What is wrong with republicans

What's wrong with Republicans? What's the character limit on a post? I might surpass it.

The Iraq War. Yes, that mistake is still owned by the GOP, and it will be held responsible for having made it for generations. It's the GOP's fault for this. The continued hamhanded belligerence in foreign policy doesn't help either.

The aggressive attacks on social spending, trying to cull as many people from any government program as possible, as if the Bush Recession was caused by people being poor. Endless spending on the War under Bush while penny pinching on food stamps under Obama? No wonder Mitt lost. He deserved his loss, and conservatives have only themselves to blame for it.

I'm not sure what the uninsured did to the GOP, but you sure do hate them. People had the gall to get sick through no fault of their own, and if they can't pay for the medical care, then too bad. Again, Mitt lost for this kind of thinking, so change it.

The hostility to minorities is breathtaking. And don't tell me that there isn't hostility to minorities among the GOP rank & file, because there is. I'm white and live among conservatives and I hear what conservatives say. It's not tolerant, it's not christian. It's blatant bigotry. Conservatives want the right to round up hispanics for deportation and the right shoot black men without being tried for it.

The biggest problem this country faces is the existence of the GOP and it's policies, which are soaked in blood.

Look to the .gov to solve all your problems. You don't need to be responsible for any of your actions, .gov will save you. Got 10 kids and make minimum wage, never plan for health care, never save for retirement, never attend or finish school? None of these are your problem it's the fault of society that failed you. You have no personal responsibility for anything .gov is the answer. Is that what you are saying?
Nobody cares, hater dupes- Still "nothing there" but a tragedy and a mountain of Pubcrappe. Not 9/11, but still....Give yourselves a stroke...lol

I believe there is at least one person that would beg to differ with you if he still had a voice franco. And his loved ones would care.


"What difference does it make"? -- Hillary Clinton
This reads like something out of the Onion:

WASHINGTON — After a day of emotional hearings on the Benghazi Embassy attacks of 2012, Republican legislators yesterday decried the Obama State Department for following through with the budget cuts to embassy security mandated by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. -

GOP Furious State Department Cut Embassy Security After GOP Cut Embassy Security Funding

But don't worry folks. Quietly and without fanfare, Republican RAISED security funding by "TWO BILLION" after saying it wasn't needed.

Os entire presidency thus far is a running documentary out of onion. Unfortunately, for all of us, its real.
This reads like something out of the Onion:

WASHINGTON — After a day of emotional hearings on the Benghazi Embassy attacks of 2012, Republican legislators yesterday decried the Obama State Department for following through with the budget cuts to embassy security mandated by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. -

GOP Furious State Department Cut Embassy Security After GOP Cut Embassy Security Funding

But don't worry folks. Quietly and without fanfare, Republican RAISED security funding by "TWO BILLION" after saying it wasn't needed.

Why must you always lie rdean.

I have personally debunked this crap when you tried to pass it off as fact months ago.

Only 6% of your post contain any truth at all.

The liberal leaning Washington Post Fact check gave this steaming bowl three Pinocchio:

Barbara Boxer’s claim that GOP budgets hampered Benghazi security

Moreover, while Boxer claims that Republicans “cut” the budget, she is only comparing it to what the Obama administration proposed. The reality is that funding for embassy security has increased significantly in recent years.

“The Department of State’s base requests for security funding have increased by 38 percent since Fiscal Year (FY) 2007, and base budget appropriations have increased by 27 percent in the same time period,” said the bipartisan Senate Homeland Security Committee report on the Benghazi attack.

Barbara Boxer?s claim that GOP budgets hampered Benghazi security - The Washington Post

Here are your Pinocchios, to add to your impressive personal collection:

Nobody cares, hater dupes- Still "nothing there" but a tragedy and a mountain of Pubcrappe. Not 9/11, but still....Give yourselves a stroke...lol

there you have it...liberals don't care about the benghazi

If your head wasn't up your yurt you would realize the whole picture and our Middle East involvement since WW2 could only result in incidences like Benghazi. Grow up.

what the hell does that have to do with my post? where did i deny our involvement could result in a benghazi? oh wait...i never did you trash liar.

drunken troll types again...
Nobody cares, hater dupes- Still "nothing there" but a tragedy and a mountain of Pubcrappe. Not 9/11, but still....Give yourselves a stroke...lol

there you have it...liberals don't care about the benghazi

If your head wasn't up your yurt you would realize the whole picture and our Middle East involvement since WW2 could only result in incidences like Benghazi. Grow up.

