What Do You Say Or Do Before A Beheading?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
What do you say or do before a beheading?

If you are a bystander/witness?

If you are the Islamic Jihadist?

If you are the intended victim?

These ghastly ISIS beheading vids (I have never been able to bring myself to watch any of them once the violence begins) all seem to be performed according to a script where the victim just acts as scenery for the propaganda video.

They remain motionless and quiet and compliant with their imminent murderer.

What would you do, say or think in those remaining seconds?
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Tell them to go F themselves for my last words........and the rest I'm not allowed to say on these boards because of the rules.......It would be about Mohammed...............
I would not comply...with any orders of being orderly...

I know! Right?

But these victims were all bright fellows. The Jihadists might have lulled them into going along with the exercise of making a 'hostage for ransom' demand video.

The proof of life video should be with calm hostages.

Hell, I don't know.

But the bottom line is, I agree with you, Moonglow.
Tell them to go F themselves for my last words........and the rest I'm not allowed to say on these boards because of the rules.......It would be about Mohammed...............

I'm with you there, bro.

But what if that only prompted them to increase your pain and prolong your agony until you finally succumbed?

Would it still be worth it?
I would not comply...with any orders of being orderly...

I've thought about this from the perspective of the recently beheaded men, reading a script blaming the West's actions for their own demise at the hands of the subhuman Muslims. All I can figure is that the threat of what the scum will do if these poor suckers don't comply is far worse than any momentary shame they may feel. I would bet my ass that they are threatened with extended horrendous physical torture if they don't play along.
Tell them to go F themselves for my last words........and the rest I'm not allowed to say on these boards because of the rules.......It would be about Mohammed...............

I'm with you there, bro.

But what if that only prompted them to increase your pain and prolong your agony until you finally succumbed?

Would it still be worth it?

Your damned skippy.
I wonder if the victims have been drugged.

There was an article posted - sorry, I don't now where it is - It talked about how prisoners are treated and that they become numb and unable to act or react, accepting their impending death.

Watching the demeanor of each of these poor men, that's how they look - just unable to do anything at all.

That's also why POW appear to be in agreement with their captors and why we should not be too quick to judge what they say or do.
I would not comply...with any orders of being orderly...

I've thought about this from the perspective of the recently beheaded men, reading a script blaming the West's actions for their own demise at the hands of the subhuman Muslims. All I can figure is that the threat of what the scum will do if these poor suckers don't comply is far worse than any momentary shame they may feel. I would bet my ass that they are threatened with extended horrendous physical torture if they don't play along.

I am sure they are and probably drugged before execution to make them easier to kill..
Before culling a human in the name of a god, one should pray to that deity shortly before commiting the act, and make clear their intentions, so that a greater amount of Mana is generated and directed to that god.
Before culling a human in the name of a god, one should pray to that deity shortly before commiting the act, and make clear their intentions, so that a greater amount of Mana is generated and directed to that god.
Do any parts get charbroiled to enhance the event?
Before culling a human in the name of a god, one should pray to that deity shortly before commiting the act, and make clear their intentions, so that a greater amount of Mana is generated and directed to that god.
Do any parts get charbroiled to enhance the event?

If it is an infant or a virgin, the blood of the victim may be drunk, which will also generate more Mana.
I would probably quote W. C. Fields. "All things considered, I would rather be in Philadelphia".
Before culling a human in the name of a god, one should pray to that deity shortly before commiting the act, and make clear their intentions, so that a greater amount of Mana is generated and directed to that god.
Do any parts get charbroiled to enhance the event?

If it is an infant or a virgin, the blood of the victim may be drunk, which will also generate more Mana.
Is the blood iced?
Before culling a human in the name of a god, one should pray to that deity shortly before commiting the act, and make clear their intentions, so that a greater amount of Mana is generated and directed to that god.
Do any parts get charbroiled to enhance the event?

If it is an infant or a virgin, the blood of the victim may be drunk, which will also generate more Mana.
Is the blood iced?

No, it must remain warm, and be drunk straight from the source, to maximize the energy attained from the Opfer.
Before culling a human in the name of a god, one should pray to that deity shortly before commiting the act, and make clear their intentions, so that a greater amount of Mana is generated and directed to that god.
Do any parts get charbroiled to enhance the event?

If it is an infant or a virgin, the blood of the victim may be drunk, which will also generate more Mana.
Is the blood iced?

No, it mist remain warm, and be drunk straight from the source, to maximize the energy attained from the opfer.
and a little vodka....
Anne Boleyn, Protestant wife of Henry the Eighth:
"The executioner is, I believe, very expert; and my neck is very slender"

Duke of Monmouth (to his executioner) "There are six guineas for you, and do not hack me as you did my Lord Russell."

Malesherbes, to the priest uttering last rites"Hold your tongue! Your wretched chatter disgusts me."

Georges Danton, To His Executioner, during the French Revolution:
"Show my head to the people, it is worth seeing."

"Our Father, which art in Heaven
hallowed be thy name...
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done------"
-Last words of an unnamed Opfer


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