What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

"Most public school teachers deserve a pay cut because they are so incompetent."

You could have become a teacher. Heck you could have been teacher of the year. You made the choice not to. Dont be envious.
I laughed at this one. Like there is a "debate" happening on a message board. Funny shit. Or an
"argument". This is 'insult" land. You insult me I insult you. Makes us both happy.

What is going on is that some rethug says something stupid then they get ridiculed. Is this a great system or not. I have seen rethugs get their ass handed to them, and they still come back repeating the same old shit that was shown to be wrong.

What is also amazing is the Dems who keep trying to educate you rethugs. Waste of time.

You can't debate/educate stupidity and lets face it. Most people that call themselves Repubs are stupid IMO. And rooting against their own self interest. Weird.

Your turn. Insult away.

What I love about the idiot liberal, like old Zeke here, is that they suffer from what is called "projection". It's when you see your own faults and falsely accuse others of those faults. Zeke - it's you liberals who are "rooting against your own self-interest". All the conservative wants is FREEDOM. We want the federal government to stop being unconstitutional and get the hell out of our way and out of our lives (as was intended). It is you idiot liberals who want Communism. You guys are the one asking government to take power and force people against their will. The question I have is - how come none of you ever leave the US if you hate American freedom so much? Go live in Cuba! The weather is nice and they have the Communism you love and crave.

"We Want Freedom", hate to break it to you, but you have freedom.

It's that you do not "Want Freedom" the freedom you enjoy for others.

Invasive Trans Vaginal Probes, by order of "The Government", is the exact opposite of "The Freedom" you want. Don't bother with the "Some of us don't want that" crap either. When you vote for the men and women who enact those laws, that is your support.

You don't want Gays/Lesbians to be married, which a "Freedom" you enjoy. You want to deny that "Freedom", while making damn sure you can have it.

You want to force your version of your god down the throats of others, while at the same time condemning anyone who does not want your version of your god. By what right or purpose of right can a person who "Wants Their Freedom" demand of others that they have to worship a god they do not want, need, desire, request or require? Your "Freedom" seems to be one in which "Your Freedom" has the right to deny "Freedom" to others.

Your version of your "Freedom" has no room for those who do not share your world view, political beliefs or religious belief.

Sounds to me like the problem here is that you think the definition of "Freedom" is "shit that I think is a good idea", ie. the problem is that you're a fucking moron.

In your world, abortion is "freedom", while attempting to educate and inform women about the choices they're making is "denying their freedom". (Only to a liberal would ignorance and freedom be synonymous.)

In your world, forcing society and other individuals to officially sanction your life choices is "Freedom", while retaining the ability to disagree with - or even disapprove of - certain actions is "denying freedom".

In your world, removing public symbols of other people's faith is "Freedom", while others publicly exercising their religious beliefs where you might have to be aware of them is "denying freedom". (Because only to a liberal is there a Constitutional right to be ignorant of and oblivious to everything that doesn't agree with you, and only to a liberal is "I'm praying where you can see me do it" the same as "forcing me to worship your God".)

Thank you, however, for this amazing example of hypocrisy, in which you hotly accuse others of doing what you then proceed to do yourself. "You do not want freedom for others that you enjoy yourself." What an incisively accurate description of yourself.
What I love about the idiot liberal, like old Zeke here, is that they suffer from what is called "projection". It's when you see your own faults and falsely accuse others of those faults. Zeke - it's you liberals who are "rooting against your own self-interest". All the conservative wants is FREEDOM. We want the federal government to stop being unconstitutional and get the hell out of our way and out of our lives (as was intended). It is you idiot liberals who want Communism. You guys are the one asking government to take power and force people against their will. The question I have is - how come none of you ever leave the US if you hate American freedom so much? Go live in Cuba! The weather is nice and they have the Communism you love and crave.

"We Want Freedom", hate to break it to you, but you have freedom.

It's that you do not "Want Freedom" the freedom you enjoy for others.

