What is AG Sessions doing?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
There seems to be two schools of thought on what, if anything, Jeff Sessions is doing in his official position as AG. One is that is is a senile puppet of the Deep State who exercises little or no influence over the DOJ or the FBI. The other school of thought (wishful thinking?) is that he is operating through his Inspector General to set up the bad actors in those agencies for criminal prosecution. Wouldn't it be great to see a dozen of those infiltrators frog-marched off to prison?
There seems to be two schools of thought on what, if anything, Jeff Sessions is doing in his official position as AG. One is that is is a senile puppet of the Deep State who exercises little or no influence over the DOJ or the FBI. The other school of thought (wishful thinking?) is that he is operating through his Inspector General to set up the bad actors in those agencies for criminal prosecution. Wouldn't it be great to see a dozen of those infiltrators frog-marched off to prison?

If I were Trump, I'd want to take a coal shovel to the face of that floppy-eared, useless, stammering deer-in-the-headlights bastard.
I heard him talk the other day that he would not appoint a special council
So he’s probably on the back nine by now

These days, an IG report/referral carries a lot more weight than a special counsel witch hunt. We will have to wait and see how these turn out.

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