What Bias? Reporter Yells Happy Birthday To Comrade Obama


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
And also adds, "He's so dreamy" The NYT and the WaPo must have to buy their employee breakroom KY Jelly supplies in 55 gallon drum quantities to keep up with their staff's usage requirements.

No Shame: Reporter Yells ?Happy Birthday? To Dear Leader? | Weasel Zippers

If you couldn't use the word 'black' to describe the absence of any color in the Ace Of Spades figure, how would you go about describing it? Eventually all references to the color black would disappear, the color, itself, would remain but everyone would simply have to ignore its existence. If Americans couldn't have used the word 'Nazi' as an epithet, how could we have dealt with the Nazi's very open intent to enslave the world? Or describe the causes and the results of the Holocaust? The Cucksockers in Seattle, WA, have decided to use the same tactic to eliminate some PC problems in their city. With hearty approval from the anal fornicators, the carpet munchers and the muff divers, too.

Liberal Seattle Seeks Ban On ?Offensive? Language, Like ?Citizen? And ?Brown Bag?? | Weasel Zippers
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Obama don't want none o these kinds around in the nation's newsrooms. You can bechur bottom that this Chatanooga paper's editors and publishers got a very irate call from the White House, complete with every curse word available to the English language and maybe a few Kenyan ones, too, warning them they were all about to receive new anuses unless the paper retracted this headline.

Sorta reminiscent of the time, way back during the 2008 presidential campaign, when Comrade Obama, Robert Gibbs, and other members of the campaign showed up for a face to face meeting with News Corp Head Rupert Murdoch and Fox News CEO Roger Ailes demanding that Ailes and Murdoch fire Sean Hannity. They didn't want any discouraging words about their candidate, the ObaMessiah, floating around in the ether, from anywhere, at any time. Supreme Narcissists are that way. When Murdoch told them that anyone listening to Sean wasn't going to vote for their candidate anyway, the entire group stood up in unison, pronounced the meeting over and marched out in lockstep. You never cross Narcissists. Joe Stalin killed more Russians than Hitler ever did (20 million).

Times Free Press Editorial Page Editor Fired For Writing This Headline? | Weasel Zippers
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The presidebt's birthday is being celebrated around the world with embassy closings and traveler warnings.

8/4 is the new 4/20.

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