What is the Chief Justice's Roll in Impeachment?

Will the Chief Justice kill the impeachment trial before it begins?

  • Yes- Judaical review and Constitutionality will be checked.

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • No- This will be allowed without judicial review.

    Votes: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters
But do the House Articles meet the Constitutional requirements? That is the Question. Secondary, Will Roberts look into constitutionality and advise the Senate?

No question at all. Trump broke the law and abused his power and tried to obstruct Congressional oversight.

Trump could clear this whole matter up just by directing Guliani, Bolton, Pompeo, Barr and Mulvaney to testify.
All things being equal, The Articles should get slapped down as there are no material facts, no witnesses and the offenses listed as Articles are not found in US Code as a Misdemeanor or Felony.

Impeachment comes from British constitutional history. The process evolved from the 14th century as a way for parliament to hold the king’s ministers accountable for their public actions. Impeachment, as Alexander Hamilton of New York explained in Federalist 65, varies from civil or criminal courts in that it strictly involves the “misconduct of public men, or in other words from the abuse or violation of some public trust.” Individual state constitutions had provided for impeachment for “maladministration” or “corruption” before the U.S. Constitution was written. And the founders, fearing the potential for abuse of executive power, considered impeachment so important that they made it part of the Constitution even before they defined the contours of the presidency.


there doesn't have to be a 'crime' committed in the classic sense, because impeachment & removal follow congressional rules & not 'societal' rules; that is why a 'sitting president' cannot be prosecuted. once a president leaves office, whether it be by losing an election, resignation, or cast out by congress, then he is a complete civilian & is subject to federal & state charges. why do you think donny is hell bent on staying in office? once he leaves NYS is waiting to nail him to the wall AND the beauty of that--- is how he cannot be pardoned AT ALL on any state charges that may come his way.
Chief Justice's "roll"?

Evidently the top intellectual talent of Republican supporters is on the case.
I'd have to say that the current SC being primarily made up of constitutionalists, they will go with the constitution:

“The House ... shall have the sole Power of Impeachment and that The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments...”
But do the House Articles meet the Constitutional requirements? That is the Question. Secondary, Will Roberts look into constitutionality and advise the Senate?
SInce we will never be told what they have, what these "whistle blowers" know, or any other facts, we will never know.

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