What is Christmas in Europe about?Islam is laughing about stupid europeans.

The reason for most of the traditions that are celebrated at Christmas?

It's because of the Romans and their desire to convert everyone to Christianity. In order for that to happen though, they had to mix in pagan rituals and customs from other belief systems so that the masses would accept Christianity.
Basically Xmas is a compromise agreed upon by pagans and the desire to become christians.

I know no Xmas.
There is Christmas!And Jesus is our Savior.

Christmas has dick to do with Jesus being born. He wasnt born in December dummy.
Due to 'work' of lefts almost 70 % of Europeans believe Christmas is a feast of Christmas Tree and Santa Claus. You can nowhere meet any remembrance about Jesus, his Teaching and Holy Bible.Islam is laughing about it and continues his onslaught.Still twenty years, not longer and Europe became completely Islamic state.

In Germany for example some schools prohibit celebration of Christmas due to respect to Islam.

Lüneburg: Gymnasium verschiebt Weihnachtsfeier - Muslimin störten die Lieder

Not sure what the fuck "work of lefts" means but it does remind us of how Christmas observations were banned in Massachusetts.

Anyway the seasonal holiday variously called Christmas, Yule, Solstice, Saturnalia, etc has been around since WAAAAAAY anybody named "Jesus" was a glimmer in the eye of whoever Mary had her eye on. That's why we have evergreen trees, and mistletoe, and holly --- ancient pagan symbols of the promised rebirth of Nature, after the sun resurrects on the Southern Cross and the days become longer, assuring humans from antiquity that the winter was finite and there would indeed be another growing season for food, which means survival, which is FAR more vital to human existence than the rituals of some organized church.

That's also why we hang "Christmas lights" on our houses --- it's sympathetic magic to encourage the sun to come back.

And btw your German headline doesn't say "prohibit". It says "postpones". It was moved to Wednesday (two days ago). And it doesn't say anything about "Islam laughs" which is impossible anyway. It refers to a single student who didn't want to participate.

Perhaps you thought nobody would read a German link. You thought wrong.
The reason for most of the traditions that are celebrated at Christmas?

It's because of the Romans and their desire to convert everyone to Christianity. In order for that to happen though, they had to mix in pagan rituals and customs from other belief systems so that the masses would accept Christianity.
Basically Xmas is a compromise agreed upon by pagans and the desire to become christians.

I know no Xmas.
There is Christmas!And Jesus is our Savior.

Christmas has dick to do with Jesus being born. He wasnt born in December dummy.

It is not important when Jesus was born.
We Christians celebrate his Birth Day.

The reason for most of the traditions that are celebrated at Christmas?

It's because of the Romans and their desire to convert everyone to Christianity. In order for that to happen though, they had to mix in pagan rituals and customs from other belief systems so that the masses would accept Christianity.
Basically Xmas is a compromise agreed upon by pagans and the desire to become christians.

I know no Xmas.
There is Christmas!And Jesus is our Savior.

Christmas has dick to do with Jesus being born. He wasnt born in December dummy.

It is not important when Jesus was born.
We Christians celebrate his Birth Day.

You should celebrate it on his birthday then. Do you celebrate your own birthday in a entirely different month than what it really is?
All the countries whose "leaders" are Deep State's puppets have been screwed up. Remember what Friedman said: they hated to see both Russia and Germany progressing with trading with each other and found the way how to harm them both. They used Ukraine as a pawn to hurt Russia and "refugees" to hurt all Europe (with their puppet Merkel's help).

George Friedman, Founder and Chairman of Stratfor:
This speech came after another interesting interview where he admits that the
overthrow of Yanukovych was "the most blatant coup in history" and among other things the American "payback" for Russian involvement in Syria.
· The primordial interest of the United States for centuries (WWI, WWII and the Cold War) has been to stop a coalition between Germany and Russia. Germany is in very peculiar position and they have a very complex relationship with Russians.
  • The Germans themselves don't know what to do and haven't made up their mind.
  • For the US, the primordial fear is German capital and technology and Russian natural resources and manpower. This combination for centuries has scared the United States.
Stratfor Chairman Straight-Talking: US Policy Is Driven by Imperative to Stop Coalition between Germany and Russia

See, they honestly claim it while the brainwashed part of the world is still repeating the mantra "Russia the aggressor".

