What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

Here's one:

Conversation between my husband and our dope smoking painter today:

Hubby - Hey buddy, Obama wants your social security number.

Stoner - Fuck Obama.

Hubby - Fuck Obama? I would have sworn you would have voted for him.

Stoner - Shit yeah. Obama's the man!

Hubby - But he wants you to file taxes.

Stoner - Fuck Obama.

Hubby - Who you voting for in 2012?

Stoner - Obama's the man!

Hard to argue with that eh? :badgrin:


Stupid people vote for Obama.


And people who don't pay taxes.
Here's one:

Conversation between my husband and our dope smoking painter today:

Hubby - Hey buddy, Obama wants your social security number.

Stoner - Fuck Obama.

Hubby - Fuck Obama? I would have sworn you would have voted for him.

Stoner - Shit yeah. Obama's the man!

Hubby - But he wants you to file taxes.

Stoner - Fuck Obama.

Hubby - Who you voting for in 2012?

Stoner - Obama's the man!

Hard to argue with that eh? :badgrin:


Stupid people vote for Obama.


And people who don't pay taxes.

and people who don't mind mooching off of other people
Does anybody else see the disconnect, even the oxymoron, in a statement in which somebody emphatically denies that he/she is a 'lefitst' even as he/she supports a program like Obamacare or some other government program of that type? Supports the politicians who think it is a great idea even?

Does anyone see the hypocrisy and cowardess of someone who won't just come out and be direct. if you are referring to me, look through my post. I have always been against ObamaCare. Does anyone see the disconnect when someone implies someonthing about someone else they assume - when they're completely ignorant of that person's views on teh subject? Oops.

But I have been saying at intervals on this thread that it is that kind of disconnect that makes arguing with liberals so frustrating, Not only can they not define in their own words what 'left' and 'right' or 'liberal' or 'conservative' concepts are in modern day America, but they also cannot articulate a rationale for why government run healthcare is superior to a free market healthcare system. All they can do is cut and paste somebody else's opinion and don't have a clue WHY or IF that somebody's opinion is valid. But it fits the talking points of the day, therefore it is presented as 'fact'.

If you don't have the balls to come out and just say about whom you're referring, don't post. Here, let me show you how it's done. I think it's weak bs that you post like this instead of just saying "I think Rdean is...." or "I think IL is..."

It's also a lie to pretend you are centrist, when in reality, you aren't....

Here's one. it weak hypocritical BS to claim you're an Independent when every single one of your views is Conservative. It's only a lying hypocritical biotch who wants to label someone else but when called upon to prove their little petty BS runs like a cowardly liitle biotch. Let me show you how someone with guts addresses issues and accusations without cutting a running like a cowardly little biotch:
I am an Independent. This is evidenced by the fact that I agree with Conservatives on many issues and Liberals on many other issues. It is also proven beyond dispute by the fact I have often criticized Obama and his policies (like ObamaCare and NDAA) but have acknowledged his accomplishments as well.
Whereas you are a weak-minded little drone who has your every opinion fed to you like a zombie. Therefore I can tell you your opinion on virtually any issue - it's what is fed by the Conservative Machine to the lemmings. Weak. Stupid. Drone. Are we clear?
Want to dispute this? Bring it. But you won't. You'll dodge, change the subject and Cut & Run. And I will laugh at you.

So sparky, do feel free to list all of those packing up for care in the Ukraine?

What? You've got nothing?

Ohh, you're inviting me to prove a negative?

What a surprise...

Say sparky, here is a novel idea, hows about you prove your assertion?

No. Sorry let me dumb this down for you. I can prove that you are a mindless drone who doesn't think for yourself but rather, has the RW sources tell you what to think. I can also prove that I have as many (or close to) Conservative views as I do Liberal because I DO think for myself. Those are both posities junior. You call anyone disageeing with you a "Leftist" because it's all you have. It's not like you have fact, tatitics, direct knowledge etc... to back you up. :)

Because none of those things are relevant to the workings of a free market on any scale, which existed in the realm of the delivery of medical services in the 1950s far more so than it does today.

But if I were as committed to trying to prove to everyone what a genius I am as you are, I'd probably want to divert from little details like that, too.

