What is the purpose behind the clock hoax?

your answer is worthless-----SUDAN is made by arab slave traders who became SUNNI MUSLIMS when sunni muslims were invented------SUFISM IS A WHOLE OTHER SECT -------sudan is sunni
----thru and thru and barbaric as the filth comes


>> Family and close friends say the gifted ninth-grader gets his drive and enterprise from his dad, a local imam and respected Muslim leader in his hometown of Irving, Texas.

And they revealed to Daily Mail Online the remarkable rags to riches story that saw Mohamed leave his impoverished village three decades ago and head to the US with little more than a passport.

Since then he's built up several businesses, had seven children and even traveled back to his native Sudan to bravely challenge its feared dictator Omar al-Bashir for the presidency.

He's also stood up against Islam-loathing Christian pastor Terry Jones while facing criticism from hardline members of his own faith who attack his moderate Sufi beliefs.

... Mohamed still runs a handful of businesses, including a solar energy company in his native Sudan, while mentoring local college kids and serving as president of the AlSufi Center in Irving. << -- Daily Mail
Now what were you saying, Dumbass?

What a gullible idiot you are....
The father is an agitator just like your messiah.

You don't even have a clue what the fuck "Sufi" means do ya, Brainless? No, I didn't think so.

Btw I don't have a fucking "messiah". That's for fucking authoritarian-passives.

Ahmeds old man is a fucken agitator....deal with it.

Are you so stupid you think, what, that "Sufi" is the opposite of "agitator"?
Really, can you be that fucking stupid? Is it within human capacity?

Are you so stupid as to think that the father has run for the presidency of Sudan twice and there's no political aspirations here?
Do you actually think the slamming of Shira law by Irving had nothing to do with this?
What a fucken dolt....
Let's be honest here, shall we?

issham permits lying! it is called “Al-taqiyya.”

from the koran>>>>----->There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances,taqiyyaandkitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

and this too from .Islam Permits Lying to Deceive Unbelievers and Bring World Domination! (MuslimFact) >>>>-----> Muslims lie not because they are liars by nature but by choice. Systematic lying as a religious policy is deadly, and if our politicians do not understand this, thousands could die.

Muslims lie when it is in their interest to do so and “Allah” will not hold them accountable for lying when it is beneficial to the cause of Islam. They can lie without any guilt or fear of accountability or retribution. A lie in the defense of Islam is approved even applauded in their “holy” books.

any questions????
So they've been out to get the Mayor of Irving have they?

"In March of this year, Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne made national news by pushing a Texas legislature bill, “American Laws for American Courts” which would stop judges from using foreign law in their rulings. She vocally opposed Sharia mediation at a local mega-mosque too.

The Mayor knows that even under lenient interpretations, Sharia treats women and girls as property and thus prone to domestic abuse. In the most extreme cases, honor killings.

Well, guess who’s been out to get the Mayor ever since?

If you guessed Ahmed’s family, friends and CAIR, you’d be right.

So, enter the fresh faced, nerdy kid with the NASA shirt, who tinkers with go-carts and just wants to be an engineer someday. Hollywood couldn’t have cast him better. Just three weeks into high school, he secretly carries in a device that any TSA agent at airport security would think is a bomb. Then provokes police to get arrested, leaving the cuffs on just long enough for his sister to snap a photo."

your answer is worthless-----SUDAN is made by arab slave traders who became SUNNI MUSLIMS when sunni muslims were invented------SUFISM IS A WHOLE OTHER SECT -------sudan is sunni
----thru and thru and barbaric as the filth comes


>> Family and close friends say the gifted ninth-grader gets his drive and enterprise from his dad, a local imam and respected Muslim leader in his hometown of Irving, Texas.

And they revealed to Daily Mail Online the remarkable rags to riches story that saw Mohamed leave his impoverished village three decades ago and head to the US with little more than a passport.

Since then he's built up several businesses, had seven children and even traveled back to his native Sudan to bravely challenge its feared dictator Omar al-Bashir for the presidency.

He's also stood up against Islam-loathing Christian pastor Terry Jones while facing criticism from hardline members of his own faith who attack his moderate Sufi beliefs.

... Mohamed still runs a handful of businesses, including a solar energy company in his native Sudan, while mentoring local college kids and serving as president of the AlSufi Center in Irving. << -- Daily Mail
Now what were you saying, Dumbass?

What a gullible idiot you are....
The father is an agitator just like your messiah.

You don't even have a clue what the fuck "Sufi" means do ya, Brainless? No, I didn't think so.

