What Does Obama's EO Tell America's Kids About the Law ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
In addition to the massive destruction to America from the crazy Executive Order, that Obama is getting ready to enact, and the long list of serious damages of it, there is also to be noted, the effect this will have on children all across America.

They have seen Obama in one video after another, over the past 4 years, telling the American people that he cannot unilaterally legalize people who are not in the US legally. So now they will see him do what he has repeatedly say he cannot legally do.

I get the feeling this is sending a message to the youth of America not to bother with what is legally prescribed, and just go ahead and do what you want, just because it's what you want to do. So what does this say to the burglar ? To the car thief ? To the rapist ? To the arsonist ? It is not telling them that if the law can be ignored and bypassed, by the president of the United States,then why not them to ?

I'd say this executive order fiasco is one of the most damaging things to the fundamental culture of America regarding law and order that we have ever seen, and it is bound to have a negative effect on a large segment of American society, particularly among those 10 -20 years of age whose values are still in the development stage. And a big boost for the "laws are made to be broken" lunatic fringe.

Another thought on this, is what about the illegal aliens who are currently in prison for EWI (Entry Without Inspection) ? Should they now be released, when people who did the same thing they did (entering the US illegally) are being excused and legalized ? And if so, what will other convicts convicted of other crimes, and currently in jails and prisons say ? They could quite likely be asking"Hey, what about us?If those other lawbreakers are brushed off, what are we doing here behind bars?" Just a preview of what is about to come on the scene, from the likely fallout.

22 Times President Obama Said He Couldn t Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law Speaker.gov

"What Does Obama's EO Tell America's Kids About the Law ?"

To not be ignorant of the law, as most conservatives clearly are, where deportation deferrals are appropriate, legal, and Constitutional, as authorized by Congress.

And to find out the facts and truth of issues rather than adhering blindly to partisan contrivances and lies, lies such as the president's EO authorizing deportation deferrals is 'illegal,' or the lie that the EO manifest as 'amnesty.'
In addition to the massive destruction to America from the crazy Executive Order, that Obama is getting ready to enact, and the long list of serious damages of it, there is also to be noted, the effect this will have on children all across America.

They have seen Obama in one video after another, over the past 4 years, telling the American people that he cannot unilaterally legalize people who are not in the US legally. So now they will see him do what he has repeatedly say he cannot legally do.

I get the feeling this is sending a message to the youth of America not to bother with what is legally prescribed, and just go ahead and do what you want, just because it's what you want to do. So what does this say to the burglar ? To the car thief ? To the rapist ? To the arsonist ? It is not telling them that if the law can be ignored and bypassed, by the president of the United States,then why not them to ?

I'd say this executive order fiasco is one of the most damaging things to the fundamental culture of America regarding law and order that we have ever seen, and it is bound to have a negative effect on a large segment of American society, particularly among those 10 -20 years of age whose values are still in the development stage. And a big boost for the "laws are made to be broken" lunatic fringe.

Another thought on this, is what about the illegal aliens who are currently in prison for EWI (Entry Without Inspection) ? Should they now be released, when people who did the same thing they did (entering the US illegally) are being excused and legalized ? And if so, what will other convicts convicted of other crimes, and currently in jails and prisons say ? They could quite likely be asking"Hey, what about us?If those other lawbreakers are brushed off, what are we doing here behind bars?" Just a preview of what is about to come on the scene, from the likely fallout.

22 Times President Obama Said He Couldn t Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law Speaker.gov

It tells me that when you put a community organizing street shyster in the White House you're going to wind up with a giant clusterfuck. Hope and change, my ass. Yes we can!
"What Does Obama's EO Tell America's Kids About the Law ?"

To not be ignorant of the law, as most conservatives clearly are, where deportation deferrals are appropriate, legal, and Constitutional, as authorized by Congress.

And to find out the facts and truth of issues rather than adhering blindly to partisan contrivances and lies, lies such as the president's EO authorizing deportation deferrals is 'illegal,' or the lie that the EO manifest as 'amnesty.'
Well there's one person who sure disagrees with you > Barrack Obama, who has openly stated that to legalize the illegals is illegal, and something he can't do. And he's stated it 22 times over the past 6 years.

22 Times President Obama Said He Couldn t Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law Speaker.gov

As for amnesty, that's just a word. The issue is whether to allow illegal aliens to remain in the US, or to deport them as the law provides. You can call allowing them to remain, "Pig's Feet" for all I care.

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