What is happening in out Military? A necessary read…200 Officers purged…


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
What is happening in out Military? A necessary read…200 Officers purged…

Referring to recent reports that Obama has purged some 197 officers in the past five years, Boykin said the reports suggest these officers were suspected of disloyalty or disagreed with the Obama administration on policy or force-structure issues. As Boykin pointed out, a number of them have been relieved of duty for no given reason.

“Morale is at an unprecedented low,” Boykin added, part of which is due to sequestration.
Sequestration has seriously cut back operational readiness for the military to the point where Boykin said that often they have no ammunition and are unable to conduct training because of the planned cuts.
Read more at ?Purge surge?: Obama fires another commander
What is happening in out Military? A necessary read…200 Officers purged…

Referring to recent reports that Obama has purged some 197 officers in the past five years, Boykin said the reports suggest these officers were suspected of disloyalty or disagreed with the Obama administration on policy or force-structure issues. As Boykin pointed out, a number of them have been relieved of duty for no given reason.

“Morale is at an unprecedented low,” Boykin added, part of which is due to sequestration.
Sequestration has seriously cut back operational readiness for the military to the point where Boykin said that often they have no ammunition and are unable to conduct training because of the planned cuts.
Read more at ?Purge surge?: Obama fires another commander

This is what dictators do.
That's exactly what it is sounding like. You disagree with the Big Guy and you are out. How many careers did he ruin at a drop of a hat?
from the OP link:

Tilley’s dismissal is only the latest in what retired Navy Capt. Joseph John refers to as a “bigger picture” in which some “135 senior officers have been purged.”

“The ‘bigger picture,’” John told WND, “is that the U.S. Armed Forces have been under relentless attack by the occupant of the Oval Office for five years.”

A Naval Academy graduate, John had three tours of duty in Vietnam, served as an al-Qaida expert for the FBI, and was a commanding officer with SEALs embedded on special operations. He was awarded the Navy Marine Corps Commendation Medal, five Meritorious Service Medals and 22 medals and unit citations for combat operations in Vietnam, Philippines, Desert Storm and on anti-terrorist operations.

Today, John is chairman of Combat Veterans For Congress PAC (Political Action Committee), which has helped elect 20 combat veterans to Congress.

“I believe there are more than 137 officers who have been forced out or given bad evaluation reports so they will never make Flag (officer), because of their failure to comply to certain views,” John told WND.

“The truly sad story is that many of the brightest graduates of the three major service academies witnessing what the social experiment on diversity … is doing to the U.S. military, are leaving the service after five years,” he said. “We are being left with an officer corps that can be made to be more compliant, that is, exactly what Obama needs to effect his long range goals for the U.S. military.”
Read more at ?Purge surge?: Obama fires another commander

And what are those long term goals?
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Its simple. Just look at history.

When Hitler came to power he took an immediate dislike to the then Chief of the German General Staff. The party sought out witnesses that testified they had seen this General amusing himself while busily bent over young men and boys in some of Berlin's more tawdry nightspots and back alleyways. After the general was called in to hear the witnesses testimony he tendered his resignation to Hitler. While the general was leaving the building the witnesses were taken out into an adjacent courtyard and shot. Another General, later appointed as Chief of the General Staff let his new position and paycheck go to his head, promptly dumping his rather ordinary looking wife and taking up with a ravishing blond beauty. Hitler officially attended the Generals wedding. Shortly thereafter, Party officials discovered advertisements in some local papers and pamphlets picturing the same ravishing blond beauty, now the wife of the Chief of the German General Staff advertising her physical comforts and companionship for sale on a first come, first served basis. Hitler was mortified. Scratch another General, Chief of the General Staff. This same routine went on for some time, plus Hitler's having the backing of the SA (his own private Brownshirt Army) allowed Hitler to manipulate the German Army into swearing personal allegiance to Hitler, instead of, as before, to the German State. Once this was accomplished WWII and the Holocaust in its full fury, were inevitable.
Obama doesn't personally control a million man Brownshirt Army that's demanding greater military capability, responsibility and power, like Hitler did, as a threat to use against our current military but his decimation of the command structure is far more extensive. Unless stopped, the results will likely be the same. Watch for Obama to soon demand the military's personal allegiance to him, instead of the Constitution. The founders set up the separation and independence of the branches of government for a reason, to prevent a single entity from controlling all the functions of Government. The military has traditionally been the more Conservative arm of Government. Admiral Chester Nimitz's daughter was vehemently anti FDR, but Nimitz told his daughter "I don't care what you think of him. You will salute the President when he passes!" Obama definitely intends to place his political stamp on 'His' military, another of his "Shiny new toys." These are dangerous times, indeed. Roosevelt was not an anti American would be tyrant.
The military is top heavy. It was top heavy as a motherfucker when I was active duty.

We have drawn down in Iraq, and we are drawing down in Afghanistan.

Unless you want all those fricking officers mowing the White House lawn, some of them are going to have to go, morons.

How many enlisted have been "purged"? Did you even bother to look it up?

