What If Only Women Voted

Aurora Woman

Not From Around Here
Jul 14, 2017
Third Rock
538 often has some interesting articles especially around election time. Their analyses and predictions based on mathematics plus polling are often quite accurate, although they dropped the ball big time in 2016. This what-if scenario article is fascinating, and a glimpse (if you extrapolate) into the angst behind fearful and angry white men -- and their ardent support for Trump.
Imagine if only one group of Americans cast their ballots this November. What would happen to the electoral map? We’ve conducted this kind of thought experiment before; it can help shed light on why the parties are hoping that certain groups — such as suburban women for Democrats, white working class voters for Republicans — will help them win seats in 2018.

The groups we’re focused on are women, men, nonwhite voters and white voters by education level. To estimate just how Republican or Democratic those groups are, we looked at generic ballot polls from October that have crosstabs. .....

Source: What If Only Men Voted? Only Women? Only Nonwhite Voters?
538 often has some interesting articles especially around election time. Their analyses and predictions based on mathematics plus polling are often quite accurate, although they dropped the ball big time in 2016. This what-if scenario article is fascinating, and a glimpse (if you extrapolate) into the angst behind fearful and angry white men -- and their ardent support for Trump.
Imagine if only one group of Americans cast their ballots this November. What would happen to the electoral map? We’ve conducted this kind of thought experiment before; it can help shed light on why the parties are hoping that certain groups — such as suburban women for Democrats, white working class voters for Republicans — will help them win seats in 2018.

The groups we’re focused on are women, men, nonwhite voters and white voters by education level. To estimate just how Republican or Democratic those groups are, we looked at generic ballot polls from October that have crosstabs. .....

Source: What If Only Men Voted? Only Women? Only Nonwhite Voters?

That's pretty cool. Nate Silver comes up with some interesting ways to look at stats. That comes naturally as he's a baseball fan.
If the hundreds of state legislators who voted to give women the right to vote in 1920 could have been magically transported to 2018 and witnesses the Kavanaugh hearings, it would have set womens' suffrage back a hundred years.

Just sayin'.

Were those women demonstrators stupid, misinformed, or evil? Hard to say, but those are the only three possibilities, and none of them reflects favorably on women, as political agents.
538 often has some interesting articles especially around election time. Their analyses and predictions based on mathematics plus polling are often quite accurate, although they dropped the ball big time in 2016. This what-if scenario article is fascinating, and a glimpse (if you extrapolate) into the angst behind fearful and angry white men -- and their ardent support for Trump.
Imagine if only one group of Americans cast their ballots this November. What would happen to the electoral map? We’ve conducted this kind of thought experiment before; it can help shed light on why the parties are hoping that certain groups — such as suburban women for Democrats, white working class voters for Republicans — will help them win seats in 2018.

The groups we’re focused on are women, men, nonwhite voters and white voters by education level. To estimate just how Republican or Democratic those groups are, we looked at generic ballot polls from October that have crosstabs. .....

Source: What If Only Men Voted? Only Women? Only Nonwhite Voters?

There will ALWAYS be a LARGE GROUP of old, angry, white, male, Anglos in AmeriKKKa that desire to have NO ONE voting except for old, angry, white, male, Anglos BUT luckily for the MAJORITY of US, those assholes are dying off pretty fvcking quick!!!
If only women voted the Republican party would become non-existent.
There will ALWAYS be a LARGE GROUP of old, angry, white, male, Anglos in AmeriKKKa that desire to have NO ONE voting except for old, angry, white, male, Anglos BUT luckily for the MAJORITY of US, those assholes are dying off pretty fvcking quick!!!

That is racist and sexist on so many levels......That's aside from you wishing certain people dead. Sounds like Nazism if you ask me.
There will ALWAYS be a LARGE GROUP of old, angry, white, male, Anglos in AmeriKKKa that desire to have NO ONE voting except for old, angry, white, male, Anglos BUT luckily for the MAJORITY of US, those assholes are dying off pretty fvcking quick!!!

That is racist and sexist on so many levels......That's aside from you wishing certain people dead. Sounds like Nazism if you ask me.

