What if both parties committed to protecting and preserving America’s founding principles, values, tradition and history?

You are under the misguided illusion that both parties want to preserve American values. They do not.
This is a battle of America verses the Globe. The globe is winning...
You are under the misguided illusion that both parties want to preserve American values. They do not.
This is a battle of America verses the Globe. The globe is winning...
Is the Globe anything like The Blob? That movie scares me.
Took all of 3 seconds for a lefty to bring up slavery
Some things never change....Dems were telling us we needed slaves pre 1865 and they’re still telling us we need slaves in the 21st century.
We hear it all the time from the Left:
“We NEED illegals...Mexicans do the jobs whites won’t do and they do it for far less compensation. If we got rid of illegals are economy would collapse.”
Took all of 3 seconds for a lefty to bring up slavery
Some things never change....Dems were telling us we needed slaves pre 1865 and they’re still telling us we need slaves in the 21st century.
We hear it all the time from the Left:
“We NEED illegals...Mexicans do the jobs whites won’t do and they do it for far less compensation. If we got rid of illegals are economy would collapse.”

Democrats today advocate giving illegals work VISAs, paying a legal wage, having them pay taxes and earn a path to citizenship.

Lets see how many Republicans support Biden’s immigration plan
Took all of 3 seconds for a lefty to bring up slavery
Some things never change....Dems were telling us we needed slaves pre 1865 and they’re still telling us we need slaves in the 21st century.
We hear it all the time from the Left:
“We NEED illegals...Mexicans do the jobs whites won’t do and they do it for far less compensation. If we got rid of illegals are economy would collapse.”

Democrats today advocate giving illegals work VISAs, paying a legal wage, having them pay taxes and earn a path to citizenship.

Lets see how many Republicans support Biden’s immigration plan

What a great idea...perfect timing huh?
Stagnant wages, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, $28 trillion in debt, a destroyed education system, a failed healthcare system, more homeless than total populations in some countries, violent crime blowing off the charts, global pandemics...etc etc and somehow you believe we OWE Mexico’s people a better opportunity at our expense. Twilight Zone shit!
Agree with the OPs premise. Going back to the time of Eisenhower Republicans and Kennedy Democrats would be a positive step.

The two parties would likely be able to compromise knowing that the common goals are more numerous than the ideological differences.
What principles and values do you want t go back to?
Ah yes, the myth that America once had principles and values.
You hear it from time to time. It's stupid and inaccurate.

Quality value systems pillar great nations. The U.S. is a great nation. You honestly didn't know that?
Which values do we want to go back to?

All of them...they built the greatest nation on earth in a very short period of time. It wasn't until new age Lib ideals were introduced that America began it's slide down the shitter.
Fuck the fringe factions...keep them in the closet where they always belonged...Keep America in tact and thriving for the citizenry AS A WHOLE.
What principles and values do you want t go back to?
Ah yes, the myth that America once had principles and values.
You hear it from time to time. It's stupid and inaccurate.

Quality value systems pillar great nations. The U.S. is a great nation. You honestly didn't know that?
Which values do we want to go back to?

All of them...they built the greatest nation on earth in a very short period of time. It wasn't until new age Lib ideals were introduced that America began it's slide down the shitter.
Fuck the fringe factions...keep them in the closet where they always belonged...Keep America in tact and thriving for the citizenry AS A WHOLE.
“All of them “
You sound like Sarah Palin when she can’t answer a question
All of them...they built the greatest nation on earth in a very short period of time. It wasn't until new age Lib ideals were introduced that America began it's slide down the shitter.
Fuck the fringe factions...keep them in the closet where they always belonged...Keep America in tact and thriving for the citizenry AS A WHOLE.
Who were "they" and when was this short period of time?
Quality value systems pillar great nations. The U.S. is a great nation. You honestly didn't know that?
Then why was it necessary to make America great again? That seems to be saying that we were not.
The Kenyan sent America on a pathway of mass degradation, divide and degeneracy.
Trump's restoration of America had you hate America types pissing your pants didn't he?

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