What job should Hillary have after 2016?

Madam President unless the GOP can come up with someone other than the two jokers currently leading in the primaries. It's simply astonishing that given 8 years to find someone who can beat Clinton they come up with two con men with worse negatives than SHE has.
In the off chance she doesn't become President, she will continue to make more money for giving a 20 minute speech than you'll make in your entire lives, your jealousy notwithstanding.
I was thinking she could be a porn star but she is literally to old to be one unless you are into granny porn. I thought that she could be a good janitor in a prison somewhere. What do you think? Sarah Palin can be her parole officer.

I think any of the jobs offered to prisoners would suit her. Maybe kitchen help? After a few years, IF she proves she can be a model prisoner, allow her to join a chain gang and pick up trash from the highway.
In the off chance she doesn't become President, she will continue to make more money for giving a 20 minute speech than you'll make in your entire lives, your jealousy notwithstanding.

The left bitches about business owners making too much money for working long hours, yet abide by Hillary getting a gross amount for a crappy 20 minute speech. And sometimes, it's the meanie 1% that hires her. Go figure. I think she's sleazy for charging charities her usual high fee for 'helping' them raise money. One charity went in the hole after accepting her help. Real classy. I guess she never heard of volunteering to help a good cause.
In the off chance she doesn't become President, she will continue to make more money for giving a 20 minute speech than you'll make in your entire lives, your jealousy notwithstanding.

This is true, and the thing is, we will never know what her speeches are all about because she'll never release the transcripts.

But this begs the question: do you think that she (or Bill) will get the same pay for those 20 minute speeches that she does now given the fact she won't have any political power in the future?

No wonder she is for a minimum wage increase. :banana::banana::banana:
In the off chance she doesn't become President, she will continue to make more money for giving a 20 minute speech than you'll make in your entire lives, your jealousy notwithstanding.

This is true, and the thing is, we will never know what her speeches are all about because she'll never release the transcripts.

But this begs the question: do you think that she (or Bill) will get the same pay for those 20 minute speeches that she does now given the fact she won't have any political power in the future?

No wonder she is for a minimum wage increase. :banana::banana::banana:

The answer to your question is yes. Both her and Bill will continue to make more money than you've ever seen for 20 minutes of work.
In the off chance she doesn't become President, she will continue to make more money for giving a 20 minute speech than you'll make in your entire lives, your jealousy notwithstanding.

This is true, and the thing is, we will never know what her speeches are all about because she'll never release the transcripts.

But this begs the question: do you think that she (or Bill) will get the same pay for those 20 minute speeches that she does now given the fact she won't have any political power in the future?

No wonder she is for a minimum wage increase. :banana::banana::banana:

The answer to your question is yes. Both her and Bill will continue to make more money than you've ever seen for 20 minutes of work.

So I guess you're one of those people that actually believe their speeches are so good that they are willing to pay a quarter-mil to hear them? And then you wonder why we call your kind the uninformed voter??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
In the off chance she doesn't become President, she will continue to make more money for giving a 20 minute speech than you'll make in your entire lives, your jealousy notwithstanding.

This is true, and the thing is, we will never know what her speeches are all about because she'll never release the transcripts.

But this begs the question: do you think that she (or Bill) will get the same pay for those 20 minute speeches that she does now given the fact she won't have any political power in the future?

No wonder she is for a minimum wage increase. :banana::banana::banana:

The answer to your question is yes. Both her and Bill will continue to make more money than you've ever seen for 20 minutes of work.

So I guess you're one of those people that actually believe their speeches are so good that they are willing to pay a quarter-mil to hear them? And then you wonder why we call your kind the uninformed voter??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

How "good" their speeches are is irrelevant - although, I will say there are few public speakers as good as Mr. Clinton.

They get paid that much because they're prestigious speakers.
In the off chance she doesn't become President, she will continue to make more money for giving a 20 minute speech than you'll make in your entire lives, your jealousy notwithstanding.

This is true, and the thing is, we will never know what her speeches are all about because she'll never release the transcripts.

But this begs the question: do you think that she (or Bill) will get the same pay for those 20 minute speeches that she does now given the fact she won't have any political power in the future?

No wonder she is for a minimum wage increase. :banana::banana::banana:

The answer to your question is yes. Both her and Bill will continue to make more money than you've ever seen for 20 minutes of work.

