What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

No. Sorry let me dumb this down for you. I can prove that you are a mindless drone who doesn't think for yourself but rather, has the RW sources tell you what to think.

Look, you're a leftist - which means you're not very bright.

But you made an assertion, you claimed that the Ukraine has better medical care than the USA.

Because you made a positive assertion, the onus (look it up, moron) is upon you to support your claim. I have no need to "prove you wrong," sparky.
No. Sorry let me dumb this down for you. I can prove that you are a mindless drone who doesn't think for yourself but rather, has the RW sources tell you what to think.

Look, you're a leftist - which means you're not very bright.

But you made an assertion, you claimed that the Ukraine has better medical care than the USA.

Because you made a positive assertion, the onus (look it up, moron) is upon you to support your claim. I have no need to "prove you wrong," sparky.

In the Ukraine, everyone gets basic care. It's not great. hell, it's not even that good but it's available to everyone regardless of income. But you can buy private insurance to get better care. That's better than what we have. If you're really poor, you can get health care. But if you make $20K or whatever the poverty line is, you make too much to get basic coverage for yourself and your kids. no check ups or basic care.
So in that regard, it's better. not in every way. just as NO country is better in every way. But they don't have tens of thousands of people filing bankruptcy every year because someone got hurt or sick.

As far as you being a mindless drone and me NOT being a Leftist, this is easy to prove.

A mindless drone does not base the term "Leftist" or "Liberal" based on another person's political beliefs. They apply this label to anyone disagreeing with them on anything. They define an "Independent" as someone who has all Conservative views. Hello! Idiot! That's called a "Conservative". :lol:
So a "Leftist" would have views that are consistently or overwhelmingly "Left" or "Liberal". To an ignorant whackjob, political views ae irrelevant when applying political labels.
So you are a mindless drone, not because you're Conservative - I have lots of intelligent friends who are Conservative - but because you are so ill-equipped to deal with non-conformity to what you've been told to believe, you instantly label anyone displaying such non-conformity out of ignorance.
No. Sorry let me dumb this down for you. I can prove that you are a mindless drone who doesn't think for yourself but rather, has the RW sources tell you what to think.

Look, you're a leftist - which means you're not very bright.

But you made an assertion, you claimed that the Ukraine has better medical care than the USA.

Because you made a positive assertion, the onus (look it up, moron) is upon you to support your claim. I have no need to "prove you wrong," sparky.

In the Ukraine, everyone gets basic care. It's not great. hell, it's not even that good but it's available to everyone regardless of income. But you can buy private insurance to get better care. That's better than what we have. If you're really poor, you can get health care. But if you make $20K or whatever the poverty line is, you make too much to get basic coverage for yourself and your kids. no check ups or basic care.
So in that regard, it's better. not in every way. just as NO country is better in every way. But they don't have tens of thousands of people filing bankruptcy every year because someone got hurt or sick.

As far as you being a mindless drone and me NOT being a Leftist, this is easy to prove.

A mindless drone does not base the term "Leftist" or "Liberal" based on another person's political beliefs. They apply this label to anyone disagreeing with them on anything. They define an "Independent" as someone who has all Conservative views. Hello! Idiot! That's called a "Conservative". :lol:
So a "Leftist" would have views that are consistently or overwhelmingly "Left" or "Liberal". To an ignorant whackjob, political views ae irrelevant when applying political labels.
So you are a mindless drone, not because you're Conservative - I have lots of intelligent friends who are Conservative - but because you are so ill-equipped to deal with non-conformity to what you've been told to believe, you instantly label anyone displaying such non-conformity out of ignorance.

I don't call all crazy people leftists, though all leftists are crazy....

Here we have YET ANOTHER long, blathering post whining about what people "think".

You don't know what anyone thinks..not only have you never had a thought of your own, you can't read minds.

So please lay off the acid and try to apply yourself to real world issues. You know, things that actually happen, or things that can be discussed rationally.
Look, you're a leftist - which means you're not very bright.

But you made an assertion, you claimed that the Ukraine has better medical care than the USA.

Because you made a positive assertion, the onus (look it up, moron) is upon you to support your claim. I have no need to "prove you wrong," sparky.

