What Biden, Calif, liberals, all in favor of electric vehicles (EVs) don't tell you!

That was the old solar panels. New ones are recyclable.

Try to keep up.
Huge amounts of resources have been spent on these technologies. What we have gotten back is not anything near the investments made to it. To many corrupted and compromised people involved in the science. The progs will use the improvements that should be mandated in A/C heating units, insulation, windows and doors, hot water tanks, etc. to make the inroads of green look better with the trillions of dollars of costs justified. You interfere too much. I once believed the crap also. Decades ago all of these homes were eventually going to have roofing shingles that were to be used also for energy intertwined. That was the deal breaker. They lied. Solar panels are different than shingles with the same ability to use the sun to create energy for the home. They lied. They lied. They lied. People got rich. On our backs as they usually do.
That was the old solar panels. New ones are recyclable.

Try to keep up.

So are nuclear fuel rods, and nuclear is much better for the environment. And nuclear power plants don't require the wind or sun for optimal output. They also don't require millions of acres of land.

Parking lots already exist.
The companies, schools, sports arenas just to name a few, who have built solar panels for their parking lots have saved a significant amount of money spending on power. However, the initial cost to construct the solar panels is what is stopping everyone from investing a significant amount of money to build the system. The process to set the groundwork and then build solar panels takes a while but once the system is completely built, cars will have the option stay cool and businesses can run on solar power.

© Payton Chang. The author warrants that the work is the author's own and that Stanford University provided no input other than typesetting and referencing guidelines. The author grants permission to copy, distribute and display this work in unaltered form, with attribution to the author, for noncommercial purposes only. All other rights, including commercial rights, are reserved to the author.​


California declares emergency alert on electric grid… Blackouts tonight…​

Posted by Kane on September 5, 2022 3:13 pm
State officials anticipate needing 48,817 megawatts of electricity Monday,
which would leave the state with a 2,000 to 4,000 megawatt deficit, according to the California Independent System Operator.

And this same idiot governor wants electric cars by 2035?
Hey Newsom read the following:
I'm not sure why this is not publicized because the FACT is if the USA car/truck vehicles become EVs, there will be a massive electricity shortage.
Even today Calif announced:

California Faces Summer Blackouts from Climate Extremes​

Energy planners are working to increase the grid’s reliability to keep the power on during droughts, wildfires and heat waves
And yet they and their minions are plunging ahead for EVs to replace gas.
Evidently they aren't aware of this startling enormous number 8.3 trillion kWh shortage in the USA with EVs.
View attachment 691680
Sources of electricity
View attachment 691682
And that is only part of the story. Car batteries for conventional automobles are pretty much 100% recyclable and the battery in your car is very much likely to be made from recycled materials. Electric car batteries are a bio hazard because of their heavy metal content and recyling them is so expensive and time consuming that it is likely few will bother.

Also, the USA has oil and natural gas reserves sufficient to power our cars for at the very least the next 100 years at which time superior and affordable technology will have almost certainly been developed.

How many wind turbines, solar panel fields, new dams across rivers will be needed to refuel 400 to 500 million cars, trucks, busses, farm machinery etc.?

And also those expensive electric car batteries are composed of metals of which the USA produces extremely small amounts of, if at all, and that puts us at the mercy of such countries as China, Russia, the Congo for our energy needs.

US mineral imports, 2016-2019:

Currently a little over 1% of US cars are all electric. And should we replace the other 99% of the cars now on the road in the U.S. with electric cars, those imports would have to be increased proportionately. And while we are considering the practical concerns and also so-called climate change concerns, here is what the mines to obtain the raw materials for all those electric car batteries look like:

Copper Mine:

Cobalt Mine

Manganese mine:

Lithium mine:


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And that is only part of the story. Car batteries for conventional automobles are pretty much 100% recyclable and the battery in your car is very much likely to be made from recycled materials. Electric car batteries are a bio hazard because of their heavy metal content and recyling them is so expensive and time consuming that it is likely few will bother.

Also, the USA has oil and natural gas reserves sufficient to power our cars for at the very least the next 100 years at which time superior and affordable technology will have almost certainly been developed.

How many wind turbines, solar panel fields, new dams across rivers will be needed to refuel 400 to 500 million cars, trucks, busses, farm machinery etc.?

And also those expensive electric car batteries are composed of metals of which the USA produces extremely small amounts of, if at all, and that puts us at the mercy of such countries as China, Russia, the Congo for our energy needs.

US mineral imports, 2016-2019:

Currently a little over 1% of US cars are all electric. And should we replace the other 99% of the cars now on the road in the U.S. with electric cars, those imports would have to be increased proportionately. And while we are considering the practical concerns and also so-called climate change concerns, here is what the mines to obtain the raw materials for all those electric car batteries look like:

Copper Mine:
View attachment 692118

Cobalt Mine
View attachment 692119

Manganese mine:
View attachment 692123

Lithium mine:
View attachment 692126
THANK YOU SO much for your substantiation, your links... hopefully people with your intelligence will become aware of the tremendous naiveté the supporters of EVs evidence. As you've provided proof, so have I to reiterate we're looking at nearly $40 Trillion to provide solar power JUST for EVs. And those idiot Californians?

