What happens if you "don't believe in evolution"?


Evolution doesn't care how stupid you are.
All the more reason not to believe in it then ;)

It seems to care more for beauty than intelligence, and evolution is generally speaking, a pretty ugly subject.
That's nice kid, here's your sign.
Not to mention the idiots whose "belief in evolution" is just hijacked for childish political reasons or folk wisdom to begin with, thinking that it somehow represents cultural whims such as "change", "progress", or every person or group having an "equal" chance of "living or dying".

When in reality that's false, it never gave people an "equal chance" of living or dying at all; even sports, in practice aren't "equal" in that regards even if they are in theory, in evolution, of course, hierarchy is innate, much as it is in animal kingdoms, such as ant colonies, with queens, workers, class divisions, and division of labor.

It selected some for extinction right from the get-go, with the only evolutionarily logical reason for keeping them alive at all might be as a humorous mistake for the better members of society to learn from, or learn "what not to do", and for actual science to eventually render obsolete.
we are waiting patiently and excitingly for your theory

I'm not.
sure, you are....this will be GOOD!
All the more reason not to believe in it then ;)

It seems to care more for beauty than intelligence, and evolution is generally speaking, a pretty ugly subject.
That's nice kid, here's your sign.
Not to mention the idiots whose "belief in evolution" is just hijacked for childish political reasons or folk wisdom to begin with, thinking that it somehow represents cultural whims such as "change", "progress", or every person or group having an "equal" chance of "living or dying".

When in reality that's false, it never gave people an "equal chance" of living or dying at all; even sports, in practice aren't "equal" in that regards even if they are in theory, in evolution, of course, hierarchy is innate, much as it is in animal kingdoms, such as ant colonies, with queens, workers, class divisions, and division of labor.

It selected some for extinction right from the get-go, with the only evolutionarily logical reason for keeping them alive at all might be as a humorous mistake for the better members of society to learn from, or learn "what not to do", and for actual science to eventually render obsolete.
we are waiting patiently and excitingly for your theory

I'm not.
sure, you are....this will be GOOD!
It's a simple theory - most people's popular beliefs in evolution are just childish political beliefs or conventional folk wisdom draped up in an evolutionary coating, even when they probably have more in common with "X-Men" or overrated movies like "The Hunger Games" than anything in reality. Kind of like those who equate a positive "belief" or "faith" in science as an institution with "atheism", dichotomy which that is to begin with, particularly when "science" seems to care not for their plight, but would have more vested interest in hasting their extinction on behalf of the better members of the species than giving them anything other than a warm, fuzzy feeling for "believing in it" to begin with - whatever the hell that means.

Simple pleasures for simple minds, ugly beliefs for ugly people.
That's nice kid, here's your sign.
Not to mention the idiots whose "belief in evolution" is just hijacked for childish political reasons or folk wisdom to begin with, thinking that it somehow represents cultural whims such as "change", "progress", or every person or group having an "equal" chance of "living or dying".

When in reality that's false, it never gave people an "equal chance" of living or dying at all; even sports, in practice aren't "equal" in that regards even if they are in theory, in evolution, of course, hierarchy is innate, much as it is in animal kingdoms, such as ant colonies, with queens, workers, class divisions, and division of labor.

It selected some for extinction right from the get-go, with the only evolutionarily logical reason for keeping them alive at all might be as a humorous mistake for the better members of society to learn from, or learn "what not to do", and for actual science to eventually render obsolete.
we are waiting patiently and excitingly for your theory

I'm not.
sure, you are....this will be GOOD!
It's a simple theory - most people's popular beliefs in evolution are just childish political beliefs or conventional folk wisdom draped up in an evolutionary coating, even when they probably have more in common with "X-Men" or overrated movies like "The Hunger Games" than anything in reality. Kind of like those who equate a positive "belief" or "faith" in science as an institution with "atheism", dichotomy which that is to begin with, particularly when "science" seems to care not for their plight, but would have more vested interest in hasting their extinction on behalf of the better members of the species than giving them anything other than a warm, fuzzy feeling for "believing in it" to begin with - whatever the hell that means.

Simple pleasures for simple minds, ugly beliefs for ugly people.
so, your [ hahahhaha ] theory is to ridicule others...THAT'S your theory???!!!!??
..I didn't even need to ask, because you people don't have a theory/etc--you just have crap/BELIEFS/etc
That's nice kid, here's your sign.
Not to mention the idiots whose "belief in evolution" is just hijacked for childish political reasons or folk wisdom to begin with, thinking that it somehow represents cultural whims such as "change", "progress", or every person or group having an "equal" chance of "living or dying".