Benghazi was revenge for your President ordering the drone assassination of AQ's number two.

Oh and I should point out that AQ number two was Libyan; Sheikh Abu Yahya al-Libi.

That was the motive pure and simple.

Al Zawahiri called for his death to be avenged. And it was wasn't it now?

Zawahiri urged Muslims and particularly Libyans to take revenge for the killing of Libi.

"His blood urges you and incites you to fight and kill the crusaders," he said.

Al Qaeda confirms death of bin Laden confidant Libi | Reuters
Don't they know the creator of the video is in jail?

ROFLMAO! Good one deltex, thanks for the laugh. :lol:

Can we blame the 9/11 attack deaths on George W Bush now?

F___ it. We have been ,because they were his fault, the oafish, ill-spoken hick wasn't even actually elected.

Actually, they were the fault of yet another libtard - Bill Clinton (and everybody with the slightest clue already knows this). The funding, recruiting, training, and planning for 9/11 all occurred under the Clinton Administration.

In addition, we suffered more terrorist attacks under Bill Clinton than all other U.S. Presidents combined. He had 8 years to address the Al Qaeda problem. What was his "solution"? To cut half a trillion from defense over his 8 years.

But hey, you Dumbocrats never were ones to let the FACTS get in the way of your agenda - so why start now, right?
Don't they know the creator of the video is in jail?

ROFLMAO! Good one deltex, thanks for the laugh. :lol:

Can we blame the 9/11 attack deaths on George W Bush now? (NO !! that belongs good ol Bubba clintoon)

F___ it. We have been ,because they were his fault, the oafish, ill-spoken hick wasn't even actually elected.

your "Cum stained Blue Dress" buddy allowed those terrorist in the country on "student visas" to learn how to fly a big airplanes into tall buildings :up:
What's wrong with Republicans? What's the character limit on a post? I might surpass it.

The Iraq War. Yes, that mistake is still owned by the GOP, and it will be held responsible for having made it for generations. It's the GOP's fault for this. The continued hamhanded belligerence in foreign policy doesn't help either.

The aggressive attacks on social spending, trying to cull as many people from any government program as possible, as if the Bush Recession was caused by people being poor. Endless spending on the War under Bush while penny pinching on food stamps under Obama? No wonder Mitt lost. He deserved his loss, and conservatives have only themselves to blame for it.

I'm not sure what the uninsured did to the GOP, but you sure do hate them. People had the gall to get sick through no fault of their own, and if they can't pay for the medical care, then too bad. Again, Mitt lost for this kind of thinking, so change it.

The hostility to minorities is breathtaking. And don't tell me that there isn't hostility to minorities among the GOP rank & file, because there is. I'm white and live among conservatives and I hear what conservatives say. It's not tolerant, it's not christian. It's blatant bigotry. Conservatives want the right to round up hispanics for deportation and the right shoot black men without being tried for it.

The biggest problem this country faces is the existence of the GOP and it's policies, which are soaked in blood.

you could of said that with two words~ Boooooosh fault.

Damn right.

It worked in 2008, 2012, and will probably work against the GOP in 2016. Face it, America fears the idea of more Bush polices.

Conservatives should be the ones blaming Bush. If he had been a better President, then his GOP successor would have had a better chance at victory. His polices were flops though, and his Presidency a disaster. He was so bad, that memories of his Presidency kept the GOP out of power twice. Turns out liberals were right about the mistake of the Iraq War after all , huh?

I know conservatives hate Obama, but you only have yourselves to blame for his two election victories. You are the ones who need to start blaming Bush.

But you slack-jawed gomers never learn. The flop of the Iraq War hasn't toned down the warmongering over Iran. And the cruel anti-poor anti-women, and anti-immigrant polices that have resulted from the GOP's 2010 wins led to the global humiliation of 2012.

The GOP has demographic doom in its future. The GOP needs to secularize, moderate and even liberalize, their polices. Otherwise I don't see much future for it.

Velveta is a cheap substitute for cheese...you are a cheap substitute for an American. Your product is all biased bullshit and lies.
This reads like something out of the Onion:

WASHINGTON — After a day of emotional hearings on the Benghazi Embassy attacks of 2012, Republican legislators yesterday decried the Obama State Department for following through with the budget cuts to embassy security mandated by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. -

GOP Furious State Department Cut Embassy Security After GOP Cut Embassy Security Funding

But don't worry folks. Quietly and without fanfare, Republican RAISED security funding by "TWO BILLION" after saying it wasn't needed.

