What has Liberalism done for humanity?

Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.

You really are stupid...good grief

You're a dumb bitch. You don't know it but you'd support turning this country into Haiti. Seriously, wake the fuck up.
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.

You really are stupid...good grief

You're a dumb bitch. You don't know it but you'd support turning this country into Haiti. Seriously, wake the fuck up.

Speaking of Haiti, did you see "clinton Cash", where those liberal clintons screwed over the haitians after the earthquake? You know, bill and his wife hillary, the liberal lady that you wanted for your prez? link below.

Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.
You really are stupid...good grief
Another SassyAss comment.
Got nothing specific to say; just an emotional outburst?
At least DarkFury made specific remarks.
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.
You forgot, created the internet.

Your fake remark is tiresome. Shows how you conserve stupidity. Why don't you & other cons read up on how the Internet was "created" and spread some intelligence?
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.

You really are stupid...good grief

You're a dumb bitch. You don't know it but you'd support turning this country into Haiti. Seriously, wake the fuck up.

matthew, it is the policies of the progressives that are destroying the middle class. That is what will turn this country into a third world shithole. That is their ultimate goal based on the fact that EVERY policy they have instituted over the last 8 years has fucked the middle class but enriched the one percenters. Instead of buying the propaganda why don't you actually LOOK at what they are doing, not what they are telling you that you want to hear.
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.
You forgot, created the internet.

Your fake remark is tiresome. Shows how you conserve stupidity. Why don't you & other cons read up on how the Internet was "created" and spread some intelligence?

LOL............You said spread some intelligence.
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.

What has Liberalism done for humanity?
I believe there are good & bad sides to both Liberalism & Conservatism.
We should preserve the good things about USA's founding (Bill of Rights) and change the bad or outdated stuff.

The Taliban & ISIS are examples of extreme conservatism ... in their cultures. Not good. Need change.
What has Liberalism done for humanity?
I believe there are good & bad sides to both Liberalism & Conservatism.
We should preserve the good things about USA's founding (Bill of Rights) and change the bad or outdated stuff.

The Taliban & ISIS are examples of extreme conservatism ... in their cultures. Not good. Need change.

You could argue extreme liberalism.
What has Liberalism done for humanity?
I believe there are good & bad sides to both Liberalism & Conservatism.
We should preserve the good things about USA's founding (Bill of Rights) and change the bad or outdated stuff.

The Taliban & ISIS are examples of extreme conservatism ... in their cultures. Not good. Need change.
You could argue extreme liberalism.
Give intelligent examples, if you can.
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.
There is some much stupid in this I don't now where to start. But here we go..

Created Civilization.......Native Americans did that.
Created the need for people to work together...Native Americans did that.
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.......The United Negro College was started by republicans
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
The Romans are best known for that.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Our laws started as English laws.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Jews/arabs had written and done math THOUSANDS of years BEFORE we existed.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
You cannot force respect idiot.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Clean air......Nixon
Clean water...Nixon
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Started in 1906 by Republican Teddy Roosevelt'

Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
You better check the vote on that one idiot.

Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.
TV......Philo Farnsworth.....Mormon NO party.. http://www.biography.com/people/philo-t-farnsworth-40273#synopsis

Internet...Norway 1973. Who Invented the Internet?

Airplane..... Santos Dumont from BRAZIL flew his in 1906 in Paris.

Excellent and fact based, thoughtful reply to liberal idiotic nonsense.

The only thing I would like to add to it, is that I wonder what people ate before liberals created farming.
What has Liberalism done for humanity?
I believe there are good & bad sides to both Liberalism & Conservatism.
We should preserve the good things about USA's founding (Bill of Rights) and change the bad or outdated stuff.

The Taliban & ISIS are examples of extreme conservatism ... in their cultures. Not good. Need change.
You could argue extreme liberalism.
Give intelligent examples, if you can.

Gee I don't know, you can start with their inception. Are you familiar with their inception? You might take a look.
What has Liberalism done for humanity?
I believe there are good & bad sides to both Liberalism & Conservatism.
We should preserve the good things about USA's founding (Bill of Rights) and change the bad or outdated stuff.

