What if evolution was part of creationism?

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  • Evolution

    Votes: 19 50.0%
  • Creationism

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • I like the concept in the opening post

    Votes: 15 39.5%

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Gold Member
Jul 3, 2009
America's Home Town
Just throwing this out there to see what you guys think.

What if evolution and creationism were one in the same. What if god really did create life on earth and his plan was for that life to evolve over time.

Is it an interesting idea or am I just treading water here?

I'll include a poll for fun
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Just throwing this out there to see what you guys think.

What if evolution and creationism were one in the same. What if god really did create life on earth and his plan was for that life to evolve over time.

Is it an interesting idea or am I just treading water here?

I'll include a poll for fun

Works for me; I've kind of always thought this anyway.

Why doesn't anyone capitalize the 'G' in God anymore?
Just throwing this out there to see what you guys think.

What if evolution and creationism were one in the same. What if god really did create life on earth and his plan was for that life to evolve over time.

Is it an interesting idea or am I just treading water here?

I'll include a poll for fun

What if evolution created god as an explanation for things not understood?
Just throwing this out there to see what you guys think.

What if evolution and creationism were one in the same. What if god really did create life on earth and his plan was for that life to evolve over time.

Is it an interesting idea or am I just treading water here?

I'll include a poll for fun

What if evolution created god as an explanation for things not understood?

There is evolution to some degree. Progression might best fit as the term to be used. However, if evolution and creation have worked together, creation is where it all began, and what God said He created as is is how He created it. For example, God said He created man in His image, and He said He created woman from the man, so that is how He did it. He created birds (the foul of the air), fish in the sea, and land animals all to reproduce after their kind. Any of these might have been able to progress for survival. There is no evidence of evolution from one species to another, regarding anything that God said He created. There are plenty of things around that we don't see in His statement of creation, however, He is very specific about man, above all others.
Just throwing this out there to see what you guys think.

What if evolution and creationism were one in the same. What if god really did create life on earth and his plan was for that life to evolve over time.

Is it an interesting idea or am I just treading water here?

I'll include a poll for fun

Ignorance about the subject somewhat on your part.

Evolution never specifically states that God couldn't of made the original creatures and they involved there into humans. However, religious people will never want to buy into such a theory since we're supposedly above animals, and not savages.

Though I'm not exactly sure where they get that idea. All they need to do is look at Black Friday every year. :eusa_eh:
Then a lot of people are going to feel really stupid for fighting over the two someday.

Ive never been interested in How the world was created as much as why it was created. Seems to me that if there is an adversary, getting people to argue over how to distract them from the why seems to be a very effective tactic.
Then a lot of people are going to feel really stupid for fighting over the two someday.

Ive never been interested in How the world was created as much as why it was created. Seems to me that if there is an adversary, getting people to argue over how to distract them from the why seems to be a very effective tactic.

God needed something to play with when he was bored.

$God lol.jpg
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Just throwing this out there to see what you guys think.

What if evolution and creationism were one in the same. What if god really did create life on earth and his plan was for that life to evolve over time.

Is it an interesting idea or am I just treading water here?

I'll include a poll for fun

What if evolution created god as an explanation for things not understood?

There is evolution to some degree. Progression might best fit as the term to be used. However, if evolution and creation have worked together, creation is where it all began, and what God said He created as is is how He created it. For example, God said He created man in His image, and He said He created woman from the man, so that is how He did it. He created birds (the foul of the air), fish in the sea, and land animals all to reproduce after their kind. Any of these might have been able to progress for survival. There is no evidence of evolution from one species to another, regarding anything that God said He created. There are plenty of things around that we don't see in His statement of creation, however, He is very specific about man, above all others.

Yep -- evolution or god -- both are theories, just one has a few more facts behind it.
Thanks for pointing that out.
Just throwing this out there to see what you guys think.

What if evolution and creationism were one in the same. What if god really did create life on earth and his plan was for that life to evolve over time.

Is it an interesting idea or am I just treading water here?

I'll include a poll for fun

there's nothing inconsistent between the two concepts IF you aren't a literalist. If you are, then they can't work together.
i prefer science....the earth has existed for more years than creationist wish to admit...there is no evidence of a massive flood in core samples....at least not a world wide one...
There is no evidence of evolution from one species to another, regarding anything that God said He created. There are plenty of things around that we don't see in His statement of creation, however, He is very specific about man, above all others.

Yep -- evolution or god -- both are theories, just one has a few more facts behind it.
Thanks for pointing that out.
Just throwing this out there to see what you guys think.

What if evolution and creationism were one in the same. What if god really did create life on earth and his plan was for that life to evolve over time.

Is it an interesting idea or am I just treading water here?

I'll include a poll for fun

It depends. Yes, God made micro-evolution which IS scientifically observable if that is what you are saying. If you are talking about macro-evolution the answer is no. God said he created man out of the dust of the earth.
What if evolution was part of creationism?

Then it would be one more attempt by thouse troubled by the inconsistencies of creationsim to use science to keep god alive.

Just throwing this out there to see what you guys think.

What if evolution and creationism were one in the same. What if god really did create life on earth and his plan was for that life to evolve over time.

Is it an interesting idea or am I just treading water here?

I'll include a poll for fun

What if shit tasted like your mom's home cookin'\?
Logic is the sword that has slain the last of our gods; reason is the shield with which we protect ourselves from the return of such superstitions and the glorification of ignorance; science is the honest quest for an understanding of all around and within us.

-James T. Beukema
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
-Romans 1:20-25
Just throwing this out there to see what you guys think.

What if evolution and creationism were one in the same. What if god really did create life on earth and his plan was for that life to evolve over time.

Is it an interesting idea or am I just treading water here?

I'll include a poll for fun

If you're going to put forth the idea of intelligent design, shouldn't you call it that?

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