Regarding the genius thing, it's not my fault that you have an inferiority complex and therefore project this onto others. Psychologists refer this as "transference". Since you feel so insecure, you transfer the source of the negative emotions to those to whom you see as the source of those insecurities. While I am secure with my intellect, there are a lot of highly intelligent people here. It's not my fault that you're not one of them.

Regarding the change in demographics etc... since the 1950's, this is obviously beyond your ken if you think that the delivery of a product or service is never effected by such factors in a free market. When you are able to think beyond the cute little bumper sticker phrases and slogans that have been spoon-fed to you, you'll be better equipped to discuss them.
A truly free market has almost never existed, nor will it and for good reason. A truly free market is completely unregulated - sort of ConservaRepub / Libertarian's dream. Of course with all that freedom for corporations comes a few downsides. Envrionmental disasters, dangerous or even lethal products, child labor and so on. So the Libetarian blabber about a "free market" being the panacea to all our woes is pure nonsense. No industrialized nation in the world has ever been so stupid as to be purely capitalist. Without at least minimal social protection, we'd all be living in Uganda. But hey, you're welcome to tell me how a company would cease to exist if it harmed consumers or employees!
Trying to hide from your ideology only makes you look more of what you self deny.
Look, you post liberal/socialist..Therefore you ARE lib/socialist.

Nah. You are stupid and judge without knoweldge. I own a business. I am more of a captialist than you will ever be. I am against ObamaCare. is that Liberal? I think unions abuse their power. Liberal? I think Christians are treated unfairly and Muslims coddled. Liberal? I won a Glock 19. Walk on my property uninvited. Liberal? I could go on but you are proven to be completely full shet already. You are just like the other ignorant Right Wingers. Your definition of "Leftist" or "Liberal" is anyone who disagress with you.

Now, no one is inferring we should have unfettered and unregulated markets.
The problem is, people like you want government to control everything.
No I don't. This is an ignorant assumption. Almost as ignorant as the poster who posted it.
All leftists want this. It's safe. Leftists desire no challenges. They all want "easy".
Womb to tomb safety nets for all, correct?
yeah except I pay mor ein taxes than you make in income. oops.

Yes? Ok, WHO is going to pay for that?
When government assumes all liability for the people, government must collect money to service that liability. When there are no more people to tax, guess what? The system collapses under it's own weight. See Greece, Ireland, Spain and Portugal...
If you want that type of life/government, move there.

If you want to sound less stupid, think before you post. Or better yet, don't judge a person based on their position on only one or two issues before you start throwing out the ignorant labels that are used by weaklings.
Does anybody else see the disconnect, even the oxymoron, in a statement in which somebody emphatically denies that he/she is a 'lefitst' even as he/she supports a program like Obamacare or some other government program of that type? Supports the politicians who think it is a great idea even?

But I have been saying at intervals on this thread that it is that kind of disconnect that makes arguing with liberals so frustrating, Not only can they not define in their own words what 'left' and 'right' or 'liberal' or 'conservative' concepts are in modern day America, but they also cannot articulate a rationale for why government run healthcare is superior to a free market healthcare system. All they can do is cut and paste somebody else's opinion and don't have a clue WHY or IF that somebody's opinion is valid. But it fits the talking points of the day, therefore it is presented as 'fact'.


The disconnect is when we ( and we are ALL guilty of this ) all think that ONE side has ALL the answers.

To believe that the Democrats or the Republicans are NEVER wrong on ANY issue is the surest sign of blind partisanship.

As far as lying goes?

If someone is lying, even to themselves, they are still a liar, they just don't know they are.
Does anybody else see the disconnect, even the oxymoron, in a statement in which somebody emphatically denies that he/she is a 'lefitst' even as he/she supports a program like Obamacare or some other government program of that type? Supports the politicians who think it is a great idea even?

Does anyone see the hypocrisy and cowardess of someone who won't just come out and be direct. if you are referring to me, look through my post. I have always been against ObamaCare. Does anyone see the disconnect when someone implies someonthing about someone else they assume - when they're completely ignorant of that person's views on teh subject? Oops.

