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What does being an american mean?


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
September 14, 2001[/COLOR]

Being an American means enjoying more security, freedom and liberty than any other nation in the world. Being an American means supporting and defending American democracy and every democracy that supports America. Being an American means pledging allegiance to the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands.

Being an American does not mean coming to America to become an American for no other reason than to have the freedom to harm other Americans for profit. Being an American means to be free from those who come to America not to become Americans but to harm Americans on behalf of foreign powers.

Being an American means being educated and participating in democracy. Being an American means learning about American history and what it means to our survival. Being an American means re-examining ourselves in times of adversity and coming to no uncertain terms with those who threaten or undermine our freedom.

Being an American means trusting in the establishment of our Constitution "...


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What does being American mean to you? It surely doesn't mean Obama Care to me.
Lofty ideals Wehrwolfen, but a bunch 'o' bull at best. It's interesting that this topic came up because lately I've been wondering about the direction of America...do we really have one as a nation, or no?

What does it mean to be American? Frankly, I really don't know anymore. We're directionless...without any real achievable goals that are exciting. Now...back in the day...the goal of going to the Moon was exciting! It was cutting edge stuff and we were FIRST!!!!! How cool is that to have on the resume of the United States? But...what have we done lately? Where are we going? What are our national goals for this country? Seems to me our National goal is to just stay afloat anymore. And frankly, that seems pretty bottom of the line (nationally speaking) to me.
In the most simplistic terms, it means you were damn lucky to be born an American. A pure accident of birth makes you one of the luckiest people alive. Born into an educated, modern, affluent society with nearly every advantage available. Instead of bitching and whinning, educate yourself about how most of the rest of the world lives and realize just how damn lucky you are, only by an accident of birth.
I remember telling my (3) boys when they were young: "be thankful for these things... you're white, you're male, and you were born in America".

Well...that comment rather stinks of racism, sexism and Nationalism as well. 3 strikes you're out Mr. H. :)
In the most simplistic terms, it means you were damn lucky to be born an American. A pure accident of birth makes you one of the luckiest people alive. Born into an educated, modern, affluent society with nearly every advantage available. Instead of bitching and whinning, educate yourself about how most of the rest of the world lives and realize just how damn lucky you are, only by an accident of birth.

We're not that affluent anymore. Remember...our banks almost collapsed in 2008...and we're still financially troubled as a nation.

Let's try to keep the rose colored glasses at bay, huh?
I remember telling my (3) boys when they were young: "be thankful for these things... you're white, you're male, and you were born in America".

Well...that comment rather stinks of racism, sexism and Nationalism as well. 3 strikes you're out Mr. H. :)

I was expecting exactly that response.

And you know what?



Peace baby! :)
I remember telling my (3) boys when they were young: "be thankful for these things... you're white, you're male, and you were born in America".

Well...that comment rather stinks of racism, sexism and Nationalism as well. 3 strikes you're out Mr. H. :)

Unfortunately, however, what he says is true. Everyone born in America is a fortunate person in comparison to the majority of the population of the world, but those who are white and male are more fortunate than others. I am not being nationalistic, sexist or racist: those are the facts. But, despite all it's problems, Americans are a very fortunate people with a better standard of living and more opportunities than the majority of people in the world today, this includes everyone of every race, gender and age.

For example, Americans complain about the price of gas, but they have more cars than anyone else on Earth. They complain about the price of food, but they are better fed than anyone else on Earth. They complain about rental/house prices, but they live in bigger and better housing, in general, than anyone else on Earth. They complain about medical care, but they live better and longer than most of the people on Earth. They complain about dishonesty among politians and corruption in government, yet our government is strong and solid, and, despite what hysterical extremists say, will go on and on, as it has since the Civil War. There won't be another Civil War, there won't be insurgencies, there will never be a coup, and the corruption and political lying are minimal compared to most other countries.

In every organization or company I've ever been involved with, people bitch, whine and complain no end. It's always better on the other side of the fence. That's just not true. Everyone has problems.

