What bothers me most is that Democrats don't realize how stupid they are


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Madonna tells people she daydreams about blowing up the White House, and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

Ashley Judd says Trump looks like he took a bath in Cheetos dust and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

Chuck Schumer breaks down and cries on national TV and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

I would like all Democrats to know, you are really, really stupid, and everyone knows it but you.
Madonna tells people she daydreams about blowing up the White House, and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

Ashley Judd says Trump looks like he took a bath in Cheetos dust and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

Chuck Schumer breaks down and cries on national TV and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

I would like all Democrats to know, you are really, really stupid, and everyone knows it but you.

Democrats have no party anymore thanks to Trump
I like when they do it, and I'll like it even more when they lose some more seats in the House and Senate in 2018 because of it.
Madonna tells people she daydreams about blowing up the White House, and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

Ashley Judd says Trump looks like he took a bath in Cheetos dust and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

Chuck Schumer breaks down and cries on national TV and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

I would like all Democrats to know, you are really, really stupid, and everyone knows it but you.

Democrats have no party anymore thanks to Trump
pretty sure you mean republicans
They're mentally ill, drugged out, violent, and have the emotional IQ of 4 year olds. You expecting adult behavior and reasoning skills from these gimps? The Democratic Party has no issues it can claim, no principles to market, nothing but buying street mobs and promoting violent hate crimes and pandering to the Davos Set and 'globalism' labor racketeering scams. That's it, period.
i want to see a video of Guam collapsing into the ocean because all of the fat people live on the west end of the island.

LMAO I agree. Guam should disappear into the ocean any day now.

The Dems have no power and they know it. They lost the WH and Congress. They shot themselves in the ass with the nuclear option Reid imposed.

Bad luck for them and good luck to the rest of America.
Weird, you cock sucker just got done spending 8 fucking years doing exactly that. Democrats are smart to defend their ideas and if you don't like it ....well, fuck you,.

So you condone what Madonna advocated?
And repubicans don't realizes just how evil and soulless their goddamn party really is. Shame on you pieces of shit for using jesuses name to hide behind.

What's soulless and evil about the Republican party? Provide a list.
And repubicans don't realizes just how evil and soulless their goddamn party really is. Shame on you pieces of shit for using jesuses name to hide behind.

What's soulless and evil about the Republican party? Provide a list.

They want to kill ssi for granny
They want to take away education for our children
They want to throw the unemployed onto the cold street

For starters
And repubicans don't realizes just how evil and soulless their goddamn party really is. Shame on you pieces of shit for using jesuses name to hide behind.

What's soulless and evil about the Republican party? Provide a list.

They want to kill ssi for granny
They want to take away education for our children
They want to throw the unemployed onto the cold street

For starters

Ridiculous list from a partisan hack. None of that is true but it sounds good if you choose to lie about it.

#1 - ridiculous and a lie
#2 - if you're talking about not supporting he "free" college program, since it's the responsibility of the parent of a kid to do that, nothing can be taken away that doesn't belong to someone else
#3 - Just an opportunity for you to prove you care.
Madonna tells people she daydreams about blowing up the White House, and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

Ashley Judd says Trump looks like he took a bath in Cheetos dust and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

Chuck Schumer breaks down and cries on national TV and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

I would like all Democrats to know, you are really, really stupid, and everyone knows it but you.

Democrats have no party anymore thanks to Trump
pretty sure you mean republicans
Madonna tells people she daydreams about blowing up the White House, and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

Ashley Judd says Trump looks like he took a bath in Cheetos dust and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

Chuck Schumer breaks down and cries on national TV and Democrats don't realize how stupid that is.

I would like all Democrats to know, you are really, really stupid, and everyone knows it but you.

It's actually impossible for a democrook voter to "know" anything.

Without a functional frontal lobe, the ability to project future consequences resulting from current actions, or the choice between good and bad actions, and other cognitive skills are severely retarded. Libturds lack the override and suppression of socially unacceptable responses, and the determination of similarities and differences between things or events.

Chuck isn't stupid though. He's fully aware of the agenda to undermine western civilization and manage the decline of the US. He is a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath.

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