Invasive Trans Vaginal Probes, by order of "The Government", is the exact opposite of "The Freedom" you want. Don't bother with the "Some of us don't want that" crap either. When you vote for the men and women who enact those laws, that is your support.

You don't want Gays/Lesbians to be married, which a "Freedom" you enjoy. You want to deny that "Freedom", while making damn sure you can have it.

You want to force your version of your god down the throats of others, while at the same time condemning anyone who does not want your version of your god. By what right or purpose of right can a person who "Wants Their Freedom" demand of others that they have to worship a god they do not want, need, desire, request or require? Your "Freedom" seems to be one in which "Your Freedom" has the right to deny "Freedom" to others.

Your version of your "Freedom" has no room for those who do not share your world view, political beliefs or religious belief.

Sounds to me like the problem here is that you think the definition of "Freedom" is "shit that I think is a good idea", ie. the problem is that you're a fucking moron.

In your world, abortion is "freedom", while attempting to educate and inform women about the choices they're making is "denying their freedom". (Only to a liberal would ignorance and freedom be synonymous.)

In your world, forcing society and other individuals to officially sanction your life choices is "Freedom", while retaining the ability to disagree with - or even disapprove of - certain actions is "denying freedom".

In your world, removing public symbols of other people's faith is "Freedom", while others publicly exercising their religious beliefs where you might have to be aware of them is "denying freedom". (Because only to a liberal is there a Constitutional right to be ignorant of and oblivious to everything that doesn't agree with you, and only to a liberal is "I'm praying where you can see me do it" the same as "forcing me to worship your God".)

Thank you, however, for this amazing example of hypocrisy, in which you hotly accuse others of doing what you then proceed to do yourself. "You do not want freedom for others that you enjoy yourself." What an incisively accurate description of yourself.

You better find a fucking mirror if you're going to preach about hypocrisy.

"while attempting to educate and inform women about the choices they're making is "denying their freedom".

Educate? Inform?? Who the fuck are you? It is NOT YOUR BUSINESS.

If you don't believe in abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE!!! But keep you nose out of other people's PERSONAL choices.
"We Want Freedom", hate to break it to you, but you have freedom.

It's that you do not "Want Freedom" the freedom you enjoy for others.

Invasive Trans Vaginal Probes, by order of "The Government", is the exact opposite of "The Freedom" you want. Don't bother with the "Some of us don't want that" crap either. When you vote for the men and women who enact those laws, that is your support.

You don't want Gays/Lesbians to be married, which a "Freedom" you enjoy. You want to deny that "Freedom", while making damn sure you can have it.

You want to force your version of your god down the throats of others, while at the same time condemning anyone who does not want your version of your god. By what right or purpose of right can a person who "Wants Their Freedom" demand of others that they have to worship a god they do not want, need, desire, request or require? Your "Freedom" seems to be one in which "Your Freedom" has the right to deny "Freedom" to others.

Your version of your "Freedom" has no room for those who do not share your world view, political beliefs or religious belief.

Sounds to me like the problem here is that you think the definition of "Freedom" is "shit that I think is a good idea", ie. the problem is that you're a fucking moron.

In your world, abortion is "freedom", while attempting to educate and inform women about the choices they're making is "denying their freedom". (Only to a liberal would ignorance and freedom be synonymous.)

In your world, forcing society and other individuals to officially sanction your life choices is "Freedom", while retaining the ability to disagree with - or even disapprove of - certain actions is "denying freedom".

In your world, removing public symbols of other people's faith is "Freedom", while others publicly exercising their religious beliefs where you might have to be aware of them is "denying freedom". (Because only to a liberal is there a Constitutional right to be ignorant of and oblivious to everything that doesn't agree with you, and only to a liberal is "I'm praying where you can see me do it" the same as "forcing me to worship your God".)

Thank you, however, for this amazing example of hypocrisy, in which you hotly accuse others of doing what you then proceed to do yourself. "You do not want freedom for others that you enjoy yourself." What an incisively accurate description of yourself.

