What is the explanation republicans have as to why the GOP retained the senate, gained in the House and won Florida if fraud is rampant?

Trump was winning in the swing states, I saw it on the board on FOX.

But FOX refused to call the states.

Then, the voting was stopped.
Did voting pause over night? Uh yes. People get tired. New shifts have to come in.

Hey remember Ohio and how Biden had a big lead at first? That’s because they counted mail in ballots first. PA didn’t have that rule. States do different things.
BULLSHIT. You don't stop counting because people get tired. That is total fucking BULLSHIT.
Lol yeah they should be slaves and coerced. You do know human error happens in those situations right?
Sadly, you are barking up the wrong tree if you are expecting a rational discussion with reactionaries.

It’s true. I think secretly they know this all makes sense but they are too immature to handle losing so they lash out.
Trump was winning in the swing states, I saw it on the board on FOX.

But FOX refused to call the states.

Then, the voting was stopped.
Did voting pause over night? Uh yes. People get tired. New shifts have to come in.

Hey remember Ohio and how Biden had a big lead at first? That’s because they counted mail in ballots first. PA didn’t have that rule. States do different things.
BULLSHIT. You don't stop counting because people get tired. That is total fucking BULLSHIT.
Lol yeah they should be slaves and coerced. You do know human error happens in those situations right?
Sadly, you are barking up the wrong tree if you are expecting a rational discussion with reactionaries.

It’s true. I think secretly they know this all makes sense but they are too immature to handle losing so they lash out.
It isn't a question of maturity, it's the decades of brainwashing by the Republicans' Southern Strategy.

The 1970 article at the link below is interesting in what it explains about Republican voters' mindset, and the man who developed the method to shape it.

That is a master democrat plan man! The democrats barely eked out a win for White House but for some bizarre reason they still lost the key senate and House races.

Well that is simple. In some of the contested swing states the democrats did win... and perhaps the margins were higher and the fraud would not have been enough. We will find out more regarding it later, but I don't see how this debunks anything.
That is a master democrat plan man! The democrats barely eked out a win for White House but for some bizarre reason they still lost the key senate and House races.

Well that is simple. In some of the contested swing states the democrats did win... and perhaps the margins were higher and the fraud would not have been enough. We will find out more regarding it later, but I don't see how this debunks anything.
You’re just saying shit that SOUNDS true to you. You have no evidence of anything.
That is a master democrat plan man! The democrats barely eked out a win for White House but for some bizarre reason they still lost the key senate and House races.

Remember on the 3rd and Ohio had Biden with a big lead? It’s because they counted mail in ballots first. That’s just how shit works.

You know if a ballot has the Presidential choice marked and nothing else marked as a vote, it still counts?
You know how long it would take to fill out every part of 10,000 ballots when you can select one choice and stuff it in an envelop?

I certainly have no proof of that happening, and cannot say that it did.
You just asked how it could have happened if someone wanted to cheat.

There you go ... :thup:

That is a master democrat plan man! The democrats barely eked out a win for White House but for some bizarre reason they still lost the key senate and House races.

Remember on the 3rd and Ohio had Biden with a big lead? It’s because they counted mail in ballots first. That’s just how shit works.

You know if a ballot has the Presidential choice marked and nothing else marked as a vote, it still counts?
You know how long it would take to fill out every part of 10,000 ballots when you can select one choice and stuff it in a envelop?

I certainly have no proof of that happening, and cannot say that it did.
You just asked how it could have happened if someone wanted to cheat.

There you go ... :thup:

Should be a blue clue for any sane person, 10 seat bite out of Pelosi's ass but Trump lost.....yeah thats it.......
The Democrats are too stupid to try to steal these elections, that's where there's a disconnect between what's happening in the Presidential race and the other races.
Oh gee what a convenient explanation!

Because the Democrats can only rig the election in the election districts they control, they can't rig the rural congressional districts. However, their rigged urban vote still counts towards the Presidential vote.

If you dumped 1 billion votes for Biden in Austin Texas, Biden would get the Texas EC vote and the the Dems would pick up the congressional seat in Austin, but nothing else would be affected.
The Democrats are too stupid to try to steal these elections, that's where there's a disconnect between what's happening in the Presidential race and the other races.
Oh gee what a convenient explanation!

Because the Democrats can only rig the election in the election districts they control, they can't rig the rural congressional districts. However, their rigged urban vote still counts towards the Presidential vote.

If you dumped 1 billion votes for Biden in Austin Texas, Biden would get the Texas EC vote and the the Dems would pick up the congressional seat in Austin, but nothing else would be affected.
Republicans run the elections in PA and Georgia.
Should be a blue clue for any sane person, 10 seat bite out of Pelosi's ass but Trump lost.....yeah thats it.......

Oh yeah and it would be easy enough to check for.

Add up the number of down ballot votes that would indicate the total voting group population.
Then add up the number of votes for the total of votes cast in the Presidential race.

