What Isn't The Media Telling Us About January 6th?

And they regularly get the shit sued out of them for excessive force.

Derek Chauvin is in jail, doofus.

Trespassing is a simple misdemeanor.

So is vandalism.

Show me any BLM'er who got murdered for breaking a window.

Your arguments are extremely pathetic. You seem to know very little about the law.
BLM was not part of J6
Nor did many of the J6 prisoners, but they have been held in solitary for four years without bail, without due process, without even charges or a court hearing in many cases.
No, they have not, many have already served their time and are out.
I think Jamie Raskin is talking about not accepting Joe's pardon too.
That is their choice.

Yeah but did you read the end of the article that I posted? Pamela is most definitely a plant. The word cult was used. 🙄
Once again B. Tatum makes great points as the left never talks about this stuff.

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