In the Ukraine, everyone gets basic care. It's not great. hell, it's not even that good but it's available to everyone regardless of income. But you can buy private insurance to get better care. That's better than what we have. If you're really poor, you can get health care. But if you make $20K or whatever the poverty line is, you make too much to get basic coverage for yourself and your kids. no check ups or basic care.
So in that regard, it's better. not in every way. just as NO country is better in every way. But they don't have tens of thousands of people filing bankruptcy every year because someone got hurt or sick.

As far as you being a mindless drone and me NOT being a Leftist, this is easy to prove.

A mindless drone does not base the term "Leftist" or "Liberal" based on another person's political beliefs. They apply this label to anyone disagreeing with them on anything. They define an "Independent" as someone who has all Conservative views. Hello! Idiot! That's called a "Conservative". :lol:
So a "Leftist" would have views that are consistently or overwhelmingly "Left" or "Liberal". To an ignorant whackjob, political views ae irrelevant when applying political labels.
So you are a mindless drone, not because you're Conservative - I have lots of intelligent friends who are Conservative - but because you are so ill-equipped to deal with non-conformity to what you've been told to believe, you instantly label anyone displaying such non-conformity out of ignorance.

I don't call all crazy people leftists, though all leftists are crazy....

Here we have YET ANOTHER long, blathering post whining about what people "think".

You don't know what anyone thinks..not only have you never had a thought of your own, you can't read minds.

So please lay off the acid and try to apply yourself to real world issues. You know, things that actually happen, or things that can be discussed rationally.

I'd be happy to! So. You jump into threads very often and post about the poster instead of the the topic.
This proves that the OP is only partially right because the weaker, more stupid Conservatives do exactly what the OP claims Liberals do.
Or do you deny that I can provide links to a LOT of posts where you do EXACTLY what the OP finds frustrating in Liberals?
(Time to dodge, change the subject etc...!)
You idiot, you just posted a long rambling diatribe attacking not just about one, but a myriad, of unnamed posters.

And I was bored with your stupid "sure we do it but so do you" schtick a really long time ago. You're just another leftist posing as a centrist who is too lazy to actually tackle any topic (that would require research, or knowledge, horrors) and so blathers away about how everybody is equally to blame for everything.

You're one of about a half dozen on this site. Go join your blindfolded and ignorant crowd dressed in black trench coats and piss and moan amongst yourselves. You aren't up to actually debating an issue.
You idiot, you just posted a long rambling diatribe attacking not just about one, but a myriad, of unnamed posters.

And I was bored with your stupid "sure we do it but so do you" schtick a really long time ago. You're just another leftist posing as a centrist who is too lazy to actually tackle any topic (that would require research, or knowledge, horrors) and so blathers away about how everybody is equally to blame for everything.

You're one of about a half dozen on this site. Go join your blindfolded and ignorant crowd dressed in black trench coats and piss and moan amongst yourselves. You aren't up to actually debating an issue.

Ah. So you're a liar and just got busted! :lol: yeah we knew that. You go into threads doing exactly what you betch and whine about Liberals doing. You're exactly like Rdean or RightWingaFraud.
And of course, I've bitch slapped your butt so many times on issues, it's gotten under your skin. Which is exactly why you comes into threads and don't discuss issues or topics, you just whine about me. People who are too weak and stupid to debate the issues and topics, go into threads and ignore them. They just post really stupid shet like "Ohhh, he's neither independent nor logical! Aren't i clever!"
Now move along little girl. You're owned. I can prove you do what you whine about the Libs doing and you know it. :lol::lol::lol:
In the Ukraine, everyone gets basic care. It's not great. hell, it's not even that good but it's available to everyone regardless of income.

You know sparky, the Obama big lie is that not everyone in the USA has insurance, even he won't try to claim people don't have care.


But you can buy private insurance to get better care. That's better than what we have.

Yep, no one can buy insurance in the USA - it just doesn't exist....


If you're really poor, you can get health care. But if you make $20K or whatever the poverty line is, you make too much to get basic coverage for yourself and your kids. no check ups or basic care.


Free/Low-Cost/Sliding-Scale Clinics


Another Obamabot goes down....

