Zone1 What is the root cause of white racism?

Once you start to operate off the fact that "racism" is just a lame social construct used as a club to beat people over the head with it makes things a lot easier. ;)
And who created the social construct and subsequent laws, policies, practices, social mores and determined the court cases upholding this social construct?

I'll give you a hint. It is the same people who enforced those laws at the point of a gun threatening either loss of one's life (if you were of African descent), loss of one's freedom or the loss of the lives/freedom of your loved ones if viewed in the most favorable light. At worse a life of oppression, assault, sexual assault and living under constant threat of any or all of the above.

So to claim that white racism, which was woven into the very fabric of the founding of the United States and is actually the result of white supremacy being imposed upon the population, is merely a "social construct", lame or not is factually incorrect.
(When I criticize the Negro race I do so with the awareness that there are decent Negroes.)
And when I criticize white racists as being ignorant of their own history let alone ours, I do so to hint that maybe it would benefit some to educate yourselves.

But I am wholly aware of the fact that most people will not seek out information that is counter to their biased and bigoted beliefs and possibly undermine the arguments they're attempting to further.
Sheesh. There are categories of racism now? When did this vocabulary shift happen? Seems like racism would apply to anyone.
In my opinion older members of ALL minorities see how large the steps towards equality that have been taken are
...but the younger ones just see how far things still need to go.
...The open hostility younger blacks show to whites undermines all the successful steps that have been taken. White society as a whole supported the equal rights movement or it wouldn't have happened, only a minority of reactionary whites, mostly in the deep south, opposed it. People like IM2 are working very hard to reverse that trend.
Older Black people have developed an armor of sorts that helps us navigate white society because many of us understood and accepted that this is the world we live in especially if we want to advance, we have to be able to fit in enough to accomplish the things we wanted and needed to achieve. For some of it takes decades and talking aging into your 40s or 50s before you assume it.

But there is a HUGE difference between the younger generations and ours and that is the advent of social media and the always on news stories which show evidence of white offenses against Black every single day, multiple times a day. I can't even open my browser without being bombarded with tabloid-like stories. They're constantly serving up a steady diet of racist incidents, for example the Black mother of 4 who was shot by her neighbor when she knocked on her door and the white women shot her right through the door while claiming she was in fear for her life. I would bet the white woman has lived in fear of Black people her entire because she has believed all the BS propaganda that racists spread about Black people.

So instead of treating Black people like anyone else, certain white people are always on alert and just waiting for the bad thing that they are sure is going to happen to them to occur and oftentimes instead, their hysterical hair trigger behavior causes the very thing (confrontation) that they fear. This is why a lot of police officers fire their weapons far in excess of what should be needed to neutralize the threat. They're scared of Black people because they have been taught and trained that Black people are inherently violent and they accept that as fact. Even SCOTUS has upheld then acting on this belief.

You can't blame young Black people who have seen white people KILL black people for no good reason and then get away with the killing by claiming "I was in fear for my life" because that's what the legal standard is for filling someone with bullets after you mistook a phone in their hand for a gun. Even when they're mistaken, they still more often than not are exonerated. Then they're is Derrick Chauvin <--- no excuse for that, yet they have to try to make sense of how little our lives are valued.
This is from the hip

When we first purchased blacks we never intended to one day have to live among them. Have their men banging our women. But now they are free and we bred the men to be big. So now we have fear of the black man. We still control the finances and the cops but the root cause I'm sure is the same if the roles were reversed. If blacks were 51% and all others were 49%, they'd want to keep control of the executive boardrooms and government.
You mean a guilty conscious and fear of retribution?
That does not explain the bad behavior and inferior performance of Negroes now.
What kind of performance are you talking about?

Bad behavior as defined by racist whites "and others" can be anything from contradicting something they've said, disputing something they believe themselves to be an authority on, outshining them in certain areas, all the way up to having them served with legal process, filing a police report on them, or seeing that their names are entered into certain government databases.

All of that is considered "bad behavior" by insecure, vindictive racists yet none of it is unlawful and most cases nor is it malicious.
Prejudice literally means prejudgment. It’s right there in the word itself.
A prejudiced white person can do a lot more harm to a Black person if they are vindictive or just simply a racist asshole. Black people on the other hand have traditionally never had the laws in our favor that would support doing any harm to someone targeting us.

