What Did The Pollsters Miss..............Gun Owners


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Near Magnolia, TX
My opinion, when the tape of the hildabitch saying the supreme court got it wrong on the 2nd Amendment came out. Millions of gun owners decided to send the message that NO THE SUPREME COURT GOT IT RIGHT and there was no way she would be allowed to appoint a judge that thought otherwise.

Tens of millions of gun owners and the 12 million concealed carry permit holders voices were heard in this election.

Your thoughts.
I don't think they got it wrong, it was just part of the psychological campaign to demoralize Trump's supporters, hoping enough of them would stay home.
Hillary simply couldn't resonate with people in the way Bernie did or Trump did. I really think it's that simple.

My primary cause for celebration is the bitch will never have the opportunity to appoint a supreme court justice. Like I've said a hundred times, the court will effect the country more and for a longer period of time than Trump will.
there is a lot of blame to go about......clinton always had baggage..and the wiki leaks and then the fbi..hit....and the clinton foundation..it just went on and on....i am still not sure how we got here....but here we are
Actually they missed the basics statistics course... The democrat oversampling was way too high, and I believe, there indeed was some meddling involved, as some wikileaks have suggested I believe.
Actually they missed the basics statistics course... The democrat oversampling was way too high, and I believe, there indeed was some meddling involved, as some wikileaks have suggested I believe.

It's hard to say, but America repudiated the dear leaders vision of a transformed country..
No party ever gets three consecutive presidencies, the voters ALWAYS opt for the out party. If memory serves, after two terms the country always ends up on the "wrong track" and the out party gets elected. Its not that the electorate is "racist" (after electing Obama twice?!), or its not about demographics, its about healthcare, immigration, gangs, drugs, jobs and all of the issues rolled-up into a "change election". We simply can't support the democrat bullshit any more and want to kick the DC establishment in the ass. Globalists need to be purged...
No party ever gets three consecutive presidencies, the voters ALWAYS opt for the out party. If memory serves, after two terms the country always ends up on the "wrong track" and the out party gets elected. Its not that the electorate is "racist" (after electing Obama twice?!), or its not about demographics, its about healthcare, immigration, gangs, drugs, jobs and all of the issues rolled-up into a "change election". We simply can't support the democrat bullshit any more and want to kick the DC establishment in the ass. Globalists need to be purged...

I still think if they bore into the numbers, gun owners will have made a major impact.
I think they missed Clinton fatigue. Comey may have set the final nail, but 4 years of Clintons was not something any sane person could relish.
My opinion, when the tape of the hildabitch saying the supreme court got it wrong on the 2nd Amendment came out. Millions of gun owners decided to send the message that NO THE SUPREME COURT GOT IT RIGHT and there was no way she would be allowed to appoint a judge that thought otherwise.

Tens of millions of gun owners and the 12 million concealed carry permit holders voices were heard in this election.

Your thoughts.

Oh, yeah, the Dimocrats missed the gun owners all right.

And the Coal miners and steel workers.

And the pro-lifers.

And the anti-criminal vote.

And the Keep Our Jobs Vote.

And the America security vote.

And the strong American military vote.

And the white blue collar vote.

And the anti-fascists vote.

I think that they basically built their whole election effort on raging minority turn out and submissive whites and PISSING THE REST OF US OFF.
My opinion, when the tape of the hildabitch saying the supreme court got it wrong on the 2nd Amendment came out. Millions of gun owners decided to send the message that NO THE SUPREME COURT GOT IT RIGHT and there was no way she would be allowed to appoint a judge that thought otherwise.

Tens of millions of gun owners and the 12 million concealed carry permit holders voices were heard in this election.

Your thoughts.
Clinging to god, guns and freedom kicked Barrys/Hildabeasts ass. In a very deplorable way… LOL
My opinion, when the tape of the hildabitch saying the supreme court got it wrong on the 2nd Amendment came out. Millions of gun owners decided to send the message that NO THE SUPREME COURT GOT IT RIGHT and there was no way she would be allowed to appoint a judge that thought otherwise.

Tens of millions of gun owners and the 12 million concealed carry permit holders voices were heard in this election.

Your thoughts.

I think this was a perfect storm of many factors at once.
My opinion, when the tape of the hildabitch saying the supreme court got it wrong on the 2nd Amendment came out. Millions of gun owners decided to send the message that NO THE SUPREME COURT GOT IT RIGHT and there was no way she would be allowed to appoint a judge that thought otherwise.

Tens of millions of gun owners and the 12 million concealed carry permit holders voices were heard in this election.

Your thoughts.

I think this was a perfect storm of many factors at once.
A very large Part of America basically were viewed as clinging to "deplorable" things like god, guns and freedom by the elite. Americas answer was :fu:
My opinion, when the tape of the hildabitch saying the supreme court got it wrong on the 2nd Amendment came out. Millions of gun owners decided to send the message that NO THE SUPREME COURT GOT IT RIGHT and there was no way she would be allowed to appoint a judge that thought otherwise.

Tens of millions of gun owners and the 12 million concealed carry permit holders voices were heard in this election.

Your thoughts.

I think this was a perfect storm of many factors at once.

Yep, the dear leaders vision of a fundamentally transformed country was soundly rejected in fly over country.
I think they missed Clinton fatigue. Comey may have set the final nail, but 4 years of Clintons was not something any sane person could relish.

People really just don't like her and she is not a likable woman. Even though people don't like Trump either, I think they can relate to him more than her because he can speak the common man's language. Hillary always comes off as an elitist trying too hard.

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