People say how bad modern times are compared to the 'good old days.' That also isn't true. The 'good old days' were bad in many, many ways, and people in the past bitched and complained about conditions as much as they do now. People need to get some perspective.

Being an American means you are one lucky son of a bitch, in no uncertain terms. It doesn't mean you are the luckiest. I'm not saying America is the best. That many Americans think they need to be the 'best,' or else they are unhappy with their lot: that's just plain silly.
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In the most simplistic terms, it means you were damn lucky to be born an American. A pure accident of birth makes you one of the luckiest people alive. Born into an educated, modern, affluent society with nearly every advantage available. Instead of bitching and whinning, educate yourself about how most of the rest of the world lives and realize just how damn lucky you are, only by an accident of birth.

We're not that affluent anymore. Remember...our banks almost collapsed in 2008...and we're still financially troubled as a nation.

Let's try to keep the rose colored glasses at bay, huh?

You are missing my point completely. Educate yourself about the rest of the world and how the majority of human beings on this Earth live. I am in no way using rose colored glasses. I am trying to make a point to a whole lot of foolish, poorly educated (self imposed, btw), tunnel visioned people with an entitlement complex. I am talking about reality.
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Unfortunately, however, what he says is true. Everyone born in America is a fortunate person in comparison to the majority of the population of the world, but those who are white and male are more fortunate than others. I am not being nationalistic, sexist or racist: those are the facts. But, despite all it's problems, Americans are a very fortunate people with a better standard of living and more opportunities than the majority of people in the world today, this includes everyone of every race, gender and age.

For example, Americans complain about the price of gas, but they have more cars than anyone else on Earth. They complain about the price of food, but they are better fed than anyone else on Earth. They complain about rental/house prices, but they live in bigger and better housing, in general, than anyone else on Earth. They complain about medical care, but they live better and longer than most of the people on Earth. They complain about dishonesty among politians and corruption in government, yet our government is strong and solid, and, despite hysterical extremists say, will go on and on, as it has since the Civil War. There won't be another Civil War, there won't be insurgencies, there will never be a coup, and the corruption and political lying are minimal compared to most other countries.

In every organization or company I've ever been involved with, people bitch, whine and complain no end. It's always better on the other side of the fence. That's just not true. Everyone has problems.

People say how bad modern times are compared to the 'good old days.' That also isn't true. The 'good old days' were bad in many, many ways, and people in the past bitched and complained about conditions as much as they do now. People need to get some perspective.

Being an American means you are one lucky son of a bitch, in no uncertain terms. It doesn't mean you are the luckiest. I'm not saying America is the best. That many Americans think they need to be the 'best,' or else they are unhappy with their lot: that's just plain silly.

I can tell by the tone of your post that you truly believe what you've stated...and I respect that...although I disagree with quite a bit of what you've written.

They complain about dishonest among politians and corruption in government, yet our government is strong and solid

Now...that statement is made either because of the rose colored glasses you're still wearing or because you're uninformed. Our government is at a crossroad of shutdown due to our politicians inability to come to an agreement on the national budget. Obamacare is being used as some sort of pawn by Republican lawmakers who don't want to yield to the Supreme courts decision of it's legality. Frankly, I see National healthcare as THE national goal that our country should indeed rally behind...but do we? Hell no! We bicker and argue and stomp our feet like little children who deserve a spanking from their parents. Yeah...I said it...a good old fashioned spanking! The Republicans need one!

Going back to my mention of us being first to landing a man on the moon...it's amazing to me that we actually did that, yet today we can't even seem to offer National healthcare to our own citizens right here on Earth! Why can't our government seem to make any meaningful progress for it's citizens? For the life of me I can't understand why things are so, so difficult for our lawmakers. It's easy to finance a war or two or three, but Republican lawmakers don't seem to want to spend a dime on it's own citizens whose money it is they're making decisions for in the first place!