People 'dying off' is a fact of nature.
538 often has some interesting articles especially around election time. Their analyses and predictions based on mathematics plus polling are often quite accurate, although they dropped the ball big time in 2016. This what-if scenario article is fascinating, and a glimpse (if you extrapolate) into the angst behind fearful and angry white men -- and their ardent support for Trump.
Imagine if only one group of Americans cast their ballots this November. What would happen to the electoral map? We’ve conducted this kind of thought experiment before; it can help shed light on why the parties are hoping that certain groups — such as suburban women for Democrats, white working class voters for Republicans — will help them win seats in 2018.

The groups we’re focused on are women, men, nonwhite voters and white voters by education level. To estimate just how Republican or Democratic those groups are, we looked at generic ballot polls from October that have crosstabs. .....

Source: What If Only Men Voted? Only Women? Only Nonwhite Voters?

There will ALWAYS be a LARGE GROUP of old, angry, white, male, Anglos in AmeriKKKa that desire to have NO ONE voting except for old, angry, white, male, Anglos BUT luckily for the MAJORITY of US, those assholes are dying off pretty fvcking quick!!!

And who do you think replaces them? I will tell you who, once carefree liberal children who grew up , got married, had kids pay taxes...become conservative.

And who do you think replaces them? I will tell you who, once carefree liberal children who grew up , got married, had kids pay taxes...become conservative.

I'm sure it gives you comfort to believe that. So far that has not happened with myself and my siblings. Nor with my kids, nor with my grandkids. Check out some stats on demographics and let us know in which direction most under-40-year-olds lean. Hint: It is not towards the right.
And who do you think replaces them? I will tell you who, once carefree liberal children who grew up , got married, had kids pay taxes...become conservative.

I'm sure it gives you comfort to believe that. So far that has not happened with myself and my siblings. Nor with my kids, nor with my grandkids. Check out some stats on demographics and let us know in which direction most under-40-year-olds lean. Hint: It is not towards the right.

In your fantasy world what do you think I was always a Conservative? Do you think baby's can be born conservative????

538 often has some interesting articles especially around election time. Their analyses and predictions based on mathematics plus polling are often quite accurate, although they dropped the ball big time in 2016. This what-if scenario article is fascinating, and a glimpse (if you extrapolate) into the angst behind fearful and angry white men -- and their ardent support for Trump.
Imagine if only one group of Americans cast their ballots this November. What would happen to the electoral map? We’ve conducted this kind of thought experiment before; it can help shed light on why the parties are hoping that certain groups — such as suburban women for Democrats, white working class voters for Republicans — will help them win seats in 2018.

The groups we’re focused on are women, men, nonwhite voters and white voters by education level. To estimate just how Republican or Democratic those groups are, we looked at generic ballot polls from October that have crosstabs. .....

Source: What If Only Men Voted? Only Women? Only Nonwhite Voters?

I say this as a woman--our country would be a lot better off if women didn't vote like complete dunderheads.

But we do, sadly. Tragically.
538 often has some interesting articles especially around election time. Their analyses and predictions based on mathematics plus polling are often quite accurate, although they dropped the ball big time in 2016. This what-if scenario article is fascinating, and a glimpse (if you extrapolate) into the angst behind fearful and angry white men -- and their ardent support for Trump.
Imagine if only one group of Americans cast their ballots this November. What would happen to the electoral map? We’ve conducted this kind of thought experiment before; it can help shed light on why the parties are hoping that certain groups — such as suburban women for Democrats, white working class voters for Republicans — will help them win seats in 2018.

The groups we’re focused on are women, men, nonwhite voters and white voters by education level. To estimate just how Republican or Democratic those groups are, we looked at generic ballot polls from October that have crosstabs. .....

Source: What If Only Men Voted? Only Women? Only Nonwhite Voters?

I say this as a woman--our country would be a lot better off if women didn't vote like complete dunderheads.

But we do, sadly. Tragically.

So do men.

In fact, anyone who votes for a Democrat in these times is a complete fool.

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