California declares emergency alert on electric grid… Blackouts tonight…

Posted by Kane on September 5, 2022 3:13 pm

THANK YOU SO much for your substantiation, your links... hopefully people with your intelligence will become aware of the tremendous naiveté the supporters of EVs evidence. As you've provided proof, so have I to reiterate we're looking at nearly $40 Trillion to provide solar power JUST for EVs. And those idiot Californians?

California declares emergency alert on electric grid… Blackouts tonight…

Posted by Kane on September 5, 2022 3:13 pm

My pleasure. I am militant when it comes to the environment--as one of those enemy of the state MAGA semi-fascists, I demand clean water, clean air, clean soil and it is heart breaking when people deliberately or accidentally cause environmental disasters. But I also know that with REASONABLE laws and regulations that allow a people choices, options, opportunities, the more prosperous they become. And the more prosperous they become, the more attention and energy and resources they willingly contribute to keeping their environment and Planet Earth beautiful.

The less prosperous people are, the more they have to focus on just keeping a roof over their head and scrabbling out enough food to feed themselves and their children, and the less they will care about the environment or the flora and fauna on the planet, the less ability they will have to do anything about it.

Everything happening in California, that the Biden administration is doing, is geared to strip liberties and resources from the people and make them poorer overall. Yes a few will prosper, but most will be poorer. In energy starved Europe right now, people are scrambling to buy wood or black market coal, anything they can burn, because their energy grid has become so unstable. And CO2 emissions be damned.

It seems our 'green energy' friends are so devoted to the leftist ideology, they refuse to even consider the consequences of what they support and demand, and refuse to consider any better way to go about it.
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The companies, schools, sports arenas just to name a few, who have built solar panels for their parking lots have saved a significant amount of money spending on power. However, the initial cost to construct the solar panels is what is stopping everyone from investing a significant amount of money to build the system. The process to set the groundwork and then build solar panels takes a while but once the system is completely built, cars will have the option stay cool and businesses can run on solar power.

© Payton Chang. The author warrants that the work is the author's own and that Stanford University provided no input other than typesetting and referencing guidelines. The author grants permission to copy, distribute and display this work in unaltered form, with attribution to the author, for noncommercial purposes only. All other rights, including commercial rights, are reserved to the author.​

Any new technology that promises a better outcome is going to require a significant expenditure in the beginning. Do you know how much it cost to convert buildings for air conditioning when it became feasible? A lot. And many businesses and offices balked at the expense. But they needed to do it in rider to stay competitive and not lose workers. If Kroger or Publix covers their parking lots, Walmart will need to follow suit to retain customers. And vice versa.
Now before my unworthy critics cringe at my math...(Mia Culpa,mia culpa.. regarding Trump/Obama!!!)... please review the following and tell me where my math is wrong.
I am assuming Calif's Newsome's 2035 target of ONLY electric cars sold in California becomes real and possibly other ignorant states and the Federal government, i.e. Biden et.al. follow the same questionable activities.

Just consider that these statistics are half off though... The US uses 4.116 Trillion kHws today...and that's just consumers/businesses/goverments,etc.

What happens if gas is total replaced by EVs?
And I've not even calculated the COST of diminishing petroleum, raising gas/diesel prices as exploration will stop! But ignorant people don't think beyond their biased and ignorant MSM as well as many stupid politicians! Let the markets decide folks NOT the governments! Let EVs stand on their own and definitely LOWER costs than gasoline... I mean 0.25kWH/mile at 12.80 cents/kWh, versus a 25mpg or 15 cents per gallon gas! But let competition decide! Lower repair costs ..no spark plugs, etc. just replace a $15,000 battery system...that's it!
But again... let' the market not governments!

View attachment 691642
I think you made it way too complicated. The fact is, at best, you are going to be paying at least 25K for a brand new EV, and that is more along the lines of a large scooter than a family car to bring home the groceries or go on vacation with. You will probably be able to find a used EV for less than that. Let's assume you get a five year warranty on a new car or, to be more precise, the car battery. So, despite all of the other bad things you can say abut EV's, and there are a number of them, car batteries will probably cost you AT LEAST 10k or more, meaning that shortly after buying a used car, you may have to shell out another 10K for a battery and in a new car you will have to shell out another 10K or more just for a battery after about five years. I'm assuming that all of the other mtnc would be in line with a gas car but I really don't know. Would it really be worth shelling out 10K or more for a battery on a used car, whether you bought it new or used? Do the left warn you about battery costs? They seem to sweep that little tidbit under the table.
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The panels are usually much darker than the ground they cover, so a vast expanse of solar cells will absorb a lot of additional energy and emit it as heat, affecting the climate.
So make them a lighter color. Make them out of material that doesn't absorb heat. Every new technology goes through learning curves.