Btw I don't have a fucking "messiah". That's for fucking authoritarian-passives.

Ahmeds old man is a fucken agitator....deal with it.

Are you so stupid you think, what, that "Sufi" is the opposite of "agitator"?
Really, can you be that fucking stupid? Is it within human capacity?

Self admitted agitator.
Sorry TD -- "honor killings" STILL have nothing to do with Sharia, or with Islam, or with Hinduism or Sikhism, among whose followers it commonly shows up. It's not a religious thing and never was. It's an ancient cultural practice, specific to certain geographical areas (especially nomadic-historied ones) and predates Islam, Christianism, Hinduism -- ALL of them. Doesn't have jack shit to do with anybody's religion. It has to do with controlling women.

And we've done this multiple times here. Stop regurgitating fucking bullshit.
So they've been out to get the Mayor of Irving have they?

"In March of this year, Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne made national news by pushing a Texas legislature bill, “American Laws for American Courts” which would stop judges from using foreign law in their rulings. She vocally opposed Sharia mediation at a local mega-mosque too.

The Mayor knows that even under lenient interpretations, Sharia treats women and girls as property and thus prone to domestic abuse. In the most extreme cases, honor killings.

Well, guess who’s been out to get the Mayor ever since?

If you guessed Ahmed’s family, friends and CAIR, you’d be right.

So, enter the fresh faced, nerdy kid with the NASA shirt, who tinkers with go-carts and just wants to be an engineer someday. Hollywood couldn’t have cast him better. Just three weeks into high school, he secretly carries in a device that any TSA agent at airport security would think is a bomb. Then provokes police to get arrested, leaving the cuffs on just long enough for his sister to snap a photo."

Did America Get Trolled By Ahmed And His Clock?
Just goes to prove Muslims need to be profiled, not trusted and deported.
Sorry TD -- "honor killings" STILL have nothing to do with Sharia, or with Islam, or with Hinduism or Sikhism, among whose followers it commonly shows up. It's not a religious thing and never was. It's an ancient cultural practice, specific to certain geographical areas (especially nomadic-historied ones) and predates Islam, Christianism, Hinduism -- ALL of them. Doesn't have jack shit to do with anybody's religion. It has to do with controlling women.

And we've done this multiple times here. Stop regurgitating fucking bullshit.

I didn't bring up honor killings.
Sorry TD -- "honor killings" STILL have nothing to do with Sharia, or with Islam, or with Hinduism or Sikhism, among whose followers it commonly shows up. It's not a religious thing and never was. It's an ancient cultural practice, specific to certain geographical areas (especially nomadic-historied ones) and predates Islam, Christianism, Hinduism -- ALL of them. Doesn't have jack shit to do with anybody's religion. It has to do with controlling women.

And we've done this multiple times here. Stop regurgitating fucking bullshit.

bull shit------"honor killings" just like FGM followed islam wherever islam went-----
Sorry TD -- "honor killings" STILL have nothing to do with Sharia, or with Islam, or with Hinduism or Sikhism, among whose followers it commonly shows up. It's not a religious thing and never was. It's an ancient cultural practice, specific to certain geographical areas (especially nomadic-historied ones) and predates Islam, Christianism, Hinduism -- ALL of them. Doesn't have jack shit to do with anybody's religion. It has to do with controlling women.

And we've done this multiple times here. Stop regurgitating fucking bullshit.

bull shit------"honor killings" just like FGM followed islam wherever islam went-----

You're just digging yourself deeper here. FGM has nothing to do with any religion. It was around LOOONG before all of them. Islam didn't "bring it" anywhere; Islam developed where it already existed. As did Hinduism and Sikhism. They're unable to control it. Same as "honor killings". We've done ALL this shit before and you bigot blowhard revisionists got your collective ASS handed to you.

Don't make me embarrass you again because I'll do it.
Sorry TD -- "honor killings" STILL have nothing to do with Sharia, or with Islam, or with Hinduism or Sikhism, among whose followers it commonly shows up. It's not a religious thing and never was. It's an ancient cultural practice, specific to certain geographical areas (especially nomadic-historied ones) and predates Islam, Christianism, Hinduism -- ALL of them. Doesn't have jack shit to do with anybody's religion. It has to do with controlling women.

And we've done this multiple times here. Stop regurgitating fucking bullshit.

bull shit------"honor killings" just like FGM followed islam wherever islam went-----

You're just digging yourself deeper here. FGM has nothing to do with any religion. It was around LOOONG before all of them. Islam didn't "bring it" anywhere; Islam developed where it already existed. As did Hinduism and Sikhism. They're unable to control it. Same as "honor killings". We've done ALL this shit before and you bigot blowhard revisionists got your collective ASS handed to you.