Why must you always lie rdean.

I have personally debunked this crap when you tried to pass it off as fact months ago.

Only 6% of your post contain any truth at all.

The liberal leaning Washington Post Fact check gave this steaming bowl three Pinocchio:

Barbara Boxer’s claim that GOP budgets hampered Benghazi security

Moreover, while Boxer claims that Republicans “cut” the budget, she is only comparing it to what the Obama administration proposed. The reality is that funding for embassy security has increased significantly in recent years.

“The Department of State’s base requests for security funding have increased by 38 percent since Fiscal Year (FY) 2007, and base budget appropriations have increased by 27 percent in the same time period,” said the bipartisan Senate Homeland Security Committee report on the Benghazi attack.

Barbara Boxer?s claim that GOP budgets hampered Benghazi security - The Washington Post

Here are your Pinocchios, to add to your impressive personal collection:


Here's the thing too - nobody has complained that "security was cut". This is a typical Dumbocrat redirect to take the focus off of the actual scandal. The ACTUAL complaints are:

  • Despite having prior knowledge that an attack was coming, the Obama Administration did not evacuate their personnel like all other nations did (incidentally, Russia provided us with prior knowledge of the Boston Marathon bombing attack and Obama allowed that to happen as well - seems to be a pattern with this American-hating asshole).

  • After the attack was under way, the Obama Administration ordered ALL additional security forces in the area to stand down so they could ensure the death of their entire team. This was done as part of the cover up to ensure there were no witnesses that could testify that the Obama Administration was running weapons to Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations in opposition to the Syrian government.

  • Despite knowing that this was a pre-planned, coordinated attack, the Obama Administration LIED (what else is new?) and blamed a YouTube video. This was not done by a random draw. Of all the things the Obama Administration could have blamed, he chose to falsely blame it on the two things he desperately wants to control: free speech and the internet (just like any left-wing dictator wants). Since the very day he was sworn in, Obama has been salivating like a rapid dog over an "internet kill switch" so he can prevent the truth from getting out.
Now tell me RDickhead - where is "cuts to security" mentioned anywhere in those complaints?!? The truth has been out on this for over a year now stupid. You look like the biggest jack-ass when you try to falsely claim that people are upset over cuts to security forces (it's as stupid as Obama falsely claiming it was YouTube which caused the attack).
This reads like something out of the Onion:

WASHINGTON — After a day of emotional hearings on the Benghazi Embassy attacks of 2012, Republican legislators yesterday decried the Obama State Department for following through with the budget cuts to embassy security mandated by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. -

GOP Furious State Department Cut Embassy Security After GOP Cut Embassy Security Funding

But don't worry folks. Quietly and without fanfare, Republican RAISED security funding by "TWO BILLION" after saying it wasn't needed.

If you were to ever be truthful about anything, would you like burst into flames or something?
Did any of the LIBTARDS yet admit that the president and the Secretary of State lied through their teeth all the while pretending they grieved the loss of the four Americans they abandoned to the Muslims pigs? No? As expected.
What's wrong with Republicans? What's the character limit on a post? I might surpass it.

The Iraq War. Yes, that mistake is still owned by the GOP, and it will be held responsible for having made it for generations. It's the GOP's fault for this. The continued hamhanded belligerence in foreign policy doesn't help either.

The aggressive attacks on social spending, trying to cull as many people from any government program as possible, as if the Bush Recession was caused by people being poor. Endless spending on the War under Bush while penny pinching on food stamps under Obama? No wonder Mitt lost. He deserved his loss, and conservatives have only themselves to blame for it.

I'm not sure what the uninsured did to the GOP, but you sure do hate them. People had the gall to get sick through no fault of their own, and if they can't pay for the medical care, then too bad. Again, Mitt lost for this kind of thinking, so change it.

The hostility to minorities is breathtaking. And don't tell me that there isn't hostility to minorities among the GOP rank & file, because there is. I'm white and live among conservatives and I hear what conservatives say. It's not tolerant, it's not christian. It's blatant bigotry. Conservatives want the right to round up hispanics for deportation and the right shoot black men without being tried for it.

The biggest problem this country faces is the existence of the GOP and it's policies, which are soaked in blood.

Look to the .gov to solve all your problems. You don't need to be responsible for any of your actions, .gov will save you. Got 10 kids and make minimum wage, never plan for health care, never save for retirement, never attend or finish school? None of these are your problem it's the fault of society that failed you. You have no personal responsibility for anything .gov is the answer. Is that what you are saying?

Great summary of his foolish post!

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