You better find a fucking mirror if you're going to preach about hypocrisy.

"while attempting to educate and inform women about the choices they're making is "denying their freedom".

Educate? Inform?? Who the fuck are you? It is NOT YOUR BUSINESS.

If you don't believe in abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE!!! But keep you nose out of other people's PERSONAL choices.

Only a liberal would say, "Who the fuck are YOU to inform people? It's NOT YOUR BUSINESS if public policy is set by ignorant fucktards who know nothing about the topic" in public. And no doubt you will be bewildered when people continue to think you're a contemptible little imbecile.

If you believe in abortion, PAY FOR IT YOURSELF. If you believe it's a personal choice, SAME THING. Only a liberal would say, "This is my personal choice. It's none of your business. Now hand me your tax dollars, and shut up."

Of course, only a liberal would think the mass, wholesale killing of babies is a personal choice about which society has no proper say (other than to cough up public funding for it, naturally).

I don't need a mirror to preach about hypocrisy. I much prefer preaching about it to ACTUAL hypocrites like YOU.
"We Want Freedom", hate to break it to you, but you have freedom.

It's that you do not "Want Freedom" the freedom you enjoy for others.

Invasive Trans Vaginal Probes, by order of "The Government", is the exact opposite of "The Freedom" you want. Don't bother with the "Some of us don't want that" crap either. When you vote for the men and women who enact those laws, that is your support.

You don't want Gays/Lesbians to be married, which a "Freedom" you enjoy. You want to deny that "Freedom", while making damn sure you can have it.

You want to force your version of your god down the throats of others, while at the same time condemning anyone who does not want your version of your god. By what right or purpose of right can a person who "Wants Their Freedom" demand of others that they have to worship a god they do not want, need, desire, request or require? Your "Freedom" seems to be one in which "Your Freedom" has the right to deny "Freedom" to others.

Your version of your "Freedom" has no room for those who do not share your world view, political beliefs or religious belief.

Sounds to me like the problem here is that you think the definition of "Freedom" is "shit that I think is a good idea", ie. the problem is that you're a fucking moron.

In your world, abortion is "freedom", while attempting to educate and inform women about the choices they're making is "denying their freedom". (Only to a liberal would ignorance and freedom be synonymous.)

In your world, forcing society and other individuals to officially sanction your life choices is "Freedom", while retaining the ability to disagree with - or even disapprove of - certain actions is "denying freedom".

In your world, removing public symbols of other people's faith is "Freedom", while others publicly exercising their religious beliefs where you might have to be aware of them is "denying freedom". (Because only to a liberal is there a Constitutional right to be ignorant of and oblivious to everything that doesn't agree with you, and only to a liberal is "I'm praying where you can see me do it" the same as "forcing me to worship your God".)

Thank you, however, for this amazing example of hypocrisy, in which you hotly accuse others of doing what you then proceed to do yourself. "You do not want freedom for others that you enjoy yourself." What an incisively accurate description of yourself.

You better find a fucking mirror if you're going to preach about hypocrisy.

"while attempting to educate and inform women about the choices they're making is "denying their freedom".

Educate? Inform?? Who the fuck are you? It is NOT YOUR BUSINESS.

If you don't believe in abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE!!! But keep you nose out of other people's PERSONAL choices.

Did he seriously just say not to educate and inform people?

Not that it's news, the left is famous for restricting not only liberty, but knowledge and education as well....

But it's sort of refreshing to hear them come right out and say it...


Way to lay it out there, asswipe.
What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating

Clearly because facts have a liberal bias.
Sounds to me like the problem here is that you think the definition of "Freedom" is "shit that I think is a good idea", ie. the problem is that you're a fucking moron.

In your world, abortion is "freedom", while attempting to educate and inform women about the choices they're making is "denying their freedom". (Only to a liberal would ignorance and freedom be synonymous.)