So in that regard, it's better. not in every way. just as NO country is better in every way. But they don't have tens of thousands of people filing bankruptcy every year because someone got hurt or sick.

Yet what you claim is demonstrably not true.

As far as you being a mindless drone and me NOT being a Leftist, this is easy to prove.

Oh, you already DID sparky.

Being an Obamabot doesn't make you a leftists... At least ThinkProgress told you it didn't....

A mindless drone does not base the term "Leftist" or "Liberal" based on another person's political beliefs. They apply this label to anyone disagreeing with them on anything.

You know sparky, you're a rather dull-witted little troll, but you do grasp that WHAT we disagree on are political issues, doncha?

Yes, I disagree with the Democratic Underground hating points that you spew - but that kind of DOES make you a leftist...

They define an "Independent" as someone who has all Conservative views. Hello! Idiot! That's called a "Conservative". :lol:


And someone like you, who regurgitates the hating points from DailyKOS is properly termed "a leftist."

So a "Leftist" would have views that are consistently or overwhelmingly "Left" or "Liberal". To an ignorant whackjob, political views ae irrelevant when applying political labels.
So you are a mindless drone, not because you're Conservative - I have lots of intelligent friends who are Conservative - but because you are so ill-equipped to deal with non-conformity to what you've been told to believe, you instantly label anyone displaying such non-conformity out of ignorance.

You oppose political labels. you believe whatever Obama declares, and he is god, so above politics...

I understand.
You idiot, you just posted a long rambling diatribe attacking not just about one, but a myriad, of unnamed posters.

And I was bored with your stupid "sure we do it but so do you" schtick a really long time ago. You're just another leftist posing as a centrist who is too lazy to actually tackle any topic (that would require research, or knowledge, horrors) and so blathers away about how everybody is equally to blame for everything.

You're one of about a half dozen on this site. Go join your blindfolded and ignorant crowd dressed in black trench coats and piss and moan amongst yourselves. You aren't up to actually debating an issue.

Ah. So you're a liar and just got busted! :lol: yeah we knew that. You go into threads doing exactly what you betch and whine about Liberals doing. You're exactly like Rdean or RightWingaFraud.
And of course, I've bitch slapped your butt so many times on issues, it's gotten under your skin. Which is exactly why you comes into threads and don't discuss issues or topics, you just whine about me. People who are too weak and stupid to debate the issues and topics, go into threads and ignore them. They just post really stupid shet like "Ohhh, he's neither independent nor logical! Aren't i clever!"
Now move along little girl. You're owned. I can prove you do what you whine about the Libs doing and you know it. :lol::lol::lol:


Go ahead and post whatever proof you think you have, of whatever point you think you're making.

You're too disjointed to understand...but maybe it will become clear later.

Meanwhile, continue to proclaim yourself *the winner*. It means nothing when spouted by idiots like you.
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In the Ukraine, everyone gets basic care. It's not great. hell, it's not even that good but it's available to everyone regardless of income.

You know sparky, the Obama big lie is that not everyone in the USA has insurance, even he won't try to claim people don't have care.


Um. hmmm. The Stupid scale goes rather high here. Let me try to put this in little words for you: Not everyone in the USA has insurance.

Really, how stupid does a person have to be to think that everyone in the USA has insurance.

But you can buy private insurance to get better care. That's better than what we have.

Yep, no one can buy insurance in the USA - it just doesn't exist....

Wow. Again off the charts in stupidity. I won't even try to explain as obviously you are a few cars short of a full parking lot.


Free/Low-Cost/Sliding-Scale Clinics


Another Obamabot goes down....

Okay, the level of stupid just set a new record. You claim that everyone has free health care - then provide a link that shows that people have to pay to get health care. Wow.

Yet what you claim is demonstrably not true.

Oh, you already DID sparky.

Being an Obamabot doesn't make you a leftists... At least ThinkProgress told you it didn't....

You know sparky, you're a rather dull-witted little troll, but you do grasp that WHAT we disagree on are political issues, doncha?

Yes, I disagree with the Democratic Underground hating points that you spew - but that kind of DOES make you a leftist...

