what do you think about political views of this group of people ?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
(Muscovite empire) what do you think about political views of this group of people ?


I would like to obtain two SHOFARS------to attach to my rather plain black cloche style
hat. Would it be an insult to the Vikings?
And what do you think about political views of this group of people ?


This group are Ukrainian Neo Nazis who now dictate what to do and what not to Ukrainian president. president.

Stephen Cohen: Trump should have spoken out against what many see as Ukraine’s troubling glorification of Nazi collaborators.
Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism

Can we please restrict the number of equal threads by a user?
OP is obviously a Ukrainian troll, somebody seems to be paying him for spreading same BS all over the forum numerous times.
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It looks like these are literal National Socialists. It appears as if they are attempting to meld traditional Russian cultural themes with Socialism.
It looks like these are literal National Socialists. It appears as if they are attempting to meld traditional Russian cultural themes with Socialism.

"traditional Russian cultural themes? --------can you EXPANNNDDD on that notion?
Furs...layered clothing...looks almost Central Asian. Plus they are displaying Lenin (Tatar). I think that is what they are aiming at. Don't read cyrillic but I assume it's along the lines of tradition, unity...that sort of thing.
Additionally, they are attempting to meld the image of Lenin with a Wewelsburg Sun. This has been adopted as a nationalist symbol by many right leaning groups.
They have a lot going on in this pic but I think traditionalism and Russian nationalism is the intent.
It looks like these are literal National Socialists. It appears as if they are attempting to meld traditional Russian cultural themes with Socialism.

That seems to be the norm for most white people in every country with a significant white population.

Strong nationalism is not a white condition by any means. Look at the Chinese, the Thai, Turks...these are all very non-white nationalistic cultures. The sad part is...you are probably white. Hate thy self?
It looks like these are literal National Socialists. It appears as if they are attempting to meld traditional Russian cultural themes with Socialism.

That seems to be the norm for most white people in every country with a significant white population.

Strong nationalism is not a white condition by any means. Look at the Chinese, the Thai, Turks...these are all very non-white nationalistic cultures. The sad part is...you are probably white. Hate thy self?

China is well over 90 percent Han Chinese. According to Wikipedia:

"China is a largely homogenous society; over 90 percent of its population has historically been Han Chinese.[1] Some of the country's ethnic groups are distinguishable by physical appearance and relatively-low intermarriage rates."

Ethnic issues in China - Wikipedia.

Japan boasts that they are the most racially pure people on the face of the earth. Again, according to Wikipedia:

"According to census statistics in 2018, 97.8% of the population of Japan are Japanese, with the remainder being foreign nationals residing in Japan."

Ethnic issues in Japan - Wikipedia

I won't bother to look up the obvious, but North Korea is another country wherein over 90 percent of the population is Korean and in Zimbabwe, the population is 99.7 percent black.

The ONLY time race becomes a problem for anyone is when the whites demand that their culture be respected. My problem is that, politically, the younger generation has gravitated toward National Socialism as their model. Socialism doesn't work.

The greatest nation to rise from nothing in the annals of history is the United States of America. Our first naturalization laws only allowed whites to become citizens. The rest of the world is jealous of the successes the United States had and now multiculturalism is destroying our country. The liberals try this weak argument that race is a social construct, but the whites know who they are and if a non-white is not given something, they immediately pull out the race card.

The reality in America is that nationalism in the United States means being pro-white. In all other cultures mentioned here, if you go there, you have to honor and accept their culture. That isn't true in America. Yet our Constitution - even in its Preamble states:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

The posterity was legally defined as members of the white race. See Dred Scott v. Sanford 19 How. 393 (1857)

Scott v. Sandford

Eleven years after the Dred Scott ruling, Congress illegally passed the 14th Amendment and has been changing our form of government ever since. None of those other countries can come close to what America was... and National Socialism WAS actually defeated in battle. My culture has yet to fight. They were taken over from within, but one day they may look back upon their history from the founders / framers point of view and reclaim what actually made us great.

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