In your world, forcing society and other individuals to officially sanction your life choices is "Freedom", while retaining the ability to disagree with - or even disapprove of - certain actions is "denying freedom".

In your world, removing public symbols of other people's faith is "Freedom", while others publicly exercising their religious beliefs where you might have to be aware of them is "denying freedom". (Because only to a liberal is there a Constitutional right to be ignorant of and oblivious to everything that doesn't agree with you, and only to a liberal is "I'm praying where you can see me do it" the same as "forcing me to worship your God".)

Thank you, however, for this amazing example of hypocrisy, in which you hotly accuse others of doing what you then proceed to do yourself. "You do not want freedom for others that you enjoy yourself." What an incisively accurate description of yourself.

You better find a fucking mirror if you're going to preach about hypocrisy.

"while attempting to educate and inform women about the choices they're making is "denying their freedom".

Educate? Inform?? Who the fuck are you? It is NOT YOUR BUSINESS.

If you don't believe in abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE!!! But keep you nose out of other people's PERSONAL choices.

Only a liberal would say, "Who the fuck are YOU to inform people? It's NOT YOUR BUSINESS if public policy is set by ignorant fucktards who know nothing about the topic" in public. And no doubt you will be bewildered when people continue to think you're a contemptible little imbecile.

If you believe in abortion, PAY FOR IT YOURSELF. If you believe it's a personal choice, SAME THING. Only a liberal would say, "This is my personal choice. It's none of your business. Now hand me your tax dollars, and shut up."

Of course, only a liberal would think the mass, wholesale killing of babies is a personal choice about which society has no proper say (other than to cough up public funding for it, naturally).

I don't need a mirror to preach about hypocrisy. I much prefer preaching about it to ACTUAL hypocrites like YOU.

The Stupak–Pitts Amendment, an amendment to the Affordable Health Care for America Act, was introduced by Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan. It prohibits use of Federal funds "to pay for any abortion or to cover any part of the costs of any health plan that includes coverage of abortion" except in cases of rape, incest or danger to the life of the mother. wiki
Sounds to me like the problem here is that you think the definition of "Freedom" is "shit that I think is a good idea", ie. the problem is that you're a fucking moron.

In your world, abortion is "freedom", while attempting to educate and inform women about the choices they're making is "denying their freedom". (Only to a liberal would ignorance and freedom be synonymous.)

In your world, forcing society and other individuals to officially sanction your life choices is "Freedom", while retaining the ability to disagree with - or even disapprove of - certain actions is "denying freedom".

In your world, removing public symbols of other people's faith is "Freedom", while others publicly exercising their religious beliefs where you might have to be aware of them is "denying freedom". (Because only to a liberal is there a Constitutional right to be ignorant of and oblivious to everything that doesn't agree with you, and only to a liberal is "I'm praying where you can see me do it" the same as "forcing me to worship your God".)

Thank you, however, for this amazing example of hypocrisy, in which you hotly accuse others of doing what you then proceed to do yourself. "You do not want freedom for others that you enjoy yourself." What an incisively accurate description of yourself.

You better find a fucking mirror if you're going to preach about hypocrisy.

"while attempting to educate and inform women about the choices they're making is "denying their freedom".

Educate? Inform?? Who the fuck are you? It is NOT YOUR BUSINESS.

If you don't believe in abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE!!! But keep you nose out of other people's PERSONAL choices.

Did he seriously just say not to educate and inform people?

Not that it's news, the left is famous for restricting not only liberty, but knowledge and education as well....

But it's sort of refreshing to hear them come right out and say it...


Way to lay it out there, asswipe.