The reason why some Slavic Russians would rather work with non-Slavic Germans, rather than say Slavic Poles, or Slavic Ukrainians who Germans, killed 30 million or so Russians, in 2 World Wars, while no Slavs ever killed so many Russians, is because???
The reason for most of the traditions that are celebrated at Christmas?

It's because of the Romans and their desire to convert everyone to Christianity. In order for that to happen though, they had to mix in pagan rituals and customs from other belief systems so that the masses would accept Christianity.
Basically Xmas is a compromise agreed upon by pagans and the desire to become christians.

I know no Xmas.
There is Christmas!And Jesus is our Savior.

Christmas has dick to do with Jesus being born. He wasnt born in December dummy.

It is not important when Jesus was born.
We Christians celebrate his Birth Day.

Patriarch of all Russia Kirill:

"The faith gives us an internal power and autonomy from all kinds of external pressure destroying human consciousness and human internal spiritual life. Today what is going on is so called progressive countries is amazingly resembling events in Russia after October socialist revolution 100 years ago: God’s name has been eliminated from people’s life, such sinful ideas and behavior models have been planted which are supposed to destroy moral basis of human life. What for? To make the people lose their internal autonomy, their internal freedom and thus to make them easy to manipulate."

That is exactly WHY Deep State wants their puppets to be atheists. That's exactly what Soviets have been doing in the USSR. Nothing new.
The reason for most of the traditions that are celebrated at Christmas?

It's because of the Romans and their desire to convert everyone to Christianity. In order for that to happen though, they had to mix in pagan rituals and customs from other belief systems so that the masses would accept Christianity.

Point of clarification -- the Romans didn't do that. Perhaps Constantine with the Holy Roman Empire later on with his quasi-political/religion campaign did. The Romans had the orgy of Saturnalia (allegedly done for the first time 497 years ago last week). By the time Christianism was on the rise Rome was in decline. But when they were dominant the Romans didn't push religion at all.
Due to 'work' of lefts almost 70 % of Europeans believe Christmas is a feast of Christmas Tree and Santa Claus. You can nowhere meet any remembrance about Jesus, his Teaching and Holy Bible.Islam is laughing about it and continues his onslaught.Still twenty years, not longer and Europe became completely Islamic state.

In Germany for example some schools prohibit celebration of Christmas due to respect to Islam.

Lüneburg: Gymnasium verschiebt Weihnachtsfeier - Muslimin störten die Lieder

Not sure what the fuck "work of lefts" means but it does remind us of how Christmas observations were banned in Massachusetts.

Anyway the seasonal holiday variously called Christmas, Yule, Solstice, Saturnalia, etc has been around since WAAAAAAY anybody named "Jesus" was a glimmer in the eye of whoever Mary had her eye on. That's why we have evergreen trees, and mistletoe, and holly --- ancient pagan symbols of the promised rebirth of Nature, after the sun resurrects on the Southern Cross and the days become longer, assuring humans from antiquity that the winter was finite and there would indeed be another growing season for food, which means survival, which is FAR more vital to human existence than the rituals of some organized church.

That's also why we hang "Christmas lights" on our houses --- it's sympathetic magic to encourage the sun to come back.

And btw your German headline doesn't say "prohibit". It says "postpones". It was moved to Wednesday (two days ago). And it doesn't say anything about "Islam laughs" which is impossible anyway. It refers to a single student who didn't want to participate.

Perhaps you thought nobody would read a German link. You thought wrong.

Read below the comments

Johanneum schafft Weihnachtsfeier während des Unterrichts ab
The reason for most of the traditions that are celebrated at Christmas?

It's because of the Romans and their desire to convert everyone to Christianity. In order for that to happen though, they had to mix in pagan rituals and customs from other belief systems so that the masses would accept Christianity.
Basically Xmas is a compromise agreed upon by pagans and the desire to become christians.

I know no Xmas.
There is Christmas!And Jesus is our Savior.

