What Has Obama Done to his Elections Odds by Endorsing Gay Marriage?

Does Obama's Endorsement of Gay Marriage Hurt His Election Effort?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 15 33.3%
  • Not significantly in either way

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Dunno

    Votes: 4 8.9%

  • Total voters
The Afros will still vote for Obama. Obama could eat his own shit, and the Afros and Jews would still vote for him. Obama will lose a few conservative Democrats. I don't see him gaining any votes by taking this position.
Nice electoral map tool:
2012 Presidential Election Interactive Map and History of the Electoral College

This endorsement of Gay Marriage is going to cost Obama the South and most of the western states too. This puts Florida, Virginia, N Carolina, Nevada, and Colorado in the GOP column with another 72 EV bringing Romney's total to 263.

So Romney only needs either Ohio or Pennsylvania, or New Hampshire and Iowa together.

I think Romney will get PA and OH too for a total of 311 to 227.

Obama just shot himself in the arse.

Not so sure it delivers Colorado and Nevada much less Florida. It probably helps him in Florida actually.

Oh well.

I think it hurts him because the move was positively Romney-esque in the glow of the happening in North Carolina.

Where the GOP fudged up was not having this on the November ballot. That would have secured NC for Romney. Seems they learned little from Karl Rove who must be laughing hard at the current spin doctors in the GOP.
It won't make much of a difference. The election will be about the economy. If Republicans make the election about social issues, they will lose.
Obama hasn't changed his stance privately.....just publicly.

The same advisers told the Post that Obama would make the decision based on his gut, but that is an insulting way to refer to the vice president. There is no evidence that Obama planned to speak until Joe Biden said last weekend that he was for gay “marriage” and forced the issue.

In fact, Obama has not “evolved”—he has changed his position whenever his political fortunes required him to do so. Running for the Illinois state senate from a trendy area of Chicago in 1996, he was for gay marriage. “I favor legalizing same-sex marriages,” he wrote in answer to a questionnaire back then. In 2004, he was running for the U.S. Senate and needed to appeal to voters statewide. So he evolved, and favored civil unions but opposed homosexual “marriage.” In 2008, running for president, he said, “I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.” Now in 2012, facing a tough reelection campaign where he needs energized supporters of gay “marriage” and has disappointed them with his refusal to give them his support, he is for it. To paraphrase John Kerry, he was for it before he was against it before he was for it again. ‘On My Behalf’ | The Weekly Standard
Its evident O is desperately trying to make it about social issues but considering the thumping he just took in NC and the dire state of our economy, he's grasping for anything now.
I think it will hurt him, first he pisses off Catholics now Independents..

But you are right, this being used by Obama to try and change the subject to social issues so he doesn't have to run on his record...

will the people fall for it...I don't think so..
It won't make much of a difference. The election will be about the economy. If Republicans make the election about social issues, they will lose.

Uh.......we're not the ones that started this shit.

Biden did.
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