The fascist right's idea of "educate and inform" is to force women to accept THEIR beliefs and shut down the vehicle of REAL educate and inform...Planned Parenthood. If that doesn't work, they murder doctors, fire bomb clinics and pass draconian laws that make it impossible for only the opulent to be able to afford an abortion.
No, I don't. I don't race around compiling real evidence to counter fake bullshit that is blatantly fake. ESPECIALLY pretend stats. Polls can be made to say anything at all, and when someone quotes an article that uses unsourced *stats* to prove ridiculous claims, there's no point. The numbers are skewed, and the source is biased...it's worthless and not worth the time of day to address it individually. If people are too lazy and stupid to bring real information to the table, it's not my job to raise them to an adult level. I just write them off as immature loons and uneducated dicks and leave it at that.
You have to prove the evidence is fake. Simply calling it fake, doesn't do it. You're not the one who decides whether a citation has merit (or not). If you have no evidence to prove another claim wrong, then all you have is an opinion.
Sounds to me like the problem here is that you think the definition of "Freedom" is "shit that I think is a good idea", ie. the problem is that you're a fucking moron.

In your world, abortion is "freedom", while attempting to educate and inform women about the choices they're making is "denying their freedom". (Only to a liberal would ignorance and freedom be synonymous.)

In your world, forcing society and other individuals to officially sanction your life choices is "Freedom", while retaining the ability to disagree with - or even disapprove of - certain actions is "denying freedom".

In your world, removing public symbols of other people's faith is "Freedom", while others publicly exercising their religious beliefs where you might have to be aware of them is "denying freedom". (Because only to a liberal is there a Constitutional right to be ignorant of and oblivious to everything that doesn't agree with you, and only to a liberal is "I'm praying where you can see me do it" the same as "forcing me to worship your God".)

Thank you, however, for this amazing example of hypocrisy, in which you hotly accuse others of doing what you then proceed to do yourself. "You do not want freedom for others that you enjoy yourself." What an incisively accurate description of yourself.

You better find a fucking mirror if you're going to preach about hypocrisy.

"while attempting to educate and inform women about the choices they're making is "denying their freedom".

Educate? Inform?? Who the fuck are you? It is NOT YOUR BUSINESS.

If you don't believe in abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE!!! But keep you nose out of other people's PERSONAL choices.

Did he seriously just say not to educate and inform people?

Not that it's news, the left is famous for restricting not only liberty, but knowledge and education as well....

But it's sort of refreshing to hear them come right out and say it...


Way to lay it out there, asswipe.

Liberals don't believe it's the proper purview of government to educate and inform people, apparently. After all, just look at what they did to our education system.
How confusing, given their eternal declaration that science must supplant God, and rightwingers are anti-education.

Whatever a leftist accuses you of is generally exactly what they are doing.
How confusing, given their eternal declaration that science must supplant God, and rightwingers are anti-education.

Whatever a leftist accuses you of is generally exactly what they are doing.

Well, yes, but you have to remember that liberals define "science" as "shit that I want to believe, despite all evidence".

And "education", of course, is "welfare for people who couldn't pass the engineering courses in college".

It all gets a lot clearer when you have a Liberal-to-English dictionary. :eusa_whistle:
The only way right wingers successfully argue with liberals is when they make something up and then argue against an obviously ridiculous talking point no Democrat ever said. It's happened to me time and again on this board. Some right wing Teanut will tell me what I believe and then argue against the position they made up out of of thin air and then strut they "won". The positions the assign me leave me in shocked disbelief.
The only way right wingers successfully argue with liberals is when they make something up and then argue against an obviously ridiculous talking point no Democrat ever said. It's happened to me time and again on this board. Some right wing Teanut will tell me what I believe and then argue against the position they made up out of of thin air and then strut they "won". The positions the assign me leave me in shocked disbelief.


Except of course that there's absolutely no evidence that the *right* had anything to do with it...

which in turn is evidence of the left's "educate and inform"...aka "spread lies and use hate speech to propagandize".

Weeeeeell. if we're going to be 100% intellectually honest here, we have to admit that news that looks like some leftwing wacko is probably involved will generally be characterized as such by right leaners too.