I am sure there would some discrepancies, and any number of reasons someone may choose not to vote for something.
But if there was a serious deficiency in the down ballot group population and the Presidential race, that would warrant concern.

Meh ... But all in all, nobody wants to do what is necessary to actually secure our elections.

The Democrats are too stupid to try to steal these elections, that's where there's a disconnect between what's happening in the Presidential race and the other races.
Oh gee what a convenient explanation!

Because the Democrats can only rig the election in the election districts they control, they can't rig the rural congressional districts. However, their rigged urban vote still counts towards the Presidential vote.

If you dumped 1 billion votes for Biden in Austin Texas, Biden would get the Texas EC vote and the the Dems would pick up the congressional seat in Austin, but nothing else would be affected.
Republicans run the elections in PA and Georgia.

They don't run the elections in the cities of PA and Georgia.


The Democrats are too stupid to try to steal these elections, that's where there's a disconnect between what's happening in the Presidential race and the other races.
Oh gee what a convenient explanation!

Because the Democrats can only rig the election in the election districts they control, they can't rig the rural congressional districts. However, their rigged urban vote still counts towards the Presidential vote.

If you dumped 1 billion votes for Biden in Austin Texas, Biden would get the Texas EC vote and the the Dems would pick up the congressional seat in Austin, but nothing else would be affected.
Republicans run the elections in PA and Georgia.

They don't run the elections in the cities of PA and Georgia.


Dude take a Xanax okay? Lol good god. It doesn’t matter if Dems run the cities. The election process is run by republicans. Did they just let this happen? You still haven’t explained Georgia. That shit is up and down the board republican.
That is a master democrat plan man! The democrats barely eked out a win for White House but for some bizarre reason they still lost the key senate and House races.

Remember on the 3rd and Ohio had Biden with a big lead? It’s because they counted mail in ballots first. That’s just how shit works.
That is a master democrat plan man! The democrats barely eked out a win for White House but for some bizarre reason they still lost the key senate and House races.

Remember on the 3rd and Ohio had Biden with a big lead? It’s because they counted mail in ballots first. That’s just how shit works.

The real question is how did Democrats fail to take the Senate, lose seats in the House, yet win the WH as they supposedly did?

I am sure those hundreds of thousands of votes that showed up in cars at 4am in those states - every single one for Biden - helped.

'Nothing To See Here - Move Along....'

The Democrats are too stupid to try to steal these elections, that's where there's a disconnect between what's happening in the Presidential race and the other races.
Oh gee what a convenient explanation!

Because the Democrats can only rig the election in the election districts they control, they can't rig the rural congressional districts. However, their rigged urban vote still counts towards the Presidential vote.

If you dumped 1 billion votes for Biden in Austin Texas, Biden would get the Texas EC vote and the the Dems would pick up the congressional seat in Austin, but nothing else would be affected.
Republicans run the elections in PA and Georgia.

They don't run the elections in the cities of PA and Georgia.


Dude take a Xanax okay? Lol good god. It doesn’t matter if Dems run the cities. The election process is run by republicans. Did they just let this happen? You still haven’t explained Georgia. That shit is up and down the board republican.

What can the State of Georgia do at the current moment to stop fraudulent counting in the Dem controlled city district? Trump himself can't get get OBSERVERS to watch anything anywhere in any Democrook city.
The Democrats are too stupid to try to steal these elections, that's where there's a disconnect between what's happening in the Presidential race and the other races.
Oh gee what a convenient explanation!

Because the Democrats can only rig the election in the election districts they control, they can't rig the rural congressional districts. However, their rigged urban vote still counts towards the Presidential vote.

If you dumped 1 billion votes for Biden in Austin Texas, Biden would get the Texas EC vote and the the Dems would pick up the congressional seat in Austin, but nothing else would be affected.
Republicans run the elections in PA and Georgia.

They don't run the elections in the cities of PA and Georgia.


Dude take a Xanax okay? Lol good god. It doesn’t matter if Dems run the cities. The election process is run by republicans. Did they just let this happen? You still haven’t explained Georgia. That shit is up and down the board republican.

What can the State of Georgia do at the current moment to stop fraudulent counting in the Dem controlled city district? Trump himself can't get get OBSERVERS to watch anything anywhere in any Democrook city.
Trump’s campaign is watching the count in PA. The Biden campaign is NOT. Okay and about this city district shit you’re saying, you’re saying that they are overriding the government controlled by republicans. Your entire logic is “democrats are in states. It’s all fraud!” It’s ridiculous.
That is a master democrat plan man! The democrats barely eked out a win for White House but for some bizarre reason they still lost the key senate and House races.

Well that is simple. In some of the contested swing states the democrats did win... and perhaps the margins were higher and the fraud would not have been enough. We will find out more regarding it later, but I don't see how this debunks anything.
You’re just saying shit that SOUNDS true to you. You have no evidence of anything.
Bullshit. In Detroit the Democrats kicked out Republican absentee vote count observers and covered up the windows so people couldn't watch. That's some pretty damning circumstantial evidence of nefarious activity. What are they trying to hide?

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