What is fair, what is Right, what is Just?


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
We can never agree on everything, but we can all agree that our politicians who make promises to get elected, can almost never keep those promises. I absolutely do not care who agrees with me. On behalf of the New World Government, I am about to make some big promises, and before you ask me how will I get money to keep these promises, ask them - how they got trillions of dollars that they spent on wars for international bankers.

- First of all, Abolish federal reserve, whose name is a fraud to begin with, because it is a privately owned institution, and has nothing to do with federation (as it's name suggests) (it is not the creator of wealth, or democracy or food stamps or any kins of justice system) And also because American founding fathers such as Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and James Madison warned us about this scheme of international bankers before it was even created.
- Government must have authority to print money without the added interest to serve the welfare class of international criminals - these are not my words, these are words of people who built this nation - words to the welfare class of today.
- Paid politicians can not be career politicians, they must not serve more than one term, since as the time goes by, they get surrounded by those who expect favors from them.
- Politicians can not live in gated communities - just like soldiers are sacrificing their lives in a war zone, politicians have to be ready to die if they make people angry enough, if they sell out their people
- Every living soul on this earth over the age of 50 deserves a modest retirement - Rich people, you do not have to worry, we do not need anything from you
- Property taxes must never rise - this hurts retired people the most, and it is an inhumane.
- Children who are gifted at studies, must automatically qualify for higher education, without the need to go through the hassles of obtaining a student loan or end up prostituting themselves just to pay for tuition. this was the case in Libya, in Iraq and in many other nations destroyed by the US. And that is why, America is full of ignorant people
- All convicted criminals must sustain themselves either by their own labor, be funded by their families, find a charity, or be put out of their misery.

[ame=http://youtu.be/98ko8zbfu14]Liberating Humanity Part 15 - What's Fair, What's Right, What's Just - YouTube[/ame]
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I think that times change, and conditions change, helped along by marvelous inventions like the wheel and the internet...but human nature does not change.

And so societies repeat cycles like nature repeats cycles. Their cycle is basically like the human one---they are small and striving, growing, then strong and mature...they reach some pinnacle where the name of Caesar is known all over the Planet; and the Sun never Sets on its Empire...and then the decline begins....and for the same reasons as humans.

America has been the greatest society thus far, but human nature has done its work...and the people have grown fat and lazy...through a constantly repeated process whereby the Central Authority charged with defense and taking care of the helpless, gradually expands the class of the helpless until it becomes, at about the same time, both a majority and an intolerable burden...and then the collapse is rapid...and defense is the first to go...in order to mollify the mass of the helpless...through yet one more election.

Societies rot by first taking care of people who can't help themselves, as they should...and then moving on to taking care of those who won't take care of themselves. Look at the moral decay. Right here on this message board. Christian ideals, Jeffersonian values, and the profit incentive have made this country the envy of today and all of history...yet they are mocked as if they were an absolute curse.

We are just watching history repeat itself...it does that you know.

Am I a Liberal or a Conservative?
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I think that times change, and conditions change, helped along by marvelous inventions like the wheel and the internet...but human nature does not change.

And so societies repeat cycles like nature repeats cycles. Their cycle is basically like the human one---they are small and striving, growing, then strong and mature...they reach some pinnacle where the name of Caesar is known all over the Planet; and the Sun never Sets on its Empire...and then the decline begins....and for the same reasons as humans.

America has been the greatest society thus far, but human nature has done its work...and the people have grown fat and lazy...through a constantly repeated process whereby the Central Authority charged with defense and taking care of the helpless, gradually expands the class of the helpless until it becomes, at about the same time, both a majority and an intolerable burden...and then the collapse is rapid...and defense is the first to go...in order to mollify the mass of the helpless...through yet one more election.

Societies rot by first taking care of people who can't help themselves, as they should...and then moving on to taking care of those who won't take care of themselves. Look at the moral decay. Right here on this message board. Christian ideals, Jeffersonian values, and the profit incentive have made this country the envy of today and all of history...yet they are mocked as if they were an absolute curse.

We are just watching history repeat itself...it does that you know.

Am I a Liberal or a Conservative?
Very interesting post, I would consider it to be an insult to be labeled as a liberal or conservative, you seem to me more like an intelligent human being. I agree about your point, And that is why I do not claim to want to save America:

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The question is WHAT should replace American system, which is already lost - no one believes in it other than those who profit to believe in it from the establishment, that that can only be a minority who due to control of the media and the money supply easily manage to look like MAJORITY...
The perfect is the enemy of the good. If I had to choose between bankers or a legislature packed with demagogues, I would rather have the bankers' hands on our monetary printing press. Unfortunately, those are our only two choices.