When in reality that's false, it never gave people an "equal chance" of living or dying at all; even sports, in practice aren't "equal" in that regards even if they are in theory, in evolution, of course, hierarchy is innate, much as it is in animal kingdoms, such as ant colonies, with queens, workers, class divisions, and division of labor.

It selected some for extinction right from the get-go, with the only evolutionarily logical reason for keeping them alive at all might be as a humorous mistake for the better members of society to learn from, or learn "what not to do", and for actual science to eventually render obsolete.
we are waiting patiently and excitingly for your theory

I'm not.
sure, you are....this will be GOOD!
It's a simple theory - most people's popular beliefs in evolution are just childish political beliefs or conventional folk wisdom draped up in an evolutionary coating, even when they probably have more in common with "X-Men" or overrated movies like "The Hunger Games" than anything in reality. Kind of like those who equate a positive "belief" or "faith" in science as an institution with "atheism", dichotomy which that is to begin with, particularly when "science" seems to care not for their plight, but would have more vested interest in hasting their extinction on behalf of the better members of the species than giving them anything other than a warm, fuzzy feeling for "believing in it" to begin with - whatever the hell that means.

Simple pleasures for simple minds, ugly beliefs for ugly people.

"most people's popular beliefs in evolution are just childish political beliefs or conventional folk wisdom"

as are most religious beliefs.

including creation

here is why my answer to your question is the right one.

you can mock and ridicule evolution (and wonder out loud if executing evolutionists might not be the correct and just answer to the "evolutionist problem") and it won't matter at all.

you not believing in evolution doesn't make it any more or less real.

you not believing in evolution will not stop it from happening.

you are just one tiny insignificant baboon on this planet

and even if NOBODY ANYWHERE believed in evolution it STILL wouldn't matter.

if evolution is real then YOUR opinion on the matter is just farts in the wind,
That's nice kid, here's your sign.
Not to mention the idiots whose "belief in evolution" is just hijacked for childish political reasons or folk wisdom to begin with, thinking that it somehow represents cultural whims such as "change", "progress", or every person or group having an "equal" chance of "living or dying".

When in reality that's false, it never gave people an "equal chance" of living or dying at all; even sports, in practice aren't "equal" in that regards even if they are in theory, in evolution, of course, hierarchy is innate, much as it is in animal kingdoms, such as ant colonies, with queens, workers, class divisions, and division of labor.

It selected some for extinction right from the get-go, with the only evolutionarily logical reason for keeping them alive at all might be as a humorous mistake for the better members of society to learn from, or learn "what not to do", and for actual science to eventually render obsolete.
we are waiting patiently and excitingly for your theory

I'm not.
sure, you are....this will be GOOD!
It's a simple theory - most people's popular beliefs in evolution are just childish political beliefs or conventional folk wisdom draped up in an evolutionary coating, even when they probably have more in common with "X-Men" or overrated movies like "The Hunger Games" than anything in reality. Kind of like those who equate a positive "belief" or "faith" in science as an institution with "atheism", dichotomy which that is to begin with, particularly when "science" seems to care not for their plight, but would have more vested interest in hasting their extinction on behalf of the better members of the species than giving them anything other than a warm, fuzzy feeling for "believing in it" to begin with - whatever the hell that means.

Simple pleasures for simple minds, ugly beliefs for ugly people.
Like I said, you believe a fully formed human just ''appeared'' = which is a lot more ridiculous/unbelievable than evolution...
Beam me up Scotty
Do you get raped by the Flying Spaghetti Monster and his gang of pirates? Discuss.

If not, then there's no reason to not believe in it, (assuming that elective belief is a thing).

In fact, it's probably one of the ugliest theories to be particularly invested in to begin with, with one's level of enthusiasm for evolutionary theory often being "inversely" proportional to their actual mating success, making one even wonder if it would better to "not" believe in it than to do so, as superstitious as the notion of "believing" in any body of theory or abstraction is to begin with.

I'd much rather study music theory, than evolutionary theory, to be honest, even as a scientific theory, it's entirely overrated, physics being much more fundamental than biology, and a hell of a lot cooler (in physics, you get to learn about black holes, in evolution you get to learn about cows humping each other).

And it seems to be common knowledge that musicians, whether Bach or Rock tend to do a lot more actual sexual reproduction than the average, overweight, white, male evolution fetishist on the internet does, likely having more in common with the mating and hygiene habits of a lesser ape than the average non-socially maladjusted person does, and much like an animal, likely isn't able to tell the difference between a Waifu and and actual woman, other than maybe when she pulls out the pepper spray - which a Waifu, of course can't do.



