Zone1 What is the root cause of white racism?

Negroes would not be able to manage the board rooms and the government.

Red states take more than they pay in to the Feds as far as taxes go. I don't know why we didn't pick one southern state and give it to blacks. They can live wherever they want in America but like Hawaiians, blacks should have a state that is all theirs. I'd give them Georgia.
"You are a racist!" is the generic woke response to legitimate criticisms of the Negro race.

(When I criticize the Negro race I do so with the awareness that there are decent Negroes.)
There were a lot of decent negroes at the prison.


Older Black people have developed an armor of sorts that helps us navigate white society because many of us understood and accepted that this is the world we live in especially if we want to advance, we have to be able to fit in enough to accomplish the things we wanted and needed to achieve. For some of it takes decades and talking aging into your 40s or 50s before you assume it.

But there is a HUGE difference between the younger generations and ours and that is the advent of social media and the always on news stories which show evidence of white offenses against Black every single day, multiple times a day. I can't even open my browser without being bombarded with tabloid-like stories. They're constantly serving up a steady diet of racist incidents, for example the Black mother of 4 who was shot by her neighbor when she knocked on her door and the white women shot her right through the door while claiming she was in fear for her life. I would bet the white woman has lived in fear of Black people her entire because she has believed all the BS propaganda that racists spread about Black people.

So instead of treating Black people like anyone else, certain white people are always on alert and just waiting for the bad thing that they are sure is going to happen to them to occur and oftentimes instead, their hysterical hair trigger behavior causes the very thing (confrontation) that they fear. This is why a lot of police officers fire their weapons far in excess of what should be needed to neutralize the threat. They're scared of Black people because they have been taught and trained that Black people are inherently violent and they accept that as fact. Even SCOTUS has upheld then acting on this belief.

You can't blame young Black people who have seen white people KILL black people for no good reason and then get away with the killing by claiming "I was in fear for my life" because that's what the legal standard is for filling someone with bullets after you mistook a phone in their hand for a gun. Even when they're mistaken, they still more often than not are exonerated. Then they're is Derrick Chauvin <--- no excuse for that, yet they have to try to make sense of how little our lives are valued.
Blacks seem to be inherently violent, based on the evidence. Even black dialogue has a violent edge. Well-spoken blacks are often apologists for the black criminal subculture, but it's a fool's errand.
The root cause of “white” racism is exactly the same as the root cause of the racism of any other race. It is ignorance and prejudice (pre judgment) about another person based on the mere happenstance of skin color.
If only that were true, we could educate our way out of racism in short order.
We hear much about the root cause of black crime. It is said to be poverty, which in turn is supposed to be caused by white racism.

What is the root cause of white racism?

I know from personal experience that a neighborhood full of poor Orientals is safe to walk in after dark. I would like for IM2 and JoeB131 to explain why this is true. I wonder if they walk along Martin Luther King Blvd. after dark. I did when I walked home from doing unpaid volunteer work at a Christian charity that helped homeless blacks and fatherless black children.
No. Let’s get rid of the Department of Education.
That might help. It would also be a good idea to make it easier to permanently expel students who cannot be educated and who violently interfere with education of students who want to learn.
caucasians are not racist blacks are,. they are only one one who define people as color crayons instead of human beings and only see black and white not all hundreds nationalities we have in the world.
"You are a racist!" is the generic woke response to legitimate criticisms of the Negro race.

(When I criticize the Negro race I do so with the awareness that there are decent Negroes.)

Everyone has full awareness of why YOU choose to type the word "negro" a hundred times a day.
We hear much about the root cause of black crime. It is said to be poverty, which in turn is supposed to be caused by white racism.

What is the root cause of white racism?

I know from personal experience that a neighborhood full of poor Orientals is safe to walk in after dark. I would like for IM2 and JoeB131 to explain why this is true. I wonder if they walk along Martin Luther King Blvd. after dark. I did when I walked home from doing unpaid volunteer work at a Christian charity that helped homeless blacks and fatherless black children.

A person from Asia is Asian.
A person from Asia is Asian.
A person from Asia may be a Caucasian or an Indonesian. That is the reason I use "Oriental" to refer to China and countries that learned civilization from China. These are Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. I like Orientals. I always have.
Everyone has full awareness of why YOU choose to type the word "negro" a hundred times a day.
Martin Luther King used the word "Negro" fifteen times in his "I have a dream" speech. So will I. Get used to it. :cool:

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