What Happened to the Press in this Country?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It used to be a bastion of principled (if yellow) journalism, but is now a mouthpiece for the ruling party a la Pravda. The deliberate concealment of the Benghazi debacle is otherwise inexplicable, and the mass "resignations" of people associated with it are being covered up as normal staff reassignments. Have they completely abandoned all sense of journalistic responsibility?
As thousands of documented facts have shown, MSM votes Democrat!
A study of washington hacks showed 144 donated to Democrat party 2 to GOP!
The MSM beat Romney over the head for supposed GAFFES... European trip,etc.
A Media Research Center analysis of all 21 ABC, CBS and NBC evening news stories about Romney’s trip found that virtually all of them (18, or 86%) emphasized “diplomatic blunders,” “gaffes” or “missteps.”
But with “truth cops” who mainly policed just the GOP side of the street, the media used “fact-checking” as another club to tilt the playing field in favor of the Democrats.

Right after the September 11 attack in Libya, the networks proclaimed that the events would bolster President Obama — “reminding voters of his power as commander-in-chief,” as NBC’s Peter Alexander stated on the September 14 edition of "Today." But as a cascade of leaked information erased the portrait of Obama as a heroic commander, the broadcast networks shunted the Benghazi story to the sidelines.

SO the above FACTS show the MSM bias was so blatant... YET out of this comes some GOOD!
Consider that more and more people are abandoning newspapers/TV for news sources!
The media's ad revenue is going down!
People are finding out the MSM can't be trusted anymore!

A recent study by Pew Research Center for the People and the Press puts numbers to what most people already know: Americans don't believe the media!
Im gonna pipe up and say what is on my mind, even though it has very little to do with the thread.

I don't like to place blame, but I think it is justified in this case. But Obama won by 2.8 million votes (correct me if I am wrong) and Romney had 3 million less votes than McCain did in 2008 from the republican base, while Obama had 10 million less (l believe) than he did in 2008. I think the ultra-conservative retard christians out there that made up a majority of those 3 million did not get out and vote because they did not want to elect a Mormon. I know there are people like that out there. My buddy goes to a pretty conservative christian college (and he hates it) but he said like half the people were not going to vote for Romney because he wasn't a christian... are you freaking kidding me????
It used to be a bastion of principled (if yellow) journalism, but is now a mouthpiece for the ruling party a la Pravda. The deliberate concealment of the Benghazi debacle is otherwise inexplicable, and the mass "resignations" of people associated with it are being covered up as normal staff reassignments. Have they completely abandoned all sense of journalistic responsibility?

You can thank Jesus for the free-press... if not we would have been overrun by the r-wing fascist wing (also known as the Tea-Party) of the GOP.
It's funny listening to CNN say that Petraeus had to resign because the affair could cause him to be blackmailed by foreign countries (yeah right) when in fact it looks like he WAS possibly blackmailed but by his own government, but they never even consider that maybe thats why this is coming out now, after the election, before his testimony.

Now Pelosi is hinting that they don't need his testimony (as if she's unbiased) and NOW finally the administration is supposedly releasing new info on Benghazi after keeping lips sealed all through the election until now.

Very interesting but of course I guess most people aren't expected to put 1+1+1 together.
It used to be a bastion of principled (if yellow) journalism, but is now a mouthpiece for the ruling party a la Pravda. The deliberate concealment of the Benghazi debacle is otherwise inexplicable, and the mass "resignations" of people associated with it are being covered up as normal staff reassignments. Have they completely abandoned all sense of journalistic responsibility?

You can thank Jesus for the free-press... if not we would have been overrun by the r-wing fascist wing (also known as the Tea-Party) of the GOP.

How the hell is the tea party fascist? Do you know what the tea party and fascism each stand for, or are you just throwing adjectives together?
I know there are people like that out there. My buddy goes to a pretty conservative christian college (and he hates it) but he said like half the people were not going to vote for Romney because he wasn't a christian... are you freaking kidding me????

A lot of people like me get turned off on voting because of their idea of bringing all the religious crap into it too. Also Foxnews laughing off Ron Paul and Johnson when they seemed to have won their debates kinda pissed me off too at the time. I'm pretty sure some of that had an effect on Romney not getting a lot of votes.
I know there are people like that out there. My buddy goes to a pretty conservative christian college (and he hates it) but he said like half the people were not going to vote for Romney because he wasn't a christian... are you freaking kidding me????

A lot of people like me get turned off on voting because of their idea of bringing all the religious crap into it too. Also Foxnews laughing off Ron Paul and Johnson when they seemed to have won their debates kinda pissed me off too at the time. I'm pretty sure some of that had an effect on Romney not getting a lot of votes.

