What is the lefts plan by getting us wrapped up in all these conflicts? They must realize that most Americans are against funding all these wars.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
So what's the payoff for them? I get the Biden ties with the Ukraine crap but what's up with all the Saber rattling everywhere else?
He's going to screw around and get us so bogged down everywhere else that if China so chooses they will walk all over Taiwan. Yes Taiwan, a place of actual major value to the US because of the chip industry. If that were to happen China would have control of the majority of the chip industry that our entire lives revolve around. And covid proved that because when the chip industry came to a halt everything that required chips to function became a scarce commodity and prices went though the roof. Add to that our current chip battle with China and you can see that Taiwan is even more valuable to them now.
Notice how we are only supplying military aid and not deploying troops and air support?

Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq……we sent OUR TROOPS to do the fighting and dying.

Thankfully, we have an experienced President not giving in to impulses
So what's the payoff for them? I get the Biden ties with the Ukraine crap but what's up with all the Saber rattling everywhere else?
He's going to screw around and get us so bogged down everywhere else that if China so chooses they will walk all over Taiwan. Yes Taiwan, a place of actual major value to the US because of the chip industry. If that were to happen China would have control of the majority of the chip industry that our entire lives revolve around. And covid proved that because when the chip industry came to a halt everything that required chips to function became a scarce commodity and prices went though the roof. Add to that our current chip battle with China and you can see that Taiwan is even more valuable to them now.

So what's the payoff for them? I get the Biden ties with the Ukraine crap but what's up with all the Saber rattling everywhere else?
He's going to screw around and get us so bogged down everywhere else that if China so chooses they will walk all over Taiwan. Yes Taiwan, a place of actual major value to the US because of the chip industry. If that were to happen China would have control of the majority of the chip industry that our entire lives revolve around. And covid proved that because when the chip industry came to a halt everything that required chips to function became a scarce commodity and prices went though the roof. Add to that our current chip battle with China and you can see that Taiwan is even more valuable to them now.
Calm down, Chipper. China isn't in the mood (economically) to fight anyone.
The Biden Doctrine has the US providing military aid to countries who are facing a threat.

We let them do the actual fighting.

After decades of deploying troops half way around the world, we have finally deployed a working military strategy
So what's the payoff for them? I get the Biden ties with the Ukraine crap but what's up with all the Saber rattling everywhere else?
He's going to screw around and get us so bogged down everywhere else that if China so chooses they will walk all over Taiwan. Yes Taiwan, a place of actual major value to the US because of the chip industry. If that were to happen China would have control of the majority of the chip industry that our entire lives revolve around. And covid proved that because when the chip industry came to a halt everything that required chips to function became a scarce commodity and prices went though the roof. Add to that our current chip battle with China and you can see that Taiwan is even more valuable to them now.

Ukraine grain in the EU ... what's not to like about that? ... the payoff is Ukraine buying NATO equipment from the United States, instead of Russian equipment ... very clever to flood them with free European hardware, hook them to buying our stuff ... have you never dealt addictive drugs before? ...

Donald Trump explained this to the Chinese ... we don't need them, they need us ... if they invade Taiwan, chip manufacturing will stop ... and chips won't be the only thing China will have to stop sending here ... we can end trade with China and survive ... bring American jobs back home ...

It'll hurt us, and hurt bad ... but the CCP dies even before the famine in China ... a billion starving people will revolt ...
What is the democrats plan? The same plan they have been implementing, bankrupt America.

Covid spending, infrastructure, millions of illegal aliens, wars, green energy, wind turbines, solar panels.

The idea is to bankrupt America, create the failure of our great republic, state it did not work, then the elite can rule from their new world order government
So what's the payoff for them? I get the Biden ties with the Ukraine crap but what's up with all the Saber rattling everywhere else?
He's going to screw around and get us so bogged down everywhere else that if China so chooses they will walk all over Taiwan. Yes Taiwan, a place of actual major value to the US because of the chip industry. If that were to happen China would have control of the majority of the chip industry that our entire lives revolve around. And covid proved that because when the chip industry came to a halt everything that required chips to function became a scarce commodity and prices went though the roof. Add to that our current chip battle with China and you can see that Taiwan is even more valuable to them now.
Are you unaware the Rs in congress fully support these horrendous wars?
The Biden Doctrine has the US providing military aid to countries who are facing a threat.

We let them do the actual fighting.

After decades of deploying troops half way around the world, we have finally deployed a working military strategy
No. The Biden Doctrine is whatever the Jewish neocons in his administration tell him.
Nope, there are plenty of establishment hacks on both sides but Biden is in FULL CONTROL of our military and foreign aid.
No. Biden doesn’t control much. The big corporations, billionaires, and neocons run the show. Dumb old Joe does what he’s told, like all recent presidents.
What is the democrats plan? The same plan they have been implementing, bankrupt America.

Covid spending, infrastructure, millions of illegal aliens, wars, green energy, wind turbines, solar panels.

The idea is to bankrupt America, create the failure of our great republic, state it did not work, then the elite can rule from their new world order government

Crap ... are we really that transparent? ... it's not we've tried to hide this or anything ... you make it sound bad or something ...

I made it a point to raise rents as soon as I got back from my annual vacation in Vegas ... and laugh in my tenants' faces about "paying off them gambling debts" ... while bragging about coming back a winner ... it was sad ...

1/3 of US households pay 1/3 their income to a landlord ... that's one hell of a lot of money every month ... why would these elite want to bankrupt the system? ... and this is unearned income, landlords don't even use the same tax forms as you do ...

2009-2017 was a GLORIOUS time to be a landlord ... dirt cheap distressed housing units ... sky-rocketing rents ... our own banking system ... with a fixed rate mortgage, all inflation is profit ... thank you Bidet ... World Government™ is happy with you ...
What is the democrats plan? The same plan they have been implementing, bankrupt America.

Covid spending, infrastructure, millions of illegal aliens, wars, green energy, wind turbines, solar panels.

The idea is to bankrupt America, create the failure of our great republic, state it did not work, then the elite can rule from their new world order government
They`ll have to pry that lump of coal from your cold dead fingers. :)
They`ll have to pry that lump of coal from your cold dead fingers. :)
Yep, the wind turbine heavy industry and solar panel heavy industry requires all the coal reserves on the planet. The $200 trillion global green economy will consume every bit of coal to turn sand into solar panels as well as wind turbines.

Democrats are already making $100's of millions off the green economy. The inflation reduction act is a pivotal piece of legislation giving, giving for the first time $1 trillion dollars to companies, universities, politicians, anyone and everyone on board the to implement the new green economy.

You made an excellent point about needed every bit of coal held by the government and private citizens

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