Bernie Sanders: “Billionaires should not exist.”

Tax the Dead and You Won't Have to Tax the Living

Limiting inheritances to a socially harmless $100,000 (including property and stock values) would give us many trillions of dollars and make all other taxes unnecessary.

On this matter, all the phony rebel Robert Reich talks about is the slap on the wrist of making HeirHead Daddy-moochers pay capital gains taxes.
Can't agree with that. Parents delight in giving their children better circumstance than the parents had. You would take away all that and go back to the time when many small businesses closed due to inheritance taxes draining resources to keep them open. Millions of heirs had to give up the family farm. Only the rich--think Walmart heirs etc.--had the financial resources to get around that.

Remember, the Trump tax reforms resulted in unprecedented greater revenues into the U.S. treasury. Not only did Americans prosper more but those economic reforms didn't take anything away from the government except power it was never intended to have in the first place. Family incomes increased in all income groups and in all demographics, consumer confidence was high.

Biden policies have reduced family incomes in all but the very rich with the lower income groups hit the hardest, consumer confidence is low.

Democrats take as much as they think they can get away with from the people and then throw cash at targeted groups to keep them voting Democrat. Republicans try to initiate policies that help all people prosper more by getting out of their way and allowing the private sector to do what it does best, i.e. create prosperity even allowing those who are smart enough or maybe just lucky enough to become billionaires.
1. Income inequality unequalled in any other country.
Take a trip to Indonesia before you say that one. Probably India, as well.

2. Wars that require hundreds of billions to arm other countries as proxies..
As our citizens struggle with oppressive inflation, taxation, and over-regulation.

3. Can you think of some others?
Other reasons Trump is popular? Because, underneath all the bluster and bravado, he’s a good man who wants to make America great again. And, if you take the time to research his charitable acts, he is very kind as well.
Take a trip to Indonesia before you say that one. Probably India, as well.

As our citizens struggle with oppressive inflation, taxation, and over-regulation.

Other reasons Trump is popular? Because, underneath all the bluster and bravado, he’s a good man who wants to make America great again. And, if you take the time to research his charitable acts, he is very kind as well.
Don't fk with a good thing by bringing up other reasons on why we both support Trump.

There can be only one reason for a Canadian foreigner!

Trump blames America for starting the war and he's antiwar for that reason!
No interpretation needed for "all things are possible with God".

That's Ohio's state motto. If I recall right, they put it, "With God all things are possible".

Teachers in this country lean towards the left. With the news that Oklahoma has pushed Bible to be taught in the public schools, there are many verses to be extracted that give rise to those that might agree with Bernie Sanders' point attacking the rich. I doubt very much these teachers will be concerned about putting things in context.

Folks should always take caution of what they wish for.
Which one, Ukraine?
See the video with Trump speaking.

My main point is, Trump would have to do a lot of backpedalling before the CIA/FBI/Deep state would allow him to be the president!

The war against Russia is essential to America being the world's only superpower.

With China/Russia/Brics, it could already be too late!

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