Have you all never heard of the white citizen council and what they would do to Black people and any of their allies that they wanted to destroy:

For instance, in Montgomery, Alabama, during the Montgomery bus boycott, at which Senator James Eastland “ranted against the NAACP”[23] at a large openly held Council meeting in the Garrett Coliseum, a mimeographed flyer publicly espousing extreme racial White Citizens Council and Ku Klux Klan views was distributed, its rhetoric was a parody of the Declaration of Independence and it also said:​
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to abolish the Negro race, proper methods should be used. Among these are guns, bows and arrows, sling shots and knives.
We hold these truths to be self-evident that all whites are created equal with certain rights; among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of dead *******.[23][24]​

The Citizens’ Councils used economic tactics against African Americans who they believed were supportive of desegregation and voting rights, as well as African Americans who were members of the NAACP, and African Americans who they suspected of being activists. The tactics included “calling in” the mortgages of black citizens, denying loans and business credit, pressing employers to fire certain people, and boycotting black-owned businesses.[25] In some cities, the Councils published lists of names of NAACP supporters and signers of anti-segregation petitions in local newspapers in order to encourage economic retaliation.[26] For instance, in Yazoo City, Mississippi in 1955, the Citizens’ Council published in the local paper the names of 53 signers of a petition for school integration. Soon afterward, the petitioners lost their jobs and had their credit cut off.[27] As Charles Payne puts it, the Councils operated by “unleashing a wave of economic reprisals against anyone, Black or white, seen as a threat to the status quo”.[15] Their targets included black professionals such as teachers, as well as farmers, high school and college students, shop owners, and housewives.[13]
We hear much about the root cause of black crime. It is said to be poverty, which in turn is supposed to be caused by white racism.

What is the root cause of white racism?

I know from personal experience that a neighborhood full of poor Orientals is safe to walk in after dark. I would like for IM2 and JoeB131 to explain why this is true. I wonder if they walk along Martin Luther King Blvd. after dark. I did when I walked home from doing unpaid volunteer work at a Christian charity that helped homeless blacks and fatherless black children.
“What is the root cause of white racism?”

Ignorance and fear, for the most part – an unwarranted fear of diversity and inclusion in conjunction with the wrongheaded notion that whites are being ‘replaced’ and the lie that America is being ‘taken away’ from whites.
From my experiences, it's their preferred word since they aren't allowed to use the N-word anymore, at least not without censure. It's a synonym but has the same effect in that it clearly identifies who they are.
We are not supposed to use the n word that ends with r, but Negroes use is a lot. When will they be condemned for that?
From my experiences, it's their preferred word since they aren't allowed to use the N-word anymore, at least not without censure. It's a synonym but has the same effect in that it clearly identifies who they are.
I am one who tells the truth about average but intractable racial differences. That defines me as a racist, because the truth is unflattering to Negroes.
“What is the root cause of white racism?”

Ignorance and fear, for the most part – an unwarranted fear of diversity and inclusion in conjunction with the wrongheaded notion that whites are being ‘replaced’ and the lie that America is being ‘taken away’ from whites.
What don't racists know that would change their opinions about Negroes? What are the benefits of diversity and inclusion?
What kind of performance are you talking about?

Bad behavior as defined by racist whites "and others" can be anything from contradicting something they've said, disputing something they believe themselves to be an authority on, outshining them in certain areas, all the way up to having them served with legal process, filing a police report on them, or seeing that their names are entered into certain government databases.

All of that is considered "bad behavior" by insecure, vindictive racists yet none of it is unlawful and most cases nor is it malicious.
This is the answer to your first question:


By bad behavior I mean high Negro rates of crime and illegitimacy.
You mean a guilty conscious and fear of retribution?
I do not feel the least bit guilty about the situation blacks are in. They are better off in the United States than in black majority, black run countries in sub Saharan Africa and the Caribbean because they enjoy the benefits of white civilization.


Older Black people have developed an armor of sorts that helps us navigate white society because many of us understood and accepted that this is the world we live in especially if we want to advance, we have to be able to fit in enough to accomplish the things we wanted and needed to achieve. For some of it takes decades and talking aging into your 40s or 50s before you assume it.

But there is a HUGE difference between the younger generations and ours and that is the advent of social media and the always on news stories which show evidence of white offenses against Black every single day, multiple times a day. I can't even open my browser without being bombarded with tabloid-like stories. They're constantly serving up a steady diet of racist incidents, for example the Black mother of 4 who was shot by her neighbor when she knocked on her door and the white women shot her right through the door while claiming she was in fear for her life. I would bet the white woman has lived in fear of Black people her entire because she has believed all the BS propaganda that racists spread about Black people.

So instead of treating Black people like anyone else, certain white people are always on alert and just waiting for the bad thing that they are sure is going to happen to them to occur and oftentimes instead, their hysterical hair trigger behavior causes the very thing (confrontation) that they fear. This is why a lot of police officers fire their weapons far in excess of what should be needed to neutralize the threat. They're scared of Black people because they have been taught and trained that Black people are inherently violent and they accept that as fact. Even SCOTUS has upheld then acting on this belief.

You can't blame young Black people who have seen white people KILL black people for no good reason and then get away with the killing by claiming "I was in fear for my life" because that's what the legal standard is for filling someone with bullets after you mistook a phone in their hand for a gun. Even when they're mistaken, they still more often than not are exonerated. Then they're is Derrick Chauvin <--- no excuse for that, yet they have to try to make sense of how little our lives are valued.


Blacks have far more to fear from other blacks than from whites. Jesse Jackson agrees with me.



When a white person kills a black person the black person is nearly always a criminal at the scene of his most recent crime.

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