Imagine if instead of there being $17 trillion of debt, there was instead an extra $17 trillion of cash in our economic system. That is what we would have if there was no Federal Reserve. Our politicians would have printed an extra $17 trillion. In fact, they would have printed more than twice that by now.

Think about it. The same guy who can make expensive promises is the same guy who prints the money. Where do you think our currency would be today if that were the case?

Our currency would be dead. We'd be Zimbabwe.

At least right now we have the stigma of an ever increasing debt hanging over us. That is a concept even the dumbest of voters can comprehend.

As for term limits, that is what the voting booth is for. If you believe your Congressman has been in office long enough, don't vote for him. Kick him out at the next primary.

Just like with campaign finance reform, term limits are treating the symptom instead of the disease. People keep re-electing the same senile geezer time after time because he has worked his way up to a position of real power over their lives.

Take away the power the federal government has over our lives, and you take away a reason to stick around. The geezers stick around for the power.
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The perfect is the enemy of the good. If I had to choose between bankers or a legislature packed with demagogues, I would rather have the bankers' hands on our monetary printing press. Unfortunately, those are our only two choices.

Imagine if instead of there being $17 trillion of debt, there was instead an extra $17 trillion of cash in our economic system. That is what we would have if there was no Federal Reserve. Our politicians would have printed an extra $17 trillion. In fact, they would have printed more than twice that by now.

Think about it. The same guy who can make expensive promises is the same guy who prints the money. Where do you think our currency would be today if that were the case?

Our currency would be dead. We'd be Zimbabwe.

At least right now we have the stigma of an ever increasing debt hanging over us. That is a concept even the dumbest of voters can comprehend.

As for term limits, that is what the voting booth is for. If you believe your Congressman has been in office long enough, don't vote for him. Kick him out at the next primary.

Just like with campaign finance reform, term limits are treating the symptom instead of the disease. People keep re-electing the same senile geezer time after time because he has worked his way up to a position of real power over their lives.

Take away the power the federal government has over our lives, and you take away a reason to stick around. The geezers stick around for the power.
Most of your post are accurate facts with one very big flaw. about the banks obviously. I am tired of explaining but I will do it again. look......American founding fathers, I assume you are familiar with their banking quotes? warning about the things to come about the scheme of international bankers that turned out to be the federal reserve, the private institution with a fraud name federal. everything they do is based on lies and hypocrisy just like American founding fathers warned (I included quotes below you probably heard) WHY IS IT that they teach people starting with children in schools that American founding fathers were slave owners while they teach that criminals such as Strauss Khan and Bernie Madoff are great businessmen? They BRAINWASHED you to believe that without their money printing services we would be screwed, THEY PLACED trolls such as Ron Paul (to whom even I was naïve enough to donate $100 in 2008) as distractors who talk against them while burying it up with garbage about going back to some gold standard, they control the opposition by leading it, they make us think we know the alternative, but the alternative we know has been fed to us by them. I made a whole series of speeches and in almost everyone of them I try to expose them as best as they can, NO IT WOULD NOT BE WORSE if this criminal industry would be eliminated in the whole world, YES IT WOULD be worse if it were just eliminated in USA as I think I explained why.

James Madison: "History records that
the money changers have used every
form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and
violent means possible to maintain their
control over governments by controlling
money and it's issuance."

Thomas Jefferson: "I believe that banking
institutions are more dangerous to our
liberties than standing armies. The issuing
power (of money) should be taken away
from the banks and restored to the people
to whom it properly belongs."

U.S. President James A. Garfield: "Whoever
controls the volume of money in any
country is absolute master of all industry
and commerce."
- Government must have authority to print money without the added interest to serve the welfare class of international criminals - these are not my words, these are words of people who built this nation - words to the welfare class of today.

Sure sounds like your words. Tell me, which of the Founders said anything about "interest to service the welfare class of international criminals"? A quote would be fine.

I doubt you will find one though. It's difficult to find a Founder talk about a welfare class when they didn't believe in divisions of class.
- Government must have authority to print money without the added interest to serve the welfare class of international criminals - these are not my words, these are words of people who built this nation - words to the welfare class of today.

Sure sounds like your words. Tell me, which of the Founders said anything about "interest to service the welfare class of international criminals"? A quote would be fine.