There won't be another Civil War, there won't be insurgencies, there will never be a coup, and the corruption and political lying are minimal compared to most other countries.

Should we really be comparing ourselves to other (possible) third world countries? Or should we be comparing ourselves to ourselves? The last meaningful laws concerning U.S. citizens were made back in the day of FDR when he started a works program to address the unemployed. He also started social security...which I'm sure was controversial in it's time as Obamacare is now...but it changed a nation back then and Obamacare can change a nation for the good today if we would allow that to happen. Sure, there's going to be growing pains...but with growth, there comes a few pains...it's a fact of life.

As far as another civil war? Don't be so sure that one could never happen again. There are many states who have mentioned seceding from the union...now...I mean there have been politicians talking this treasonous trash! Are you still willing to take a stand for our "minimally" corrupted politicians?

Being an American means you are one lucky son of a bitch, in no uncertain terms.

I don't know that to be true! According to statistics, France has better healthcare than our country offers and many other countries are a lot happier as well. I think it was Norway that ranked the happiest of all nations...the U.S. was down on the list.

Let's be honest here...the U.S. isn't what she used to be. The question now is who are we going to be in the future? We need a clear path...and our government can't agree on ANYTHING ANYMORE! It's become so childish...it's quite sad that this is the best and the brightest of our politicians. For God's sake...we need better!
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Being an American means I have the security, freedom and liberty to do whatever I want as long as it doesn't break the law. I don't care what other nations do or judge them when they don't agree with me. I don't have to pledge to anything I don't want to. I have the right to chase profit. Sometimes people do get hurt in business. That's called life. Shit happens. Nobody owes anyone anything. But I have the right to be charirable or not. And to listen to someone or to tell them fuck off. That's what it means.
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Unfortunately, however, what he says is true. Everyone born in America is a fortunate person in comparison to the majority of the population of the world, but those who are white and male are more fortunate than others. I am not being nationalistic, sexist or racist: those are the facts. But, despite all it's problems, Americans are a very fortunate people with a better standard of living and more opportunities than the majority of people in the world today, this includes everyone of every race, gender and age.

For example, Americans complain about the price of gas, but they have more cars than anyone else on Earth. They complain about the price of food, but they are better fed than anyone else on Earth. They complain about rental/house prices, but they live in bigger and better housing, in general, than anyone else on Earth. They complain about medical care, but they live better and longer than most of the people on Earth. They complain about dishonesty among politians and corruption in government, yet our government is strong and solid, and, despite hysterical extremists say, will go on and on, as it has since the Civil War. There won't be another Civil War, there won't be insurgencies, there will never be a coup, and the corruption and political lying are minimal compared to most other countries.

In every organization or company I've ever been involved with, people bitch, whine and complain no end. It's always better on the other side of the fence. That's just not true. Everyone has problems.

People say how bad modern times are compared to the 'good old days.' That also isn't true. The 'good old days' were bad in many, many ways, and people in the past bitched and complained about conditions as much as they do now. People need to get some perspective.

Being an American means you are one lucky son of a bitch, in no uncertain terms. It doesn't mean you are the luckiest. I'm not saying America is the best. That many Americans think they need to be the 'best,' or else they are unhappy with their lot: that's just plain silly.

I can tell by the tone of your post that you truly believe what you've stated...and I respect that...although I disagree with quite a bit of what you've written.

They complain about dishonest among politians and corruption in government, yet our government is strong and solid

Now...that statement is made either because of the rose colored glasses you're still wearing or because you're uninformed. Our government is at a crossroad of shutdown due to our politicians inability to come to an agreement on the national budget. Obamacare is being used as some sort of pawn by Republican lawmakers who don't want to yield to the Supreme courts decision of it's legality. Frankly, I see National healthcare as THE national goal that our country should indeed rally behind...but do we? Hell no! We bicker and argue and stomp our feet like little children who deserve a spanking from their parents. Yeah...I said it...a good old fashioned spanking! The Republicans need one!

