What is truth?


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2014
When Jesus stood before Pilate, Pilate asked Jesus, "What is truth?" The gospels do not give us Jesus' reply. So I present the question to you. In your opinion, what is truth?
Things as they are, things as they were, and things as they will be.

In other words, reality.
Jesus answered before Pilate asked. "Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.“

He's the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Jesus is the truth.
Things as they are, things as they were, and things as they will be.

In other words, reality.

Who's reality? Your reality? My reality?

We don't have separate realities. We may perceive thingsndofferently. One or more of us may perceive things more incorrectly but that doesn't change what happens in reality.

A stone falls off a roof and crushes a man. One guy thinks he saw the roofer push it off. Another sees that the roofer somewhere else on the roof and no where near the falling stone. And one thinks the man underneath avoided the stone unscathed

Reality was it was an accident no matter.how sinister the one man thinks it was. Reality is also that the man was killed no matter how much the third man wants him to be safe.

Reality/ truth is what it is.

God is also truth. There is a reason He called Himself I Am. Because truth just is.
Things as they are, things as they were, and things as they will be.

In other words, reality.

Who's reality? Your reality? My reality?

We don't have separate realities. We may perceive thingsndofferently. One or more of us may perceive things more incorrectly but that doesn't change what happens in reality.

A stone falls off a roof and crushes a man. One guy thinks he saw the roofer push it off. Another sees that the roofer somewhere else on the roof and no where near the falling stone. And one thinks the man underneath avoided the stone unscathed

Reality was it was an accident no matter.how sinister the one man thinks it was. Reality is also that the man was killed no matter how much the third man wants him to be safe.

Reality/ truth is what it is.

God is also truth. There is a reason He called Himself I Am. Because truth just is.

"We don't have separate realities. We may perceive thingsndofferently. One or more of us may perceive things more incorrectly but that doesn't change what happens in reality."

One's perception IS one's reality and therefore, it is also one's "truth".
We don't have separate realities.

How do you know that? How do you know that your reality is the same as mine? How can you possibly know my reality?

We may perceive thingsndofferently. One or more of us may perceive things more incorrectly but that doesn't change what happens in reality.

And how shall you divorce reality from what is merely your personal perception? By what means shall you detect reality separately from your perception?

A stone falls off a roof and crushes a man. One guy thinks he saw the roofer push it off. Another sees that the roofer somewhere else on the roof and no where near the falling stone. And one thinks the man underneath avoided the stone unscathed

Reality was it was an accident no matter.how sinister the one man thinks it was. Reality is also that the man was killed no matter how much the third man wants him to be safe.

You've drawn a conclusion (it was an accident) by dismissing the perceptions of some, while affirming the perceptions of others. How do you justify doing so?

Reality/ truth is what it is.

That's a meaningless tautology. All things are what they are. The issue at hand determining by what means a thing can be identified as what it is.

God is also truth. There is a reason He called Himself I Am. Because truth just is.

And you know this how?
Jesus answered before Pilate asked. "Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.“

He's the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Jesus is the truth.

Indeed. Jesus was quite the megalomaniac.

That would be true if it was all about him and only him.
But it isn't.
It's about all of his creation and all believers.

Saying "I am the truth" is certainly a statement which makes it "all about him."

You saying "It's all about his creation" is an affirmation that you agree, it's all about him.

Truth by divinity is the lowest form of epistemology.
When Jesus stood before Pilate, Pilate asked Jesus, "What is truth?" The gospels do not give us Jesus' reply. So I present the question to you. In your opinion, what is truth?

Before Pilate asked, "what is truth?", Jesus clarified that 'king' was a heathen concept and that his purpose as the Moshiach was to "bear witness to the truth" that he received from God like manna from heaven about the figurative nature of the words and subsequently hidden subjects in divine law that is the only right way and light in which to correctly understand and conform to the law that results in the promise of eternal life fulfilled in this world.

The entire argument between Jesus and the religious authorities was about how to correctly interpret and apply the law hence, "why worry about what you eat and what you wear." and "what goes into the mouth cannot defile you" and his command to "eat my flesh", a direct reference to kosher law which teaches how to distinguish between clean and unclean flesh, symbolic of teaching, and so retain purity of mind, .

Funny that most Christians have absolutely no idea that this is what Jesus was talking about and was killed for teaching and instead have been dicking around with bread and wine for millennia.

Maybe funny isn't the right word.....
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And that my friend is a lie. Truth is what it is no matter who sees it.

Really? Then explain this:

Maggie Gyllenhaal is beautiful.

Is that a true statement, or not? If Luddie says it's false, but I say it's true, who is correct? By what measure can the statement be said to be either true or false, without invoking the subjectivity of differing perceptions?
Jesus answered before Pilate asked. "Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.“

He's the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Jesus is the truth.

Indeed. Jesus was quite the megalomaniac.

That would be true if it was all about him and only him.
But it isn't.
It's about all of his creation and all believers.

Saying "I am the truth" is certainly a statement which makes it "all about him."

You saying "It's all about his creation" is an affirmation that you agree, it's all about him.

Truth by divinity is the lowest form of epistemology.

You missed all believers in there.
Needs to be taken in it's entirety.
All of his Creation and All Believers.
Jesus answered before Pilate asked. "Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.“

He's the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Jesus is the truth.

Indeed. Jesus was quite the megalomaniac.

That would be true if it was all about him and only him.
But it isn't.
It's about all of his creation and all believers.

Saying "I am the truth" is certainly a statement which makes it "all about him."

You saying "It's all about his creation" is an affirmation that you agree, it's all about him.

Truth by divinity is the lowest form of epistemology.

You missed all believers in there.
Needs to be taken in it's entirety.
All of his Creation and All Believers.

So you agree, perception is reality?
Things as they are, things as they were, and things as they will be.

In other words, reality.

Who's reality? Your reality? My reality?

We don't have separate realities. We may perceive thingsndofferently. One or more of us may perceive things more incorrectly but that doesn't change what happens in reality.

A stone falls off a roof and crushes a man. One guy thinks he saw the roofer push it off. Another sees that the roofer somewhere else on the roof and no where near the falling stone. And one thinks the man underneath avoided the stone unscathed

Reality was it was an accident no matter.how sinister the one man thinks it was. Reality is also that the man was killed no matter how much the third man wants him to be safe.

Reality/ truth is what it is.

God is also truth. There is a reason He called Himself I Am. Because truth just is.

"We don't have separate realities. We may perceive thingsndofferently. One or more of us may perceive things more incorrectly but that doesn't change what happens in reality."

One's perception IS one's reality and therefore, it is also one's "truth".

So, from your perspective, in reality, the world is upside down.

Sounds like an excuse to me.

Like beauty and just about anything else we can name, truth is in the eye of the beholder.

And that my friend is a lie. Truth is what it is no matter who sees it.

You always have to get nasty. I am not your friend and its impossible for an opinion to be a lie.


You gave the example of a rock falling off a roof and different people seeing it in differing ways. Here's another example (and PLEASE, let's not derail this thread into another hate gays rant):

We hear it all the time, that "traditional" marriage is and always has been between one man and one woman. Or, between men and women only. Further, that religion has always condemned any other configuration of "marriage". Some posters here have said 'since the beginning of time' or 'thousands of years'.

The facts PROVE this is not true. Its a matter of recorded history.

Nonetheless, facts are not "reality" or "truth" for those people.

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