What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

You're an idiot. That is the fact I accept. You should, too.

SO...your reply has nothing to do with my proof that Medicare is a HUGE success, or the mountain of FACTS I provided. You have deployed a variant of 'I know you are, but what am I'

And your self portrait:

I found a new Avatar for you...


You're welcome!
Another frustrating thing about arguing with liberals:

They will post reams of *evidence* about topics completely unrelated to the discussion on hand, then claim *victory* if nobody wants to engage in a topic they were never discussing in the first place.
Another frustrating thing about arguing with liberals:

They will post reams of *evidence* about topics completely unrelated to the discussion on hand, then claim *victory* if nobody wants to engage in a topic they were never discussing in the first place.

*Remember* How to spot it...

Blame, Denial, Minimization, Obfuscation...

Thier core. ;)
Blah-de-blah-de "paint with a broad brush, everyone's responsible for 'supporting' a policy they know nothing about" blah blah divert blah obfuscate.

When I want to hear from a two-tooth loser who thinks "ConJbs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadist" is brilliant political discourse to be proud of, I'll go debate on the nearest elementary school playground. Even though you're clearly not ashamed of being a mouthbreathing fucktard in public, I'd be ashamed of talking to you as though you weren't.

Run along, fool. You're a joke on every level of your existence.

Simply point the lies and you don't like it...T.S.

ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists talk out their ass.

How many retired Military/Government Workers at this site were all about "Keeping The Government" Out of The Doctor's Office, while at the same time receiving their U.S. Government Medical Care?

You cannot be opposed to "Obamacare" while at the same time be receiving the very U.S. Government Supported, Tax Payer Funded Health Care.



There are too many to do it.

Here's the thing..adults will provide (real) supporting evidence/citations to back up their statements. When they don't, the assumption is that they are lying or too lazy to participate in the discussion like an adult.

If we spent all day long *proving* every thing you morons said was a lie, we'd never get to do anything else.

So the standard is..you support your statements, and if not, you are recognized as a hack.

bfgrn's idiotic stats that he pulled from an article...those stats are worthless. He's quoting an article that doesn't in turn say where those numbers came from. He's taking the word of a journalist, and a journalist that's working a glowing piece on medicare, at that...and he expects that to stand in as his "proof". Sorry, it doesn't. The journalist didn't make his case, so just because he quotes the article doesns't mean he's proved his case. He just sourced another biased and loon spewing the same garbage (though more eloquently) that he does.

In other words, make your damn case. It's not our job to make it for you. Prove your own shit. Because nobody is interested in tracking down every single lie you morons post, there isn't enough time in the day. The standard for debate is you SUPPORT YOUR STATEMENTS. When you do, if the other side doesn't agree, then they can prove why you're wrong.

But it's not our job to race around every time one of you makes an outlandish statement that you don't support and *prove* that it's wrong. We don't have to prove it wrong, since you never proved it right.

This is 6th grade stuff. It says soooo much about the left that they don't get it. Or they do get it and ignore it for the purpose of propagandizing.
How you personally feel about the website or source someone uses to prove their claim, doesn't mean shit if you don't have any corroborating evidence to the contrary. If someone makes a claim and posts a citation along with it, that's a done deal! The burden of proof then shifts to the objector to show cause that their objection is not frivolous. If you don't have any reason to object, other than your own personal feelings toward an issue, you're the one who needs to pony up the evidence for your objection to have merit.
Does anyone see the disconnect among the ConJbs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists who have shouted loud, long and continuous about "Not Wanting The Government To Decide Health Care". Of not "Wanting The Government In The Doctor's Office". Of how wrong it would for "The Government to Be In The Operating Room", while at the same time supporting, condoning and rallying for laws that force women to undergo an invasive vaginal ultra-sound by order the "The Government"?

Blah-de-blah-de "paint with a broad brush, everyone's responsible for 'supporting' a policy they know nothing about" blah blah divert blah obfuscate.

