What car will you buy before the government tells you you can't?

Right here baby! The Tesla!


  • $Tesla.jpg
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They whine about anything Obama does. It's gotten so old, nobody pays any real attention to their blather anymore.

:lol: Yeah, that's why you have several posts in here. :lol:

I'm talking about all the insignificant shit that gets posted like life or death events.

Like this one. Rather than discussing the actual SPEECH, this asshole's only concern is acknowledging Secretary Gates as William instead of Robert. OMG!! Impeach him!!

Which Gates? Obama flubs defense chief's name


It appears Bush isn't the only one that has trouble with names...

Which Gates? Obama flubs defense chief's name
I have just one question... since when does the President have the power to dictate shit like this? Who in the FUCK does this uppity little mother fucker think he is? Spend us into certain financial ruin, promise universal health care, take over the banks and tell their CEO's what they will and won't get paid, take over the auto industry, close Gitmo in a year, cars have to get 35 miles to the gallon... WHO IN THE FUCK APPOINTED THIS LITTLE MOTHER FUCKER GOD?!
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I mean please tell me... exactly WHAT executive power is it oblahma is invoking here to do all this? Can the President "ask" for these things? Sure. Can he *DICTATE* these things? If he can, I've sure the hell been mistaken for awhile.

It looks to me like oblahma has gotten away with so much SHIT since he's taken office, that people have been lulled into the state of... "oh, oblahma said it, it must be coming true." C'mon people, wake the fuck up.
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EPA regulates pollution, have been for a long time. Nice try though. Nobody has advocated for forcing people to drive small cars, that's a ridiculous straw man at best, at worst it's an appeal to emotion inciting false rally cries of "FASCISM!" Continue to drive you big trucks if you can afford them, more power to you. Just expect that cost to rise a bit in the coming years, especially if we're successful in getting a better gas tax passed. Our highway trust fund is completely broke because our taxes are too low. I think this is one area we can all agree that government has a valid role in spendng... we all need roads.
Ok what the hell are most of you whining about someone is trying to push for higher gas mileage standards and all I hear is whining. You complain when gas gets high then when someone pushes for more efficiency you complain about that this rule is for new cars coming out not the old ones. So if you want to keep your used or old cars that came out before it took effect and when gas goes up and everyone knows it will more from the growth of car ownership in China than taxes here in the U.S. dont whine just take it pay till you get a hole in your pocket/wallet/bank account or put yourself in debt. I dont see the big freaking deal about this it is common sense to do better countries that are less powerful economically and militarily are doing more on this front among others. People step up and help this country do better.

The point here is that the government is simply exercising more control over our lives.

What cars we can choose to buy, what food we choose to eat, what we choose to smoke or drink etc etc etc are all fair game for government control.

Do you so easily give up your freedoms?

Stupid lifestyles (smoking, overeating to the point of obesity) are costly, if not to taxpayers then also to business owners and medical facilities. Do you enjoy footing the bills?

that's just the point. I should not be paying for someone else's choices and neither should you.

If some guy wants to eat himself into oblivion then he should pay the higher insurance costs not me.

if some fool wants to smoke, then he should bear the costs of his decisions not me.

But the government is saying that I have to pay for someone else's choices. That is not the government's role.
EPA regulates pollution, have been for a long time. Nice try though. Nobody has advocated for forcing people to drive small cars, that's a ridiculous straw man at best, at worst it's an appeal to emotion inciting false rally cries of "FASCISM!" Continue to drive you big trucks if you can afford them, more power to you. Just expect that cost to rise a bit in the coming years, especially if we're successful in getting a better gas tax passed. Our highway trust fund is completely broke because our taxes are too low. I think this is one area we can all agree that government has a valid role in spendng... we all need roads.

A better gas tax???

A better tax of any kind???

Don't you worry cars will be mandated to get better mileage AND the gas tax will go up to close the revenue gap.

This is the problem with using taxes as a ham handed social engineering tool.

Tax booze and consumption goes down therefore revenue goes down then tax soda, consumption goes down and revenue goes down. All these revenues need to be recouped so the quest for another sin tax begins.

There is no "better" tax of any kind.

If you want to drive a little tiny car that gets 50 mph go right ahead but i don't want the government limiting my choices.
The point here is that the government is simply exercising more control over our lives.

What cars we can choose to buy, what food we choose to eat, what we choose to smoke or drink etc etc etc are all fair game for government control.

Do you so easily give up your freedoms?

Stupid lifestyles (smoking, overeating to the point of obesity) are costly, if not to taxpayers then also to business owners and medical facilities. Do you enjoy footing the bills?

that's just the point. I should not be paying for someone else's choices and neither should you.

If some guy wants to eat himself into oblivion then he should pay the higher insurance costs not me.

if some fool wants to smoke, then he should bear the costs of his decisions not me.

But the government is saying that I have to pay for someone else's choices. That is not the government's role.

There are some areas where we're better off pooling our resources (that's teh whole idea behind insurance), in the case of insurance most companies now charge a higher premium to people who are overweight and smokers, so I'm not sure what your beef is.
EPA regulates pollution, have been for a long time. Nice try though. Nobody has advocated for forcing people to drive small cars, that's a ridiculous straw man at best, at worst it's an appeal to emotion inciting false rally cries of "FASCISM!" Continue to drive you big trucks if you can afford them, more power to you. Just expect that cost to rise a bit in the coming years, especially if we're successful in getting a better gas tax passed. Our highway trust fund is completely broke because our taxes are too low. I think this is one area we can all agree that government has a valid role in spendng... we all need roads.

A better gas tax???

A better tax of any kind???

Don't you worry cars will be mandated to get better mileage AND the gas tax will go up to close the revenue gap.