So I guess you're one of those people that actually believe their speeches are so good that they are willing to pay a quarter-mil to hear them? And then you wonder why we call your kind the uninformed voter??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

How "good" their speeches are is irrelevant - although, I will say there are few public speakers as good as Mr. Clinton.

They get paid that much because they're prestigious speakers.

No, they get paid that much because Hillary pursued her political career. If she retired after being a Senator, they couldn't get ten grand for an hour speech yet alone a quarter-mil for a 20 minute speech.

I don't know who could take either of their voices. Her screeching and barking like a dog, and Bill who speaks like he's trying to get over the flu. Don't believe me? Then see how much either gets for a speech once Hillary is defeated.
Hillary Clinton should have any of the prison jobs the inmates are allowed to have.

She should be provided employment while in there....like all the inmates like her.
Hillary Clinton should have any of the prison jobs the inmates are allowed to have.

She should be provided employment while in there....like all the inmates like her.

And she should have equal pay to her male counterparts as well. :banana::banana::banana:
In the off chance she doesn't become President, she will continue to make more money for giving a 20 minute speech than you'll make in your entire lives, your jealousy notwithstanding.

This is true, and the thing is, we will never know what her speeches are all about because she'll never release the transcripts.

But this begs the question: do you think that she (or Bill) will get the same pay for those 20 minute speeches that she does now given the fact she won't have any political power in the future?

No wonder she is for a minimum wage increase. :banana::banana::banana:

The answer to your question is yes. Both her and Bill will continue to make more money than you've ever seen for 20 minutes of work.

So I guess you're one of those people that actually believe their speeches are so good that they are willing to pay a quarter-mil to hear them? And then you wonder why we call your kind the uninformed voter??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

How "good" their speeches are is irrelevant - although, I will say there are few public speakers as good as Mr. Clinton.

They get paid that much because they're prestigious speakers.

No, they get paid that much because Hillary pursued her political career. If she retired after being a Senator, they couldn't get ten grand for an hour speech yet alone a quarter-mil for a 20 minute speech.

I don't know who could take either of their voices. Her screeching and barking like a dog, and Bill who speaks like he's trying to get over the flu. Don't believe me? Then see how much either gets for a speech once Hillary is defeated.

I really don't know what to tell you, other than to point out the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about.
I was thinking she could be a porn star but she is literally to old to be one unless you are into granny porn. I thought that she could be a good janitor in a prison somewhere. What do you think? Sarah Palin can be her parole officer.

Hillary Clinton's next job will be the POTUS. She is headed into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they will be voting heavily for her.

Trump & the Trumpkins have chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at. Specifically 17% of the population, or 23 million Hispanics, that are now solidly in Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee, since Reagan has needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House. This year it's 46%. Trump is polling at an historic negative 80%. Even Republican latino's stated months ago they would not support a Trump nominee.
New data suggest GOP 2016 nominee will need to win nearly half of Latino vote
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Then add in 47% of Republican women who won't cast a vote for Trump, and millions of Republican men that just won't take the bait on Trump.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

These numbers are already indicating that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea. In fact right now she could survive another 4 Benghazi's and found to be using a Chinese server and still win the election.


And while we're on EMAILS--you might as well make room for Colin Powell and Condi Rice in that jail cell, as they apparently have the same issues with emails.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

Benghazi has been investigated 8 times now. In her last 12 hour congressional testimony she made Republican look like total idiots. In her opening statement she went through a long list of U.S. Embassies that had been attacked. Most notably, under Reagan when 240 U.S. Marines were killed at a U.S Embassy in Lebanon. Of course that was only 1 investigation.

So the right wing dog and pony shows have FLOPPED--big time.


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If she's the nominee, it will be worth voting for her, just to piss off wingnuts.
If she's the nominee, it will be worth voting for her, just to piss off wingnuts.

.....and then....you will have an inmate as a President.

for the first time in USA

you had thugs and criminals before....

but an inmate? LOL nope
In the off chance she doesn't become President, she will continue to make more money for giving a 20 minute speech than you'll make in your entire lives, your jealousy notwithstanding.

The left bitches about business owners making too much money for working long hours, yet abide by Hillary getting a gross amount for a crappy 20 minute speech. And sometimes, it's the meanie 1% that hires her. Go figure. I think she's sleazy for charging charities her usual high fee for 'helping' them raise money. One charity went in the hole after accepting her help. Real classy. I guess she never heard of volunteering to help a good cause.
I have never bitched about the amount of money business owners make....only on the historically low tax rates they pay on their profits

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