When I want to hear from a two-tooth loser who thinks "ConJbs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadist" is brilliant political discourse to be proud of, I'll go debate on the nearest elementary school playground. Even though you're clearly not ashamed of being a mouthbreathing fucktard in public, I'd be ashamed of talking to you as though you weren't.

Run along, fool. You're a joke on every level of your existence.

Simply point the lies and you don't like it...T.S.

ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists talk out their ass.

How many retired Military/Government Workers at this site were all about "Keeping The Government" Out of The Doctor's Office, while at the same time receiving their U.S. Government Medical Care?

You cannot be opposed to "Obamacare" while at the same time be receiving the very U.S. Government Supported, Tax Payer Funded Health Care.



That 'government' healthcare for our service people is part of the contract for them putting their lives on the line on behalf of fellow Americans everywhere. You don't see a difference between that and govenment mandated healthcare?

And when we are forced into paying for government healthcare whether we want it or not, for our entire working career, and when that very government healthcare tramples down and strips away all affordable private options, you think it is hypocritical for people to use that government healthcare that they paid for rather than go without?

Let me guess. You also don't understand why arguing with liberals is so frustrating for conservatives do you?

(Fully expecting for more ultra leftist assigned talking points in response to this if there is any response at all.)
Does anyone see the disconnect among the ConJbs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists who have shouted loud, long and continuous about "Not Wanting The Government To Decide Health Care". Of not "Wanting The Government In The Doctor's Office". Of how wrong it would for "The Government to Be In The Operating Room", while at the same time supporting, condoning and rallying for laws that force women to undergo an invasive vaginal ultra-sound by order the "The Government"?

Blah-de-blah-de "paint with a broad brush, everyone's responsible for 'supporting' a policy they know nothing about" blah blah divert blah obfuscate.

When I want to hear from a two-tooth loser who thinks "ConJbs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadist" is brilliant political discourse to be proud of, I'll go debate on the nearest elementary school playground. Even though you're clearly not ashamed of being a mouthbreathing fucktard in public, I'd be ashamed of talking to you as though you weren't.

Run along, fool. You're a joke on every level of your existence.

Simply point the lies and you don't like it...T.S.

ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists talk out their ass.

How many retired Military/Government Workers at this site were all about "Keeping The Government" Out of The Doctor's Office, while at the same time receiving their U.S. Government Medical Care?

You cannot be opposed to "Obamacare" while at the same time be receiving the very U.S. Government Supported, Tax Payer Funded Health Care.



Simply put YOU don't like the Military getting what's coming to them as part of the agreement of laying down thier very lives and fortunes to protect YOUR liberties?

They deserve much more than they are afforded.
Does anyone see the disconnect among the ConJbs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists who have shouted loud, long and continuous about "Not Wanting The Government To Decide Health Care". Of not "Wanting The Government In The Doctor's Office". Of how wrong it would for "The Government to Be In The Operating Room", while at the same time supporting, condoning and rallying for laws that force women to undergo an invasive vaginal ultra-sound by order the "The Government"?

I and millions of other right-wingers don't support that, so there goes your imbecile theory right out the window.

You and millions of others, support the men and the women who do want that. Your an idiot, a fool, and most of all imbecile for supporting people who do not have the courage of their convictions.

Paul Ryan comes to mind.
The standard for debate is you SUPPORT YOUR STATEMENTS. When you do, if the other side doesn't agree, then they can prove why you're wrong.

I laughed at this one. Like there is a "debate" happening on a message board. Funny shit. Or an
"argument". This is 'insult" land. You insult me I insult you. Makes us both happy.

What is going on is that some rethug says something stupid then they get ridiculed. Is this a great system or not. I have seen rethugs get their ass handed to them, and they still come back repeating the same old shit that was shown to be wrong.

What is also amazing is the Dems who keep trying to educate you rethugs. Waste of time.