I doubt you will find one though. It's difficult to find a Founder talk about a welfare class when they didn't believe in divisions of class.
It's your manipulation of my post - while some try to understand the point, others try to find something to argue about, and you are evidently one of those since you can not make any point.

Thomas Jefferson: "I believe that banking
institutions are more dangerous to our
liberties than standing armies. The issuing
power (of money) should be taken away
from the banks and restored to the people
to whom it properly belongs.
The question is WHAT should replace American system, which is already lost - no one believes in it other than those who profit to believe in it from the establishment, that that can only be a minority who due to control of the media and the money supply easily manage to look like MAJORITY...

As the American system is the best in the world, unless something better comes along to protect our individual liberties, we should be working at restoring the American system.
- Government must have authority to print money without the added interest to serve the welfare class of international criminals - these are not my words, these are words of people who built this nation - words to the welfare class of today.

Sure sounds like your words. Tell me, which of the Founders said anything about "interest to service the welfare class of international criminals"? A quote would be fine.

I doubt you will find one though. It's difficult to find a Founder talk about a welfare class when they didn't believe in divisions of class.
It's your manipulation of my post - while some try to understand the point, others try to find something to argue about, and you are evidently one of those since you can not make any point.

Thomas Jefferson: "I believe that banking
institutions are more dangerous to our
liberties than standing armies. The issuing
power (of money) should be taken away
from the banks and restored to the people
to whom it properly belongs.

Manipulation of your post? You mean pointing out where you are completely lying.

BTW, the quote isn't saying what you claim it does.
Sure sounds like your words. Tell me, which of the Founders said anything about "interest to service the welfare class of international criminals"? A quote would be fine.

I doubt you will find one though. It's difficult to find a Founder talk about a welfare class when they didn't believe in divisions of class.
It's your manipulation of my post - while some try to understand the point, others try to find something to argue about, and you are evidently one of those since you can not make any point.

Thomas Jefferson: "I believe that banking
institutions are more dangerous to our
liberties than standing armies. The issuing
power (of money) should be taken away
from the banks and restored to the people
to whom it properly belongs.
Manipulation of your post? You mean pointing out where you are completely lying.

BTW, the quote isn't saying what you claim it does.
If you can, show and explain where I'm lying or manipulating
What Does It Feel Like To Be A dimocrap?


The following is a very unusual account of a true but unusual experience:

I had an arterial problem for a couple of years, which reduced blood supply to my heart and brain and depleted B vitamins from my nerves (to keep the heart in good repair). Although there is some vagueness as to the mechanisms, this made me forgetful, slow, and easily overwhelmed. In short, I felt like I was stupid compared to what I was used to, and I was.

It was frightening at first because I knew something wasn’t right but didn’t know what, and very worrying for my career because I was simply not very good any more.

However, once I got used to it and resigned myself, it was great. Even though I knew I had a worrying illness, I was happy as a pig in mud. I no longer had the arrogance of being frustrated with slow people, I abandoned many projects which reduced a lot of stress, I could enjoy films without knowing what would happen (my nickname before this used to be ‘comic book guy’ if you get the reference), and I became amazingly laid back and happy go lucky. I got on with people much better. I developed much more respect for one of my friends in particular who I always considered slow – it turned out he is much deeper than I thought, I just never had the patience to notice before. You could say I had more time to look around. The world just made more sense. The only negative, apart from struggling to perform at work, and having to write everything down, was that I no longer found sci-fi interesting – it just didn’t seem important. (I’m not joking, although it sounds like a cliché.)

Eventually after more physical and life threatening symptoms developed I got the right tests and they found my arteries were blocked up (2 out of 3 of my main coronary arteries 100% blocked – they couldn’t work out why I was alive – it later turned out that I had unusually good peripheral circulation from my intense cycling). I’ve since had stents to open up the arteries again and made a full recovery.

After a year or so I am almost as ‘clever’ as I used to be, although I tend to ignore distractions more than I used to and focus on a smaller number of projects. I’m still more laid back than I used to be though, and have more patience with people. Most people still find me more socially competent. I also enjoy sci-fi again.

So an unusual perspective, from a fairly unusual circumstance, but that’s what it feels like to be be stupid when you used to be fairly bright. In some ways it was a great learning experience, although obviously in other ways it is a life changing fact I have to live with. Not many people get to walk about in other peoples shoes, and then pick up where they left off. Plus it’s obviously nice to still be alive.

In short I would say that the frustration of dealing with slower people is worse than being one of the slower people, even if you know you are slow. Obviously most people who are relatively slow, don’t know it, but I think I’ve glimpsed how they experience the world.

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