What Concerns Do You Have for Your Candidate Tonight at the Debate?

My candidate of choice is Donald Trump. My concern is that Hillary is a pro at taking any question and spinning to an answer that does not fit the question, but only her agenda.

She has been practicing for days doing just that. Will she be called on it by moderators? Will the do a follow up question to get her back on topic?

I feel that Trump should have practiced more in mock debates.

you mean your concern is that Donald doesn't know anything.... that is a reasonable concern
My candidate of choice is Donald Trump. My concern is that Hillary is a pro at taking any question and spinning to an answer that does not fit the question, but only her agenda.

She has been practicing for days doing just that. Will she be called on it by moderators? Will the do a follow up question to get her back on topic?

I feel that Trump should have practiced more in mock debates.
Trump needs but one response. "Syria"....period.
Or...The Clinton Slush Foundation
Or... The email scandal that won't go away
Or....Benghazi, Bitch
Or...Pay to Play, a way to supplement our exorbitant income
Or... Why are all your aides and partners getting immunity?

why isn't Donald prosecuted for bribing the prosecutors who investigated him?

why isn't Donald prosecuted for misusing foundation money to settle personal debts and buy personal items?

those are actual crimes. not the ones made up in your head
My candidate of choice is Donald Trump. My concern is that Hillary is a pro at taking any question and spinning to an answer that does not fit the question, but only her agenda.

She has been practicing for days doing just that. Will she be called on it by moderators? Will the do a follow up question to get her back on topic?

I feel that Trump should have practiced more in mock debates.
Trump's ego, unlike his dick, is so big he didn't bother to practice. Hillary should wipe the floor with him but we'll see only I won't as I'd never watch such a useless fucking event.
My candidate of choice is Donald Trump. My concern is that Hillary is a pro at taking any question and spinning to an answer that does not fit the question, but only her agenda.

She has been practicing for days doing just that. Will she be called on it by moderators? Will the do a follow up question to get her back on topic?

I feel that Trump should have practiced more in mock debates.
Trump's ego, unlike his dick, is so big he didn't bother to practice. Hillary should wipe the floor with him but we'll see only I won't as I'd never watch such a useless fucking event.
And that's why you remain an uninformed moron.
My candidate of choice is Donald Trump. My concern is that Hillary is a pro at taking any question and spinning to an answer that does not fit the question, but only her agenda.

She has been practicing for days doing just that. Will she be called on it by moderators? Will the do a follow up question to get her back on topic?

I feel that Trump should have practiced more in mock debates.

you mean your concern is that Donald doesn't know anything.... that is a reasonable concern
No. That meant Hillary knows the answer to four questions and will spin each answer so regardless of what is asked, she spin the answer to something she knows. She's very good at not answering the questions asked.

And she will lie continually about her experiences and knowledge, but of course that is a given.

I'm not saying that Trump is great but he he doesn't lie...he says what he believes and will talk about solutions that never occurred to Hillary.

Think she can make it through the debate without help standing up??
My candidate of choice is Donald Trump. My concern is that Hillary is a pro at taking any question and spinning to an answer that does not fit the question, but only her agenda.

She has been practicing for days doing just that. Will she be called on it by moderators? Will the do a follow up question to get her back on topic?

I feel that Trump should have practiced more in mock debates.
Trump needs but one response. "Syria"....period.
Or...The Clinton Slush Foundation
Or... The email scandal that won't go away
Or....Benghazi, Bitch
Or...Pay to Play, a way to supplement our exorbitant income
Or... Why are all your aides and partners getting immunity?

why isn't Donald prosecuted for bribing the prosecutors who investigated him?

why isn't Donald prosecuted for misusing foundation money to settle personal debts and buy personal items?

those are actual crimes. not the ones made up in your head
Why? Because I guess there is no need. He hasn't lied, bribed, killed anyone hidden any top secret emails, pay to play or proven his incompetence in his dealings. He wouldn't be a billionaire if he had.
Nice try, Jillian!:)
My candidate of choice is Donald Trump. My concern is that Hillary is a pro at taking any question and spinning to an answer that does not fit the question, but only her agenda.