You can't debate/educate stupidity and lets face it. Most people that call themselves Repubs are stupid IMO. And rooting against their own self interest. Weird.

Your turn. Insult away.

Simply point the lies and you don't like it...T.S.

ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists talk out their ass.

How many retired Military/Government Workers at this site were all about "Keeping The Government" Out of The Doctor's Office, while at the same time receiving their U.S. Government Medical Care?

You cannot be opposed to "Obamacare" while at the same time be receiving the very U.S. Government Supported, Tax Payer Funded Health Care.



There are too many to do it.

Here's the thing..adults will provide (real) supporting evidence/citations to back up their statements. When they don't, the assumption is that they are lying or too lazy to participate in the discussion like an adult.

If we spent all day long *proving* every thing you morons said was a lie, we'd never get to do anything else.

So the standard is..you support your statements, and if not, you are recognized as a hack.

bfgrn's idiotic stats that he pulled from an article...those stats are worthless. He's quoting an article that doesn't in turn say where those numbers came from. He's taking the word of a journalist, and a journalist that's working a glowing piece on medicare, at that...and he expects that to stand in as his "proof". Sorry, it doesn't. The journalist didn't make his case, so just because he quotes the article doesns't mean he's proved his case. He just sourced another biased and loon spewing the same garbage (though more eloquently) that he does.

In other words, make your damn case. It's not our job to make it for you. Prove your own shit. Because nobody is interested in tracking down every single lie you morons post, there isn't enough time in the day. The standard for debate is you SUPPORT YOUR STATEMENTS. When you do, if the other side doesn't agree, then they can prove why you're wrong.

But it's not our job to race around every time one of you makes an outlandish statement that you don't support and *prove* that it's wrong. We don't have to prove it wrong, since you never proved it right.

This is 6th grade stuff. It says soooo much about the left that they don't get it. Or they do get it and ignore it for the purpose of propagandizing.
How you personally feel about the website or source someone uses to prove their claim, doesn't mean shit if you don't have any corroborating evidence to the contrary. If someone makes a claim and posts a citation along with it, that's a done deal! The burden of proof then shifts to the objector to show cause that their objection is not frivolous. If you don't have any reason to object, other than your own personal feelings toward an issue, you're the one who needs to pony up the evidence for your objection to have merit.

No, I don't. I don't race around compiling real evidence to counter fake bullshit that is blatantly fake. ESPECIALLY pretend stats. Polls can be made to say anything at all, and when someone quotes an article that uses unsourced *stats* to prove ridiculous claims, there's no point. The numbers are skewed, and the source is biased...it's worthless and not worth the time of day to address it individually. If people are too lazy and stupid to bring real information to the table, it's not my job to raise them to an adult level. I just write them off as immature loons and uneducated dicks and leave it at that.
Blah-de-blah-de "paint with a broad brush, everyone's responsible for 'supporting' a policy they know nothing about" blah blah divert blah obfuscate.

When I want to hear from a two-tooth loser who thinks "ConJbs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadist" is brilliant political discourse to be proud of, I'll go debate on the nearest elementary school playground. Even though you're clearly not ashamed of being a mouthbreathing fucktard in public, I'd be ashamed of talking to you as though you weren't.

Run along, fool. You're a joke on every level of your existence.

Simply point the lies and you don't like it...T.S.

ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists talk out their ass.

How many retired Military/Government Workers at this site were all about "Keeping The Government" Out of The Doctor's Office, while at the same time receiving their U.S. Government Medical Care?

You cannot be opposed to "Obamacare" while at the same time be receiving the very U.S. Government Supported, Tax Payer Funded Health Care.



Simply put YOU don't like the Military getting what's coming to them as part of the agreement of laying down thier very lives and fortunes to protect YOUR liberties?

They deserve much more than they are afforded.

