peace proposal : 50% of Palestinian lands conquered by the Israelis given back, and halting of the settlement expansion.

Here's Israel ranked against Palestinians using the numbers killed/injured per year


Conclusion: Zionist Israel must be condemned before condemning the Palestinians.

So by way of example if a Zionist were to say at the end of 2014 "Hey, look, the Palestinians must be condemned they were responsible for almost 3,000 Israeli injuries this year" the honest seeker after truth must say, "No sir, I beg to differ, if we are to condemn them we must FIRST condemn the Zionists, they were responsible for almost 20,000 Palestinian injuries this year".
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They were shot by Hamas.
That's not what the reports indicate, your making stuff up again.
Hamas hates Jews and Christians.
Zionists hate Arabs and Christians.
Ask them, they'll tell you.
Don't ask them though they're liars, just look at the video evidence.

Here's just one report there are many to choose from, if you can cite one that argues Hamas shot those victims at the church please do so if you cannot then why do make the claim?

Relatives of Layla Moran, the Liberal Democrat MP for Oxford West and Abingdon, were “under siege by Israeli forces” at the Holy Family church complex, she told the Guardian at the weekend.

Moran said her relatives – her grandmother, her son, his wife and their 11-year-old twins – had been inside the church since their home was bombed in the first week of the war, and were now “absolutely terrified”.

She added that Israeli forces had since “taken the building opposite the Holy Family church, and there are now snipers at every window with their guns pointing into the church. There’s also a tank that’s taken up position outside. Anyone trying to move around is being shot at.”

I believe her, many do.
Of course, but dumb duped Americans don’t care. They support Israel without conditions.
Yes, lots of truth to that, Americans believe they have the freest press in the world yet they are without doubt the lest informed about the world, totally indoctrinated, worse than Russia in terms of ignorance of world affairs.
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That's not what the reports indicate, your making stuff up again.

Zionists hate Arabs and Christians.

Don't ask them though they're liars, just look at the video evidence.

Here's just one report there are many to choose from, if you can cite one that argues Hamas shot those victims at the church please do so if you cannot then why do make the claim?

I believe her, many do.

That's not what the reports indicate, your making stuff up again.

The report doesn't disprove it was Hamas.

Zionists hate Arabs and Christians.

Not as much as Hamas hates Jews and Christians.

Don't ask them though they're liars,

I agree, Hamas lies, kills Christians and lies.

Here's just one report there are many to choose from

Was that the report that said Hamas was firing RPGs from the area?

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