I actually agree with most libertarian domestic views, and they definitely had an effect on the election, but I dont think it was to the extent that Ross Perout (spelling?) had in the 90's. Still 3 million less votes than McCain... He was a terrible candidate, I thought Romney was spot on with his energy plan.

I dont really agree with libertarian foreign policy, I dont find it wise to tell NATO to suck a chode if they get in trouble, or if we get into trouble with our spread thin military.
It used to be a bastion of principled (if yellow) journalism, but is now a mouthpiece for the ruling party a la Pravda. The deliberate concealment of the Benghazi debacle is otherwise inexplicable, and the mass "resignations" of people associated with it are being covered up as normal staff reassignments. Have they completely abandoned all sense of journalistic responsibility?

You can thank Jesus for the free-press... if not we would have been overrun by the r-wing fascist wing (also known as the Tea-Party) of the GOP.

Fuck off, fascist. The Tea Party is made up of little old retirees, and moms with strollers, and people who actually bothered to read.. and understand... the U.S. Constitution. It goes straight to the POINT of this thread that you don't know that.
It used to be a bastion of principled (if yellow) journalism, but is now a mouthpiece for the ruling party a la Pravda. The deliberate concealment of the Benghazi debacle is otherwise inexplicable, and the mass "resignations" of people associated with it are being covered up as normal staff reassignments. Have they completely abandoned all sense of journalistic responsibility?

I guess there needs to be a counter to Faux News. The funny thing is that CNN is probably the most unbiased of all the news outlets, and they are doing terribly because people are more interested in hearing slanted news from one fringe or the other.
It used to be a bastion of principled (if yellow) journalism, but is now a mouthpiece for the ruling party a la Pravda. The deliberate concealment of the Benghazi debacle is otherwise inexplicable, and the mass "resignations" of people associated with it are being covered up as normal staff reassignments. Have they completely abandoned all sense of journalistic responsibility?

When you talk about "the press", you are really talking about journalists - and management - who are a product of ultra-liberal colleges and universities. And, in many cases, they are not "journalists" but mouthpieces for the administration and the Democrat Party.

And, as hard as it may be to believe, the press has often been far more partisan in yesteryears than it is today. All one has to do is explore historical sites to see just how brazen early journals and newspapers were in past decades.

The internet and the blogosphere is going to soon overcome the advantages of the 24-hour news channels and major television and radio networks. That is exactly why the UN and the current administration will start doing everything it can to limit access to the internet and even force some forms of censorship.

We're on our way to becoming a tyranny. :confused:
It used to be a bastion of principled (if yellow) journalism, but is now a mouthpiece for the ruling party a la Pravda. The deliberate concealment of the Benghazi debacle is otherwise inexplicable, and the mass "resignations" of people associated with it are being covered up as normal staff reassignments. Have they completely abandoned all sense of journalistic responsibility?

You can thank Jesus for the free-press... if not we would have been overrun by the r-wing fascist wing (also known as the Tea-Party) of the GOP.

How the hell is the tea party fascist? Do you know what the tea party and fascism each stand for, or are you just throwing adjectives together?

The Tea-Party is chock full of rednecks, racists, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins. The similarities to Hitlers Nazi Party are astounding.
What passes for information in America is a joke. People accept whatever is handed to them.

It is not the job of communications to be objective; it is the job of readers, listeners and watchers to filter, think and reason.
It used to be a bastion of principled (if yellow) journalism, but is now a mouthpiece for the ruling party a la Pravda. The deliberate concealment of the Benghazi debacle is otherwise inexplicable, and the mass "resignations" of people associated with it are being covered up as normal staff reassignments. Have they completely abandoned all sense of journalistic responsibility?

You can thank Jesus for the free-press... if not we would have been overrun by the r-wing fascist wing (also known as the Tea-Party) of the GOP.

I know this will drive you nuts, but her's a response to your rant:

Time For A Conservative Third Party?

Author- J.D. Longstreet (Bio and Archives) Saturday, November 10, 2012

I’m tired—tired of being used.

It’s bad enough being used, but being used in a losing cause is even worse.

We conservatives have been the red-headed stepchild of the Republican Party for as long as I can remember. They run us out at every election to do the grunt work—then shunt us off to the rear as soon as the election is over. If they lose the election we are blamed for it. If they win, we get none of the credit.

They USE US —and I am fed up with it.

Now, every time anyone brings up the idea of a separate political party, a conservative political party, a “third” party all hell breaks lose and I/we are barraged with every excuse in the world as to why a “third” party won’t work.

Read more @ Time For A Conservative Third Party?

I, for one, would join in a second.


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