So do Firefighters, cops and teachers. They had agreements too. You don't have a problem reneging on THEIR contracts so why should the military be different? Those bloated government military retirees get to start drawing a pension as early as age 38 for the rest of their lives! Do you know what their cost share is for health care? A mere pittance. Less than $500 A YEAR for premium family coverage. They could afford to pay a little more don't you think...just like you want to increase cost shares for those cops, firefighters, teachers, etc?
Does anyone see the disconnect among the ConJbs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists who have shouted loud, long and continuous about "Not Wanting The Government To Decide Health Care". Of not "Wanting The Government In The Doctor's Office". Of how wrong it would for "The Government to Be In The Operating Room", while at the same time supporting, condoning and rallying for laws that force women to undergo an invasive vaginal ultra-sound by order the "The Government"?

I and millions of other right-wingers don't support that, so there goes your imbecile theory right out the window.

You and millions of others, support the men and the women who do want that. Your an idiot, a fool, and most of all imbecile for supporting people who do not have the courage of their convictions.

Paul Ryan comes to mind.

I never heard Paul Ryan say he supports such a procedure.

You're just a typical lying leftwing hosebag.
Simply put YOU don't like the Military getting what's coming to them as part of the agreement of laying down thier very lives and fortunes to protect YOUR liberties?

They deserve much more than they are afforded.

So do Firefighters, cops and teachers.

No, actually, they don't. Firefighters can retire at age 52 with a 100% pension. They're jobs consist mostly of sitting around the firehouse waiting to get a call. I don't call making chilli or sleepting particularly onerous duty.

Most public school teachers deserve a pay cut because they are so incompetent.

[They had agreements too.

When did I agree to it?

You don't have a problem reneging on THEIR contracts so why should the military be different?

Their contracts are pure extortion. The voters have no obligation to honor what some sleazy politician agreed to in exchange for union support.

Those bloated government military retirees get to start drawing a pension as early as age 38 for the rest of their lives! Do you know what their cost share is for health care? A mere pittance. Less than $500 A YEAR for premium family coverage. They could afford to pay a little more don't you think...just like you want to increase cost shares for those cops, firefighters, teachers, etc?

Those agreements also need to be trimmed down to size.
I see this over and over. Conservatives are for limited government. Just because we say we don't want government doing things where government is inept, counterproductive, wasteful or whatever, does not mean that we should shut it down totally.

Yes, we do need roads, bridges, highways, jails, schools, aircraft carriers, GPS satellites, standard weights and measures, courts, etc etc. Saying we don't need subsidies for crummy cars badly built and still with astronomical prices does not mean we don't need highways.

The conservative view is that the government should be a useful servant of the people's needs. However, you give it too much money, power, authority it becomes the worst sort of master.

I agree get rid of foreign aid to Israel's genocide machine(all foreign aid), oil company welfare( all corprate welfare). Keep government out of our sex life, legalize prostitution and pot. And end our war machine.

WOW, so Israel is committing genocide to whom? Let's get the government out of business, remove welfare and 90% of the regulation and we have a deal (notice I said 90 not 100 percent of the regulation, I believe in some common sense ones, not pages of BS)

Ending the war machine, hmm that's a good idea lets just drop the military.....that'll work out well.

Being a monogamous heterosexual, I'd rather keep the governement out of my pocketbook. And hey if you wanna be gay, sleep with 4 chicks at once, go ahead, but when you get STDs, you pay for it. But again the real cost of not being sexual responsible is very bad. It's kinda tough to see directly so you probably wont know why people dont like free love, and sex isnt just a fun activitie like playin pool.
Legalize drugs as long as we dont issue medical care for ODs. If you're stupid enough to OD once, then I'll figure survival of the fittest is at work. Of course that still doesnt count for the tons of problems due to people taking drugs, which is why they are illegal in the first place.
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Most people that call themselves Repubs are stupid IMO.

If so that would make Jefferson stupid? Do you understand that Jefferson stood for freedom from liberal government exactly as modern Republicans and libertarians do?

