What if both parties committed to protecting and preserving America’s founding principles, values, tradition and history?

That might prove which party is committed.
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani urged President Trump to add a declassification spree to his checklist of final things to do while in office.

With less than two weeks before Inauguration Day, when it is expected Joe Biden will become president, Giulani, who serves as the president’s personal lawyer, said that time for “harmony” is over.

“At many times, I thought he was ready to do it, and many times it was blocked by, I have to assume, the force that we now call the ‘deep state.’ I have my suspicions where. Now there is no longer any reason to try to create some kind of harmony, and therefore, not do it,” Giuliani told former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon on his Friday War Room podcast.

I think he owes it, not just to MAGA, he owes it to the American people to put it out,” the former mayor added.

Touching on subjects such as the Ukraine phone call and subsequent impeachment fiasco, the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, and the Russia collusion probe, Giuliani, who has led President Trump’s effort to overturn the results of voter fraud in the 2020 election, said there is no reason not to perform large-scale declassifications.

. . . actually, you might find, he won't do it, because it would prove them all, Republicans, Democrats, and every major corporation that runs, not only America, but the entire Anglo-American establishment, are all tyrants and major war criminals.

Folks would no longer fear the Russians, Chinese and Iranians as much as they would the The Five Eyes intelligence alliance, the British Common Wealth and big tech.

We would no longer be able to take the moral high ground vis-à-vis Iran, Russia, China, Venezuela, et al.
Sorry I do not trust Wikipedia.
Yeah Wikipedia is the least reliable source in the world,they are as bad as snopes,same as snopes,whatever they say,you know it’s a lie.
What if both moved their platforms to perfectly align with our founders intent?
What if both parties committed to putting Americans and America first?
What if both parties agreed to ONLY do work for American citizens?
What if we got back to the JFK era when only little things separated the parties?

Isn’t it awfully strange that the aforementioned has to be asked?
Then all these corrupt members of congress and the FBI wouldn't be multi-millionaires.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12:
Racist, white American turds have lost their cotton-pickin' minds b/c black people decided to vote out an unhinged, bigoted, authoritarian President.
People are waiting Marc. Show everyone what you got. The movies show you as all that. Space movies have you as computer geniuses, cutting edge professors and high tech marvels. I do not care of politics. We have spent countless trillions of dollars on righting the wrongs. Well where are the pure visionaries who create tens of millions of jobs. and I am not talking about someone placed in positions of existing companies. If there is an issue do not stop others from doing that. For this nation is in decline.
What if both moved their platforms to perfectly align with our founders intent?
What if both parties committed to putting Americans and America first?
What if both parties agreed to ONLY do work for American citizens?
What if we got back to the JFK era when only little things separated the parties?

Isn’t it awfully strange that the aforementioned has to be asked?
to do that they would first have to dissolve the parties cause the constitution says that congress should be made up of reps from the states not from any partys,,,
What if both moved their platforms to perfectly align with our founders intent?
What if both parties committed to putting Americans and America first?
What if both parties agreed to ONLY do work for American citizens?
What if we got back to the JFK era when only little things separated the parties?

Isn’t it awfully strange that the aforementioned has to be asked?
Would that be like the principles represented by your avi?
You want to bring back Slavery?
You want to bring back Slavery?
what type of idiot response is that

America’s founding principles, values, tradition and history?
Exactly what is it you’re being deprived of?
Who said anything about deprivation?
Should I read the OP to you slowly?

What principles and values do you want t go back to?
Founder Aaron Burr shot founder Alexander Hamilton in a duel

Is that the principle we want to return to?
What principles and values do you want t go back to?
When white Christian males (aka real Americans) didn’t have to put up with any shlt from Blacks, Mexicans, or women.
Racist, white American turds have lost their cotton-pickin' minds b/c black people decided to vote out an unhinged, bigoted, authoritarian President.
What if both moved their platforms to perfectly align with our founders intent?
What if both parties committed to putting Americans and America first?
What if both parties agreed to ONLY do work for American citizens?
What if we got back to the JFK era when only little things separated the parties?

Isn’t it awfully strange that the aforementioned has to be asked?
There needs to be consensus as to America’s founding principles, values, traditions, and history.

Democrats, liberals, and progressives correctly understand that those principles, values, and traditions are comprehensive and all-encompassing; Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right do not.

Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right have an unwarranted hostility toward the protected liberties of gay and transgender Americans in conflict with America’s founding principles, values, and traditions.

Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right have an unwarranted hostility toward the privacy rights of women in conflict with America’s founding principles, values, and traditions.

Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right have an unwarranted hostility toward the voting rights of minority Americans in conflict with America’s founding principles, values, and traditions.

Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right have an unwarranted hostility toward immigrants and immigration in conflict with America’s founding principles, values, and traditions.

Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right have an unwarranted hostility toward necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies in conflict with America’s founding principles, values, and traditions.