Don't make me embarrass you again because I'll do it.

wrong again-----you know nothing about the issue-------
FGM predates islam-------was probably first done in EGYPT-----before islam was invented-----and it also existed in ARABIA when islam was invented-----it was INCORPORATED into islam. ---------and wherever muslims invaded----they brought the practice-----often to places in which IT HAD NEVER EXISTED BEFORE----including south east asia and Iran. You made a fool of yourself.
Hindus and Sikhs don't do it. SIKHISM developed AFTER ISLAM and was
VERY MUCH INFLUENCED BY IT----thus "honor killings"
"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

That is what certain people would want you to believe, but the truth is that he was yet another student breaking the zero tolerance rules. So, not brilliant. Just a ploy to try and make it about Muslims when it's really about the ridiculous school policy.

what "ridiculous school policy"?----------they did not shoot the kid-----
they just investigated-------the idiots are the people who turned
the event into a MEDIA CIRCUS -------to wit---including our beloved
president and even jerky hillary

I am talking about zero tolerance. Anything that mimics a weapon is treated like a serious crime. Of course, the suitcase clock might have looked like the real deal to an untrained eye. This kid isn't not the first student to be treated like a criminal and suspended for having something the school construed as an imitation weapon.
Its starting to seem like the someone was using the kid for a scam the kid is getting offered an internship from Mark Zuckerberg possibliy a full scholarship at MIT the family is talking about legal action against the school and police which now have two seperate funds set up taking donations. Now all that could just be coincidence but you have to admit the family is reaping some benefits from all this.

If you have half a brain you can see this is a scam.

Sufism is the MYSTICAL branch of islam-----invented at a time when MYSTICISM was "in" --------about the eleventh century AD It was popular in the IBERIAN PENNINSULA and moved into iran and to some extent into south east asia --------it did not "take" in sudan. SUDAN is 1000% sunni -------the WHIRLING DERVISHES are Sufis It is "generally" considered PACIFIST--------the Sufis are rejected by many "other" muslims as---dissident-------JOOOS got along with them very well
FGM predates islam-------was probably first done in EGYPT-----before islam was invented-----and it also existed in ARABIA when islam was invented


it was INCORPORATED into islam. ---------and wherever muslims invaded----they brought the practice-----often to places in which IT HAD NEVER EXISTED BEFORE----including south east asia and Iran.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.
FGM has nothing to do with Islam, period. While it exists in parts of Africa that happen to be Islamic, the same practice is in Mecca considered pagan and barbaric.

Your pathetic flailing attempts to paint vast numbers of humans who developed under vastly different cultures with the same broad brush of religion of all things is just that -- pathetic.
Oh sweet Lord. This is crazy. Now they're looking at taking Ahmed to Mecca and the United Nations.
"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

That is what certain people would want you to believe, but the truth is that he was yet another student breaking the zero tolerance rules. So, not brilliant. Just a ploy to try and make it about Muslims when it's really about the ridiculous school policy.

what "ridiculous school policy"?----------they did not shoot the kid-----
they just investigated-------the idiots are the people who turned
the event into a MEDIA CIRCUS -------to wit---including our beloved
president and even jerky hillary

I am talking about zero tolerance. Anything that mimics a weapon is treated like a serious crime. Of course, the suitcase clock might have looked like the real deal to an untrained eye. This kid isn't not the first student to be treated like a criminal and suspended for having something the school construed as an imitation weapon.

Exactly true-----my own kid faced such an episode-------the big difference is that I did not make an issue of it and neither did anyone else -----it did not make the news -----no one cared --------and his school removed it from his record------HAPPY NOW?---he was suspended----for a period of time-----??? I have actually forgotten how long-------like a week--. My kid is blue eyed-------white as a lily -------and very much a jew--------so no one cared. -------I WAS AT WORK WHEN THE DETECTIVE CALLED ME---------I almost dropped dead-------I did not die-------so it is all over Maybe I can tell OBAMA and get my kid into the white house
Its starting to seem like the someone was using the kid for a scam the kid is getting offered an internship from Mark Zuckerberg possibliy a full scholarship at MIT the family is talking about legal action against the school and police which now have two seperate funds set up taking donations. Now all that could just be coincidence but you have to admit the family is reaping some benefits from all this.

If you have half a brain you can see this is a scam.