Too often the realities get bogged down in the ideology. Just look at all the race baiting going on in dozens of threads related to the Zimmerman/Martin case for instance. The left was almost desperate to make Gabby Gifford's shooter a rightwing nut and be able to blame that on conservative talk radio and such. And the right has pushed pretty hard to make the OWS bad scenes as all leftwing driven.

Those on the right and left are capable of personal insults, ad hominem, red herrings, and straw men.

But in my opinion, the right CAN be focused on a particular issue and can discuss it on its merit or lack thereof separate from ideology or partisan driven perspectives. I think very few leftist/liberals can.

Except of course that there's absolutely no evidence that the *right* had anything to do with it...

which in turn is evidence of the left's "educate and inform"...aka "spread lies and use hate speech to propagandize".

Weeeeeell. if we're going to be 100% intellectually honest here, we have to admit that news that looks like some leftwing wacko is probably involved will generally be characterized as such by right leaners too.

Too often the realities get bogged down in the ideology. Just look at all the race baiting going on in dozens of threads related to the Zimmerman/Martin case for instance. The left was almost desperate to make Gabby Gifford's shooter a rightwing nut and be able to blame that on conservative talk radio and such. And the right has pushed pretty hard to make the OWS bad scenes as all leftwing driven.

Those on the right and left are capable of personal insults, ad hominem, red herrings, and straw men.

But in my opinion, the right CAN be focused on a particular issue and can discuss it on its merit or lack thereof separate from ideology or partisan driven perspectives. I think very few leftist/liberals can.

Except the lie here isn't that there's no evidence pointing to a rw whacko...

The LIE is the implication that it was a rightwing bomber. I don't see how pointing out the truth (there is no evidence that a right wing perp committed the crime) is "ideological" or ad hominem. It's just the truth.
The reason liberals and conservatives have such a hard time debating the issues is that hyper-partisans try to define what the other side thinks or favors in outlandish and unreasonable terms in an effort to vilify them.

These characterizations, when accepted as fact, make it almost impossible to conduct a reasonable dialogue.
Except of course that there's absolutely no evidence that the *right* had anything to do with it...

which in turn is evidence of the left's "educate and inform"...aka "spread lies and use hate speech to propagandize".

Weeeeeell. if we're going to be 100% intellectually honest here, we have to admit that news that looks like some leftwing wacko is probably involved will generally be characterized as such by right leaners too.

Too often the realities get bogged down in the ideology. Just look at all the race baiting going on in dozens of threads related to the Zimmerman/Martin case for instance. The left was almost desperate to make Gabby Gifford's shooter a rightwing nut and be able to blame that on conservative talk radio and such. And the right has pushed pretty hard to make the OWS bad scenes as all leftwing driven.

Those on the right and left are capable of personal insults, ad hominem, red herrings, and straw men.

But in my opinion, the right CAN be focused on a particular issue and can discuss it on its merit or lack thereof separate from ideology or partisan driven perspectives. I think very few leftist/liberals can.

Except the lie here isn't that there's no evidence pointing to a rw whacko...

The LIE is the implication that it was a rightwing bomber. I don't see how pointing out the truth (there is no evidence that a right wing perp committed the crime) is "ideological" or ad hominem. It's just the truth.

Oh I wasn't criticizng you for that. Just pointing out that there ARE rightwing wackos and if we are intellectually honest, we have to admit that. I agree with you, that there are probably far fewer of those than leftwing wackos. But I also know my perception is not entirely unbiased either. :)

But I agree. There is no evidence that the bomber was rightwinger, and it is intellectually dishonest leftwing partisanship and/or ideology that would attempt to identify the bomber as a rightwinger with no more information than what we have.

Still, on both the left and wright, we are seeing accusations that the Zimmerman/Martin shooting was racially motivated. And there is also zero evidence for that, but that isn't stopping anybody.

The difference really comes in the fact that rightwingers/conservatives can generally analyze and discuss such concepts separately from ideology or partisanship while I find very few leftwingers/liberals who can. And that can make many of these discussions pretty frustrating.
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