What are democrats going to do for a candidate now that Biden is done? Michelle and Newsome have as much chance as Biden. That's how bad off

Democrats are making it easy for Trump...DEMOCRAT Sen. Mark Warner said, "This is going to be Tax Armageddon. It’s time to suit up." There you have it Dem TAX INCREASES because those are so popular in an election year. :cuckoo:
Tax increases on the rich.
There has been no dem ballot box stuffing. Trump is going to lose because he has no plan, and that nobody is going to vote for an ex con.
First nice fake avatar. Second Dems have been stuffing ballot boxes for decades. Recently they have put a new label on it, 'ballot harvesting'. lol It's in the Dem's nature to CHEAT and RIG and LIE that's who Dems are.
Wrong idiot, there's not enough money in just taxing the 'rich'. The working class and poor will get hit, Dems said it clearly they are planning a tax increase Armageddon.
I'm right.
There has been no dem ballot box stuffing. Trump is going to lose because he has no plan, and that nobody is going to vote for an ex con.
We can all help this nation be destroyed. And end it. The disease will spread from your areas first. Like a zombie apocalypse.
they are. Not that they were ever good candidates to begin with. Trump is going to crush democrats. Polls will not matter as we know they are not accurate. Trump is beyond polls or rigged elections now. How doe democrats feel now that they are beyond being able to steal an election?
Trump doesn’t have shot, unless he’s on drugs.

All the videos that have been summarily ignored by the courts prove the Democrats cheated their asses off. They stuffed ballot boxes, kicked out poll observers and manipulated Dominion voting systems results among other tampering events.
Hmmm interesting. Why would they have to stuff a ballot box if they could just “manipulate” the voting systems? Why didn’t they manipulate the system to give every democrat a victory on that night? The GOP picked up seats in the House.

Nobody else on the right can explain it. Robert W is getting his ass handed to him about it right now. Perhaps you can wade into it and explain why the Dems lost seats during all of this alleged fraud.
Nobody else on the right can explain it. @Robert W is getting his ass handed to him about it right now. Perhaps you can wade into it and explain why the Dems lost seats during all of this alleged fraud.
Well you have not named even one case that went to a full trial. So you see this as a pick a fight issue!!!! Don't try that on me.
All of the audits, court cases, re-counts, and state election officials certify that Joe Biden won the election.
Actually Me and others told you the truth. And you proved it by not being able to name even one case where it was vetted by trial. It was a shit storm.

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