Sufism is the MYSTICAL branch of islam-----invented at a time when MYSTICISM was "in" --------about the eleventh century AD It was popular in the IBERIAN PENNINSULA and moved into iran and to some extent into south east asia --------it did not "take" in sudan. SUDAN is 1000% sunni -------the WHIRLING DERVISHES are Sufis It is "generally" considered PACIFIST--------the Sufis are rejected by many "other" muslims as---dissident-------JOOOS got along with them very well

100% huh?
Kinda makes this Sufi from Sudan in the article, an imam who heads a Sufi group, hard to essplain, don't you think, Brainiac?

I'm done with you. You're a fucking moron.
Its starting to seem like the someone was using the kid for a scam the kid is getting offered an internship from Mark Zuckerberg possibliy a full scholarship at MIT the family is talking about legal action against the school and police which now have two seperate funds set up taking donations. Now all that could just be coincidence but you have to admit the family is reaping some benefits from all this.

If you have half a brain you can see this is a scam.

Sufism is the MYSTICAL branch of islam-----invented at a time when MYSTICISM was "in" --------about the eleventh century AD It was popular in the IBERIAN PENNINSULA and moved into iran and to some extent into south east asia --------it did not "take" in sudan. SUDAN is 1000% sunni -------the WHIRLING DERVISHES are Sufis It is "generally" considered PACIFIST--------the Sufis are rejected by many "other" muslims as---dissident-------JOOOS got along with them very well

100% huh?
Kinda makes this Sufi from Sudan in the article, an imam who heads a Sufi group, hard to essplain, don't you think, Brainiac?

I'm done with you. You're a fucking moron.

you are upset because I know too much sufi from sudan--------ok -------a sufi from sudan--------what did he do CONVERT? ok he decided to BE A SUFI----------why not------they have a good reputation with DA JOOOOOS
Interesting, all this conspriracy theory spewed here. Yet MIT was impressed enough with what the kid did with electronics to give him and invite for a tour.

Why a ninth-grader’s arrest over a home-built clock struck a chord across America

Mohamed, a self-assured kid with thick-framed glasses and a serious expression, had just started at MacArthur High School a few weeks ago. He has a talent for tinkering — he constructs his own radios and once built a Bluetooth speaker as a gift for his friend — and he wanted to show his new teachers what he could do.

So on Sunday night, he quickly put together a homemade digital clock: “Just something small,” as he casually put it to the Dallas Morning News — a circuit board and power supply connected to a digital display. He proudly offered it to his engineering teacher the next day.

Thus far, everything I have seen indictates that this kid was just another techie nerd that didn't think through what other people would see in his project. It was the paranoiac reaction by the teachers and police that created the problem. And you bigoted people here are just an example of that paranoia.

Nothing you've said is supported by the evidence.

I don't think you get what evidence is....

All evidence points to the kid building a clock. He built other stuff before...

You are the one with lack of evidence...

If they believed this was a bomb, why wasn't the school evacuated? If they didn't believe it to be a bomb why didn't they just call down the engineering teacher?
This is a 14 year old kid who likes electronics... Get a life...

Why do liberals ask the same fucken questions over and over again?

Because you are bigot racist dumb asshole. Try to get that in your brain.
Interesting, all this conspriracy theory spewed here. Yet MIT was impressed enough with what the kid did with electronics to give him and invite for a tour.

Why a ninth-grader’s arrest over a home-built clock struck a chord across America

Mohamed, a self-assured kid with thick-framed glasses and a serious expression, had just started at MacArthur High School a few weeks ago. He has a talent for tinkering — he constructs his own radios and once built a Bluetooth speaker as a gift for his friend — and he wanted to show his new teachers what he could do.

So on Sunday night, he quickly put together a homemade digital clock: “Just something small,” as he casually put it to the Dallas Morning News — a circuit board and power supply connected to a digital display. He proudly offered it to his engineering teacher the next day.

Thus far, everything I have seen indictates that this kid was just another techie nerd that didn't think through what other people would see in his project. It was the paranoiac reaction by the teachers and police that created the problem. And you bigoted people here are just an example of that paranoia.

Nothing you've said is supported by the evidence.

I don't think you get what evidence is....

All evidence points to the kid building a clock. He built other stuff before...

You are the one with lack of evidence...

If they believed this was a bomb, why wasn't the school evacuated? If they didn't believe it to be a bomb why didn't they just call down the engineering teacher?
This is a 14 year old kid who likes electronics... Get a life...

Why do liberals ask the same fucken questions over and over again?

Because you are bigot racist dumb asshole. Try to get that in your brain.[/QUOT

Your continues mistakes in the english language makes your whining a thing of ridicule.

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