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What if Trump -is- a fascist?

You can stop this hiperaly at any time. It's not all weapons, only the one most likely to be used in a mass murder of students in the schools.
So what you're claming and that means rifles, shot guns, and pistols. Did I leave anthing out?
The question remains, has the restriction of guns stopped mass musrder in Australia, or the U.K.
Japan also restricts the length of cutting edge weapons as well yet they also have had mass killings.
Not one iota.
The answer is to recognize the unbalanced person and treat or incarcerate them before they go berserk with any weapon they choose.
Meanwhile it's an unalienable right for a person to protect his family and himself from others that may use force against them.

So that means rifles, shot guns, and pistols. Did I leave anthing out?
The question remains, has the restriction of guns stopped mass musrder in Australia, or the U.K.
Japan also restricts the length of cutting edge weapons as well yet they also have had mass killings.
Not one iota.
The answer is to recognize the unbalanced person and treat or incarcerate them before they go berserk with any weapon they choose.
Meanwhile it's an unalienable right for a person to protect his family and himself from others that may use force against them.

Mass murder has all but been eliminated in Australia, UK, and Japan. You being able to list off only a few examples of mass murder in those countries is proof of that. Meanwhile, America has multiple mass murders PER DAY.
Uh huh.
Tell us: how do you plan on getting Trump out of office?
The only logical way of course. If my country needs me to, I will purchase an AR-15.

Then I’m gonna tie a bandana on, light a cigarette, and say something badass. I haven’t thought of what I’m gonna say yet, but I can assure you it will be badass.

“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign…cocks weapon… and domestic.”

Something like that. Hella badass.

Throw in lots of pew pew pew, a couple of rolls, maybe an explosion jump or two. And then another badass phrase at the end. “You’re fired” or something like that.
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If you truly believe you face the very real prospect of an authoritarian fascist dictator taking power, why are you so keen on taking "weapons of war" off the streets?
Because the fascists use those weapons to kill people. And we don't.

The lesson we learn here? Trump cultists are almost always profoundly stupid human beings.
Because the fascists use those weapons to kill people. And we don't.

The lesson we learn here? Trump cultists are almost always profoundly stupid human beings.
The trumpanzee, at their core, is an idiot. Mix in some mental health issues and you've got someone who has no business being in a civilized society.
In India, they pretty much were.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The lesson we learn here? You're a profoundly stupid human being.
Hitler - an authoritarian fascist dictator - would have machine-gunned Ghandi and the members of his movement.
Tell me I am wrong.

Thus the reduction of your response - leaving the question:
If you take 'weapons of war" off the streets, how are you going to get the authoritarian, fascist dictator out of office?


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