If You Wonder Why The Country Is Divided

Paying tuition is bribery; college "education" means nothing else but buying a job. That inevitably puts inferior people in superior positions.
Paying tuition used to mean that the student and the family had some skin in the game, a financial incentive for a wise choice in education and to succeed based on merit and effort. It has evolved (or devolved) into a participation trophy financed with guaranteed federal loans to encourage mediocre and non motivated students to pursue a slip of paper enabling them to continue their co dependence on a failing financial system. Voting by apathetic and ill informed voters is what puts inferior people in superior positions. Two separate subjects.
My son has a worthless degree that he still owes $35,000 for. Partly his fault as he didn't research the thing very well. Very few openings, he'd have to relocate, to earn mediocre pay.
Do you suppose this happened more or less often before the Government took over the issuance of student loans
The government underwriting bad loans (Community Reinvestment Act) is what caused the housing bubble disaster in the 80's by encouraging lenders to make unsecured housing loans to people that obviously couldn't repay them. The lenders were guaranteed by the fed in the event of default, and when you pass out low interest loans like tissue paper, there were defaults. After sale prices doubled, people couldn't repay and just walked away, no skin in the game. The banks didn't suffer, it was paid by fanny and freddy mac. This is where the "national debt" comes from, and will occur with student loans, and now they are looking at credit card debt. Restructuring the wealth redistribution, and eliminating work incentive at the same time, When cash is void and everyone has digital id and wallet, the transformation will be complete. Debt is slavery.
And the right is eagerly looking forward to installing their cult leader trump as führer of their fascist state in January 2025.

They call it patriotism and making America great again. The trump Nazis have no idea how wrong they are.


Quite the opposite. You TDS folks have no idea how you are like sheep being led to slaughter. All it takes is a few cookie crumbs(”free” college) to lead you right off the proverbial cliff.
Things like this might have something to do with it.....

Typical College kid comes from a fairly well-off family, goes to college using TENS OF THOUSANDS of $$ in borrowed money, gets a degree in Gender Studies, gets a job as a Teacher's Aid and --

The Biden Admin just decided that they are so important, so indispensable that We The People need to pay off their College Debt.

So, you good folks whose parents couldn't afford to send you off to a 4 year fuck-fest.... ?? You get to pay Suzie Sorority's College debt off.

Welcome to Biden's America. You are here for one reason.... To work and slave and pay taxes so Karen and Brad can go to College free.

The country would be MUCH better off if they forgave student loans for the skilled trades where they actually develop a useful skill
The country would be MUCH better off if they forgave student loans for the skilled trades where they actually develop a useful skill
Skilled trades don't have student loan program or debt. They work while their employer pays the tuition fees. The fees are like a $100/semester for the students. It's an apprentiship program....everyone works all the time. No one has time to just sit around and think all day....even the instructors are usually working right next to the students. (Teaching does not pay enough)
Not the question I asked. Student loans existed long before the Government took them over.
I don't know anything about student loans that happened before the guaranteed student loan program. But tuitions were likely much lower at that time. Tuitions exploded with the government loan program. The damage done is incalculable.
I don't know anything about student loans that happened before the guaranteed student loan program. But tuitions were likely much lower at that time. Tuitions exploded with the government loan program. The damage done is incalculable.
And beyond that banks had to know whether the degree you were seeking was going to produce a job that would enable you to pay back the loan. It helped keep people from getting useless degrees or going into majors they didnt possess the skills to complete.
A place were you can come as an immigrant, become a citizen, and be completely accepted as an American after that. The thing it says on the statue of liberty.
We are that place…we naturalize nearly one million immigrants per year and all who assimilate, are law abiding and productive are accepted.
Once upon a time a Jewish girl named Emma Lazarus wrote a poem that made globalist fools feel warm and fuzzy inside…that’s all…She did not write America’s immigration policy.
A place that thinks of itself as the "leader of the free world" and as such supports Democracy propagation and opposes authoritarians. Putin, Xi Ping, and Kim Jung aren't, "strong brilliant men" they are violent thugs.
We are the leader of the free world…Trump proved it when he demanded peace in the middle east and kept the world in check and out of war.
We are that place…we naturalize nearly one million immigrants per year and all who assimilate, are law abiding and productive are accepted.
Once upon a time a Jewish girl named Emma Lazarus wrote a poem that made globalist fools feel warm and fuzzy inside…that’s all…She did not write America’s immigration policy.

We are the leader of the free world…Trump proved it when he demanded peace in the middle east and kept the world in check and out of war.
Definitely not a poem about immigration diversity. Diversity divides us, it doesn't unite or strengthen us. It creates factions, classes, and racism.
And beyond that banks had to know whether the degree you were seeking was going to produce a job that would enable you to pay back the loan. It helped keep people from getting useless degrees or going into majors they didnt possess the skills to complete.
The guaranteed loan program gave the colleges what they've always lusted for, the means to make their institutions great places to work through vast building programs and enhanced teacher pay, all made possible by increased enrollment of kids that are ill-prepared financially or academically for college. Improving the world through education was tossed out in favor of improving their campuses and salaries.
The country would be MUCH better off if they forgave student loans for the skilled trades where they actually develop a useful skill
The country would be much better off if we quit promoting "free lunch" for anyone. It is not the government's job to support the populace. That is the job of charities for the few that truly need it.
If the degree is worthless to you because you can't pay back the loan that you took out to get the degree why should I be forced to pay for it?
Confiscate Trust Funds

Why do you volunteer to be a martyr for the Scrooges whose overwhelming thought-control brainwashed students into falling for this education scam?
The government underwriting bad loans (Community Reinvestment Act) is what caused the housing bubble disaster in the 80's by encouraging lenders to make unsecured housing loans to people that obviously couldn't repay them. The lenders were guaranteed by the fed in the event of default, and when you pass out low interest loans like tissue paper, there were defaults. After sale prices doubled, people couldn't repay and just walked away, no skin in the game. The banks didn't suffer, it was paid by fanny and freddy mac. This is where the "national debt" comes from, and will occur with student loans, and now they are looking at credit card debt. Restructuring the wealth redistribution, and eliminating work incentive at the same time, When cash is void and everyone has digital id and wallet, the transformation will be complete. Debt is slavery.
Sub-Prime Were Flipper Loans. The Banksters Wanted the Ferals to Default.
Skilled trades don't have student loan program or debt. They work while their employer pays the tuition fees. The fees are like a $100/semester for the students. It's an apprentiship program....everyone works all the time. No one has time to just sit around and think all day....even the instructors are usually working right next to the students. (Teaching does not pay enough)
Replace College With Highly Paid Professional Training
The F-16 pilot will be on the side of the American Patriots and will use the fighter to blow up Potatohead's ass.

Who needs an F-16 when a simple sandbag would take that old fucker out?


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