Christmas has dick to do with Jesus being born. He wasnt born in December dummy.

It is not important when Jesus was born.
We Christians celebrate his Birth Day.

Patriarch of all Russia Kirill:

"The faith gives us an internal power and autonomy from all kinds of external pressure destroying human consciousness and human internal spiritual life. Today what is going on is so called progressive countries is amazingly resembling events in Russia after October socialist revolution 100 years ago: God’s name has been eliminated from people’s life, such sinful ideas and behavior models have been planted which are supposed to destroy moral basis of human life. What for? To make the people lose their internal autonomy, their internal freedom and thus to make them easy to manipulate."

That is exactly WHY Deep State wants their puppets to be atheists. That's exactly what Soviets have been doing in the USSR. Nothing new.

Why did your beloved Germany send Lenin, money, and Bolsheviks on a train to Russia in 1917 to overthrow, and kill the Tsar, and kill 5 - 15 million Russians?
The reason for most of the traditions that are celebrated at Christmas?

It's because of the Romans and their desire to convert everyone to Christianity. In order for that to happen though, they had to mix in pagan rituals and customs from other belief systems so that the masses would accept Christianity.
Basically Xmas is a compromise agreed upon by pagans and the desire to become christians.

I know no Xmas.
There is Christmas!And Jesus is our Savior.

Christmas has dick to do with Jesus being born. He wasnt born in December dummy.

It is not important when Jesus was born.
We Christians celebrate his Birth Day.


But it is important to note why we do it on this specific date, three days after the sun "dies" on the Southern Cross, lingers and then "resurrects". Especially since (a) we know the date doesn't fit his history, and (b) the 12/25 date was long established way before he even got here.
The reason for most of the traditions that are celebrated at Christmas?

It's because of the Romans and their desire to convert everyone to Christianity. In order for that to happen though, they had to mix in pagan rituals and customs from other belief systems so that the masses would accept Christianity.
Basically Xmas is a compromise agreed upon by pagans and the desire to become christians.

I know no Xmas.
There is Christmas!And Jesus is our Savior.

Christmas has dick to do with Jesus being born. He wasnt born in December dummy.

It is not important when Jesus was born.
We Christians celebrate his Birth Day.

Patriarch of all Russia Kirill:

"The faith gives us an internal power and autonomy from all kinds of external pressure destroying human consciousness and human internal spiritual life. Today what is going on is so called progressive countries is amazingly resembling events in Russia after October socialist revolution 100 years ago: God’s name has been eliminated from people’s life, such sinful ideas and behavior models have been planted which are supposed to destroy moral basis of human life. What for? To make the people lose their internal autonomy, their internal freedom and thus to make them easy to manipulate."

That is exactly WHY Deep State wants their puppets to be atheists. That's exactly what Soviets have been doing in the USSR. Nothing new.

The genocide on white christian man is going by killing of his Religion and Moral. Only Russia is now a state which can claim to be a Christian one with Tradition Values and Moral. The West is morally dead.
Basically Xmas is a compromise agreed upon by pagans and the desire to become christians.

I know no Xmas.
There is Christmas!And Jesus is our Savior.

Christmas has dick to do with Jesus being born. He wasnt born in December dummy.

It is not important when Jesus was born.
We Christians celebrate his Birth Day.

Patriarch of all Russia Kirill:

"The faith gives us an internal power and autonomy from all kinds of external pressure destroying human consciousness and human internal spiritual life. Today what is going on is so called progressive countries is amazingly resembling events in Russia after October socialist revolution 100 years ago: God’s name has been eliminated from people’s life, such sinful ideas and behavior models have been planted which are supposed to destroy moral basis of human life. What for? To make the people lose their internal autonomy, their internal freedom and thus to make them easy to manipulate."

That is exactly WHY Deep State wants their puppets to be atheists. That's exactly what Soviets have been doing in the USSR. Nothing new.

Why did your beloved Germany send Lenin, money, and Bolsheviks on a train to Russia in 1917 to overthrow, and kill the Tsar, and kill 5 - 15 million Russians?

It wasn't Germans.

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