But I have been saying at intervals on this thread that it is that kind of disconnect that makes arguing with liberals so frustrating, Not only can they not define in their own words what 'left' and 'right' or 'liberal' or 'conservative' concepts are in modern day America, but they also cannot articulate a rationale for why government run healthcare is superior to a free market healthcare system. All they can do is cut and paste somebody else's opinion and don't have a clue WHY or IF that somebody's opinion is valid. But it fits the talking points of the day, therefore it is presented as 'fact'.

If you don't have the balls to come out and just say about whom you're referring, don't post. Here, let me show you how it's done. I think it's weak bs that you post like this instead of just saying "I think Rdean is...." or "I think IL is..."

It's also a lie to pretend you are centrist, when in reality, you aren't....

Here's one. it weak hypocritical BS to claim you're an Independent when every single one of your views is Conservative. It's only a lying hypocritical biotch who wants to label someone else but when called upon to prove their little petty BS runs like a cowardly liitle biotch. Let me show you how someone with guts addresses issues and accusations without cutting a running like a cowardly little biotch:
I am an Independent. This is evidenced by the fact that I agree with Conservatives on many issues and Liberals on many other issues. It is also proven beyond dispute by the fact I have often criticized Obama and his policies (like ObamaCare and NDAA) but have acknowledged his accomplishments as well.
Whereas you are a weak-minded little drone who has your every opinion fed to you like a zombie. Therefore I can tell you your opinion on virtually any issue - it's what is fed by the Conservative Machine to the lemmings. Weak. Stupid. Drone. Are we clear?
Want to dispute this? Bring it. But you won't. You'll dodge, change the subject and Cut & Run. And I will laugh at you.

No. Sorry let me dumb this down for you. I can prove that you are a mindless drone who doesn't think for yourself but rather, has the RW sources tell you what to think. I can also prove that I have as many (or close to) Conservative views as I do Liberal because I DO think for myself. Those are both posities junior. You call anyone disageeing with you a "Leftist" because it's all you have. It's not like you have fact, tatitics, direct knowledge etc... to back you up. :)

Regarding the genius thing, it's not my fault that you have an inferiority complex and therefore project this onto others. Psychologists refer this as "transference". Since you feel so insecure, you transfer the source of the negative emotions to those to whom you see as the source of those insecurities. While I am secure with my intellect, there are a lot of highly intelligent people here. It's not my fault that you're not one of them.

Regarding the change in demographics etc... since the 1950's, this is obviously beyond your ken if you think that the delivery of a product or service is never effected by such factors in a free market. When you are able to think beyond the cute little bumper sticker phrases and slogans that have been spoon-fed to you, you'll be better equipped to discuss them.
A truly free market has almost never existed, nor will it and for good reason. A truly free market is completely unregulated - sort of ConservaRepub / Libertarian's dream. Of course with all that freedom for corporations comes a few downsides. Envrionmental disasters, dangerous or even lethal products, child labor and so on. So the Libetarian blabber about a "free market" being the panacea to all our woes is pure nonsense. No industrialized nation in the world has ever been so stupid as to be purely capitalist. Without at least minimal social protection, we'd all be living in Uganda. But hey, you're welcome to tell me how a company would cease to exist if it harmed consumers or employees!
Trying to hide from your ideology only makes you look more of what you self deny.
Look, you post liberal/socialist..Therefore you ARE lib/socialist.

Nah. You are stupid and judge without knoweldge. I own a business. I am more of a captialist than you will ever be. I am against ObamaCare. is that Liberal? I think unions abuse their power. Liberal? I think Christians are treated unfairly and Muslims coddled. Liberal? I won a Glock 19. Walk on my property uninvited. Liberal? I could go on but you are proven to be completely full shet already. You are just like the other ignorant Right Wingers. Your definition of "Leftist" or "Liberal" is anyone who disagress with you.

Now, no one is inferring we should have unfettered and unregulated markets.
The problem is, people like you want government to control everything.
No I don't. This is an ignorant assumption. Almost as ignorant as the poster who posted it.
All leftists want this. It's safe. Leftists desire no challenges. They all want "easy".
Womb to tomb safety nets for all, correct?
yeah except I pay mor ein taxes than you make in income. oops.

