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What is it with democrats and roaches?

Democrats and roaches? That's marginalization plain and simple. And it has an ick factor for women, left or right.
Are roaches the bugs democrats want us all to eat for protein once they ban all meat?
All of US Message boards is going down the tubes when you put out crap that in the OP.
Unfortunately, last night on Hannity someone took shots of young Democrat women saying something to the effect that if one was a woman and voted Republican, she was a roach. Yes, I agree marginalizing human beings of any group with noxious pest animals is lower than snake snot, but he didn't just "think" that one up. I hope it doesn't represent all young ladies in leftist universities as a "feel good" exercise after Biden has turned a prosperous A-list country into a street fight poorhouse with prices so high people have to eat bitter beans and like it or be reported to Maxine Waters' get in their face committee. The "republicans are roaches" fix is in, I am very sad to say.
Obozo changed this country from America to ameriKKKa.
Obama's Secretary of State was Hillary "I forget" Rodham Clinton, who has a legacy of dead people who were former employes/friends:

And I think the past is a sorry thing to follow a politician around when you're wondering why Democrat leaders have failed in popularity politically with nobody calling the former First Lady on the carpet for the misery that follows her and her beloved Alinsky method (her college thesis) around as a means of taking over a free society and turning it into an easy-to-lead shithole. Marginalizing a good president with two false impeachments created in Hillary Hell to bring the cloud of Marxism to the nation, aided and abetted by opening the borders to every country that is tired of spending their money on hosting criminals for life, merely has to transport them to the border at Del Rio. Mexico just sits by and chuckles behind closed doors for being copied. reddit]freeworldnews/comments/cx4vxq
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The idiotic show, The DNC View, had a democrat on their comparing white women voting for Republicans to roaches.

It is akin to Biden calling black children roaches in this exchange.

Is it not enough to call them semi-fascists?

Well there were so many roaches along with their mates in line for early voting today I could not get in, will have to go again Monday or wait til Tuesday.
I knew they were projecting when I wrote that. Everybody knows the majority of Democrats accept lying to create chaos as a cause célèbre.
Penelope, I accept your thumbs down. You and a few other Democrats here would not wittingly repeat a lie, but out there in Oprah and the Five land, are either naive about lies used like Bear traps to assist the Clinton-led push to Communize America, I don't think they've spent time in a Russian / communist gulag for saying the truth, so they're thinking Communism will just be an everyday change of making it easier for them to boss people around like a self-serving monarch. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but I'll say it one more time: to achieve order in a new communist government, dissidents must die. In the case of Mao Tse-tung, he led his forces into areas to clean out people who didn't believe in him. He killed one hundred million Chinese people to bring about total control that communism somehow tends to demand full and total cooperation which carries full and total dominion over the food supply, housing, and every aspect of life. Russians won't admit how many they killed in the extended Bolshevik years, thinking they would avoid the full hatred of the world's nations if they published an over 2-million kill list. We don't really know how many they killed, but the detectives and scholars of the era knew it was a lot more than what they were admitting to. Solhezin (spelling?) thought the number killed equated the number killed in China. To this day, the Russians do not make public their real price in human life of their doings to take freedom away from former satellites who underwent further killings of anyone who has a dim view of their leadership. "Mother Russia" is now a misnomer.

You have a President of the United States who marginalized about 100 million Republicans as being "fascists" which is not true. Neither are the police forces who have to make criminals stop killing, raping, and stealing other people's property. He likely was told to start the "Republicans are bad people, through and through" narrative in order to pave the way to make their victim followers hate conservatives. When the hate reaches fever pitch, the deep state communists can step in and convince people on their "team" to bring order in Republicans home. The only way they can do that is to conceal the future for their apparatchiks and telling such narratives that would make them mad enough to kill them. If they start thinking of opponent people as insects, that's their door in to murder people that are inconvenient to their total power. It's a trick to get what they want to have--full and total unopposed power to themselves and themselves only. The 100 million Republicans they have to kill will be a gruesome task. So they must further brainwash and reward murders now and celebrate them by clinging to the "white people hate you and almost all the Republicans are white" (not true, just like the rest of the communist narrative which they have followed and made their teacher, Hillary Rodham Clinton, their narrative-writer. She knew what she was doing when she created the "Russian collusion" myth, and in fact, evidence has sprung up in the last two years that Mrs. Clinton sold her country out long ago after believing every word her Marxist professor had to say including glamorizing the Alinsky method of taking any country over in 8 steps, and she's spent her adult life believing in evildoing to make an outcome a reality. That's my last critique of the people you are obeying and believing in who in reality are merciless to their peers who do not conform to debilitating demands. And by the way, we are arming ourselves as the Founders advised, just in case some future government that envied their outcome (freedom for all) that decides to remove the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to whoever they so choose. Don't expect us Republicans to lay down to have our children zeig heil future Democrat leaders who sold out long ago with the help of professors their sect installed secretly into universities, colleges, and even junior colleges who are brainwashed into an unholy criminalhood of believers.

And I don't give a damn if the hoity-toitie Harvard Communist feminists call me a roach because with their allegiance given to total control institutions, they are creating a God, who just happens to be themselves. Roman Emperors did it. Chinese communists did it, and American Democrats that tell their constituents to stalk and get-in-the-faces of Republican conservatives will be doing it unless we protect ourselves with the same lethal force Biden, Obummer, Pelosi, and Rodham are already planning. On the sly, of course.
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He learned about roaches, he learned about kids jumping up in his lap.


Yet somehow he hasn't learned about restraining orders yet. Anyways, I love how B. Tatum talks about this as he's one hundred percent correct. If skin colors were reversed there would be a much bigger and outrage. Plus, I love his Al Sharpton impression LOL 😂

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“I read a poll just yesterday that white, Republican, suburban women are now going to vote Republican,” Hostin marveled. “It’s almost like roaches voting for Raid, right?”

White woman. From of the OP post. You just wanted, I don't know what you had in mind.
The art in the OP never even mentions Biden.
Thanks to shows like the view, we know what democrats really think of Jews


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