We didn't abandon cars, we invented catalytic converters.
Any new technology that promises a better outcome is going to require a significant expenditure in the beginning. Do you know how much it cost to convert buildings for air conditioning when it became feasible? A lot. And many businesses and offices balked at the expense. But they needed to do it in rider to stay competitive and not lose workers. If Kroger or Publix covers their parking lots, Walmart will need to follow suit to retain customers. And vice versa.
The difference is that most American advancements happened naturally...Like transitioning from horse and buggy to the automobile. Or giving up kerosene lanterns for electricity. Nobody demanded it, poured billions of government dollars into it, imposed rules and regulations or target dates to force it to happen. It happened because American people wanted it and as soon as they could afford it, they paid for it themselves.

The artificial 'change' demanded by the U.S. government is antithesis to free market enterprise, and almost certainly will have a far more destructive and expensive outcome than if we just did it naturally and according to demand as historically been the case.
I think you made it way too complicated. The fact is, at best, you are going to be paying at least 25K for a brand new EV, and that is more along the lines of a large scooter than a family car to bring home the groceries or go on vacation with. You will probably be able to find a used EV for less than that. Let's assume you get a five year warranty on a new car or, to be more precise, the car battery. So, despite all of the other bad things you can say abut EV's, and there are a number of them, car batteries will probably cost you AT LEAST 10k or more, meaning that shortly after buying a used car, you may have to shell out another 10K for a battery and in a new car you will have to shell out another 10K or more just for a battery after about five years. I'm assuming that all of the other mtnc would be in line with a gas car but I really don't know. Would it really be worth shelling out 10K or more for a battery on a used car, whether you bought it new or used? Do the left warn you about battery costs? They seem to sweep that little tidbit under the table.
What I was doing was showing how the simple plans, i.e. buying solar panels to support all the EVs, the land to put them on, the cost to transport electricity all factors and the number JUST for EVs replacing gas cars $37 trillion ! I didn't calculate the losses that individuals would have to bear to cover the blackouts caused by this ignorant migration effort. Think about it. NO A/C. NO HEAT. people will actually die due to the blackouts and AND that's before the EV replacement plan.

You maybe right, it might be too complicated for the brainless advocates of EVs. Maybe a simple illustration might help. All EVs still have to have something to lubricate the rolling wheels....i.e. oil.
So what happens to the cost of lubricating oil when fossil fuels as the Idiot Biden guaranteed..
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Remember Biden guarantees the elimination of fossil fuels, i.e oil! If there is NO oil how do you lubricate the wheels, the wind turbines, the electric generators that turn the wheels... simple things like that!

Some people would say well there is synthetic oil. Wrong!
Synthetic oils are typically created from chemically modified materials such as petroleum components,
but the base material is almost always distilled crude oil.
What will that cost?
So make them a lighter color. Make them out of material that doesn't absorb heat. Every new technology goes through learning curves.

We didn't abandon cars, we invented catalytic converters.
YOU are 100% right!
We didn't abandon, we modified as we learned.
But remember Biden and his advocates guarantee to abandon!

"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Remember Biden guarantees the elimination of fossil fuels, i.e oil!
If there is NO oil how do you lubricate the wheels, the wind turbines, the electric generators that turn the wheels... simple things like that!
Some people would say well there is synthetic oil. Wrong!
Synthetic oils are typically created from chemically modified materials such as petroleum components,
but the base material is almost always distilled crude oil.

What will that cost?
The difference is that most American advancements happened naturally...Like transitioning from horse and buggy to the automobile. Or giving up kerosene lanterns for electricity.
How are either of those natural? People were thrilled to give up kerosene lanterns because they frequently started fires, destroying people's homes. Now the burning of fossil fuels have frequently started fires across the world, destroying people's homes, and eventually the planet.
How are either of those natural? People were thrilled to give up kerosene lanterns because they frequently started fires, destroying people's homes. Now the burning of fossil fuels have frequently started fires across the world, destroying people's homes, and eventually the planet.
One more time and I'll type more slowly. . .

Those transitions happened because American enterprise, creativity, entrepreneurship made them possible, and because the American people wanted them and voluntarily paid for them. If they had not been an improvement over what people were already using, they would have failed in a free market.

And yes, initially the costs are higher so it is mostly the rich who buy those products. But because the rich have the means to buy them, volume begins to bring the prices down so that more and more people are able to afford them, and other entrepreneurs begin to build an infrastructure to support them, i.e. fueling stations and mechanic shops for autos, parking garages, and all the other natural growth that happens as a society modernizes.

The government has to mandate nothing or do nothing other than enforce RICO and anti-trust laws to keep the process honest. In time the government will, via social contract, i.e. with consent of the people, establish helpful zoning, build the common roads, power grids, and other shared infrastructure that contributes to a prosperous society.

Whenever the government gets ahead of the people and tries to force things to happen, the results are never as positive or beneficial as when the people do it themselves.

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