Do you understand that liberals spied for Stalin and that BO had 2 communist parents? Once you learn a few key facts you become Republican.
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Most people that call themselves Repubs are stupid IMO.

If so that would make Jefferson stupid? Do you understand that Jefferson stood for freedom from liberal government exactly as modern Republicans and libertarians do?

Do you understand the liberals spied for Stalin and that BO had 2 communist parents? Once you learn a few key facts you become Republican.

yeah zeke just proved the point. Another one liner with no arguement, par for the course for liberals.

Simply point the lies and you don't like it...T.S.

ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists talk out their ass.

How many retired Military/Government Workers at this site were all about "Keeping The Government" Out of The Doctor's Office, while at the same time receiving their U.S. Government Medical Care?

You cannot be opposed to "Obamacare" while at the same time be receiving the very U.S. Government Supported, Tax Payer Funded Health Care.



Simply put YOU don't like the Military getting what's coming to them as part of the agreement of laying down thier very lives and fortunes to protect YOUR liberties?

They deserve much more than they are afforded.

So do Firefighters, cops and teachers. They had agreements too. You don't have a problem reneging on THEIR contracts so why should the military be different? Those bloated government military retirees get to start drawing a pension as early as age 38 for the rest of their lives! Do you know what their cost share is for health care? A mere pittance. Less than $500 A YEAR for premium family coverage. They could afford to pay a little more don't you think...just like you want to increase cost shares for those cops, firefighters, teachers, etc?

The difference is, our military men & women DIE for this country. You're stupid little teachers with the cush union jobs working 8 months out of the year do NOT.

What our military men & women do allows you to keep posting your very ignorant thoughts & opinions. Nothing teachers are doing even begin to approach something that important. My children were 5 years old before they ever met their first teacher. In those 5 years, I taught them to walk, talk, eat, play, and do a 1,000 other things. We could easily survive without teachers - because every one I know is capable of sharing what they know with someone else (ie teaching). But we wouldn't last 15 minutes without our military. Thank you for once again displaying the ignorance of the idiot liberal...
The standard for debate is you SUPPORT YOUR STATEMENTS. When you do, if the other side doesn't agree, then they can prove why you're wrong.

I laughed at this one. Like there is a "debate" happening on a message board. Funny shit. Or an
"argument". This is 'insult" land. You insult me I insult you. Makes us both happy.

What is going on is that some rethug says something stupid then they get ridiculed. Is this a great system or not. I have seen rethugs get their ass handed to them, and they still come back repeating the same old shit that was shown to be wrong.

What is also amazing is the Dems who keep trying to educate you rethugs. Waste of time.

You can't debate/educate stupidity and lets face it. Most people that call themselves Repubs are stupid IMO. And rooting against their own self interest. Weird.

Your turn. Insult away.

What I love about the idiot liberal, like old Zeke here, is that they suffer from what is called "projection". It's when you see your own faults and falsely accuse others of those faults. Zeke - it's you liberals who are "rooting against your own self-interest". All the conservative wants is FREEDOM. We want the federal government to stop being unconstitutional and get the hell out of our way and out of our lives (as was intended). It is you idiot liberals who want Communism. You guys are the one asking government to take power and force people against their will. The question I have is - how come none of you ever leave the US if you hate American freedom so much? Go live in Cuba! The weather is nice and they have the Communism you love and crave.
I see this over and over. Conservatives are for limited government. Just because we say we don't want government doing things where government is inept, counterproductive, wasteful or whatever, does not mean that we should shut it down totally.

Yes, we do need roads, bridges, highways, jails, schools, aircraft carriers, GPS satellites, standard weights and measures, courts, etc etc. Saying we don't need subsidies for crummy cars badly built and still with astronomical prices does not mean we don't need highways.

