Zone1 What is the root cause of white racism?

White music:

Negro music:

Oriental music:

Which are the two civilized races?
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We hear much about the root cause of black crime. It is said to be poverty, which in turn is supposed to be caused by white racism.

What is the root cause of white racism?

I know from personal experience that a neighborhood full of poor Orientals is safe to walk in after dark. I would like for IM2 and JoeB131 to explain why this is true. I wonder if they walk along Martin Luther King Blvd. after dark. I did when I walked home from doing unpaid volunteer work at a Christian charity that helped homeless blacks and fatherless black children.
This is from the hip

When we first purchased blacks we never intended to one day have to live among them. Have their men banging our women. But now they are free and we bred the men to be big. So now we have fear of the black man. We still control the finances and the cops but the root cause I'm sure is the same if the roles were reversed. If blacks were 51% and all others were 49%, they'd want to keep control of the executive boardrooms and government.
The root cause of all racism is prejudice. Specifically, prejudging another person simply based on race — which is a very slovenly form of bigotry.

And that’s not just “white” racism. It’s also black racism. And the same goes for Asian racism, etc.
This is from the hip

When we first purchased blacks we never intended to one day have to live among them. Have their men banging our women. But now they are free and we bred the men to be big. So now we have fear of the black man. We still control the finances and the cops but the root cause I'm sure is the same if the roles were reversed. If blacks were 51% and all others were 49%, they'd want to keep control of the executive boardrooms and government.
Negroes would not be able to manage the board rooms and the government.
Our tyrant leaders want us all at each others' throats. It makes accomplishing their goals so much easier.
America's upper class tries to make middle class and working class whites feel guilty about white privilege that they will not resent the fact that their incomes are stagnating and declining, while the rich keep getting richer. The woke delusions of critical race theory cost the rich nothing.
The root cause of all racism is prejudice. Specifically, prejudging another person simply based on race — which is a very slovenly form of bigotry.
Prejudiced opinions are opinions based on previous experience. Stereotypes are over generalizations of that is really true.
Whites have 400 years of terrorist acts against non white people.
You know what the root cause of white racism is. You practice it.
Prejudiced opinions are opinions based on previous experience. Stereotypes are over generalizations of that is really true.
Prejudice literally means prejudgment. It’s right there in the word itself.
Prejudice literally means prejudgment. It’s right there in the word itself.
Prejudice means pre judgment after previous experience. For example, I am prejudiced in favor of Orientals because I have always had good experiences with them.
Prejudice means pre judgment after previous experience. For example, I am prejudiced in favor of Orientals because I have always had good experiences with them.
No. Prejudice means pre judgment. Literally.
"You are a racist!" is the generic woke response to legitimate criticisms of the Negro race.

(When I criticize the Negro race I do so with the awareness that there are decent Negroes.)
Why do you call them Negros?
What is the cause of ALL "racism"?

People accepting the bullshit concept that humanity is more than a single race so that people can be divided and fight among each other over bullshit rather than act in unity for a common interest.
I agree.
In my opinion older members of ALL minorities see how large the steps towards equality that have been taken are, but the younger ones just see how far things still need to go. The open hostility younger blacks show to whites undermines all the successful steps that have been taken. White society as a whole supported the equal rights movement or it wouldn't have happened, only a minority of reactionary whites, mostly in the deep south, opposed it. People like IM2 are working very hard to reverse that trend.
Maybe the hostility has something to do with people (like the OP) who promote the idea that the “Negro” race is genetically intellectually inferior. A bit odd not to feel hostile when old ideas like these are bubbling to the surface again.

Also….just to be a bit realistic here. White society as a whole did not support Civil Rights until a certain tipping point was reached. I read in one account that it was the murder of Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney, 3 freedom riders (of which 2 were white) that tipped public anger into decisive action. A segment of white society supported it, but certainly not many southern states, where black children face open hostility in newly desegregated schools.

There is also a certain…I’m not sure of the right word, maybe discordance in the fact that there are those who insist that Blacks need to be grateful to Whites who fought for their rights…and chide them for a lack of gratitude and humility, yet it was Whites who took those rights in the first place.

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