Zone1 What is the root cause of white racism?

I do it because I want to. Martin Luther King used "Negro" fifteen times in his "I have a dream" speech. That gives me the right to.
How many years ago was that? Nowadays, it is an archaic word that has gained a bad connotation, thus, when you choose to use it, it comes off as odd.
How many years ago was that? Nowadays, it is an archaic word that has gained a bad connotation, thus, when you choose to use it, it comes off as odd.
I was not consulted about any name changes so I feel under no obligation to obey them.

What else am I supposed to call those people? "African American?" That is a bizarre term. If American Negroes are African Americans, what are African Negroes? African Africans?

I could call them "people of color." That fails to distinguish them from Orientals.

So, I shall continue to call them "Negroes" thank you very much. :)
Maybe the hostility has something to do with people (like the OP) who promote the idea that the “Negro” race is genetically intellectually inferior. A bit odd not to feel hostile when old ideas like these are bubbling to the surface again.

Also….just to be a bit realistic here. White society as a whole did not support Civil Rights until a certain tipping point was reached. I read in one account that it was the murder of Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney, 3 freedom riders (of which 2 were white) that tipped public anger into decisive action. A segment of white society supported it, but certainly not many southern states, where black children face open hostility in newly desegregated schools.

There is also a certain…I’m not sure of the right word, maybe discordance in the fact that there are those who insist that Blacks need to be grateful to Whites who fought for their rights…and chide them for a lack of gratitude and humility, yet it was Whites who took those rights in the first place.
As your idol Hillary Clinton said, "we need to bring these super predators to heel"
She wasn't wrong. But if a Republican said the same thing....

I was not consulted about any name changes so I feel under no obligation to obey them.

There is no obligation implied or consultation needed. It is simply an observation.

What else am I supposed to call those people? "African American?" That is a bizarre term. If American Negroes are African Americans, what are African Negroes? African Africans?

Well, you have, at times, referred to “those people” as Black. Is that problematic?

I could call them "people of color." That fails to distinguish them from Orientals.

So, I shall continue to call them "Negroes" thank you very much. :)
You can certainly do that. It simply is oddly telling.
As your idol Hillary Clinton said, "we need to bring these super predators to heel"
She wasn't wrong. But if a Republican said the same thing....

There are super predators in all colors….just saying.
Perhaps CarlinAnnArbor should have written, "I want more than anything for my fellow black brothers and sisters to abandon their petty crimes and become civilized human beings."
Perhaps you can make the same request of Whites.
You are more likely to be victimized by a White person. Please ask them to join their Black brethren in the civilized human race. I would appreciate it.
I'm glad you learned something. Yes, white thugs are not "my people" either

But the thing is, anyone grounded in the real world recognize there is a huge problem with the extremely high percentage of blacks involved in petty thuggery
thanks for proving my point about racists

You are not better than blacks…..not even close
I'm not better than some, but much better than the thieves, robbers rapists and murderers, since I've done none of those things. Can you say the same, Ralph Norton
What is the root cause of white racism?
White Racism was a non-issue until Obama was elected. Then all of sudden everything was about race and hating on police. Then Colin Kapaernik threw more gas on the fire, Obama endorsed him. Black Lives Matter was born and Obama endorsed them. Al Sharpton became Obama's race relations advisor. Now it seems Black people are as angry as they were in the 60s. They had plenty of reason then to be angry with Systemic Racism in full effect. Now they have no reason to be angry except for Obama and the Democrats and their media inflaming them every day.
I'm glad you learned something. Yes, white thugs are not "my people" either

But the thing is, anyone grounded in the real world recognize there is a huge problem with the extremely high percentage of blacks involved in petty thuggery
The vast majority of Black people are not.
How many years ago was that? Nowadays, it is an archaic word that has gained a bad connotation, thus, when you choose to use it, it comes off as odd.
Not as odd or antiquated as you and IM2 constantly citing issues from e.g. 1724.
The reasons for racism or racial prejudice are based primarily onto the observation of other races and ethnicity performances and deeds.

E.g. Asia was subjected to Western colonialism for hundreds of years - destroying their respective advanced or equal culture and sociological habitat - whilst treating them as 2nd class citizens in their own country or worse. Degrading them by using terms such as Chinks, yellow buggers, or rice-eaters, or Wog or e.g. Paki right down to Napkin Nig..gers.
It therefore doesn't come as a surprise if some Asians nowadays behold prejudice against e.g. Europeans.

In regards to observation: Sub-Saharan Africans fucked up everything - especially their own countries since their respective independence. Added on top no visible civilization evolution of any respectable kind, or worth noticing in the past 2000 years.

It therefore doesn't come as a surprise that Africans are being rightfully viewed upon as being inferior by Europeans and Asians, or anyone else who invented at least a Wheel or maybe chop-sticks or fork and knives - instead of eating with their bare hands until today. Add on top the criminal statistics and numbers of illegitimate kids/single mothers in Africa and the USA - and naturally a general negative evaluation towards Africans takes place - then termed Racism by Lefty&Libs and Africans or African racists offspring's.

Despite equal rights and equal privileges (Africans factually receiving additional privileges) since the past 60 years - the vast majority of Africans still maintain their tribal Kraal mentality and sociological structure.

But propagating racism is so much simpler and promising ($$) for them, then to actually enhance their skills, knowledge and therefore become useful, contributing and respected members in societies, developed and enhanced in absolute majority by Asians or Europeans.

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