This is the problem with using taxes as a ham handed social engineering tool.

Tax booze and consumption goes down therefore revenue goes down then tax soda, consumption goes down and revenue goes down. All these revenues need to be recouped so the quest for another sin tax begins.

There is no "better" tax of any kind.

If you want to drive a little tiny car that gets 50 mph go right ahead but i don't want the government limiting my choices.

Lucky you, nobody has suggested limiting your choices. These regulations affect a corporate fleet as a whole body. I'm sure they'll put out some tiny cars that get 60mpg, and some muscle car for the meat heads that barely gets 20 with a strong tailwind.
:lol: Yeah, that's why you have several posts in here. :lol:

I'm talking about all the insignificant shit that gets posted like life or death events.

Like this one. Rather than discussing the actual SPEECH, this asshole's only concern is acknowledging Secretary Gates as William instead of Robert. OMG!! Impeach him!!

Which Gates? Obama flubs defense chief's name


It appears Bush isn't the only one that has trouble with names...

Which Gates? Obama flubs defense chief's name

I didn't see this but thank YOU for pointing out this 'nobody pays any real attention to their blather anymore insignificant shit that gets posted like life or death events 'information. I wasn't paying it any attention . . . but I'm sure glad you were so you could share with the class. :lol:
EPA regulates pollution, have been for a long time. Nice try though. Nobody has advocated for forcing people to drive small cars, that's a ridiculous straw man at best, at worst it's an appeal to emotion inciting false rally cries of "FASCISM!" Continue to drive you big trucks if you can afford them, more power to you. Just expect that cost to rise a bit in the coming years, especially if we're successful in getting a better gas tax passed. Our highway trust fund is completely broke because our taxes are too low. I think this is one area we can all agree that government has a valid role in spendng... we all need roads.

If they make the big cars/trucks out of reach for most people then those people are forced to drive the little cars, yes?
EPA regulates pollution, have been for a long time. Nice try though. Nobody has advocated for forcing people to drive small cars, that's a ridiculous straw man at best, at worst it's an appeal to emotion inciting false rally cries of "FASCISM!" Continue to drive you big trucks if you can afford them, more power to you. Just expect that cost to rise a bit in the coming years, especially if we're successful in getting a better gas tax passed. Our highway trust fund is completely broke because our taxes are too low. I think this is one area we can all agree that government has a valid role in spendng... we all need roads.

If they make the big cars/trucks out of reach for most people then those people are forced to drive the little cars, yes?

New cars of any size are already out of reach for most Americans. This argument didn't fly when catalytic converter's were added to cars and it's just not going to get much traction now either.
EPA regulates pollution, have been for a long time. Nice try though. Nobody has advocated for forcing people to drive small cars, that's a ridiculous straw man at best, at worst it's an appeal to emotion inciting false rally cries of "FASCISM!" Continue to drive you big trucks if you can afford them, more power to you. Just expect that cost to rise a bit in the coming years, especially if we're successful in getting a better gas tax passed. Our highway trust fund is completely broke because our taxes are too low. I think this is one area we can all agree that government has a valid role in spendng... we all need roads.

If they make the big cars/trucks out of reach for most people then those people are forced to drive the little cars, yes?

New cars of any size are already out of reach for most Americans. This argument didn't fly when catalytic converter's were added to cars and it's just not going to get much traction now either.

I heard that with the new standards the cost of a new car will rise something like $1,300 per vehicle.


  • $CSC_0139.jpg
    89.9 KB · Views: 67
Stupid lifestyles (smoking, overeating to the point of obesity) are costly, if not to taxpayers then also to business owners and medical facilities. Do you enjoy footing the bills?

that's just the point. I should not be paying for someone else's choices and neither should you.

If some guy wants to eat himself into oblivion then he should pay the higher insurance costs not me.

if some fool wants to smoke, then he should bear the costs of his decisions not me.

But the government is saying that I have to pay for someone else's choices. That is not the government's role.

There are some areas where we're better off pooling our resources (that's teh whole idea behind insurance), in the case of insurance most companies now charge a higher premium to people who are overweight and smokers, so I'm not sure what your beef is.

Not my beef. I was replying to Maggie regarding her comment on "stupid" lifestyles that she thinks the government should regulate

EPA regulates pollution, have been for a long time. Nice try though. Nobody has advocated for forcing people to drive small cars, that's a ridiculous straw man at best, at worst it's an appeal to emotion inciting false rally cries of "FASCISM!" Continue to drive you big trucks if you can afford them, more power to you. Just expect that cost to rise a bit in the coming years, especially if we're successful in getting a better gas tax passed. Our highway trust fund is completely broke because our taxes are too low. I think this is one area we can all agree that government has a valid role in spendng... we all need roads.

A better gas tax???

A better tax of any kind???

Don't you worry cars will be mandated to get better mileage AND the gas tax will go up to close the revenue gap.

This is the problem with using taxes as a ham handed social engineering tool.

Tax booze and consumption goes down therefore revenue goes down then tax soda, consumption goes down and revenue goes down. All these revenues need to be recouped so the quest for another sin tax begins.

There is no "better" tax of any kind.

If you want to drive a little tiny car that gets 50 mph go right ahead but i don't want the government limiting my choices.

Lucky you, nobody has suggested limiting your choices. These regulations affect a corporate fleet as a whole body. I'm sure they'll put out some tiny cars that get 60mpg, and some muscle car for the meat heads that barely gets 20 with a strong tailwind.

When auto companies (now owned by the government) are told to make cars that get better gas mileage, they will make these cars instead of making cars that people actually want to buy.

And what's with the value judgments here anyway? because I might want a Dodge Challenger instead of a Smart Car, I am a meat head?

Who the fuck are you to make those judgments?

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