Yes? Ok, WHO is going to pay for that?
When government assumes all liability for the people, government must collect money to service that liability. When there are no more people to tax, guess what? The system collapses under it's own weight. See Greece, Ireland, Spain and Portugal...
If you want that type of life/government, move there.

If you want to sound less stupid, think before you post. Or better yet, don't judge a person based on their position on only one or two issues before you start throwing out the ignorant labels that are used by weaklings.
Methinks doth protest too much. Know what I mean?
I love this....Whenever a lib finds themselves cornered they feel the urge to display their resume...
I am unimpressed.
We do not care for what you say. We watch what you do.
The labels are not ignorant. The label is based on your posts. You cannot hide from posts placed on a public forum.
Does anybody else see the disconnect, even the oxymoron, in a statement in which somebody emphatically denies that he/she is a 'lefitst' even as he/she supports a program like Obamacare or some other government program of that type? Supports the politicians who think it is a great idea even?

Does anyone see the hypocrisy and cowardess of someone who won't just come out and be direct. if you are referring to me, look through my post. I have always been against ObamaCare. Does anyone see the disconnect when someone implies someonthing about someone else they assume - when they're completely ignorant of that person's views on teh subject? Oops.

But I have been saying at intervals on this thread that it is that kind of disconnect that makes arguing with liberals so frustrating, Not only can they not define in their own words what 'left' and 'right' or 'liberal' or 'conservative' concepts are in modern day America, but they also cannot articulate a rationale for why government run healthcare is superior to a free market healthcare system. All they can do is cut and paste somebody else's opinion and don't have a clue WHY or IF that somebody's opinion is valid. But it fits the talking points of the day, therefore it is presented as 'fact'.

If you don't have the balls to come out and just say about whom you're referring, don't post. Here, let me show you how it's done. I think it's weak bs that you post like this instead of just saying "I think Rdean is...." or "I think IL is..."

It's also a lie to pretend you are centrist, when in reality, you aren't....

Here's one. it weak hypocritical BS to claim you're an Independent when every single one of your views is Conservative. It's only a lying hypocritical biotch who wants to label someone else but when called upon to prove their little petty BS runs like a cowardly liitle biotch. Let me show you how someone with guts addresses issues and accusations without cutting a running like a cowardly little biotch:
I am an Independent. This is evidenced by the fact that I agree with Conservatives on many issues and Liberals on many other issues. It is also proven beyond dispute by the fact I have often criticized Obama and his policies (like ObamaCare and NDAA) but have acknowledged his accomplishments as well.
Whereas you are a weak-minded little drone who has your every opinion fed to you like a zombie. Therefore I can tell you your opinion on virtually any issue - it's what is fed by the Conservative Machine to the lemmings. Weak. Stupid. Drone. Are we clear?
Want to dispute this? Bring it. But you won't. You'll dodge, change the subject and Cut & Run. And I will laugh at you.

No. Sorry let me dumb this down for you. I can prove that you are a mindless drone who doesn't think for yourself but rather, has the RW sources tell you what to think. I can also prove that I have as many (or close to) Conservative views as I do Liberal because I DO think for myself. Those are both posities junior. You call anyone disageeing with you a "Leftist" because it's all you have. It's not like you have fact, tatitics, direct knowledge etc... to back you up. :)

Regarding the genius thing, it's not my fault that you have an inferiority complex and therefore project this onto others. Psychologists refer this as "transference". Since you feel so insecure, you transfer the source of the negative emotions to those to whom you see as the source of those insecurities. While I am secure with my intellect, there are a lot of highly intelligent people here. It's not my fault that you're not one of them.

Regarding the change in demographics etc... since the 1950's, this is obviously beyond your ken if you think that the delivery of a product or service is never effected by such factors in a free market. When you are able to think beyond the cute little bumper sticker phrases and slogans that have been spoon-fed to you, you'll be better equipped to discuss them.
A truly free market has almost never existed, nor will it and for good reason. A truly free market is completely unregulated - sort of ConservaRepub / Libertarian's dream. Of course with all that freedom for corporations comes a few downsides. Envrionmental disasters, dangerous or even lethal products, child labor and so on. So the Libetarian blabber about a "free market" being the panacea to all our woes is pure nonsense. No industrialized nation in the world has ever been so stupid as to be purely capitalist. Without at least minimal social protection, we'd all be living in Uganda. But hey, you're welcome to tell me how a company would cease to exist if it harmed consumers or employees!
Trying to hide from your ideology only makes you look more of what you self deny.
Look, you post liberal/socialist..Therefore you ARE lib/socialist.

