what factors do you think played subtle roles with major affects?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
of course the fbi emails, the Benghazi mess...easy baggage to see...but what small things...the devil is in the details..where do you think that was?

for me:

1: the dynasty affect, i think it did in jeb bush and i think it was in the back of voters minds....another clinton?

2: forgive me black jesus, i am just shallow wtf......her lack of fashion.....

3. her negative ads toward the last two weeks

4. the fact that for over 3 yrs or so she was attacked by every gop candidate
Her support of H1B visas, immigration, outsourcing/offshoring, Libya, Syria, Haiti and the fact she is right wing and supports globalization. Not to mention the dirty crap her campaign engaged in and win at all costs. When she screwed the down ballot folks via the Hillary Victory Fund.......she was done. Not to mention the constant division of folks.
of course the fbi emails, the Benghazi mess...easy baggage to see...but what small things...the devil is in the details..where do you think that was?

for me:

1: the dynasty affect, i think it did in jeb bush and i think it was in the back of voters minds....another clinton?

2: forgive me black jesus, i am just shallow wtf......her lack of fashion.....

3. her negative ads toward the last two weeks

4. the fact that for over 3 yrs or so she was attacked by every gop candidate

I think it runs deeper than that. But a few main points.

1. Most people who were labelled as "racists" were not racists in the classical sense, i.e. believing in the superiority of one race over another. They have the traditional hard-wired sense of distrust of "other" that most of us overcome with just a bit of work and reasoning. Being told that their justified fears over unchecked immigration, unrestricted free trade, and radicalization of Muslims both here and abroad was nothing more than racism galled a lot of people.

2. Despite all the facebook posts I see about Trump 'hating black people" there wasn't really any statements by him that could be construed to support that. The best they could find was a housing complaint that was resolved decades ago.

3. Trump's own words were against illegal immigration, not all Hispanics, not all immigrants. The dems stretched his words, and they did a good job of it, the problem is only their true believers bought it, the rest of the country saw through it.

4. Hillary was possibly the worst woman candidate Dems could have put into the race. Her political polarization overcame the "I'm with her" attempt to woo women voters to her side. That, and the simple fact that women voters are not the monolithic block black voters were in 2008 and 2012.
The electoral college and it's weird way of choosing the winner.

The rules are the rules. If Trump is as bad as you guys think he will me, maybe this is the catalyst to pass an amendment that removes it.

And I know about the popular vote compact, but that is a pipe dream. All it would take is one State to back out of it if they didn't like the results, and chaos would erupt.
Her support of H1B visas, immigration, outsourcing/offshoring, Libya, Syria, Haiti and the fact she is right wing and supports globalization.

Actually it was putting trying to win the labor force and unions, while at the same time approving of allowing cheap labor (illegals) into the country. Cost her the Great Lake states. Maybe for a generation.
The electoral college and it's weird way of choosing the winner.

The rules are the rules. If Trump is as bad as you guys think he will me, maybe this is the catalyst to pass an amendment that removes it.

And I know about the popular vote compact, but that is a pipe dream. All it would take is one State to back out of it if they didn't like the results, and chaos would erupt.

I'm not pretending the rules will be changed. It is fair to bring up, however, that Clinton is very likely to end up winning the popular vote by over a million votes.

Having said that, what I said from a couple years ago on is that Clinton was a terrible choice.
The electoral college and it's weird way of choosing the winner.

The rules are the rules. If Trump is as bad as you guys think he will me, maybe this is the catalyst to pass an amendment that removes it.

And I know about the popular vote compact, but that is a pipe dream. All it would take is one State to back out of it if they didn't like the results, and chaos would erupt.

I'm not pretending the rules will be changed. It is fair to bring up, however, that Clinton is very likely to end up winning the popular vote by over a million votes.

Having said that, what I said from a couple years ago on is that Clinton was a terrible choice.

The last 8% of the vote would have to skew pretty Hillary for it to be 1 million votes.

That being said, if Trump's EV's are less than 20 over the required 270, and the popular vote is a skewed as you think it can be, we may be in for interesting times when the Electoral College meets.

The whole idea of the EC was to prevent the people (who could vote at the time) from picking someone the establishment didn't like, As a strict constructionist I would be pissed if that did happen, but it is within the bounds of the constitution.
every election we have discussion of the ec and what can or should be done about it...lasts for how long? a few months a most then its ignored till the next election....gerrymandering in nc has been a mess ....i cant say voter suppression did much as it seems blacks simply did not bother to turn out in this election....showing apparently how important it was to them...
Her support of H1B visas, immigration, outsourcing/offshoring, Libya, Syria, Haiti and the fact she is right wing and supports globalization.

Actually it was putting trying to win the labor force and unions, while at the same time approving of allowing cheap labor (illegals) into the country. Cost her the Great Lake states. Maybe for a generation.

And that.
Liberals remain blind. What defeated the skank was the MILLIONS and MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Americans SICK TO DEATH OF LIBERAL CRAP!
every election we have discussion of the ec and what can or should be done about it...lasts for how long? a few months a most then its ignored till the next election....gerrymandering in nc has been a mess ....i cant say voter suppression did much as it seems blacks simply did not bother to turn out in this election....showing apparently how important it was to them...

Turnout among the groups can be seen from the exit polling, however considering how terrible the regular polling was, I don't think we can take the exit polling at face value either.
The electoral college and it's weird way of choosing the winner.

The rules are the rules. If Trump is as bad as you guys think he will me, maybe this is the catalyst to pass an amendment that removes it.

And I know about the popular vote compact, but that is a pipe dream. All it would take is one State to back out of it if they didn't like the results, and chaos would erupt.

I'm not pretending the rules will be changed. It is fair to bring up, however, that Clinton is very likely to end up winning the popular vote by over a million votes.

Having said that, what I said from a couple years ago on is that Clinton was a terrible choice.

The last 8% of the vote would have to skew pretty Hillary for it to be 1 million votes.

That being said, if Trump's EV's are less than 20 over the required 270, and the popular vote is a skewed as you think it can be, we may be in for interesting times when the Electoral College meets.

The whole idea of the EC was to prevent the people (who could vote at the time) from picking someone the establishment didn't like, As a strict constructionist I would be pissed if that did happen, but it is within the bounds of the constitution.

I misread the numbers, she's ahead by 170,000, but a third of California isn't even counted yet. But it doesn't matter!
Small things:

1. The Prog Celebrity Elite support: Jay-Z's vulgar lyrics, Madonna's "blow job" incentive, Lady GaGa's "Sieg Heil" salute, and all the other sanctimonious condescension from ignorant rich people famous for being famous. It's just not appealing to a lot of people.
omg did all that really happen? i will admit to not watching a lot of that fluff shit...

and the 4th estate.....kept playing into trumps hands while hating on him.....as trump points out they are playing sides.....
her coal stance cost her more than wv....when we traveled that area....wv, pa, ohio...all trump

and the perception of her physical condition....funny how cheney was the walking dead and that was okay....i think she did have pneumonia and that took a heavy toll on her...she made a few stumbles and looked so haggard at a few rallies and her choice of tim kaine....she had such better candidates....i did not want to see kaine in 2020..

the office takes a heavy and quick toll on the president look at any of the before and after pictures....both candidates would not be able to run for another term
The treating of the people in flyover country like a bunch of unsophisticated hicks certainly didn't play well.

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