And this is to note but a few positions Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right conflict with concerning America’s founding principles, values, traditions.
Exactly what is it you’re being deprived of?
Who said anything about deprivation?
Should I read the OP to you slowly?

What principles and values do you want t go back to?
Free and fair elections
Our founders did not want non-landowners, women, blacks or Native Americans to vote

Not very free or fair
What if both moved their platforms to perfectly align with our founders intent?
What if both parties committed to putting Americans and America first?
What if both parties agreed to ONLY do work for American citizens?
What if we got back to the JFK era when only little things separated the parties?

Isn’t it awfully strange that the aforementioned has to be asked?
Would that be like the principles represented by your avi?

I'll entertain the crazies.
This is where the thread gets real scary so grab your straightjacket or find your safe space before I begin.........Ready......here goes.
How exactly has ANY deviation from our founders intent benefitted the core people of America or America as a whole and in general?
Don't tell us how various factions have benefitted...SHOW us the data that proves ANY deviation has made America better...better for Americans with family that served in the first and second world wars.
Good luck to you.
Last edited:
Exactly what is it you’re being deprived of?
Who said anything about deprivation?
Should I read the OP to you slowly?

What principles and values do you want t go back to?
Free and fair elections
Our founders did not want non-landowners, women, blacks or Native Americans to vote

Not very free or fair
We do not live in the past. Things have changed. Stop the ridiculous bullshit you think is an argument.
What if both moved their platforms to perfectly align with our founders intent?
What if both parties committed to putting Americans and America first?
What if both parties agreed to ONLY do work for American citizens?
What if we got back to the JFK era when only little things separated the parties?

Isn’t it awfully strange that the aforementioned has to be asked?

That was good for a deep guttural laugh. Thx, broke.
You want to bring back Slavery?
what type of idiot response is that
That and the attempt to eliminate the Indigenous people of this land is exactly what the founders did.
No surprise Broke Loser wants to bring it back.
Those were the times bud....Remember when caveman stole the caves of other cavemen, raped their daughters and ate their wives?
I mean that was totally fucked....What do you think we should do about that today?
You want to bring back Slavery?
what type of idiot response is that
That and the attempt to eliminate the Indigenous people of this land is exactly what the founders did.
No surprise Broke Loser wants to bring it back.
Those were the times bud....Remember when caveman stole the caves of other cavemen, raped their daughters and ate their wives?
I mean that was totally fucked....What do you think we should do about that today?

I don't know what to do about that... but those who think our founders were in the wrong after creating the greatest nation and most human advancement ever created... do you have any hungry wolves around?
Exactly what is it you’re being deprived of?
Who said anything about deprivation?
Should I read the OP to you slowly?

What principles and values do you want t go back to?
Free and fair elections
Our founders did not want non-landowners, women, blacks or Native Americans to vote

Not very free or fair
We do not live in the past. Things have changed. Stop the ridiculous bullshit you think is an argument.

Same question to you

What values and principles are you talking about?
That might prove which party is committed.
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani urged President Trump to add a declassification spree to his checklist of final things to do while in office.

With less than two weeks before Inauguration Day, when it is expected Joe Biden will become president, Giulani, who serves as the president’s personal lawyer, said that time for “harmony” is over.

“At many times, I thought he was ready to do it, and many times it was blocked by, I have to assume, the force that we now call the ‘deep state.’ I have my suspicions where. Now there is no longer any reason to try to create some kind of harmony, and therefore, not do it,” Giuliani told former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon on his Friday War Room podcast.

I think he owes it, not just to MAGA, he owes it to the American people to put it out,” the former mayor added.

Touching on subjects such as the Ukraine phone call and subsequent impeachment fiasco, the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, and the Russia collusion probe, Giuliani, who has led President Trump’s effort to overturn the results of voter fraud in the 2020 election, said there is no reason not to perform large-scale declassifications.

. . . actually, you might find, he won't do it, because it would prove them all, Republicans, Democrats, and every major corporation that runs, not only America, but the entire Anglo-American establishment, are all tyrants and major war criminals.

Folks would no longer fear the Russians, Chinese and Iranians as much as they would the The Five Eyes intelligence alliance, the British Common Wealth and big tech.

We would no longer be able to take the moral high ground vis-à-vis Iran, Russia, China, Venezuela, et al.
Sorry I do not trust Wikipedia.
Security and intelligence agencies

Although the UKUSA alliance is often associated with the ECHELON system, processed intelligence is reliant on multiple sources of information and the intelligence shared is not restricted to signals intelligence. The following table provides an overview of the government agencies involved and their respective responsibilities within the "Five Eyes" community:[5]

CountrySignals intelligenceDefence intelligenceSecurity intelligenceHuman intelligence
United States
National Security Agency (NSA)DIAFBICIA
United Kingdom
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)DISMI5MI6
Australian Signals Directorate (ASD)DIOASIOASIS
Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC)CDICSISCSIS
New Zealand
Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB)DDISSISSIS

And of course, this is a classic, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Kim Dotcom, and in one conference. For the entire conference, see the link in the video.


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