Nah. You are stupid and judge without knoweldge. I own a business. I am more of a captialist than you will ever be. I am against ObamaCare. is that Liberal? I think unions abuse their power. Liberal? I think Christians are treated unfairly and Muslims coddled. Liberal? I won a Glock 19. Walk on my property uninvited. Liberal? I could go on but you are proven to be completely full shet already. You are just like the other ignorant Right Wingers. Your definition of "Leftist" or "Liberal" is anyone who disagress with you.

Now, no one is inferring we should have unfettered and unregulated markets.
The problem is, people like you want government to control everything.
No I don't. This is an ignorant assumption. Almost as ignorant as the poster who posted it.
All leftists want this. It's safe. Leftists desire no challenges. They all want "easy".
Womb to tomb safety nets for all, correct?
yeah except I pay mor ein taxes than you make in income. oops.

Yes? Ok, WHO is going to pay for that?
When government assumes all liability for the people, government must collect money to service that liability. When there are no more people to tax, guess what? The system collapses under it's own weight. See Greece, Ireland, Spain and Portugal...
If you want that type of life/government, move there.

If you want to sound less stupid, think before you post. Or better yet, don't judge a person based on their position on only one or two issues before you start throwing out the ignorant labels that are used by weaklings.

Uh..ok.That was an .. interesting... diatribe.
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Does anybody else see the disconnect, even the oxymoron, in a statement in which somebody emphatically denies that he/she is a 'lefitst' even as he/she supports a program like Obamacare or some other government program of that type? Supports the politicians who think it is a great idea even?

Does anyone see the hypocrisy and cowardess of someone who won't just come out and be direct. if you are referring to me, look through my post. I have always been against ObamaCare. Does anyone see the disconnect when someone implies someonthing about someone else they assume - when they're completely ignorant of that person's views on teh subject? Oops.

But I have been saying at intervals on this thread that it is that kind of disconnect that makes arguing with liberals so frustrating, Not only can they not define in their own words what 'left' and 'right' or 'liberal' or 'conservative' concepts are in modern day America, but they also cannot articulate a rationale for why government run healthcare is superior to a free market healthcare system. All they can do is cut and paste somebody else's opinion and don't have a clue WHY or IF that somebody's opinion is valid. But it fits the talking points of the day, therefore it is presented as 'fact'.

If you don't have the balls to come out and just say about whom you're referring, don't post. Here, let me show you how it's done. I think it's weak bs that you post like this instead of just saying "I think Rdean is...." or "I think IL is..."

Here's one. it weak hypocritical BS to claim you're an Independent when every single one of your views is Conservative. It's only a lying hypocritical biotch who wants to label someone else but when called upon to prove their little petty BS runs like a cowardly liitle biotch. Let me show you how someone with guts addresses issues and accusations without cutting a running like a cowardly little biotch:
I am an Independent. This is evidenced by the fact that I agree with Conservatives on many issues and Liberals on many other issues. It is also proven beyond dispute by the fact I have often criticized Obama and his policies (like ObamaCare and NDAA) but have acknowledged his accomplishments as well.
Whereas you are a weak-minded little drone who has your every opinion fed to you like a zombie. Therefore I can tell you your opinion on virtually any issue - it's what is fed by the Conservative Machine to the lemmings. Weak. Stupid. Drone. Are we clear?
Want to dispute this? Bring it. But you won't. You'll dodge, change the subject and Cut & Run. And I will laugh at you.

Trying to hide from your ideology only makes you look more of what you self deny.
Look, you post liberal/socialist..Therefore you ARE lib/socialist.

Nah. You are stupid and judge without knoweldge. I own a business. I am more of a captialist than you will ever be. I am against ObamaCare. is that Liberal? I think unions abuse their power. Liberal? I think Christians are treated unfairly and Muslims coddled. Liberal? I won a Glock 19. Walk on my property uninvited. Liberal? I could go on but you are proven to be completely full shet already. You are just like the other ignorant Right Wingers. Your definition of "Leftist" or "Liberal" is anyone who disagress with you.