The conservative view is that the government should be a useful servant of the people's needs. However, you give it too much money, power, authority it becomes the worst sort of master.
Sometimes emotions take over and makes it difficult to talk about anything......Sometimes it is better to take a step back and if we all could listen more, maybe there would be less problems...:)
I see this over and over. Conservatives are for limited government. Just because we say we don't want government doing things where government is inept, counterproductive, wasteful or whatever, does not mean that we should shut it down totally.

Yes, we do need roads, bridges, highways, jails, schools, aircraft carriers, GPS satellites, standard weights and measures, courts, etc etc. Saying we don't need subsidies for crummy cars badly built and still with astronomical prices does not mean we don't need highways.

The conservative view is that the government should be a useful servant of the people's needs. However, you give it too much money, power, authority it becomes the worst sort of master.

Sometimes emotions take over and makes it difficult to talk about anything......Sometimes it is better to take a step back and if we all could listen more, maybe there would be less problems...:)

Listening is sometimes a problem on both sides, just as it is in real life, with misunderstanding or mischaracterization of what the other person is saying because we don't take time to verify intent. And then don't accept that the other person did not intend our interpretation of what he or she said. That can be frustrating but I see it as a relationship or communication issue rather than an ideological issue.

Ideological deafness arises from a conviction that the other person is bad or evil because they hold a particular point of view. And the frustration comes in when one party is unable to focus on and discuss that point of view, but projects it into all manner of unrelated things so that the original concept is lost.

A. Our welfare system has created as many problems as it has solved.
B. You want to starve children and throw old folks out on the street the way it used to be.
A. It didn't used to be that way.
B. You don't have any problem with corporate welfare.
A. You're an idiot.
B. You suck.

And it doesn't take long before you no longer even remember what the original statement was.
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The standard for debate is you SUPPORT YOUR STATEMENTS. When you do, if the other side doesn't agree, then they can prove why you're wrong.

I laughed at this one. Like there is a "debate" happening on a message board. Funny shit. Or an
"argument". This is 'insult" land. You insult me I insult you. Makes us both happy.

What is going on is that some rethug says something stupid then they get ridiculed. Is this a great system or not. I have seen rethugs get their ass handed to them, and they still come back repeating the same old shit that was shown to be wrong.

What is also amazing is the Dems who keep trying to educate you rethugs. Waste of time.

You can't debate/educate stupidity and lets face it. Most people that call themselves Repubs are stupid IMO. And rooting against their own self interest. Weird.

Your turn. Insult away.

What I love about the idiot liberal, like old Zeke here, is that they suffer from what is called "projection". It's when you see your own faults and falsely accuse others of those faults. Zeke - it's you liberals who are "rooting against your own self-interest". All the conservative wants is FREEDOM. We want the federal government to stop being unconstitutional and get the hell out of our way and out of our lives (as was intended). It is you idiot liberals who want Communism. You guys are the one asking government to take power and force people against their will. The question I have is - how come none of you ever leave the US if you hate American freedom so much? Go live in Cuba! The weather is nice and they have the Communism you love and crave.

"We Want Freedom", hate to break it to you, but you have freedom.

It's that you do not "Want Freedom" the freedom you enjoy for others.

Invasive Trans Vaginal Probes, by order of "The Government", is the exact opposite of "The Freedom" you want. Don't bother with the "Some of us don't want that" crap either. When you vote for the men and women who enact those laws, that is your support.

You don't want Gays/Lesbians to be married, which a "Freedom" you enjoy. You want to deny that "Freedom", while making damn sure you can have it.

You want to force your version of your god down the throats of others, while at the same time condemning anyone who does not want your version of your god. By what right or purpose of right can a person who "Wants Their Freedom" demand of others that they have to worship a god they do not want, need, desire, request or require? Your "Freedom" seems to be one in which "Your Freedom" has the right to deny "Freedom" to others.

Your version of your "Freedom" has no room for those who do not share your world view, political beliefs or religious belief.

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