand up and fight.
What are they going to use as weapons? Pieces of red licorice?
In other words no one.
The US military will be all over your ass the first time some shithead gun nut kills one of their buddies

They wont open fire on the American people.
They know that if they do the vast majority of our enlisted will cap their ass.
Of course they will
Cops do it all the time

You take up arms against your country, you are a traitor
If the founders intended unrestricted gun access the amendment would not have even mentioned militias. They could have just said the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed

They didn’t
At the time the Constitution was framed every able-bodied male above age seventeen was considered a member of the Militia.

Well regulated militia
My answer: 'Come Get Some Motherfucker'!
The US NG/military will NEVER go to war against their own people.
That leaves the LIB 'man-bun' pyjama-boys' to stand up and fight.
What are they going to use as weapons? Pieces of red licorice?
In other words no one.
Remember Kent State? The National Guard was willing to kill every civilian in sight.

At Kent State the National Guard felt threatened by students who surged and trapped them

Just like today’s soldiers would feel threatened by someone exercising their second amendment rights
It never fails to amuse how most on the right have come to loath the Heller ruling and believe their hero Scalia ‘betrayed’ them because he acknowledged the fact that the Second Amendment is neither unlimited nor absolute, and subject to restrictions by government.
The betrayal is obvious and Scalia is a babbling fool.
Actually, Scalia is dead.

And when he was alive he was rarely correct, but he was correct about the fact that the Second Amendment right is not unlimited.

Let's face the fact. You're out of touch with what the founding fathers stated. There ARE unlimited Rights. That FACT can be found in the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Of that document, the author stated:

"The Declaration of Independence . . . [is the] declaratory charter of our rights, and the rights of man."

John Adams, the second president of the United States said:

"[You have Rights] antecedent to all earthly governments:
Rights, that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws;
Rights, derived from the Great Legislator of the universe

If you begin adding that to the state and federal case law I've quoted on this thread, there seem to be some very unlimited (aka unalienable) Rights regardless of your shameful (and deliberate) denials.
I got a million of em

No doubt you do, and you prolly need em all.
My answer: 'Come Get Some Motherfucker'!
The US NG/military will NEVER go to war against their own people.
That leaves the LIB 'man-bun' pyjama-boys' to stand up and fight.
What are they going to use as weapons? Pieces of red licorice?
In other words no one.
The US military will be all over your ass the first time some shithead gun nut kills one of their buddies

They wont open fire on the American people.
They know that if they do the vast majority of our enlisted will cap their ass.
Of course they will
Cops do it all the time

You take up arms against your country, you are a traitor

If that is true, America was founded by traitors.
i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?
What do you expect of gun control legislation? Consider that nothing NOTHING has been enacted except the non-renewal of the Asault Weapons Ban of the mid 1990s.

If you are this frightened, what does that do to the gun lover comeback of 'gun control is gunned up by emotion, not common sense'?

Every election cycle, the NRA runs fear filled ads claiming the Democrats are going to take your guns. Yet even when the Democrats held majority in 2008, no anti gun legislation was debated, let alone passed.

Nothing has been enacted? You aren’t paying attention.

Not frightened, standing up for my rights.

For the 1000th time, the left IS coming after our guns. Some of you are even honest enough to say it outright.

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