Now, no one is inferring we should have unfettered and unregulated markets.
The problem is, people like you want government to control everything.
No I don't. This is an ignorant assumption. Almost as ignorant as the poster who posted it.
All leftists want this. It's safe. Leftists desire no challenges. They all want "easy".
Womb to tomb safety nets for all, correct?
yeah except I pay mor ein taxes than you make in income. oops.

Yes? Ok, WHO is going to pay for that?
When government assumes all liability for the people, government must collect money to service that liability. When there are no more people to tax, guess what? The system collapses under it's own weight. See Greece, Ireland, Spain and Portugal...
If you want that type of life/government, move there.

If you want to sound less stupid, think before you post. Or better yet, don't judge a person based on their position on only one or two issues before you start throwing out the ignorant labels that are used by weaklings.
Methinks doth protest too much. Know what I mean?
I love this....Whenever a lib finds themselves cornered they feel the urge to display their resume...
I am unimpressed.
We do not care for what you say. We watch what you do.
The labels are not ignorant. The label is based on your posts. You cannot hide from posts placed on a public forum.

The labels ARE ignorant.

Based on my posts on this forum, I'm a lefty leftist commie freak.

But ask me my positions on Capital Punishment, Welfare, Gun Control, Illegal Immigration first and you'd think I was a radical NeoCon.

So yeah, labels are ignorant.

ETA: and the strange thing is I find all my views are consistent with a single question: Does it promote individual liberty?
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Except when they are accurate.

Same thing as cliches. Yeah, they're cliches...but they're cliches cuz they're true.
The labels ARE ignorant.

Based on my posts on this forum, I'm a lefty leftist commie freak.

But ask me my positions on Capital Punishment, Welfare, Gun Control, Illegal Immigration first and you'd think I was a radical NeoCon.

So yeah, labels are ignorant.
No, it just makes you a lefty leftist commie freak who wants some street cred with honest libertarian types.

You're nothing new, Slappy.
Except when they are accurate.

Same thing as cliches. Yeah, they're cliches...but they're cliches cuz they're true.

Cliches are generalizations, but there are always exceptions to the rule that prove them to be untrue.
The labels ARE ignorant.

Based on my posts on this forum, I'm a lefty leftist commie freak.

But ask me my positions on Capital Punishment, Welfare, Gun Control, Illegal Immigration first and you'd think I was a radical NeoCon.

So yeah, labels are ignorant.
No, it just makes you a lefty leftist commie freak who wants some street cred with honest libertarian types.

You're nothing new, Slappy.

I need no street cred. This forum is just a way to pass time when I have a very long cycle time at work. I've already 3 starred all the Angry Birds levels, so I need something to do. Lol.
Does anybody else see the disconnect, even the oxymoron, in a statement in which somebody emphatically denies that he/she is a 'lefitst' even as he/she supports a program like Obamacare or some other government program of that type? Supports the politicians who think it is a great idea even?

But I have been saying at intervals on this thread that it is that kind of disconnect that makes arguing with liberals so frustrating, Not only can they not define in their own words what 'left' and 'right' or 'liberal' or 'conservative' concepts are in modern day America, but they also cannot articulate a rationale for why government run healthcare is superior to a free market healthcare system. All they can do is cut and paste somebody else's opinion and don't have a clue WHY or IF that somebody's opinion is valid. But it fits the talking points of the day, therefore it is presented as 'fact'.


The disconnect is when we ( and we are ALL guilty of this ) all think that ONE side has ALL the answers.

To believe that the Democrats or the Republicans are NEVER wrong on ANY issue is the surest sign of blind partisanship.

As far as lying goes?

If someone is lying, even to themselves, they are still a liar, they just don't know they are.

Speaking of disconnects, how about people who can't differentiate between Democrat/Republican and liberal/conservative?
Does anybody else see the disconnect, even the oxymoron, in a statement in which somebody emphatically denies that he/she is a 'lefitst' even as he/she supports a program like Obamacare or some other government program of that type? Supports the politicians who think it is a great idea even?