Going back to my mention of us being first to landing a man on the moon...it's amazing to me that we actually did that, yet today we can't even seem to offer National healthcare to our own citizens right here on Earth! Why can't our government seem to make any meaningful progress for it's citizens? For the life of me I can't understand why things are so, so difficult for our lawmakers. It's easy to finance a war or two or three, but Republican lawmakers don't seem to want to spend a dime on it's own citizens whose money it is they're making decisions for in the first place!

There won't be another Civil War, there won't be insurgencies, there will never be a coup, and the corruption and political lying are minimal compared to most other countries.

Should we really be comparing ourselves to other (possible) third world countries? Or should we be comparing ourselves to ourselves? The last meaningful laws concerning U.S. citizens were made back in the day of FDR when he started a works program to address the unemployed. He also started social security...which I'm sure was controversial in it's time as Obamacare is now...but it changed a nation back then and Obamacare can change a nation for the good today if we would allow that to happen. Sure, there's going to be growing pains...but with growth, there comes a few pains...it's a fact of life.

As far as another civil war? Don't be so sure that one could never happen again. There are many states who have mentioned seceding from the union...now...I mean there have been politicians talking this treasonous trash! Are you still willing to take a stand for our "minimally" corrupted politicians?

Being an American means you are one lucky son of a bitch, in no uncertain terms.

I don't know that to be true! According to statistics, France has better healthcare than our country offers and many other countries are a lot happier as well. I think it was Norway that ranked the happiest of all nations...the U.S. was down on the list.

Let's be honest here...the U.S. isn't what she used to be. The question now is who are we going to be in the future? We need a clear path...and our government can't agree on ANYTHING ANYMORE! It's become so childish...it's quite sad that this is the best and the brightest of our politicians. For God's sake...we need better!

You need to be right above all else. I never said America was the best or conditions here were the best. You are being intellectually dishonest. Your response to my post isn't worth responding to any further than that. I'm not going to debate with someone whose pretense at being smart and 'honest' is so transparent. It's just plain tiresome. Read my post more carefully and without your bias about needing to be 'right.' I never said health care or anything else was better than anywhere else. 'Anywhere' as in we may not have the very best health care on Earth, but it is better than most places. The average American has access to very good health care and his/her projected lifespan is one of the longest.

Should we really be comparing ourselves to other (possible) third world countries?
Yes. If you think otherwise, imo, you're an ignorant, provincial idiot. The VAST MAJORITY of the people on Earth live in 2nd or 3rd world countries.
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I remember telling my (3) boys when they were young: "be thankful for these things... you're white, you're male, and you were born in America".

Well...that comment rather stinks of racism, sexism and Nationalism as well. 3 strikes you're out Mr. H. :)

Unfortunately, however, what he says is true. Everyone born in America is a fortunate person in comparison to the majority of the population of the world, but those who are white and male are more fortunate than others. I am not being nationalistic, sexist or racist: those are the facts. But, despite all it's problems, Americans are a very fortunate people with a better standard of living and more opportunities than the majority of people in the world today, this includes everyone of every race, gender and age.

For example, Americans complain about the price of gas, but they have more cars than anyone else on Earth. They complain about the price of food, but they are better fed than anyone else on Earth. They complain about rental/house prices, but they live in bigger and better housing, in general, than anyone else on Earth. They complain about medical care, but they live better and longer than most of the people on Earth. They complain about dishonesty among politians and corruption in government, yet our government is strong and solid, and, despite what hysterical extremists say, will go on and on, as it has since the Civil War. There won't be another Civil War, there won't be insurgencies, there will never be a coup, and the corruption and political lying are minimal compared to most other countries.

In every organization or company I've ever been involved with, people bitch, whine and complain no end. It's always better on the other side of the fence. That's just not true. Everyone has problems.

People say how bad modern times are compared to the 'good old days.' That also isn't true. The 'good old days' were bad in many, many ways, and people in the past bitched and complained about conditions as much as they do now. People need to get some perspective.