Get a fucking clue: Earlier drawdowns give idea of what's to come | Army Times | armytimes.com
The military is top heavy. It was top heavy as a motherfucker when I was active duty.

We have drawn down in Iraq, and we are drawing down in Afghanistan.

Unless you want all those fricking officers mowing the White House lawn, some of them are going to have to go, morons.

How many enlisted have been "purged"? Did you even bother to look it up?

Get a fucking clue: Earlier drawdowns give idea of what's to come | Army Times | armytimes.com

There is a difference between drawing down and sacking people because they won't fire on American Citizens or install Martial Law.
There's another historical caveat that should be mentioned. After Joe Stalin signed his non aggression pact with Germany, August, 1939, Stalin murdered most of his officer corps.

Because of this leadership and training vacuum, when Germany did invade the Soviet Union, June, 1941, the German Army was able to penetrate six hundred miles deep on a two thousand mile long front in just six months, reaching to within twenty miles of Moscow, that December.

Its not a good position to be in, you sort of end up like the guys who fired up that radar station on a certain Sunday morning and noticed a flight of some two hundred planes coming out of the northwest headed generally towards Pearl only to be told not to worry about it, just a few B-17s expected coming in from the States.

Playin' fast and loose, he is.
Actually the GENERALS have jobs or retirements so why would they be raising this issue???
Why do we even need a military?

I mean, since January, 2009 all the peoples of all the nations have LOvED America.

Haven't they?
The military is top heavy. It was top heavy as a motherfucker when I was active duty.

We have drawn down in Iraq, and we are drawing down in Afghanistan.

Unless you want all those fricking officers mowing the White House lawn, some of them are going to have to go, morons.

How many enlisted have been "purged"? Did you even bother to look it up?

Get a fucking clue: Earlier drawdowns give idea of what's to come | Army Times | armytimes.com

There is a difference between drawing down and sacking people because they won't fire on American Citizens or install Martial Law.

You are an idiot conspiracy nut.
obama intends to emasculate the military. Make us so weak and so worthless that no one would bother fighting us. No one is threatening Paraguay.
The military is going through a major "change". Several Generals have been "fired", many staff officers have been "fired" and senior NCOs are being told that they will not be retained.

Here is the next "problem" the Army faces:

Obama's DoD: Army teaches Christians are terrorists at Fort Hood - Atlas Shrugs

Friends of mine have sent me various articles on the changing policy within the Army from race-relations classes where white men are denigrated to muslim prayer "stations" being set up to accommodate their needs.

The makeup of the military is changing drastically. The "old guard" is being purged from the Army in favor of women, gays and latinos. No hysteria here. Just facts.

Women, Latinos and gays.
Is it Alex Jones? Is that what is causing this sudden bloom of topics about this idiotic paranoid "purge" conspiracy? Was he ranting about it on the air the past couple of days or something.

Someone is filling your piss cup. That's for sure.
The military is top heavy. It was top heavy as a motherfucker when I was active duty.

We have drawn down in Iraq, and we are drawing down in Afghanistan.

Unless you want all those fricking officers mowing the White House lawn, some of them are going to have to go, morons.

How many enlisted have been "purged"? Did you even bother to look it up?

Get a fucking clue: Earlier drawdowns give idea of what's to come | Army Times | armytimes.com

There is a difference between drawing down and sacking people because they won't fire on American Citizens or install Martial Law.

You are an idiot conspiracy nut.

Army: Only two brigades ready to fight | TheHill
Is it Alex Jones? Is that what is causing this sudden bloom of topics about this idiotic paranoid "purge" conspiracy? Was he ranting about it on the air the past couple of days or something.

Someone is filling your piss cup. That's for sure.

Actually I live where there is an active Air Force Base, Navy Base and Coast Guard Unit.

I have friends at all three.

Active Duty friends.

I have heard stories from them, from each base, of what is going on in the leadership positions within their respective branches.

Since I can't link to what they tell me, I have not started any threads on it. Anyone can make up a story and I like to have linkable support for the threads I start.

Yet I have been told that the leadership is being purged of those who say that they absolutely refuse to fire on American Citizens, install Martial Law, or disagree with the social changes being made in the military.

The word, to both the Officer and Non-Comms is simple... Either support everything or get out. There is no room for dissent or disagreement.
The military is going through a major "change". Several Generals have been "fired", many staff officers have been "fired" and senior NCOs are being told that they will not be retained.

Here is the next "problem" the Army faces:

Obama's DoD: Army teaches Christians are terrorists at Fort Hood - Atlas Shrugs

Friends of mine have sent me various articles on the changing policy within the Army from race-relations classes where white men are denigrated to muslim prayer "stations" being set up to accommodate their needs.

The makeup of the military is changing drastically. The "old guard" is being purged from the Army in favor of women, gays and latinos. No hysteria here. Just facts.

Women, Latinos and gays.

Christians Are Being Systematically Purged From The U.S. Military @ Christians Are Being Systematically Purged From The U.S. Military

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