Does anyone see the hypocrisy and cowardess of someone who won't just come out and be direct. if you are referring to me, look through my post. I have always been against ObamaCare. Does anyone see the disconnect when someone implies someonthing about someone else they assume - when they're completely ignorant of that person's views on teh subject? Oops.

But I have been saying at intervals on this thread that it is that kind of disconnect that makes arguing with liberals so frustrating, Not only can they not define in their own words what 'left' and 'right' or 'liberal' or 'conservative' concepts are in modern day America, but they also cannot articulate a rationale for why government run healthcare is superior to a free market healthcare system. All they can do is cut and paste somebody else's opinion and don't have a clue WHY or IF that somebody's opinion is valid. But it fits the talking points of the day, therefore it is presented as 'fact'.

If you don't have the balls to come out and just say about whom you're referring, don't post. Here, let me show you how it's done. I think it's weak bs that you post like this instead of just saying "I think Rdean is...." or "I think IL is..."

You wouldn't be the first to criticize me for debating concepts instead of attacking people. But that's my preferred style and you will just have to live with it or feel free to scroll over my posts and ignore them. I suppose it is a character flaw, but I prefer to discuss concepts instead of idiots.

And I still say it is an oxymoron or at least an absurdity to claim that one is not leftist/liberal but he/she supports Obamacare. I can't see how anybody who would say that could possibly have a clue of what a leftist and/or liberal is.
"I prefer to discuss concepts instead of idiots."

That's classic, lol.

It will confuse them. Left wingers argue by claiming that truth is a lie, and all arguments are subjective...facts don't matter, only feelings and *thoughts*.

It's the same old same old. Nazis used the same methods. Every tyrannical and oppressive society does. Don't believe what you see, believe what you're told. That sort of shit.
"I prefer to discuss concepts instead of idiots."

That's classic, lol.

It will confuse them. Left wingers argue by claiming that truth is a lie, and all arguments are subjective...facts don't matter, only feelings and *thoughts*.

It's the same old same old. Nazis used the same methods. Every tyrannical and oppressive society does. Don't believe what you see, believe what you're told. That sort of shit.

Well it goes back to my former observation that most leftists/liberals cannot defend their point of view because they are unable to articulate it. When asked to put into their own words why Obamacare is superior to a free market system, for instance, they cannot do it. Many will cut and paste endless charts and graphs and/or opinions of other people, but when asked to express and defend the principle itself, they can't do it.

They promote 'compassion' but can't define it and won't consider any negative consequences of the 'compassion' they promote. They talk about greed and seflishness of those who see a different approach as being the more practical and 'compassionate' but won't even consider, much less even try to understand any different concept than the one assigned to them.

And that makes having a reasoned discussion with a liberal/leftist on any concept very frustrating, difficult, if not nigh near impossible.
I see this over and over. Conservatives are for limited government. Just because we say we don't want government doing things where government is inept, counterproductive, wasteful or whatever, does not mean that we should shut it down totally.

Yes, we do need roads, bridges, highways, jails, schools, aircraft carriers, GPS satellites, standard weights and measures, courts, etc etc. Saying we don't need subsidies for crummy cars badly built and still with astronomical prices does not mean we don't need highways.

The conservative view is that the government should be a useful servant of the people's needs. However, you give it too much money, power, authority it becomes the worst sort of master.

Hey gas prices are through the roof with no signs of slowing!!! Many people I know are now starting to have problems paying their bills again so that is a good sign isn't it?
"I prefer to discuss concepts instead of idiots."

That's classic, lol.

It will confuse them. Left wingers argue by claiming that truth is a lie, and all arguments are subjective...facts don't matter, only feelings and *thoughts*.

It's the same old same old. Nazis used the same methods. Every tyrannical and oppressive society does. Don't believe what you see, believe what you're told. That sort of shit.

Well it goes back to my former observation that most leftists/liberals cannot defend their point of view because they are unable to articulate it. When asked to put into their own words why Obamacare is superior to a free market system, for instance, they cannot do it. Many will cut and paste endless charts and graphs and/or opinions of other people, but when asked to express and defend the principle itself, they can't do it.

They promote 'compassion' but can't define it and won't consider any negative consequences of the 'compassion' they promote. They talk about greed and seflishness of those who see a different approach as being the more practical and 'compassionate' but won't even consider, much less even try to understand any different concept than the one assigned to them.