Being an American means you are one lucky son of a bitch, in no uncertain terms. It doesn't mean you are the luckiest. I'm not saying America is the best. That many Americans think they need to be the 'best,' or else they are unhappy with their lot: that's just plain silly.

The fact that Americans have all those things has nothing to do with "luck". Americans built their own country from the ground up, and yes, most of that was done by white men.

Just because the rest of the world, whether its Africa, Asia, or Europe hasn't got its act together isn't the fault of Americans. Every third world country in the world only have themselves to blame for their situation. I don't feel sorry for any of those people.
Well...that comment rather stinks of racism, sexism and Nationalism as well. 3 strikes you're out Mr. H. :)

Unfortunately, however, what he says is true. Everyone born in America is a fortunate person in comparison to the majority of the population of the world, but those who are white and male are more fortunate than others. I am not being nationalistic, sexist or racist: those are the facts. But, despite all it's problems, Americans are a very fortunate people with a better standard of living and more opportunities than the majority of people in the world today, this includes everyone of every race, gender and age.

For example, Americans complain about the price of gas, but they have more cars than anyone else on Earth. They complain about the price of food, but they are better fed than anyone else on Earth. They complain about rental/house prices, but they live in bigger and better housing, in general, than anyone else on Earth. They complain about medical care, but they live better and longer than most of the people on Earth. They complain about dishonesty among politians and corruption in government, yet our government is strong and solid, and, despite what hysterical extremists say, will go on and on, as it has since the Civil War. There won't be another Civil War, there won't be insurgencies, there will never be a coup, and the corruption and political lying are minimal compared to most other countries.

In every organization or company I've ever been involved with, people bitch, whine and complain no end. It's always better on the other side of the fence. That's just not true. Everyone has problems.

People say how bad modern times are compared to the 'good old days.' That also isn't true. The 'good old days' were bad in many, many ways, and people in the past bitched and complained about conditions as much as they do now. People need to get some perspective.

Being an American means you are one lucky son of a bitch, in no uncertain terms. It doesn't mean you are the luckiest. I'm not saying America is the best. That many Americans think they need to be the 'best,' or else they are unhappy with their lot: that's just plain silly.

The fact that Americans have all those things has nothing to do with "luck". Americans built their own country from the ground up, and yes, most of that was done by white men.

Just because the rest of the world, whether its Africa, Asia, or Europe hasn't got its act together isn't the fault of Americans. Every third world country in the world only have themselves to blame for their situation. I don't feel sorry for any of those people.

It has everything to do with luck. Did you build America "from the ground up"? No. It's an inheritance. A lucky accident of birth.

America was built by immigrants (voluntary and non-voluntary) from around the world, men and women, Asians, blacks and Europeans.
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I never said health care or anything else was better than anywhere else.

Really? Then what exactly did you say...cause all I saw was you singing the praises of the United States.

If you think otherwise, imo, you're an ignorant, provincial idiot.

:cuckoo: Really? Name-calling so early in the debate? Don't look now, but your desperation is showing.

You're dismissed.
Americans built their own country from the ground up, and yes, most of that was done by white men.

While I agree that America built this country from the ground up, I have to disagree that it was done by white men. Let's remember that it was slave labor that built the White House.
I never said health care or anything else was better than anywhere else.

Really? Then what exactly did you say...cause all I saw was you singing the praises of the United States.

If you think otherwise, imo, you're an ignorant, provincial idiot.

:cuckoo: Really? Name-calling so early in the debate? Don't look now, but your desperation is showing.

You're dismissed.

Calling me desperate is just a way of deflecting from the point I made: that you were mis-reading what I posted. I am not going to debate points I didn't make. Read my post again and you will see that every point you debated was not the point I made. Dismiss me please; I find it extremely tiresome and pointless to discuss any issue with someone who cannot be intellectually honest and/or doesn't know how to think.

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