She has been practicing for days doing just that. Will she be called on it by moderators? Will the do a follow up question to get her back on topic?

I feel that Trump should have practiced more in mock debates.

you mean your concern is that Donald doesn't know anything.... that is a reasonable concern
Check the topic of this thread. Is Trump your candidate?
My concerns for Trump are that he will not adequately beat hitlery enough as the rented mule she is.....:lol:
My candidate of choice is Donald Trump. My concern is that Hillary is a pro at taking any question and spinning to an answer that does not fit the question, but only her agenda.

She has been practicing for days doing just that. Will she be called on it by moderators? Will the do a follow up question to get her back on topic?

I feel that Trump should have practiced more in mock debates.
Trump needs but one response. "Syria"....period.
Or...The Clinton Slush Foundation
Or... The email scandal that won't go away
Or....Benghazi, Bitch
Or...Pay to Play, a way to supplement our exorbitant income
Or... Why are all your aides and partners getting immunity?

why isn't Donald prosecuted for bribing the prosecutors who investigated him?

why isn't Donald prosecuted for misusing foundation money to settle personal debts and buy personal items?

those are actual crimes. not the ones made up in your head
Check the topic of this thread. Is Trump your candidate? Really, Jill, comprehension IS important, just as integrity.
My candidate of choice is Donald Trump. My concern is that Hillary is a pro at taking any question and spinning to an answer that does not fit the question, but only her agenda.

She has been practicing for days doing just that. Will she be called on it by moderators? Will the do a follow up question to get her back on topic?

I feel that Trump should have practiced more in mock debates.
My concern about my candidate at tonight's debate is that he isn't there, and some asshole fuckhead New York limousine liberal by the name of Donald Trump is there instead. My concern is that the racists, bigots, retards, psychopaths, hypocrites and liars have completely taken over the GOP and conservative movement.

Other than that, I'm good!
My candidate of choice is Donald Trump. My concern is that Hillary is a pro at taking any question and spinning to an answer that does not fit the question, but only her agenda.

She has been practicing for days doing just that. Will she be called on it by moderators? Will the do a follow up question to get her back on topic?

I feel that Trump should have practiced more in mock debates.

My candidate wasn't allowed on the stage.
My candidate of choice is Donald Trump. My concern is that Hillary is a pro at taking any question and spinning to an answer that does not fit the question, but only her agenda.

She has been practicing for days doing just that. Will she be called on it by moderators? Will the do a follow up question to get her back on topic?

I feel that Trump should have practiced more in mock debates.

I'm a little concerned about what Mark Cuban might do...the guy is a fucking lunatic and he's there to mess with Trump.
My candidate of choice is Donald Trump. My concern is that Hillary is a pro at taking any question and spinning to an answer that does not fit the question, but only her agenda.

She has been practicing for days doing just that. Will she be called on it by moderators? Will the do a follow up question to get her back on topic?

I feel that Trump should have practiced more in mock debates.
My concern about my candidate at tonight's debate is that he isn't there, and some asshole fuckhead New York limousine liberal by the name of Donald Trump is there instead. My concern is that the racists, bigots, retards, psychopaths, hypocrites and liars have completely taken over the GOP and conservative movement.

Other than that, I'm good!

No, you're not good..... you're batshit crazy over the Trumpster!
Not worried about a thing. Seems the making a thread to list your worries says quite a bit about the state of the campaign.

Trump should do well. He is a creature of TV after all. Why anyone would expect him not to do well on a made for TV event is both strange and silly.

It won’t matter in the final analysis. Most have made up their mind. Those that love Drumpf will love him no matter how disgusting he acts and those who hate Hillary will hate her no matter how much sense she makes. Those who love Clinton will continue to do so because they are attracted to her competence and record which cannot be questioned seriously and those who dislike Drumpf will continue to do so for good reason.

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