They define an "Independent" as someone who has all Conservative views. Hello! Idiot! That's called a "Conservative". :lol:


And someone like you, who regurgitates the hating points from DailyKOS is properly termed "a leftist."

So a "Leftist" would have views that are consistently or overwhelmingly "Left" or "Liberal". To an ignorant whackjob, political views ae irrelevant when applying political labels.
So you are a mindless drone, not because you're Conservative - I have lots of intelligent friends who are Conservative - but because you are so ill-equipped to deal with non-conformity to what you've been told to believe, you instantly label anyone displaying such non-conformity out of ignorance.

You oppose political labels. you believe whatever Obama declares, and he is god, so above politics...

I understand.

Okay so now your jedi Stupid training is complete. See you're so stupid, you have to have your opinions fed to you. I have posted numerous thread criticizing Obama, his policies etc... but you're such a fucking moron you claim I believe whatever Obama says. Therefore you are wrong and incredibly stupid. Off to Golf! Have a nice day junior;

Hugs & Kisses,

Your new BFF :lol:
Here's one:

Conversation between my husband and our dope smoking painter today:

Hubby - Hey buddy, Obama wants your social security number.

Stoner - Fuck Obama.

Hubby - Fuck Obama? I would have sworn you would have voted for him.

Stoner - Shit yeah. Obama's the man!

Hubby - But he wants you to file taxes.

Stoner - Fuck Obama.

Hubby - Who you voting for in 2012?

Stoner - Obama's the man!

Hard to argue with that eh? :badgrin:
Does anybody else see the disconnect, even the oxymoron, in a statement in which somebody emphatically denies that he/she is a 'lefitst' even as he/she supports a program like Obamacare or some other government program of that type? Supports the politicians who think it is a great idea even?

But I have been saying at intervals on this thread that it is that kind of disconnect that makes arguing with liberals so frustrating, Not only can they not define in their own words what 'left' and 'right' or 'liberal' or 'conservative' concepts are in modern day America, but they also cannot articulate a rationale for why government run healthcare is superior to a free market healthcare system. All they can do is cut and paste somebody else's opinion and don't have a clue WHY or IF that somebody's opinion is valid. But it fits the talking points of the day, therefore it is presented as 'fact'.
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It doesn't matter what they say, Foxy. They are liars and they are motivated to hide their true agenda.
It doesn't matter what they say, Foxy. They are liars and they are motivated to hide their true agenda.

Well that is the friendly disconnect between you and me. You see being ignorant, being intentionally gullible, being stupid, being brainwashed, andk/or buying into unsupportable information, i.e. being wrong, as 'lying'. I don't. I don't see it as a lie unless they KNOW it isn't true.
No, I think they intentionally lie. I don't see being mistaken as lying.

I do see INTENTIONAL obfuscation and avoidance and just plain story telling as lying.

FOR EXAMPLE...the people who say that this or that has been PROVEN by testimony that doesn't exist (in re: Martin/Zimmerman)...and who know that they are basing those statements on nothing more than rumor...those people are lying.

People who claim that they know what someone *thinks* even when it flies in the face of what that person says or does...those people are LYING.

I don't think people who are mistaken are necessarily liars.

But they are liars if they have had their mistake pointed out to them and they cling to it, as if it has never been exposed as a mistake...at that point, the mistake becomes a lie.
It's also a lie to pretend you are centrist, when in reality, you aren't....

Unless they don't know what a centrist is but have been told that's what they are. Every stupid or ignorant person is not necessaryily a liar. You gotta cut these people some slack. :)
Here's one:

Conversation between my husband and our dope smoking painter today:

Hubby - Hey buddy, Obama wants your social security number.

Stoner - Fuck Obama.

Hubby - Fuck Obama? I would have sworn you would have voted for him.

Stoner - Shit yeah. Obama's the man!

Hubby - But he wants you to file taxes.

Stoner - Fuck Obama.

Hubby - Who you voting for in 2012?

Stoner - Obama's the man!

Hard to argue with that eh? :badgrin:


Stupid people vote for Obama.
The reason I mentioned The Ukraine is simply because I used to live there. And Austria and Canada and Mexico and Peru. So tell me Gomer, where exactly have you lived that gives you such expertise on a public option? Yeah, thought so. Internet "experts" are so amusing.