And that makes having a reasoned discussion with a liberal/leftist on any concept very frustrating, difficult, if not nigh near impossible.

It's because they're an illiterate mob, and there's no *discussion* with an illiterate mob.
Does anybody else see the disconnect, even the oxymoron, in a statement in which somebody emphatically denies that he/she is a 'lefitst' even as he/she supports a program like Obamacare or some other government program of that type? Supports the politicians who think it is a great idea even?

But I have been saying at intervals on this thread that it is that kind of disconnect that makes arguing with liberals so frustrating, Not only can they not define in their own words what 'left' and 'right' or 'liberal' or 'conservative' concepts are in modern day America, but they also cannot articulate a rationale for why government run healthcare is superior to a free market healthcare system. All they can do is cut and paste somebody else's opinion and don't have a clue WHY or IF that somebody's opinion is valid. But it fits the talking points of the day, therefore it is presented as 'fact'.


The disconnect is when we ( and we are ALL guilty of this ) all think that ONE side has ALL the answers.

To believe that the Democrats or the Republicans are NEVER wrong on ANY issue is the surest sign of blind partisanship.

As far as lying goes?

If someone is lying, even to themselves, they are still a liar, they just don't know they are.

Speaking of disconnects, how about people who can't differentiate between Democrat/Republican and liberal/conservative?

Does anyone see the disconnect among the ConJbs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists who have shouted loud, long and continuous about "Not Wanting The Government To Decide Health Care". Of not "Wanting The Government In The Doctor's Office". Of how wrong it would for "The Government to Be In The Operating Room", while at the same time supporting, condoning and rallying for laws that force women to undergo an invasive vaginal ultra-sound by order the "The Government"?

The disconnect is when we ( and we are ALL guilty of this ) all think that ONE side has ALL the answers.

To believe that the Democrats or the Republicans are NEVER wrong on ANY issue is the surest sign of blind partisanship.

As far as lying goes?

If someone is lying, even to themselves, they are still a liar, they just don't know they are.

Speaking of disconnects, how about people who can't differentiate between Democrat/Republican and liberal/conservative?

Does anyone see the disconnect among the ConJbs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists who have shouted loud, long and continuous about "Not Wanting The Government To Decide Health Care". Of not "Wanting The Government In The Doctor's Office". Of how wrong it would for "The Government to Be In The Operating Room", while at the same time supporting, condoning and rallying for laws that force women to undergo an invasive vaginal ultra-sound by order the "The Government"?

Blah-de-blah-de "paint with a broad brush, everyone's responsible for 'supporting' a policy they know nothing about" blah blah divert blah obfuscate.

When I want to hear from a two-tooth loser who thinks "ConJbs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadist" is brilliant political discourse to be proud of, I'll go debate on the nearest elementary school playground. Even though you're clearly not ashamed of being a mouthbreathing fucktard in public, I'd be ashamed of talking to you as though you weren't.

Run along, fool. You're a joke on every level of your existence.
What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

They have all the facts, and you have ridiculous Pub talking points and moronic anecdotes and insults?

No, bfgrn isn't a rightwinger. So the obscene rants and incoherent sputterings are coming from the left, yet again.

What makes arguing with liberals so frutrating is that when one of the melts down, an asslicker will come along and proclaim victory by pretending the person who won the debate is the one melting down.

But once they are reduced to a babbling, profanity spewing bunch of pure nonsense, all the intelligent people do know who won the argument. If you have a winning argument there is no melt down :)

The frustration comes in finding intelligent people on the left who can actually debate a concept. Most can only cut and paste or attack someobdy and we've witnessed that in spades. But when that happens and they've exposed themselves for the empty heads that they are, we can reduce the frustration by going back to a policy of don't feed the trolls, argue with idiots, or engage in exercises of futility :)

I provide FACTS. You emote. You claim to be a conservative with empathy. Bullshit! You want to eliminate life saving social programs and replace them with what FAILED before those programs existed. You have a warped sense of history and absolutely NO FACTS to back up your right wing 'cure' for all human problems; PUNISHMENT, and let them beg for help. You are a scum bag to the core.

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