" What benefits THEM ...


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
and they actively collude to shut down conversation about it."
Says Tucker Carslon emerging yesterday for the first time since
being ousted not quite a week ago.That being " Both political parties
and their donors." Also " suddently the United States looks very much like
a One Party State. "
I was onto this a few years ago and got banned on 2 different Message
Boards for explaining it as Stalinism.Where Critical Theory was introduced
at the Frankfurt school in the 30's after Men like Stalin,Lenin,Marx and Trotsky
made bones over to impliment it.They did not exactly see eye to eye.
But Stalinism managed to get introduced and even Men like Nikita
Khrushchev suffered.He ended up being Retired to what Russians call
" Dacha " or a summer cabin.Given a pension and a car and virtually stripped
of all else.That is what these Stalinists have in mind for Trump.
Also We the People.Could explain why The Pandemic was put into place.
To slowly get the Populace into a mindset of Staying home and maybe
Not working.Or just enough to to get bye with The State supplying additional
checks to cover living expenses.
Um ... Stimulus checks anyone.The State paying off College Loans.
Thereby explaining how much the Labor participation rate has fallen
since 2020.Which of course explains ... Like Totally ... fer sure why the
Unemployment rate remains low.And Normal Americans are fleeing high tax
states like California and New York.
For places like Florida and Texas which not so coincidentially called
the 2020 General Election Early and w/o snags.
Got how this Newfangled way of Introctrination Woyks.
Straight from the Minds of Men who started the Frankfurt school.
Or the Reappraisal of Marxism.Which Andrew Breitbart explained
at CPAC and when sitting down to explain what is taking place.
I doubt Tucker CArlson was tied to some hard wooden chair as he
set the record straight as to what is Really " taking place. ".
I wonder if he'll go back to wearing a Bow-tie.
No I doesn't.
Makes eminent sense that no reply's during daylight time.
Since them Bots can't use work hrs. to make replys.
Just spy and read.It ain't a choice getting used to.
Do cartoon characters wear beards ?

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