What happened after Camden, NJ disbanded its police department


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
How bad were these cops if they replaced them all? I wonder what the undercovers were getting away with, Even.NY post admits it has inproved, though once they became.unionized again the usual problems reappeared. NJ is amost as bad as Ontario police. Did they clean it that racket up or are you guye still kneeling to the Canandian police such as DRPS and TPS? RCMP and OPP still viewed with respect?. What happened after Camden, NJ disbanded its police department
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How bad were these cops if they replaced them all? I wonder what the undercovers were getting away with, Even.NY post admits it has inproved, though once they became.unionized again the usual problems reappeared. NJ is amost as bad as Ontario police. Did they clean it that racket up or are you guye still kneeling to the Canandian police such as DRPS and TPS?
This is your second attempt to re-introduce your personal issues with police authority. You can't sneak up on that and so you just might as well let it all out again.
I don't know about that particular place but NJ is one of the top ten safest states.....In fact it ranked #1.

  • New Jersey is the safest state, according to our scoring system. It has the lowest number of rapes per capita of any state (20% of the score) and the largest law enforcement presence (10% of the score).

I don't know about that particular place but NJ is one of the top ten safest states.....In fact it ranked #1.

  • New Jersey is the safest state, according to our scoring system. It has the lowest number of rapes per capita of any state (20% of the score) and the largest law enforcement presence (10% of the score).

Yes, post replacement. Canadas Security Industrial Complex would laugh heartily at our politicians if they said "we are replacing your corrupt,.creepy covert asses". The would literaly laugh,.I mean that. Probably smack the politician in the ass.and tell him to go get him.a beer. Follow my story, it is about to ge very revealing. Not by choice. These criminals are tryng to steal my home and their backup plan is to make.my wife the victim. As I said, I am done turning the other cheek, G-d wlling. I have bent for YEARS.
Yes, post replacement. Canadas Security Industrial Complex would laugh heartily at our politicians if they said "we are replacing your corrupt,.creepy covert asses". The would literaly laugh,.I mean that. Probably smack the politician in the ass.and tell him to go get him.a beer. Follow my story, it is about to ge very revealing. Not by choice. These criminals are tryng to steal my home.
Nobody here gives a shit about the Hoserland Po-Po. This is a US message board.
Nobody here gives a shit about the Hoserland Po-Po. This is a US message board.
Oh some do care pal. This has become far bigger an issue than you could phathom, all the way up to our Public Safety Ministers office, foreign governments and the U.N.. I never told a lie and I won't start now.. I didn't ask for nearly 40 years of persecution.
Follow my story, it is about to ge very revealing. Not by choice. These criminals are tryng to steal my home and their backup plan is to make.my wife the victim. As I said, I am done turning the other cheek, G-d wlling. I have bent for YEARS.
Yeah, that's it isn't it?
Your title of this thread on Camden, N.J. was a dishonest attempt to re-introduce your personal mental health issues concerning police authority.

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