So sparky, do feel free to list all of those packing up for care in the Ukraine?

What? You've got nothing?

Ohh, you're inviting me to prove a negative?

What a surprise...

Say sparky, here is a novel idea, hows about you prove your assertion?

No. Sorry let me dumb this down for you. I can prove that you are a mindless drone who doesn't think for yourself but rather, has the RW sources tell you what to think. I can also prove that I have as many (or close to) Conservative views as I do Liberal because I DO think for myself. Those are both posities junior. You call anyone disageeing with you a "Leftist" because it's all you have. It's not like you have fact, tatitics, direct knowledge etc... to back you up. :)

Hmmm. Should I whine about the personal attack? Nah. Not my style. So how exactly is the increase in population and change in demographics from the 1950's a strawman argument? Please specify. Oh wait. You don't do that.
Because none of those things are relevant to the workings of a free market on any scale, which existed in the realm of the delivery of medical services in the 1950s far more so than it does today.

But if I were as committed to trying to prove to everyone what a genius I am as you are, I'd probably want to divert from little details like that, too.

Regarding the genius thing, it's not my fault that you have an inferiority complex and therefore project this onto others. Psychologists refer this as "transference". Since you feel so insecure, you transfer the source of the negative emotions to those to whom you see as the source of those insecurities. While I am secure with my intellect, there are a lot of highly intelligent people here. It's not my fault that you're not one of them.

Regarding the change in demographics etc... since the 1950's, this is obviously beyond your ken if you think that the delivery of a product or service is never effected by such factors in a free market. When you are able to think beyond the cute little bumper sticker phrases and slogans that have been spoon-fed to you, you'll be better equipped to discuss them.
A truly free market has almost never existed, nor will it and for good reason. A truly free market is completely unregulated - sort of ConservaRepub / Libertarian's dream. Of course with all that freedom for corporations comes a few downsides. Envrionmental disasters, dangerous or even lethal products, child labor and so on. So the Libetarian blabber about a "free market" being the panacea to all our woes is pure nonsense. No industrialized nation in the world has ever been so stupid as to be purely capitalist. Without at least minimal social protection, we'd all be living in Uganda. But hey, you're welcome to tell me how a company would cease to exist if it harmed consumers or employees!
Trying to hide from your ideology only makes you look more of what you self deny.
Look, you post liberal/socialist..Therefore you ARE lib/socialist.
Now, no one is inferring we should have unfettered and unregulated markets.
The problem is, people like you want government to control everything.
All leftists want this. It's safe. Leftists desire no challenges. They all want "easy".
Womb to tomb safety nets for all, correct?
Yes? Ok, WHO is going to pay for that?
When government assumes all liability for the people, government must collect money to service that liability. When there are no more people to tax, guess what? The system collapses under it's own weight. See Greece, Ireland, Spain and Portugal...
If you want that type of life/government, move there.
It's also a lie to pretend you are centrist, when in reality, you aren't....

Unless they don't know what a centrist is but have been told that's what they are. Every stupid or ignorant person is not necessaryily a liar. You gotta cut these people some slack. :)

I think after about 2 years of being told they're not centrist it's reasonable to assume they know what the hell they are and they're just being dishonest.

Just as they're being dishonest when they claim Christians are "wingnuts" or tea partiers are "extremists". I think they have enough of a brain to realize they're not telling the truth as it is...they're telling lies to influence others, so they can gain support for their own views, which they KNOW are extremist and without substantial support.

It's the ONLY way these nutjobs can even the playing field and get time for their extremist agenda...by lying about what it is, and who they are.
This proves that the OP is only partially right because the weaker, more stupid Conservatives do exactly what the OP claims Liberals do.

you miss the point, you cant argue with a liberal ever because liberals are pure bigots. How can you argue with a bigot? They feel superior merely because they support welfare. They have no more intelligence than a child who believes in Santa Claus

Conservatism has a 100% intellectual basis. There are 100's of books and of course the Constitution itself.

Want proof? Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in support of liberalism.

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