Evolution? My ass. More like devolution? Science? Nah, more like a failed HS science experiment come to life.

I don't think this strapping young fellow is particularly concerned about regurgitating ugly, banal factoids about evolution, and if anything he and his lovers are evolutionarily speaking, the better for it. Seems to work in reverse - the less you know about evolution, the more actual evolution you and the ladies end up doing. Mhmm.



Evolution doesn't care how stupid you are.
All the more reason not to believe in it then ;)

It seems to care more for beauty than intelligence, and evolution is generally speaking, a pretty ugly subject.
That's nice kid, here's your sign.
Not to mention the idiots whose "belief in evolution" is just hijacked for childish political reasons or folk wisdom to begin with, thinking that it somehow represents cultural whims such as "change", "progress", or every person or group having an "equal" chance of "living or dying".

When in reality that's false, it never gave people an "equal chance" of living or dying at all; even sports, in practice aren't "equal" in that regards even if they are in theory, in evolution, of course, hierarchy is innate, much as it is in animal kingdoms, such as ant colonies, with queens, workers, class divisions, and division of labor.

It selected some for extinction right from the get-go, with the only evolutionarily logical reason for keeping them alive at all might be as a humorous mistake for the better members of society to learn from, or learn "what not to do", and for actual science to eventually render obsolete.
The first two paragraphs are you setting up them knocking down your own straw man.

Third paragraph doesn't seem to really go anywhere.
No, evolution is not a a "fact", it's a theory built from facts, or piece of information.
100% wrong. Evolution is a physical process. It is a fact. The theory of evolution is an explanation of how this physical process resulted in all of the species that ever lived.

I ignored the rest. I am not going to argue the truth of baseline facts with fools.
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My phone meant to say transitional fossils.
Oh, well, you are still just as wrong, then. Every species is a "transitional species", and every fossil is a "transitional fossil". The term doesnt really have any scientific meaning. It is a term paid liars use to confuse gullible deniers like you.
My phone meant to say transitional fossils.
Oh, well, you are still just as wrong, then. Every species is a "transitional species", and every fossil is a "transitional fossil". The term doesnt really have any scientific meaning. It is a term paid liars use to confuse gullible deniers like you.

That's where you're wrong. There are no transitional fossils. I've studied evolution and paleontology for quite a while and have never seen a link. The scientific circles always have to make a leap to connect. I've never seen evidence.
My phone meant to say transitional fossils.
Oh, well, you are still just as wrong, then. Every species is a "transitional species", and every fossil is a "transitional fossil". The term doesnt really have any scientific meaning. It is a term paid liars use to confuse gullible deniers like you.

That's where you're wrong. There are no transitional fossils. I've studied evolution and paleontology for quite a while and have never seen a link. The scientific circles always have to make a leap to connect. I've never seen evidence.
Haha. You have"studied" it? At which university? Where did you complete your paleontology grad work? How many research papers have you published? How much statistical analysis have you done on the physiology of fossils?

Come on.

Ok, define transitional fossil. Be very specific. Give a few examples of possible fossils that would change your mind.
No, evolution is not a a "fact", it's a theory built from facts, or piece of information.
100% wrong. Evolution is a physical process.
You're conflating the occurrence of evolution with the theory of evolution, not the same thing.

The theory of evolution, is constructed from mathematics, and is built upon facts and information, such the physical processes.

(In your case, this is just faith or speculation, not having observed or documented the processes yourself, merely faith in the assertion of individuals such as scientists themselves who actually have, but regardless it still proves the point.

The "moon orbiting the earth" is not the same as the theory of gravity, which was a mathematical construct built from said observation, among others.

People, even in ancient times observed the moon orbiting the earth, and other phenomena now ascribed to gravity, however, gravity, as a theory built from mathematics did not exist until Isaac Newton performed his observations, and developed his theory of a universal law of gravity.

It is a fact.
You're ignorant and don't know what a "fact" is or means?

A fact is a piece of information, theories such as scientific theories are not "facts", they're made or built upon facts.

The theory of evolution is an explanation of how this physical process resulted in all of the species that ever lived.
Correct, so the theory itself is a mathematical approximation, built from facts, or the information which was used to construct the theory - the theory, not being a physical process, but rather a mathematical or mental approximation, existing only in the mind or pure abstraction, unlike the physical processes themselves which it was constructed from, and which would still be observable to the naked eye, such as apples falling from trees, even if no theory of gravity had ever been constructed by individuals such as Newton.