The Taliban & ISIS are examples of extreme conservatism ... in their cultures. Not good. Need change.
You could argue extreme liberalism.
Give intelligent examples, if you can.
Gee I don't know, you can start with their inception. Are you familiar with their inception? You might take a look.
Define "their inception", if you can.
What has Liberalism done for humanity?
I believe there are good & bad sides to both Liberalism & Conservatism.
We should preserve the good things about USA's founding (Bill of Rights) and change the bad or outdated stuff.

The Taliban & ISIS are examples of extreme conservatism ... in their cultures. Not good. Need change.
You could argue extreme liberalism.
Give intelligent examples, if you can.
Gee I don't know, you can start with their inception. Are you familiar with their inception? You might take a look.
Define "their inception", if you can.

Gee Gorilla, you really have me against the wall buddy. If only I had the brains of a gorilla I could work my way out of this. No, I get it, you never considered this and it burns.
I believe there are good & bad sides to both Liberalism & Conservatism.
We should preserve the good things about USA's founding (Bill of Rights) and change the bad or outdated stuff.

The Taliban & ISIS are examples of extreme conservatism ... in their cultures. Not good. Need change.
You could argue extreme liberalism.
Give intelligent examples, if you can.
Gee I don't know, you can start with their inception. Are you familiar with their inception? You might take a look.
Define "their inception", if you can.
Gee Gorilla, you really have me against the wall buddy. If only I had the brains of a gorilla I could work my way out of this. No, I get it, you never considered this and it burns.

Too bad you don't even have the Gorilla's brain capacity.
Instead of the video, how come you could not simply verbalize "extreme liberalism"? Oh, you can't, i see. You need pictures & someone else's words.
How were the conservative Bushes different from Obama in their ME policies?
No can say?
Too bad you don't even have the Gorilla's brain capacity. Good one. You super smart.

Instead of the video, how come you could not simply verbalize "extreme liberalism"? Oh, you can't, i see. You need pictures & someone else's words. Ah shucks, you just don't like the message. All this time you thought liberal meant daisies, drugs, labeling anal-sex intercourse and fake tits on men and women. Sorry to ruin your day.

How were the conservative Bushes different from Obama in their ME policies? I don't know what their me policies were exactly. I know Obama-me leans to one world order and detests American traditionalism.

No can say? Oh look, the liberal declaring victory prior to a loss. Irony defined.
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What has Liberalism done for humanity?
I believe there are good & bad sides to both Liberalism & Conservatism.
We should preserve the good things about USA's founding (Bill of Rights) and change the bad or outdated stuff.

The Taliban & ISIS are examples of extreme conservatism ... in their cultures. Not good. Need change.

No, they're not. They are religious totalitarian governmental systems. Far from conservative, they are the exact opposite. Conservatism is originally, a concept of the individual. Progressivism is the philosophy of the collective. Whether it is a atheistic totalitarian system, or a theocratic totalitarian system, they both have one thing in common. The subjugation of the individual.
What has Liberalism done for humanity?
I believe there are good & bad sides to both Liberalism & Conservatism.
We should preserve the good things about USA's founding (Bill of Rights) and change the bad or outdated stuff.

The Taliban & ISIS are examples of extreme conservatism ... in their cultures. Not good. Need change.
No, they're not. They are religious totalitarian governmental systems. Far from conservative, they are the exact opposite. Conservatism is originally, a concept of the individual. Progressivism is the philosophy of the collective. Whether it is a atheistic totalitarian system, or a theocratic totalitarian system, they both have one thing in common. The subjugation of the individual.
Yes they are ... extremely conservative political systems based on their traditional religious/cultural preferences & resistance to any change.
USA conservatives & "neo-cons" are obviously not that conservative with regard to their cultural preferences.
USA liberals are much more interested in political/cultural changes ... for the benefit of ALL individuals.
However, radical changes are risky and i prefer a balance between liberal & conservative policies that could be viewed as "progressive". I call my political stance "ethical libertarianism" and cite Thomas Paine as an example.

BTW, here is one definition of conservatism:
"Conservatism (or conservativism) is any political philosophy that favours tradition (in the sense of various religious, cultural, or nationally-defined beliefs and customs) in the face of external forces for change, and is critical of proposals for radical social change."

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