Would I ever say anything bad about President Trump?


Can't help it. I won the sixth grade regional spelling bee, and have done proofreading for a living.

If ever you catch me in error, I will thank you for pointing it out.

Sorry .
Americanised spelling - above.
"Proof -reading" is far better
Far more acceptable as a hyphenated compound noun .

from Mrs Smart Bottom
Sorry .
Americanised spelling - above.
"Proof -reading" is far better
Far more acceptable as a hyphenated compound noun .

from Mrs Smart Bottom


My spelling program recognizes is as one word, when I typed it just now. As does every hit that comes up when I type the word into my search bar.

But thanks for sharing your opinion.

On a forum where there was an honest exchange of political views, there are many things about Trump that I would criticize. But I would maintain my position that what he is doing since taking office is what the country needs badly.

Unfortunately, since the landslide victory, many of the more intelligent Democrats on here have simply stopped posting. Yet, the space is still filled, albeit with posters are a bare half step above trolls.

No point in siring any disagreement with Trump to give them something to cackle about.
I'm asked over and over by liberals on Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, etc., would i ever say anything bad about Trump. Of course they are arguing the totally stupid position that people who support Trump are in a cult.

Here's what i tell them:

There is nothing at all that is a deal breaker for me. There are two things that he wants to do that I don't feel is the right thing, but I've seen enough to trust him, not that I can stop him anyway.

First is his plans for the DOE. I know that the Department of Education has been a disaster for this country. However, i feel that it can be used to correct some of the problems we are having with the educational system. I don't care for placing the responsibility for our children's education onto the states. Does anyone think that the state governments are smarter, less corrupt, or more efficient than the federal government? I do not. What I would rather see Trump do is clean house, then appoint competent leadership of the DOE, to reverse many of the damaging policies of the DOE, such as lowering the standards for graduation which has been done several times since the DOE's inception. Also monitoring where the money to schools goes.

Most of the problems in the US Education, and why other countries are doing a lot better than us starts in the home and with the parents. We don't place education as important as those other countries do. Oh, parents talk a good game but in reality they just cannot be bothered to invest their time and effort into their kids education. I could make an entire thread about this but you get the idea. The DOE cannot do anything about this major factor and putting it on the states won't either.

Second thing he wants to do that I don't agree with is give us back the money that was saved from DOGE in the form of checks. Nice idea and I could do a lot of good with $5k but putting that much cash into the economy will only raise inflation. I'd rather it be put toward the deficit or next budget perhaps.

Trump is the greatest president in our lifetime, but like every person on this planet, he's not perfect. His goal to make America great again is under way, but IMO, there seem to be a few miss-steps along the way. None of them are deal breakers for me.

A cult member is someone who believes things they know aren't true just because they are told to believe it and never ever will go against the agenda of the cult leaders. pretty much like Democrats.
My quarrel with Trump is I sometimes think his occasional petulance and tendency to insult those who oppose him is neither attractive nor helpful. And every now and then he has a really dumb and unnecessarily divisive and unhelpful idea like the "Gulf of America."

But for the most part I trust him to put America's interest first and to do his very best to find the best solutions for problems and the best policies to benefit all Americans even if that requires some debate and trial and error. His 'never give up" and "fight fight fight" are not idle slogans but he lives them.

That $5,000 rebate isn't even close to being a done deal. It was just thrown out there as a suggestion with the knowledge that so many Americans have maxed out credit cards and even some food insecurity due to the inflation we are enduring. I do believe they are also considering any possible inflationary effect and won't do that if it can't be offset.

As for the Dept. of Education, I fully agree with doing away with it and moving its few helpful functions to HHS as a small division.

And at least if education is managed by the states and/or local communities as it was when I was growing up and the USA had the finest education system in the world, if one state screws up its system, it doesn't mess up anybody else. If the U.S. government messes it up, which it has been doing for quite some time now, it messes up everybody.

Having said that will they sometimes get it wrong, make mistakes? Yes they will. And they will be properly criticized for that. Will everybody agree on everything? No, because the GOP are not a monolithic group marching in lockstep to dictated talking points and/or an ideology.

But I think the majority of Republican in Congress and the Administration President Trump is putting together are unified on the MAGA America first vision of a free, strong, secure, prosperous America that promotes choices, options, opportunity, liberty, and prosperity for all Americans. I want all Americans who love America to have their backs as they figure out how best to accomplish that.
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My spelling program recognizes is as one word, when I typed it just now. As does every hit that comes up when I type the word into my search bar.

But thanks for sharing your opinion.

Good Lord . Not my opinion .

Just the consensus view shared by literate people , particularly , Proof-Readers .
I'm asked over and over by liberals on Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, etc., would i ever say anything bad about Trump. Of course they are arguing the totally stupid position that people who support Trump are in a cult.

Here's what i tell them:

There is nothing at all that is a deal breaker for me. There are two things that he wants to do that I don't feel is the right thing, but I've seen enough to trust him, not that I can stop him anyway.

First is his plans for the DOE. I know that the Department of Education has been a disaster for this country. However, i feel that it can be used to correct some of the problems we are having with the educational system. I don't care for placing the responsibility for our children's education onto the states. Does anyone think that the state governments are smarter, less corrupt, or more efficient than the federal government? I do not. What I would rather see Trump do is clean house, then appoint competent leadership of the DOE, to reverse many of the damaging policies of the DOE, such as lowering the standards for graduation which has been done several times since the DOE's inception. Also monitoring where the money to schools goes.

Most of the problems in the US Education, and why other countries are doing a lot better than us starts in the home and with the parents. We don't place education as important as those other countries do. Oh, parents talk a good game but in reality they just cannot be bothered to invest their time and effort into their kids education. I could make an entire thread about this but you get the idea. The DOE cannot do anything about this major factor and putting it on the states won't either.

Second thing he wants to do that I don't agree with is give us back the money that was saved from DOGE in the form of checks. Nice idea and I could do a lot of good with $5k but putting that much cash into the economy will only raise inflation. I'd rather it be put toward the deficit or next budget perhaps.

Trump is the greatest president in our lifetime, but like every person on this planet, he's not perfect. His goal to make America great again is under way, but IMO, there seem to be a few miss-steps along the way. None of them are deal breakers for me.

A cult member is someone who believes things they know aren't true just because they are told to believe it and never ever will go against the agenda of the cult leaders. pretty much like Democrats.
When I was knewer to this forum every single time I posted something I didn't like about Trump lefties on here thought I was ripe for conversion therapy. So, since then, I have learned to say nothing bad about Trump, even though I disagree with him on a few things, because I just don't want to hear the shit from the left trying to convert me over to their side.
On a forum where there was an honest exchange of political views, there are many things about Trump that I would criticize. But I would maintain my position that what he is doing since taking office is what the country needs badly.

Unfortunately, since the landslide victory, many of the more intelligent Democrats on here have simply stopped posting. Yet, the space is still filled, albeit with posters are a bare half step above trolls.

No point in siring any disagreement with Trump to give them something to cackle about.

You certainly never will!
Not many I can see so far.

That said I would like to see many more deportations, but Homan and the DOJ is gonna have to make some examples out of dem operatives warning the illegals.
correct .. dem governor's and Mayors are making it difficult for ice to do their job ..
You promoted a vegetable for President for 4 years and even denying it. You put party over country. You are the cult. Cults do that.

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