I ignored the rest. I am not going to argue the truth of baseline facts with fools.
I'm not going to argue with people who don't know what a "fact" is, or the difference between facts, and theories built or constructed from them are.

I'm really just pointing out the patently obvious, if you're not going to think critically and merely repeat "evolution is a fact" on the basis of some internet meme which is thoroughly confused as to what "facts" actually are, whether in the physical sciences or other approximations built from facts, such as arguments within a court of law and the evidences which said theories and conclusions are based on, that's on you, not on me.
You're conflating the occurrence of evolution with the theory of evolution, not the same thing.
Liar. i clearly drew a stark distinction, as anyone can read for themselves. I even did so to undermine your silly rhetorical conflation of these two ideas. Go waste someone else's time, troll.
You're conflating the occurrence of evolution with the theory of evolution, not the same thing.
Liar. i clearly drew a stark distinction, as anyone can read for themselves. I even did so to undermine your silly rhetorical conflation of these two ideas. Go waste someone else's time, troll.
It's you who are conflating them.

Physical processes or the observances - facts, or piece of information

Mathematical constructs or approximations built from the facts - theories, such as evolution, gravity, etc


Though in your case, your belief in the theories is based on faith in others having allegedly observed, documented, and built the theories in question, not on having done so yourself.

So of course, your or some other layperson saying that "such and such a theory is true", would not be the same merit as an an actual Newton, a Darwin, and Einstein who have actually observed, tested, researched, and constructed the theories themselves.

Nor would the childish opinion of the average so-called "scientist", "engineer", or such and such, who is little more than a workman or industryman be anywhere on the same level as one of these all-time scientific greats to begin with, simply by virtue of sharing the same arbitrary job title, of which there are as many titles as there are jobs, not always corresponding to them as well as some simpler people might be inclined to imagine in childish fantasy.
Some see evolution as being brought about by a selective weeding out process known as the survival of the fittest.
Brought about by competition and elimination of the unfit.
But looking at the majority of humanity I don't see any sign of that at all.
Rather it's the unfit or the less than fit that seem to be propagating more.
Among animal species the opposite may very well be true but not among us humans.
I can't believe in something that remains nothing more than just a theory.

However, I can and do believe it's a theory. That evolution is a theory is a fact.

Gravity is just a theory too.

So is evolution. You ready for a "come to Jesus moment"?
To hell with Jesus Christ. I would rather have nirvana instead. I don't mean that rock group either but the Buddhist/Hindu concept of this.
Do you get raped by the Flying Spaghetti Monster and his gang of pirates? Discuss.

If not, then there's no reason to not believe in it, (assuming that elective belief is a thing).

In fact, it's probably one of the ugliest theories to be particularly invested in to begin with, with one's level of enthusiasm for evolutionary theory often being "inversely" proportional to their actual mating success, making one even wonder if it would better to "not" believe in it than to do so, as superstitious as the notion of "believing" in any body of theory or abstraction is to begin with.

I'd much rather study music theory, than evolutionary theory, to be honest, even as a scientific theory, it's entirely overrated, physics being much more fundamental than biology, and a hell of a lot cooler (in physics, you get to learn about black holes, in evolution you get to learn about cows humping each other).

And it seems to be common knowledge that musicians, whether Bach or Rock tend to do a lot more actual sexual reproduction than the average, overweight, white, male evolution fetishist on the internet does, likely having more in common with the mating and hygiene habits of a lesser ape than the average non-socially maladjusted person does, and much like an animal, likely isn't able to tell the difference between a Waifu and and actual woman, other than maybe when she pulls out the pepper spray - which a Waifu, of course can't do.



Evolution? My ass. More like devolution? Science? Nah, more like a failed HS science experiment come to life.

I don't think this strapping young fellow is particularly concerned about regurgitating ugly, banal factoids about evolution, and if anything he and his lovers are evolutionarily speaking, the better for it. Seems to work in reverse - the less you know about evolution, the more actual evolution you and the ladies end up doing. Mhmm.



Evolution doesn't care how stupid you are.
And indeed evolution has a way of dealing with those who are stupid.
I can't believe in something that remains nothing more than just a theory.

However, I can and do believe it's a theory. That evolution is a theory is a fact.

Gravity is just a theory too.

So is evolution. You ready for a "come to Jesus moment"?
To hell with Jesus Christ. I would rather have nirvana instead. I don't mean that rock group either but the Buddhist/Hindu concept of this.

Nobody is going to settle evolution on a message board. I'm a Christian. I will keep Jesus and evolution, but I don't proselytize. Your doubts will not shake mine on either.

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